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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2012

    Default Great Crossbow Build Help

    AKA "Please help me learn to sniper 360noscope like the masters!"

    Looking at enhancements, I'm thinking that Arti/Rogue would be a fine combo, but I'm not sure about feats or stat allocation. I'm also unsure if taking a level or two of Fighter would be advisable.

    The goal for this build is likely to try to get as much damage frontloaded as possible, as the speed of the GxB means that I'll be shooting for (heh) one or two shot kills on most things.

    Would most certainly be soloing, so Rogue is good for that.

    Would be a first life. I have 32p builds and can get tomes no problem.

    I don't know much about these Paladin repeater builds that have been posted recently, but would a Pally splash for whatever works in those work for this?

    Thanks for any help you can provide!

  2. #2
    Community Member Wh070aa's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2010


    There are couple of options, and you should also consider repeater, instead of Great crossbow.

    If you go Great crossbow, go at least 18 rogue, remaining 2 levels being ether artificer, or rogue to 20 (rune arm vs capstone).
    Be warned, there are almost no named Great crossbows in the game, so you be using canith crafting/green steel/alchemical all the time. I recommend Holy of bleeding and holy of bane canith ones, with red slot, and added + something after level 10 for extra 0.5 W.
    Recommended for maximum Great crossbow, but its not all that great. Great crossbow kinda sucks on things with fortification (undead, and constructs). CC required.

    If you don't mind using some repeaters, you can do 14 paladin,6 free(rogue, ranger,monk or artificer probably). Tight on feats, and stat spread. You can use 10k stars, and manyshot with bows, and furry slayer arrows (Arcane archer slayer arrows, + furry of wild autocrit on 4 arrows), at endgame, if you do it in certain way. Tons of damage, but works poorly with Crosbows, since you have to not use them. If you have Bladeforged, and not a lot of patience its a good start.

    Or do 14 ranger, 4 artificer, 2 barbarian. (My personal favorite, kiting focused, has bunch of ranger stuff. Only problem DWS tree was nerfed.) Harper, Int to damige, rest wherever you want. All the free ranger feats, and barbarian speed, ranger heals. You can run circles around things. Bunch of free feats (that quickened empower heal cocon).

    Or 11 ranger, 5 bard, 4 artificer. AoE instakills, dobleshot, massive healing. Warchanter/harper while leveling.

    Problems you will encounter- You need Dex for feats (base 21 at 20 for combat archery, and 19 for IPS) Dex tomes are really useful. Also you need int for damage. So you need 16+base dex (/w tomes), and maxed int, leaving you with a lot less points you can use for other stuff.

    Also you need to buff yourself, and cause blindness somehow, so clickies, and scrolls is a must. You want FoM, Deathward, and prot from evil. Spell absorption is good to have too. I really like FoM + Sleet storm combo, if you have boots with immunity to slippery surfaces/FoM (Spiked Boots,Rock Boots, ,Kundarak Delving boots, and couple epic items) or FoM potion(no min level).

    I am not the best at this tho, and I have TR's and gear to support this. I am right now working on my ranger past life's, and these are all options I considered.

    Also you need assassins leathers, or black dragonscale(I use heavy dragon scale with no proficiency, its that good) for the fort pen.

    Just be ready to be a tad bit frustrated in some quests.

    Feats you should consider-

    Improved Critical ranged
    Precise shot(prerequisite for IPS)
    Improwed precise shot (IPS, ranger autogarnts at 11)
    Insigtful reflex( int to reflex saves for evasion, and stuff, if int based)
    Point blank shot(prerequisite, also extra 1d6 damage)
    Precision(min dex 13, -25% fort)

    emp heal
    For cocon, or heal spells, if you have them.
    maximise more cure spells, and DWS heal.

    Fawored enemy-Unded,Giant, Evil outsider, if ranger.

    Also the build really depends on your play style. I mostly play kiting based, ranged casters, almost never using melee, but sometimes using tower shield, while invisible. Prioritizing jump>speed>buffs>damage>healing>trapping. Most of this can be UMD'ed so its not that bad, but chugging haste pots is not that fun.

  3. #3
    Build Constructionist unbongwah's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2009


    Gt xbow Mechanics are basically identical to repeater Mechanics; the only difference is you might as well max out Lacerating Shots for a little extra DPS.
    Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.

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