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  1. #61
    Community Member Requiro's Avatar
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    As general note: We wait for Lamannia. The main problem is that we don’t know speed of Eldritch Blast. Overall this tree is nice and cheap. So there is no much to improve or change before Lamannia.

    Some suggestions

    Core abilities:

    Level 1 – 5 USP per Core and Multi-selector: +1 dmg melee + ranged per Core ability OR +1% critical chance for Eldritch Blast per Core ability (stacks with Eldritch Seeker and Spell Tearing) – This is option for Warlocks that want stay Pure, and don’t want use any kind of weapon, but Eldritch Blast.

    Tier 1 abilities
    Hungry for Destruction Multi-selector: +1/2/3 Melee + Ranged Power and 2/4/6 USP OR 3/6/9 USP

    Tier 2 abilities
    Hungry for Destruction Multi-selector: +1/2/3 Melee + Ranged Power and 2/4/6 USP OR 3/6/9 USP

    Tier 5 abilities
    Feed on Magic – Add, that when Echoes of Power is active, chance to gain 30 temporally SP is flat 50% (more thematic minor improvement)

    The main reason for Core 1 and Hungry for Destruction changes is for players who want play with Eldritch Blast ONLY. For them ranged or melee improvements is useless. And +6% critical from Core 1 changes (for Pure Souleaters Warlocks only) is almost like Improve Critical Feat for normal x20 weapon. I don't see this OP, even with other source of Critical Spell.
    Quote Originally Posted by stoerm View Post
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  2. #62
    The Mad Multiclasser Failedlegend's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Requiro View Post
    ranged or melee improvements are useless for people who only want to play with EB
    I'd argue that unless the devs add a "ranged EB shape" similar to Enlightened Spirits "Melee Aura" the ranged improvements are 100% useless, if you rolling a Warlock your going to use EB it's a HUGE part of the classes power I don't see why you would ever turn it off unless your healing the enemies in which case your picking anyways.

    That said users of the "Melee Aura" will probably either dip heavily into Soul Eater or main Soul Eater and dip into Enlightened Spirit for the aura so the melee boosts aren't a waste..although I'm surprised their in this tree instead of enlightened spirit...if I could control this id shift the melee boosts to ES and add an aoe EB centered around whoever you hitting by "shaping" your EB around your projectile every X seconds or X shots/throws/volleys.
    Last edited by Failedlegend; 05-28-2015 at 12:53 AM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan
    There is little value in getting into an edition debate; as with anything, we create what we believe works best for DDO.

  3. #63
    Community Member Requiro's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Failedlegend View Post
    I'd argue that unless the devs add a "ranged EB shape" similar to Enlightened Spirits "Melee Aura" the ranged improvements are 100% useless, if you rolling a Warlock your going to use EB it's a HUGE part of the classes power I don't see why you would ever turn it off unless your healing the enemies in which case your picking anyways.

    That said users of the "Melee Aura" will probably either dip heavily into Soul Eater or main Soul Eater and dip into Enlightened Spirit for the aura so the melee boosts aren't a waste..although I'm surprised there in this tree instead of soul eater.
    I think that you don't understand me (I’m not English native speaker).
    I suggest that changes because Eldritch Blast damage is scale only with Spellpower (not ranged or melee power), thus for Warlocks who use only Eldritch Blast as main DPS, abilities that improve melee or ranged are useless.
    Of course for Warlocks that want use Eldritch Aura from Enlightened Spirit tree, abilities that improve melee or ranged ARE useful, because they can use weapons AND Eldritch Aura simultaneously.

    That’s why I suggest option (Multi-selector) to choice something useful for any Warlock. Because right now, main benefit from Souleater are users of Eldritch Aura from Enlightened Spirit tree.
    Quote Originally Posted by stoerm View Post
    Player remembers. Player never forgets.
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  4. #64
    The Mad Multiclasser Failedlegend's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Requiro View Post
    I think that you don't understand me (I’m not English native speaker).
    I suggest that changes because Eldritch Blast damage is scale only with Spellpower (not ranged or melee power), thus for Warlocks who use only Eldritch Blast as main DPS, abilities that improve melee or ranged are useless.
    Of course for Warlocks that want use Eldritch Aura from Enlightened Spirit tree, abilities that improve melee or ranged ARE useful, because they can use weapons AND Eldritch Aura simultaneously.

    That’s why I suggest option (Multi-selector) to choice something useful for any Warlock. Because right now, main benefit from Souleater are users of Eldritch Aura from Enlightened Spirit tree.
    Unless the aura is at least as big as PBS (and gets bigger with PBS boosts) Its not useful at all to ranged Warlocks.

    IOW were agreeing melee boosts are only useful to enlightened spirit locks and ranged boosts are entirely useless...where we differ is that I think soul eater should gain a EB aura that works with ranged weapons.
    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan
    There is little value in getting into an edition debate; as with anything, we create what we believe works best for DDO.

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