I was recently running my necromancer, and realized...... WHAT NECROMANCER ONLY HAS 1 MINION ????? IT SUCKS!!! (and this is not referring to hires/summons ect). So below I have a proposal for the Summoning Necromancer.

Tier 5: Skeletal Revivalist Summon Horde Undeath Magic Protect The Minions
(10/30/50% increase to Minion's HP (Lose access to 1 school of magic (Gain 1 Skeletal Spell Caster) (All minions Gain +25/35/45 MRR/PRR
Lose access to Summon Monster) Gain 2 Minion) and +5/10/15 to hit)

Tire 4: Undying Corruption Fortify the Horde Undeath Volley Powered Minions
( Feed off of a minion (All minions gain SR 15/20/25) (Undead Archers have (Gain 2/4/6 to Hit, +4/8/12 DMG
Receive 25% (of minion) HP Flaming/Ice/Acid-stacking-)
/SP minion cannot be revived until

Tier 3: ______________________ Armored Horde Undeath Archers Minion Un-life
(+10/20/30 AC) (Archers Gain +4/8/12 (Minions Gain +2/4/6 to all attributes)
to hit 3/6/9 Damage)

Tier 2: Undying Power Call the Horde Undeath Knights ____________________________
( Minions receive 2/4/6 to all ( Lose 1 Spell school (Knights receive
saves) Gain 6 Skeletal fighter force/fire/ice Damage)
for 5 min)

Tier 1: Undying Un-life ___________________ Undeath Boost Minion Armor
(Minions receive +20/40/60 Hp) (All undead gain (All Skeletons gain
the effect of +5/10/20 AC and +4/8/12 to hit)
Greater Heroism)
__________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ _____________________
Main Line

Receive 1 Minion Minion Aura Receive 2 Minions Greater Aura Cap-+3 Minions
+25% Negative Energy Healing All Minions Heal Owner for d2 +50 (player) HP Each Minion Heals player +50 HP
(as in lesser death aura) +100 SP for 2d4/5 seconds +100 SP
Become Zombie Become Vampire (All Beneficial Spells on caster Litch Form
Effect Minions) +100 Negative Spell Power
Wraith Form +20% Negative Spell Critical

So Common Turbine Here's the Undead Summoner (you could also use it for regular summons like summon monster-minus the necromancy stuff)