Things worthy of Standing Stone going EXTREME PREJUDICE™ on.:
- Epic and Legendary Mysterious ring upgrades, please.
- Change the stack size of filigree in the shared bank to 50. The 5 stack makes the shared bank worthless for storing filigree in a human usable manner.
- Fixing why I don't connect to the chat server for 5 minutes when I log into a game world.
- Fixing the wonky Lightning Sphere and Tactical Det firing by converting them to use alchemist spell arcing.
- Redoing the drop rates of tomes in generic and raid loot tables.
The updated crafting system is actually better than most named gear throughout heroic levels, but it is indeed more of a "twink" system than a new player system as it can be quite tedious to farm, but easy to accumulate over time. Add in that few of us veterans want to or bother with selling our stockpiles and you can't effectively buy into it. However we came off years of the crafting system being outdated and mostly useless - so while people may not be willing to give you new ingredients that came with the updated system (which is what most of the third slot insightful stuff uses sadly), they may be willing to just give you the older ingredients for free. Just post your plight and what you need on the appropriate trade forum of your server, and what you think is a fair price for it so that other newer players that can't afford "free" will be willing to help too. Even crafting stuff with only two abilities rather than three can get you a pretty solid setup.
That said, just farming Ravenloft can get you a very good setup that you could just use 10-20:
Goggles: Summoner's Spectacles (Adherent) - Conj 3, Ins Conj 2, Spell Pen 3
Helm: Cannith Crafted - Sheltering 14, Spell Focus Mastery 3, Ins Fort 38
Necklace: Kindred Pendant (Adherent) - CHA 6, Ench 3, Ins Ench 2, Augment Summoning
Trinket: Cannith Crafted - Resistance 5, Healing Amp 22, Ins Spell Pen 2
Cloak: Mantle of Fury (Adherent) - CON 6, Dodge 6, Rage Resilience (4 fort when raged)
Belt: Burnscar Sash (Beacon) - Enhanced Fire/Acid 77, Fire/Acid Lore 11
Gloves: Blurfingered Gloves (Beacon) - Quick Draw, Lesser Displace, Efficient Maximize 1
Boots: Softsole SLippers (Adherent) - Ghostly, Anthem, Perform, Ins CHA 2
Wrist: Bracers of the Fallen Hero (Adherent) - STR 6, Ins CON 2, Qual PRR 3
Ring 1: Skulled Ring (Adherent) - Necro 3, Ins Necro 2, Wizardry 112
Ring 2: Spinneret - Spell Lore 4, Qual Potency 9, Qual Focus 1, Spell Pen 2
Armor: Barovian Nobles' Regalia (Beacon) - Fort 77 (I'd slot a heavy fort augment if you can), Exc Lore 3, Exc Potency 8, Shield 6
Weapon 1: Caustic Forum Post - Acid 77, Acid Lore 11, Ins Evo 2, Wizardry 112
Weapon 2: Barovian Scepter - Potency 46, Ins Potency 23, Spellsight 12, Ins Spellsight 6
Anniversary Event is going, and gives access to very nice Acid and Fire sticks that give you appropriate spell power along with Ins Evo Focus. You can get 5/10/15 versions.
This setup concentrates on DCs. It is missing a few important things:
- Ins Illusion Focus. Though if you have Deep Gnome PLs, your PKs should be sitting pretty anyways through Heroics.
- Impulse and Radiance specific spell power and spell lores. However this setup does give universal 116 spell power (134 if you count Spellsight) and universal lore 7.
- WIS/DEX items for additional saves, though you could use +4 wand/pots to cover most of this (and pots can be used from level 1 - they're in Marketplace center)
- Parry Item
- Ins PRR/MRR items
- Well Rounded Item
There are certainly changes you can make to fit your preferences, though most options to fit more spell power/lore will come at a cost of DCs. And if you cut into the set bonuses, you'd end up with less spellpower than my universal setups currently provide. This is what I personally plan on using for any 10-20 Warlock life - A Fey could simply throw Blasting Chime in Trinket slot, though they'd need to give up Beacon set if they still want HAMP using crafted gloves.
This still does use 2 crafted items, but they fill very important gaps. However all of the abilities but Ins Spell Pen use the older ingredients you may be able to find help with obtaining. If you're on Thelanis, hit one of my toons up and I can help you out there.
Pinc Punch - Unarmed Monk (Uber Completionist) // Porc the Orc - Paladin // Thunderborn - Warlock // Imustbe Emo - PewPew Rogue // Aquamine Artifact - Crafting Artificer (shelved)
I just checked, and parrying and insightful resistance definitely doesn't stack. Since protection 14 doesn't get you to an AC threshold that matters and DR 16 is pretty laughable all you're really getting from that cloak is 33 hit points and the set bonus. I think this may be worth reworking the gear a bit to get rid of.
Thank you for testing. The only thing it has going for it is that it's the only way to get a slavers piece in the cloak spot and it at least has a +3 mythic bonus. I will definitely look at reworking and I haven't fully given up on the 2piece lgs set either - I want my 18% hp bonus.
I am not yet back to a fleshy life on my warlock - I got sidetracked with working on a cleric build.
I am a fan of having a set for DC one trick pony for high skulls and one for low skulls with DC being secondary, so you don't have to deal with those dillemas of trying to fit DPS and DC and survivability. Personally I think I'll just set my DC caster for full DC even without Maximize, and when I want to do lower skulls or farm gear just log an alt, auralock or my monk. That's because DCs in low 100 ench and mid 100 necro are not working for me as I wanted, and I can't get more without dumping DPS, while on the other hand, doing low skulls quests on my auralock is dramatically easier than on my DC caster even if I try to set her for more damage, so I will jsut not bother bringing her to this content.
The downside is that you gotta pike in raids, but meh, you can go do puzle, light torches, heal ppl, kite stuff so others can do dps, etc.
Last edited by Ellihor; 03-08-2018 at 09:36 PM.
Ex player. This game had it's peak fun in 2011. After that, 2018. The rest is nostalgia from these 2 eras. I'd be lying if I didn't say I had some fun with MotU and in eGH, thought.
There is also a thread for where to efficiently farm the specific stuff you need. Going to have a Rogue life? Go farm up the Spot/Search/disable/open locks gear. Same for Warlocks, etc.
I'll.go look for that thread. It isn't worth farming collectables for a specific piece of gear most of the time, but if you're going heavy in one area, that post can get you the last couple of a specific collectible.
Edit: I did the Google.
No one in the world ever gets what they want
And that is beautiful
Everybody dies frustrated and sad
And that is beautiful
If you want to specialize in just R10 I think dropping feats for DC is the right thing to do. Ruin and Greater Ruin would also likely go if you are part of a static group that only cares about your DC spells. This would allow you to fit in past life wizard, greater spell focus necromancy, epic spell focus necromancy and arcane insight in place of maximize, empower, ruin and greater ruin. Epic eld blast and medium armor proficiency is replaced with greater spell pen and epic spell pen.b You wear TF armor and littany for max dc.
In my case I have been running primarily R3 solo, with friends and if I see a R3-5 pug I will sometimes join. The main issue I have is rxp spread across multiple characters rather than consolidated in one character. This is roughly a 500 hp hit for me. My best character is currently working on 4 lifes, and once complete my goal is to solo R4 and shortly after R5 with this build and without getting alot more rxp and then just getting rxp slowly at cap getting 1/6 of the play time as I have alts. And I likely won't even have 2 million rxp as I don't want to spend another 6-12 months on racials while still working on other characters. If I look at the weaknesses that will prevent me from soloing R5 it's not DC, missing racial completionist, etc. although there will be some drop in effectiveness of my dc spells from jumping 2 skulls. It's mainly things like hp, the reduced healing effectiveness, failed saves, etc. that would result in deaths.
So running @ level reaper content @ cap it seems there are people that only run R1 and others that only want to run R10 mostly with balanced groups. I've seen a bit of an uptick in R3-R6 groups vs. 6 months ago, but that is where I am focused because I don't depend on finding a group, my real life friends and other guildies are comfortable with it and it seems like right trade-off between challenge and time for me. R10s I have run have been about alot of cheese which I am not opposed to, but it's not as fun for me and I don't have any static group interested in R10 dailys and not really motivated to try and form or search for a group. If I did I would bring the DC up to about 114 or so instead of working towards a more balanced build for R3-R6.
Anyhow thank you for raising the point. I agree that for an R10 static group maxing DC at the expense of dps and defenses is the way to go.
You have more rxp on your alts than me on my main. I have only 730k or something or her. My goal is to have 14 point in caster tree and up to the 100 HP core in tank tree. After that, too much cost for extra real benefits. This would require 35 points to do. Slowly getting there with a couple amber runs + something random per day. And that is the thing: if you are doing amber solo those ruins are really nice to kill reapers down.
But my issue is that when I go run low skulls I just log another alt that is going to be more effective no matter how I try to squeeze in DPS on my DC caster. By the way, 114 seems very high for a non-wizard, I could get only up to 113 and that's counting deific proc x2. Is that number including racial completionist and 32 point in caster tree?
Ex player. This game had it's peak fun in 2011. After that, 2018. The rest is nostalgia from these 2 eras. I'd be lying if I didn't say I had some fun with MotU and in eGH, thought.
I am including all bonuses even though I don't have them all myself:
So on the balanced build I am running:
Start: 20
Level Ups: 7
Tome: 7
Completionist: 2
Racial Completionist: 2
Racial Past Lifes: 2
Enhancement Bonus: 19
Insightful Bonus: 9
Exceptional Bonus: 2
Quality Bonus: 4
Profane Bonus: 2
Artifact Bonus: 2
Sentient Weapon Filigree: 4
Reaper Bonus - Legendary Pansophic Circlet: 2
Racial Enhancements: 2
Soul Eater Enhancements: 2
Tainted Scholar Enhancements: 2
Soul Eater Capstone: 4
Reaper: 5
Epic Destiny: 6
Angelic Presence: 2
Epic Destiny Twist: 1
Ship Buffs: 2
Yugo Potions: 2
Remnant Potions: 2
Total Charisma: 114
Necromancy DC
Base: 10
Spell Level: 6 (Note without heighten it's 6 for Wail, 6 for Devour and 5 for Finger)
Charisma Bonus: 52
Necromancy Focus Feat: 1
Embolden: 2
Scion of the Plane of Shadowfell: 4
Item- Enhancement Bonus: 7
Item- Insightful Bonus: 4
Item- Quality Bonus: 2
Item- Augment Bonus: 2
Item- Artifact: 4
Item: Sentient Bonus: 2
Enhancements - Soul Eater: 1
Enhancements - Reaper: 4
Exalted Angel - Transcendental Magic: 3
Epic Destiny Twist - Necromancy Focus: 3
Ship Buffs: 1
Total Necromancy DC: 108
To increase DC:
Replace Maximize with greater spell focus necromancy +1
Replace Empower with past life wizard: +1
Replace Ruin with epic necromancy +1
Replace Trinket with epic littany and armor with thunderforged for profane bonus +1
Replace Hat with Epic Deific Diadem: +2
Replace energy burst twist with +1 charisma and with 7+ racial points get +1 charisma from harper tree: +1
Total: 115
Temporary boosts
Replace Greater Ruin with Arcane Insight +6
Tainted Spellcasting +2
Surge DC: 123
I am not saying this is a theoretical max or ideal, just some ways to squeeze some extra dc by sacrificing DPS in a party where the other members have the dps covered. I may add a higher DC variant for high skulls. To charge up the hat you can cast false life and even burning blood sla from soul eater if you are really going for DC, so it's not as easy as a PM for keeping it charged, but it's still fairly easy.
I am running a sorcerer. The proc for necro almost doesn't last anything, spamming false life would ruin even a sorc SP. But it's not that bad to make it proc at least once. I am doing with aura, so for wail it's usually doubly charged since you get close to mobs. For circle and FoD, well, it's more about luck. I should have sufficent footage of myself by the end of next week to have enough info to decide if it's worth using. But for now it seems it is, because in the situations where you are casting a lot is when it works and it's when you want to have more DC in these anyways. The problem is that casting ench seems to clear the buff for necro, but casting necro does not clears the buff for ench and you keep both.
Last edited by Ellihor; 03-09-2018 at 09:21 PM.
Ex player. This game had it's peak fun in 2011. After that, 2018. The rest is nostalgia from these 2 eras. I'd be lying if I didn't say I had some fun with MotU and in eGH, thought.
I don't find prepping for 2 dc worth it, but realistically in a battle the range will be 113-115 even without debuffing. In the case of this build the best way to proc the helm would be to pick a low will save caster where you don't need the extra 2 dc and cast devour. Then pick a low fort save enemy and cast finger sla. Now for 40 points you took out 2 targets and have the bonus from the hat.
In Ravenloft a 95 DC is maybe 85% effective on R3 so if the save bonus is 1d6 per skull so 24.5 higher than R3 on average for 10 skull so 113-115 won't be no fail, but wont' be ineffective. Devour goes against a will save which works on some of the high fort save enemies like werewolfs in fresh baked dreams.
If I was going to build a high DC caster dedicated for R10 it would probably be wizard over warlock/sorc because of the feats and the archmage enchantment slas. I would also focus on enchantment over necromancy. Also the large number of spell slots is fairly important since it's possible to get a workable dc in all schools with all the generic bonuses available.
Hi slarden
great stuff
wanted to brainstorm quik ask a few questions
Seriously like ur lgs hp set can u link that and will it work in non weapon slots
And thinking about dwarf final life con lock tywa w dex ravenloff set for max helpless damage if they fix it
No fail dire charges reaper tank high skulls epic brute force hurls n wails 2nd will that work
Last edited by mr420247; 04-03-2018 at 09:05 PM.
Damonz Cannith
hey slarden - have a very similar build to this
not a racial completionist and missing some raid gear. level 29
i know you gave a breakdown of the enchant/necro dcs
im sitting at 79 necro and 79 enchant. im thinking its just gear and grinding to get it higher but i have some questions.
first i put in a topaz of greater enchant into my leg kindred spirit. my enchant dc did not change. i believe it should stack, but it may be bugged
what will that dc do for me in leg ravenloft? before i hit 29 i was useless with hold monster etc. i think i had dcs in the low 60s which did not help. is it enough to play with in a party?
normally my spell pen is not an issue.
running into issues with abashai in ravenloft and drow in the challenges only. it says i have a 44 spell pen and fails on drow archers. so its mostly just grouping i guess untill i grind more.
awesome build. went fiend lock and am having fun with it. thinking about changing when i do an er, but most of my gear is for combustion so its hard to do.
i had to make sacrifices in my gear to get better dcs, right now my healing amp is only around 100 and my prr is only 40
still trying to juggle gear
sry for the ramble!
p.s. was thinking of going with fire for my scion feat. but that +2/4 dc is so good..... choices!
Hey slarden,
what do you think about the new heavy armor Legendary Scales of the Exile? It has only 25% ASF and it's a heavy armor...maybe you will get better prr with heavy armor proficency instead of medium
You'd lose the profanity bonus n not much else but could
gain or consolidate off stats dump slavers trinket might be ok some builds
but you'd have like 10 asf w o a fil or good race
Now i think bout it 17lock 3fitr or pally not bad ya
Last edited by mr420247; 04-26-2018 at 07:30 PM.
Damonz Cannith
I was not aware of the 25% arcane spell failure - thank you for pointing that out. With a -15% arcane spell failure augment and -10% spell failure from filigree you are at 0% with heavy armor which is nice. On this build you get 20 PRR for light, 30 PRR for medium and 40 PRR for heavy if proficient so upgrading to heavy would cost 2 feats. I don't think 20 PRR + raised MRR cap is a bad trade off for 6 spell penetration since it only impacts a few enemies and in almost all cases tentacles/web still works for me for cc so lack of spell penetration is not the end of the world.
It's a bigger benefit for ES option I have listed because they would get 60 PRR from heavy armor vs. 40.
1) Maximize
3) Empower
6) Completionist (or past life wizard or enlarge)
9) Quicken
12) Spell Focus Necromancy
15) Spell Penetration
18) Medium Armor Proficiency (Greater Spell Penetration if you don't have past lifes and some spell pen from reaper tree)
21) Epic Eldritch Blast or Enlarge (Epic Spell Penetration if you don't have past lifes and some spell pen from reaper tree)
24) Embolden
26) Epic Arcane Eldritch Blast
27) Ruin
28) Spell Power Force
29) Arcane Pulse
30) Greater Ruin
30) Scion of the Plane of Shadowfell
For the feats I have listed the thing I would be most likely to drop is epic eld blast to take it. The main issue I would have is losing the +2 profane bonus and if I switch to littany for trinket I lose the healing amp and spell saves. I am just under 180 PRR so the extra 10 +30 hp doesn't get me enough to make the switch. On a character with 2.1 MM reaper points I would actually stick with light armor and take greater spell / epic spell pen at 18/21. On a character with significantly less reaper points I find I need medium armor mainly for the MRR bump.
Thanks again for pointing this out - a great choice especially for the ES option I have listed in the original post.
I do not have everything listed on my post either - was just trying to show what's possible. I would recommend building for a 95+ necro dc and if you can't do that consider a tentacles/enchant blasting build instead.
Start: 20
Level Ups: 7
Tome: 7
Completionist: 2
Racial Completionist: 2
Racial Past Lifes: 2
Enhancement Bonus: 19
Insightful Bonus: 9
Exceptional Bonus: 2
Quality Bonus: 4
Profane Bonus: 2
Artifact Bonus: 2
Sentient Weapon Filigree: 4
Reaper Bonus - Legendary Pansophic Circlet: 2
Racial Enhancements: 2
Soul Eater Enhancements: 2
Tainted Scholar Enhancements: 2
Soul Eater Capstone: 4
Reaper: 5
Epic Destiny: 6
Angelic Presence: 2
Epic Destiny Twist: 1
Ship Buffs: 2
Yugo Potions: 2
Remnant Potions: 2
Total Charisma: 114
Note I am listing completionist, past life racial etc. A few DC difference won't make or break the build but I include these for completeness and I don't have everything on the list myself. I would try to get 3x past life half elf and dragonborn for the +2 Cha and 2 racial AP as it's a reasonable return on investment. The reaper investment to get all DC, spell pen and charisma is high, but you can get the bulk of it for 14 ap if you need to spend some points in the defense tree for hp.
The DC increase from past lifes is only 3 so this build is possible without all the past lifes. The only catch would be spell penetration - if you don't have past lifes wizard and/or favored soul you may want to take epic spell penetration at level 21 and wear light armor.
Necromancy DC
Base: 10
Spell Level: 6 (Note without heighten it's 6 for Wail, 6 for Devour and 5 for Finger)
Charisma Bonus: 52
Necromancy Focus Feat: 1
Embolden: 2
Scion of the Plane of Shadowfell: 4
Item- Enhancement Bonus: 7
Item- Insightful Bonus: 4
Item- Quality Bonus: 2
Item- Augment Bonus: 2
Item- Artifact: 4
Item: Sentient Bonus: 2
Enhancements - Soul Eater: 1
Enhancements - Reaper: 4
Exalted Angel - Transcendental Magic: 3
Epic Destiny Twist - Necromancy Focus: 3
Ship Buffs: 1
Total Necromancy DC: 108
If you remove the hardest things from above: completionist, racial completionist, 6x racial lifes for the other +2 charisma, 5th pt of charisma from reaper tree (so only requiring a 14 pt spend), 2 cha from legendary pansophic circlet you are still at 103 DC. If you then drop off slavers set you are at 98. Now assume only a +3 tome and no remnant potion and you are at 95. So really it boils down to gearing, feats ED choices to get to 95.
So I would compare what you have with the list above and see where you are losing the extra points. I think 95 is very achievable to everyone but you need either the slavers set or sentient weapon to get there, and both is obviously better. If you don't have either you are below the 95 #.
I hope this helps. If you list specifically what you have it might help with offering suggestions.
Since photobucket wrecked all my old posts I haven't yet picked a new photo sharing site.
So the weapon is triple positive:
Tier 1: legendary inferior focus of positive energy + legendary diluted material essence + legendary cloudy gem of opposition makes +30 enhancement bonus to healing amp
Tier 2: legendary focus of positive energy + legendary material essence + legendary gem of opposition makes +50 equipment bonus to healing amp
Tier 3: legendary superior focus of positive energy + legendary pure ethereal essence + legendary flawless gem of escalation makes +2 charisma
The combined triple positive effect is legendary affirmation: Attacks and offensive spells have a [10~33%] chance to grant 1,000 temporary hitpoints with 1 minute duration. Cooldown is also one minute. Effectively this is 1,000 temp hp every minute.
My goggles are triple positive material opposition:
Tier 1: legendary inferior focus of positive energy + legendary diluted material essence + legendary cloudy gem of opposition makes: +128 Unconsciousness Range, 16 healing every 10 seconds (Enhancement)
Tier 2: legendary focus of positive energy + legendary material essence + legendary gem of opposition makes: +64 Unconsciousness Range, 8 healing every 10 seconds (Insight)
Tier 3: legendary superior focus of positive energy + legendary pure material essence + legendary flawless gem of opposition makes: +32 Unconsciousness Range, 4 healing every 10 seconds (Quality)
This item is really nice for soloing as many enemies won't kill you when unconscious so with the unconscious range + 28 healing + past life primal fast healing you get restored when you otherwise might have died even on reaper where that healing is reduced.
Gloves are triple negative material opposition
Tier 1: legendary inferior focus of negative energy + legendary diluted material essence + legendary cloudy gem of opposition makes: +4 Fortitude Save Vs Disease (Insight), Blindness Immunity
Tier 2: legendary focus of negative energy + legendary material essence + legendary gem of opposition makes: +4 Fortitude Save Vs Poison (Insight), Fear Immunity
Tier 3: legendary superior focus of negative energy + legendary pure material essence + legendary flawless gem of opposition makes: +25 Negative Resistance (Enhancement), Deathblock
The fear immunity is redundant with the soul eater tree, but it takes care of deathblock for me and both blindness immunity and negative resistance comes in handy.
The 2 piece material opposition set with all tiers gives a 18% hit point bonus.
Was just wondering would you consider dropping the epic blast for heighten or maximize
To be worth the dps loss on those few spells it does work on and does it do anything
for bogw and the sound burst sla.
Been testing shadows upon you again on rednameds and that seems to be worth it but not sure how much it is helping in todays end game
Damonz Cannith
Bounty Hunter
I actually did drop epic eldritch blast (level 21 feat) in favor of force of personality. This is because I solo about half the time and even when joining groups getting danced or stunned can kill me once you get past low skulls. Force of personality moves me from "always fail except on a 20" to "always succeed except on a 1". Since with a fom pot this is effectively only stuns and dances it's not a must have feat, but it's very valuable when soloing. I don't even notice the loss in dps. Force of personality plus a knockdown immunity version of nightmother's sceptre solves the main problems I previously had on the build.
My level 24+ feats are embolden, ruin, greater ruin which must be taken at 24, 27 and 30 to take these 3. BOGW is an amazing option for almost any caster, but there are some fights I couldn't imagine without ruin/gruin such as the golem fights in ravenloft as the untyped damage gets no reduction in damage. It's also great for some champs. The targeting on the soundburst sla is funky and the dc doesn't scale well.
I have tentacles and mass hold for cc. I have wail and other instakill for low fort enemies. If there is a nasty death immune low fort champ I have flesh to stone. Adding bogw or soundburst doens't really help me solve any problems so I like what I have better than those two. On my cleric caster on the other hand BOGW is crucial and my main form of cc. I give up ruin/gruin for bogw and epic spell pen on my cleric, but on my warlock bogw feels redundant and overkill to me.
Like many things in the game, this is just my preferred way of playing and not necessarily the only or best choice for someone else.
Will try this out - I wasn't aware of this - I am assuming some damage must be untyped to get around the golem dr.