Hi Darkstar, glad you are having fun with character building. When I saw your split, I assumed you were thinking of using the wizard spells for displacement and DDoor.
A vampire build works best based
on this thread here. It basically needs lots of cleric levels for the cheap SLA healing.
For staff builds, I recommend you take the tier 5 in acrobat, which means you need at least 5 rogue levels!The recent changes to the acrobat tree has also made it very attractive for its level 18 core as well as going Dex.
Your web spells will have a DC way to low to trap stuff at later levels.
If you like using web, then consider taking at least 2 rogue levels and this enhancement in the mechanic tree: Improved Traps: +1/+2/+3 to the save DC's of Alchemical Trap Attacks and Magical Traps. Elemental Traps that you place now have a DC equal to 65%/80%/100% of your Disable Device Skill instead of 50%.
Note: Appears to scale Magical Trap DC in the same way as Elemental Traps, giving them incredibly high DCs.
Then you can craft web TRAPS and they will hold almost any mob, especially with your INT as your main stat!
Otherwise, I would need more specifics about your build to give advice. Feel free to post here again and I am sure others will chime in!