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  1. #1
    Community Member charles13f's Avatar
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    Default NECROMANCER MORE THAN 1 Minion (pet) PLEASE

    I was recently running my necromancer, and realized...... WHAT NECROMANCER ONLY HAS 1 MINION ????? IT SUCKS!!! (and this is not referring to hires/summons ect). So below I have a proposal for the Summoning Necromancer.

    Tier 5: Skeletal Revivalist Summon Horde Undeath Magic Protect The Minions
    (10/30/50% increase to Minion's HP (Lose access to 1 school of magic (Gain 1 Skeletal Spell Caster) (All minions Gain +25/35/45 MRR/PRR
    Lose access to Summon Monster) Gain 2 Minion) and +5/10/15 to hit)

    Tire 4: Undying Corruption Fortify the Horde Undeath Volley Powered Minions
    ( Feed off of a minion (All minions gain SR 15/20/25) (Undead Archers have (Gain 2/4/6 to Hit, +4/8/12 DMG
    Receive 25% (of minion) HP Flaming/Ice/Acid-stacking-)
    /SP minion cannot be revived until

    Tier 3: ______________________ Armored Horde Undeath Archers Minion Un-life
    (+10/20/30 AC) (Archers Gain +4/8/12 (Minions Gain +2/4/6 to all attributes)
    to hit 3/6/9 Damage)

    Tier 2: Undying Power Call the Horde Undeath Knights ____________________________
    ( Minions receive 2/4/6 to all ( Lose 1 Spell school (Knights receive
    saves) Gain 6 Skeletal fighter force/fire/ice Damage)
    for 5 min)

    Tier 1: Undying Un-life ___________________ Undeath Boost Minion Armor
    (Minions receive +20/40/60 Hp) (All undead gain (All Skeletons gain
    the effect of +5/10/20 AC and +4/8/12 to hit)
    Greater Heroism)
    __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ _____________________
    Main Line

    Receive 1 Minion Minion Aura Receive 2 Minions Greater Aura Cap-+3 Minions
    +25% Negative Energy Healing All Minions Heal Owner for d2 +50 (player) HP Each Minion Heals player +50 HP
    (as in lesser death aura) +100 SP for 2d4/5 seconds +100 SP
    Become Zombie Become Vampire (All Beneficial Spells on caster Litch Form
    Effect Minions) +100 Negative Spell Power
    Wraith Form +20% Negative Spell Critical

    So Common Turbine Here's the Undead Summoner (you could also use it for regular summons like summon monster-minus the necromancy stuff)

  2. #2
    Community Member
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    May 2010


    Any sort of summon is completely worthless. They need to be buffed in order for anyone to want this.

  3. #3
    Community Member
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    I have a multiple past life character whom played as a Wizard. My skele with 3 Druid Past Lives and Augment Summons (+10 to each stat), running in Primal Avatar with all the summon bonuses. Was still pretty much a distraction, a bone shield if you will. There was a thread a while back about something like this and the feeling was that the devs would be better off doing something else. Now if you could equip the skele then it could be useful. Lets say give it a 1 handed weapon, shield, and armor slot or even go collar and armor. DDO will never have a strong summon class, Druid and Arti dogs are decent up to Eh for distractions but WAY too weak for EE.

  4. #4
    Community Member Wh070aa's Avatar
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    There is also the Create Undead spell, and other, similarly bad summons. If you really want undead minions, you can use Control Undead in undead heavy quests, as long as you can find any that are not immune, needed to advance the quest, or untargetable.

    They are still useless, and lag inducing. Also they are insanely hard to balance, since each +1 is multiplied by amount of monsters you summon.

    That said minion AI broken, and almost not usable, so they get in the way more than they help.

    edit: Also I think Umbral Worg (summon V) might be able to summon(mark enemies to turn to shadows upon death) additional undead, if they haven't changed that.
    Last edited by Wh070aa; 05-29-2015 at 01:51 AM.

  5. #5
    Community Member
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    Mar 2011


    because summoning undead has NEVER been what the Necromancy school has been about in D&D.

    A major theme with arcane vs divine magic in D&D is that arcane can never truly get power of life and death. That is why there are very few arcane healers (Even the bard is more of a support then true healer). Life and death is the domain of the divine, of gods and primordials. Even then, Necromancy in D&D has always had less to do with summoning undead and more to do with disease, aging, and death.

    heck, in the lore, an arcane lich/Palemaster is basically nothing compared to a cleric who has mastered death magic.

    Honestly, besides maybe with some crazy shenagans with the massive list of stuff in 3.5, there has never really been a character build that could have control over more then a couple creatures at once that i can think of. Even Pathfinder's summoner class is focused more on supporting a couple creatures (class's pet + 1 summon) then actually summoning an army.

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