9d6, assuming DDO weighted die of 1d3+3 is 45. 31.5 for unweighted.
Toss in a positive spellpower of say... 300, which I think would be decent for a Warlock who tries, makes this 180 weighted, 126 unweighted.
You probably get double that from healing amp with realistic effort, so call it 360 weighted, 252 unweighted.
Is this decent? Yeah, it is worth using. Assuming the cooldown stays at 20 seconds, I think this is reasonable considering you need to hit a mob to heal with it. A lot of abilities (Heal, reconstruct, negative energy burst, maybe cure or repair crit) achieve these numbers with a much smaller cooldown. The reconstruct is available to anyone with bladeforged.
So please explain why 90/63 healing every 20 seconds is plenty to stay alive at hitting epics/end game. That is worse than chugging potions.