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As a class, what do you feel about the Warlock?
Right now I have some strongly mixed feelings.
Fairly strong offensively in heroic content.
Decent buffs
Nice tie ins (both spell and sla) based on the pact choice
Initial blast animation is buggy (makes your movement stutter severely)
Damage is low without shiradi, then it becomes shiradi procs = win
No epic tie ins, so hard to tell the scale with other destinies
Since damage is based on spellpower, none of the two trees offer any to help increase blast damage.
How many abilities you get
None yet
My initial suggestion would be to make all their spells sla and remove SP. However, after playing with it, I like the direction to have the offensive sla options and defensive spells.
I think some spellpower in their enhancement cores or something to tie into their pact would be nice. I know the third tree is not out, and that may fill this gap, but as it is, they do not scale into spics well enough.
This class suffers the same fate as all other casters: shiradi. No one will care about the playability and flexibility of the class: they will b-line to shiradi, get some spammable attacks, and proc rainbows to victory. Until rainbow procs on cast instead of on damage, that is the fate of all arcane casters.