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  1. #1
    Executive Producer Severlin's Avatar
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    Default Armor, Helms, and Weapons: What would you like to see tweaked for new items?

    There have been some threads about cosmetics and armor colors so I wanted to get player feedback for our artists. I have two questions for players:

    ~ If you could take an in game armor, helm, or weapon and change the color on it or change some details about it and put the look into the game as a new item or cosmetic, what items would you like to see tweaked?

    ~ If you could have an entirely new armor set, helm, or weapon what would you want to see in game?


  2. #2
    Community Member arkonas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Severlin View Post
    There have been some threads about cosmetics and armor colors so I wanted to get player feedback for our artists. I have two questions for players:

    ~ If you could take an in game armor, helm, or weapon and change the color on it or change some details about it and put the look into the game as a new item or cosmetic, what items would you like to see tweaked?

    ~ If you could have an entirely new armor set, helm, or weapon what would you want to see in game?

    i know cosmetics are huge in any game. sometimes there is nothing we can find to make ourselves look "great" in our eyes. i guess when i look at armor or even a new cosmetic set i look for fantasy value since we are playing a game like that. im not talking sets like a maid outfit or anything like that. just more battle ready type i guess. look at skyrim and rift you will always see a variety of cosmetic armors/mods.

    i guess i get tired of getting an armor and it has one pauldron. where are the armors with 2? where is the wilderness type outfits or savage type? they don't have to be sexual either. cosmetics always sell. we all know that. if we find that look we love. we will buy it. so i guess for me if i have a barbarian or fighter. i want intimidating armors/blood thirsty type. or hell even look like conan the barbarian. lol.

  3. #3
    Community Member Mirilan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Severlin View Post
    There have been some threads about cosmetics and armor colors so I wanted to get player feedback for our artists. I have two questions for players:

    ~ If you could take an in game armor, helm, or weapon and change the color on it or change some details about it and put the look into the game as a new item or cosmetic, what items would you like to see tweaked?

    ~ If you could have an entirely new armor set, helm, or weapon what would you want to see in game?

    1) I'd like to see all of the old cosmetic armor kits updated to the new cosmetic slots.
    2) I'd like to see a 'seamstress' needle' to unpick my old cosmetic armor kit from the base armor to be used on a new armor, similar to the way in which a jeweler's toolkit works for augments.

  4. #4
    Community Member FuzzyDuck81's Avatar
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    Simple, practical & elegant appearance, less extraneous spiky bits, curls, ridiculous pauldrons, etc. A few off the top of my head which look good are the new leopard's chill scimitar, the cormyrian bastard sword, that heavy chain look docent for warforged, that kind of thing. i also like some of the colourful ones, like renard's/lucky green hat, the elocator's habilment, and used to see the occasional brigandine with a colourful samurai-type look.
    I used to be with it, but then they changed what it was, now what's it is weird and scary to me.

  5. #5
    Community Member HatsuharuZ's Avatar
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    I would like to change a detail on this:

    This is a very useful armor at level, but the single giant shoulder pad and the plunging neckline look awful. It doesn't look like practical heavy armor.

    Things I would like to see players get access to:

    - Armor appearances and hairstyles used by the drow in Menace of the Underdark.

    - Spears and scythes.

    - Armor appearances with an Asian theme, such as samurai armor.

    - Helms that looks like the skulls of various monsters, such as dragons, dire bears, griffons, etc.

  6. #6
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    - I don't have any particular attachment or suggestions into the design of any in-game item (except the Cloth of the Faithful, I run around with that permanently glamored), but one thing I'd love to see implemented are cloaks. Cloaks are awesome, and running around with a cloak flowing behind you is also awesome.

    - As far as items, I personally enjoy any item that I can base a build around in an interesting way or provides a unique feature. A pale master vampire with Epic Envenomed Blade for a level draining build, a Shiradi swashbuckling thrower with Snowstar for a massive crit range, Lantern Ring for spellcasters, and the Epic Spinal Tap sword for a con drain build (though I haven't gotten around to a build for this one yet) are all examples of things I like and keep me interested in the game (and also make me buy the packs that these items are in).
    Last edited by Tentaki; 05-29-2015 at 11:36 AM.

  7. #7
    Intergalactic Space Crusader
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    Default Lots. but currently...

    Quote Originally Posted by Severlin View Post
    There have been some threads about cosmetics and armor colors so I wanted to get player feedback for our artists. I have two questions for players:

    ~ If you could take an in game armor, helm, or weapon and change the color on it or change some details about it and put the look into the game as a new item or cosmetic, what items would you like to see tweaked?

    ~ If you could have an entirely new armor set, helm, or weapon what would you want to see in game?

    I would like the shoulder piece removed from the Elemental Mithral Breastplate. Or at least make both shoulders match. I'm using this armor right now. Handsome armor and I would otherwise glamor it for my toon, if it was not for the silly side piece on the shoulder.

    In response to the second question, I would love to see more variety. I have no prefernce other than more options please and ty. IMO most the cosmetic armors in the DDO store are ugly. More variety would be nice, because everyone seems to wear the same few nice ones.

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by Severlin View Post
    There have been some threads about cosmetics and armor colors so I wanted to get player feedback for our artists. I have two questions for players:

    ~ If you could take an in game armor, helm, or weapon and change the color on it or change some details about it and put the look into the game as a new item or cosmetic, what items would you like to see tweaked?

    ~ If you could have an entirely new armor set, helm, or weapon what would you want to see in game?

    First a side note, I understand the monumental task it would be to create new animations and art work for cloaks, but I would spend several hundred Turbine Points to have even a few basic cloaks added to the game.

    There is an issue with a lot of the in game artwork when it comes to armor, the artwork lakes depth or weight if it were. It makes you character appear to be wearing paper thin armor. For years I kept five suits of armor (all mithral) because they showed a bulk the other armors do not show in hopes that something like the mirror of glimmering would come along, and after a few issues I am not disappointed.
    This fault does not just hit heavy armor, but leather, chain, banded, half-plate, and so on and so forth all need some loving, I mean tweaking to be better.

    Originally there were a decent number of okay armor sets when the game was released in 2006/07 that seem to have been dropped from the loot tables, many of these older armor sets are, IMHO, better looking then what replaced them. Very true in the light armors, the all black chain or the death leathers or ... I would love to see those brought back. I am guessing they dropped due to the new races but one never knows.

    Beyond the depth of the armor my next complaint would be the number of armor that use skulls as decoration, I don't mind the occasional skull, but when it seems like 90 percent of the armors have flattened skulls on them its a bit depressing for your lawful good paladin.

    When it comes to nature oriented armor - think woodland barbarian motif - there isn't a whole lot of choice currently, two or three basic armors with a couple of colors each, none of which really inspire praise.

    I personally would like to see racial armor, you know a specific armor design that highlights a specific race, Halfling only, dwarf only, half-orc only, dragonbourne only, and so on and so forth, I wouldn't cry many tears if that happened.

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  9. #9
    Hero patang01's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Severlin View Post
    There have been some threads about cosmetics and armor colors so I wanted to get player feedback for our artists. I have two questions for players:

    ~ If you could take an in game armor, helm, or weapon and change the color on it or change some details about it and put the look into the game as a new item or cosmetic, what items would you like to see tweaked?

    ~ If you could have an entirely new armor set, helm, or weapon what would you want to see in game?

    Entire new armor set - Samuraii or rather Japanese from light to heavy with armor kits giving it a Japanese look. The helmet of course could be the very elaborate ones with demon face mask.

    Another one would be classic Medieval armor. Full with helmet. Again, with following armor kit that makes spears look like halberds, swords like the Flambere etc.

    There are also your typical Middle East, or persian look to armor with solid scale and a more pointed helmet.

  10. #10
    Intergalactic Space Crusader
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    Default Crossbows

    It would also be nice to be able to glamor crossbows. Allot of them are ugly and I would like to glamor the Alchemical Light Repeater.

    Everyone else gets to glamor their weapons but these:

    Note: Does not function on bows, shields, crossbows, handwraps, or thrown weapons.

  11. #11
    Bwest Fwiends Memnir's Avatar
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    I could go on for a while on this topic, so I'm just going to give a few bullet points on where I feel DDO's armors have gone astray.
    • Give the armors more symmetry.
    • Please make female armor less lingerie looking... make it more practical looking. A bare midriff is not practical armor.
    • Please break away from the Skull fetish on armors. It's lost it's appeal, and has been done to death.
    • Please choose a more appealing color palate. Many of the armors in this game have a problem simply because their color-choices are unappealing. (some of them on purpose from prior complaints on that very topic)Bold, dynamic, and complementary colors are best.
    • Please, on light armors, try to get away from the cobbled-together look that some of them have.
    • Lastly, and this is a big one, just painting a design on the base model should NEVER happen, and have it be passed off as "cosmetic". Look at the Pirate themed outfit for the worst example of this. However, many, many cosmetic armors have zero attachments that make them look like actual armor or clothing - and just look like Underoos.

    As I said, I could go on for a while on the subject - but those are the worst offenders.

    P.S. Bring back Elven Chain! Or at least the hybrid robe/chain graphics. Some of em looked goofy as hell - but they were amazing.
    Last edited by Memnir; 05-29-2015 at 12:12 PM.
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  12. #12
    Community Member Dragavon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Severlin View Post
    There have been some threads about cosmetics and armor colors so I wanted to get player feedback for our artists. I have two questions for players:

    ~ If you could take an in game armor, helm, or weapon and change the color on it or change some details about it and put the look into the game as a new item or cosmetic, what items would you like to see tweaked?

    ~ If you could have an entirely new armor set, helm, or weapon what would you want to see in game?

    I would like to see the old mithral full plate skins brought back as cosmetics. No armour has ever looked better than some of those fullplates.

  13. #13
    Community Member Lonnbeimnech's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Severlin View Post
    There have been some threads about cosmetics and armor colors so I wanted to get player feedback for our artists. I have two questions for players:

    ~ If you could take an in game armor, helm, or weapon and change the color on it or change some details about it and put the look into the game as a new item or cosmetic, what items would you like to see tweaked?

    ~ If you could have an entirely new armor set, helm, or weapon what would you want to see in game?

    Some of the lootgen full plate have a reflective surface on some of the plates that change color depending on the ambient light. I really like this, unfortunately they also all have one enormous shoulder plate that looks like a missing half of a pair designed for an ogre, and are generally asymmetric.

    Generally the nicest looking armor in the game is some of the lootgen halfplates

    This design, not this color per se, because it's symmetrical and looks like armor.
    Last edited by Lonnbeimnech; 05-29-2015 at 12:17 PM.

  14. #14
    Bwest Fwiends Memnir's Avatar
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    As for a weapon I'd like to see in the game, and it's been requested countless times since launch: Spears.
    Spears, even a Short Spear, would make many people amazingly happy.

    A few of the weapons from the Eberron sourcebook would also be fantastic, like the Valenar Double-Scimitar. The Xen'drik and Talenta boomerangs would make for fantastic new throwing weapons, and not take much work beyond the graphics and would give more Blunt throwing options.

    Beyond that - more options in random generated weapons would be awesome. I can't think of the last time new looks for non-named weapons were added to the game. It's been years. Go down the weapon list - and come up with two new looks for each type. Not many, but enough to give weapon looks a nice boost. If you make them look badass enough, I wager it'd increase Mirror sales, too.
    Exit, pursued by a bear. ~ William Shakespeare (stage direction from The Winter's Tale)


  15. #15
    Community Member Xerio's Avatar
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    Dark leaf, particularly armors with a more elvish flare to them, being that we've breached into the forgotten realms it appears that we've all decided the best armor is that which we've managed to steal while unleashed a genocidal rampage on sschindylryn (is that spelt right?). Which is borked anyway seeing as lore wise most drow items fall to **** when touched by sun light.

    Deity inspired armors/weapons/shields. You did some amazing art work with the sun elf armor and the shield. Any chance you could do something similar for other deities? Racial tuned armors are also an idea.

    Rehash dragonhide/scale/plate ect armors. particularly the light armors. The little spur of a breastplate looks like it'll fall off after taking a good swing. Leading back to another post previous where-in it was mentioned light armor looks patch worked.

    Docents are woefully overdue for something decent appearance wise.

    You've introduced particle effects on armors somewhat recently, continue with that! Make the next T3 or T4 w/e crafted epic raid armor final tier have a unique particle effect appearance. Hell let players pick what pretty color it shines with whatever final tier crafted effect they smack on it.

    There are alot of really sweet steampunky armor appearances tied with house C that are currently wasted. While we're on cannith, take those alchemical weapons which are a pain in the ass to make and drop the min lvl to use the damned things at t3 to 18, or increase the weapon die to 3[w] make them competitive atleast to t1 TF since t1 TF is so easy to make.

  16. #16
    Community Member Blackheartox's Avatar
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    I want cloacks to show.
    Ok now that this is out of the way.

    Honestly i would like if you could do 1 thing, make glamour eyes cosmetic seperate from helm cosmetics.

  17. #17
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    Couple of notes on the cosmetics that come to my mind. I would like to see more of them that are actually symmetrical. So many of the sets have an odd horn, armor shield etc that is utterly annoying. Secondly adding some brighter more vibrant colors. Everything so dark and muted is just boring. At least in the accents it would be great to have a some brightness in the gear.

    Generally the Art department in this game does a great job but at times I think they do too much of the same look when it comes to player cosmetics. Actually I would love to see a return of some of the old school cosmetics we used to have pre-MOTU some of those sets were outstanding and have essentially disappeared from the game. Since you have those old art assets I would hope that converting them to the new pattern wasn't all that time consuming.

    Just my .02
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  18. #18
    FreeDeeOh PsychoBlonde's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Severlin View Post
    There have been some threads about cosmetics and armor colors so I wanted to get player feedback for our artists. I have two questions for players:

    ~ If you could take an in game armor, helm, or weapon and change the color on it or change some details about it and put the look into the game as a new item or cosmetic, what items would you like to see tweaked?
    I want the Dragontouched Vestments without the blue garb on top of it. That outfit looks rad but the blue towel and big bulky wrists are annoying.

    I'd also like a Shroud of the Abbot where the strapping on the chest is black instead of brown.

    I'd also like to see some more cosmetic armors that have a nice clean look and a Chain Garb on them. The existing ones with the Chain Garb tend to have weird cutouts or other stuff that's kind of messy.

    ~ If you could have an entirely new armor set, helm, or weapon what would you want to see in game?


    It'd be cool to have some armors of various types that look like they were made out of the same crystal as the Madstone Shield. I'd also like to see more armors that are fairly plain but have cloth accents like the Royal line.

    Heck, just bringing more of the Armor Kits back as cosmetics would be nice. :P
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    Quote Originally Posted by Severlin View Post
    There have been some threads about cosmetics and armor colors so I wanted to get player feedback for our artists. I have two questions for players:

    ~ If you could take an in game armor, helm, or weapon and change the color on it or change some details about it and put the look into the game as a new item or cosmetic, what items would you like to see tweaked?

    ~ If you could have an entirely new armor set, helm, or weapon what would you want to see in game?

    Thank you for asking, I would like to see this featuring Acid (green), Frost (blue), Electric (violet), Sonic (gray), etc..{I feel the overall pattern and style is definitely worth repeating ~ feel free to reuse Fire (red) as well.

    Another favorite is this one, which could easily be reused with some simple shoulder pad retweaking:

  20. #20
    Community Member HastyPudding's Avatar
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    As for new armor sets, I would LOVE! to see some nice robes for casters. Something with the large lapels, flowing sleeves, and gilded designs. Also, a topless monk outfit so I can go all bruce lee and have adonis abs.

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