Loot Design, S/S/S system, TR Cache Button, The exact trap DCs in EE HH, A guide for DDO-ML, Unknown Heroes: 3rd place, Welcome to Orien: /joinchannel Titan
Ghallanda would be better suited for a merge with Wayfinder than Sarlona.
Sarlona imo would fit best community and pop. numbers wise with Argo.
Cannith with Khyber
and Thelanis with Orien.
A Drop to 6 {Ghallanda/Wayfinder and Thelanis/Orien being the two I'd choose} or even 4 servers would in my view be a very good thing for DDO and the news that Turbine are planning on a move to new data centres etc. makes me hopeful that server mergers will be included in that move.
So what about Monks and Artis?
I know Artis got a bit of a buff with the Rogue Mech buffs but Pure Artis seriously need a redo!
And as for Monks - Well it would be nice if we weren't forced to go full on Earth Stance with all enhancements AND two item slots dedicated to PRR to have any chance of staying alive for more than 3 seconds!
When will any of this hit Lammania? as it seems to keep being pushed back. I check everyday multiple times a day for Lammania to be patched up but its just not happening. Im so bored... =(
Making DDO a better game 1 post at a time!
Triple EVERYTHING Completionist= Heroic 42/42, Iconic 12/12, Epic 36/36
orien already merged with thelanis. they just did it themselves via character transfers. we want ghallanda and Khyber. and cannith.
I agree with what you consider to be the biggest issue, boss DPS, but I am worried about the possible solutions. If its a new level 8 or 9 spell that arcane and divine get, that could work but I would be totally against a new feat. Melees don't kneed to take a special feat to have good boss DPS, why should casters?
If you feel that the only way possible is via a feat, please consider a ED feat for level 26. Even if it would take a while to get the feat, I feel it the "feat slot" that would hurt caster least.
Agreed 100% with your point of view.
Regarding "Off-the-cuff-and-possibly-bad-idea" for "Focused Fire". I would be willing to drop to -1% sp cost or even no SP reduction, but instead +X spell power (non-positive) stacking X times. Not disrupted by casting heals/buffs. Probably not usable in raids or else we could end up with even crazier amount of HP for raid boss. Most casters can't get close to typical melee DPS these days but can balance that out with DC spells, I just want to be able to kill red names in similar time as melee with similar resource usage.
On a completely different topic, considering the amount of server merger threads in the last few months, anyway to get a possible comment? Considering the producer letter is a yearly thing, would be nice to get some feedback from the dev on the subject so people stop asking for a time. Something like, yes you are considering something in those lines or no server merger will happen within the next year(s)? If it's a hard no, any possibility on a server transfer special? Like 75% off or 3 characters for the price of 1 ?
All on Orien: Kanuk 20 Cleric (PL: 24 heroic (7iconic) + 16epics) - Frapfor (6th life, Bladeforge, 16pally/4fighter) - Confesseur (2nd life, Bladeforge, 12 Monk/2Ranger/2Pally) - Grospivit (3rd life,Human , 20 Barb) - Casai (3rd life PDK18warlock/2figther) - Robokanuk (2nd life, Human(for now)15Bard/3Fighter/2Rogue)
I concure with this. I don't believe the current Dev staff have or run casters in high level content if they think the issues can be fixed with a Epic Spell or destiny feat DOT.
The problem(s) are:
.) hitting 386,000 HP bosses with spells that cause a couple thousand damage per 50 to 115 spell points used, cast out of 2800-3800 sp pools. This is 386,000 divided by (say) 2000 damage (that's generous for an average) = 193 casts @ 50 to 115 spell points (we'll call it 80sp average), that's 15,440 spell points required... Which at 600 sp recovered per drink means chugging 25 superior memn pots to kill 1 sub-boss. Granted the caster doesn't have to do all the damage unless solo'ing but this is just meant to illustrate a point, you're also not going to get 2000 damage average per spell against a boss that can't be helpless, unless you're waiting on your best two spells to cool down instead of using filler spells. So in other words unless you're standing there waiting for Ruin and Draconic burst to cool off, you're doing a LOT less than 2000 damage every time you cast... Heroic spells in your rotation will drop this even more.
.) AOE's have been massively outscaled in Epics, Blade Barrier, Icestorm, Firewalls signiture spells of the game are all tickle torture to 9000hp trash mobs, might as well be handing out wedgies and purple nurples.
.) Direct damage Heroic spells in Epics are a joke, the only way to effectively nuke is by using Destiny and Epic feat spells, and SLA's or Shiradi cast.
.) and finally yes the DOT's we already have need to scale better just like Direct damage spells and AOE's.
Adding a new Epic Spell DOT while not objectionable by itself just pigeon holes everyone into using that, building for max crit % and spell power for whatever that DOT is. It also means we're all forced to take the same feat if we want Boss DPS. No offense Sev you know I like you: but since you started chucking massive hunks of Healamp and Melee power at Barb, and 20% DPS increase set bonus to make the spoonful of ToEE loot go down, this heavy handed stuff is not a good look... it says to me "just get it done", we all know you guys can do better... If you want to quick and dirty something quick and dirty the old level 20 end game into a mythic level 30 end game... don't quick and dirty casters they need more nuanced attention than a DOT. But they are easy to fix:
Take the caps off heroic spells in epic.
Give epic level as generic caster levels, and remove them from Destinies.
Put X1 multiplier in T5 Savants for their Element and X0.5 in Archmage give both a way to "build" multiplier and crit chance by small increments when solid nuking using SP spells (not SLA's).
Last edited by IronClan; 05-21-2015 at 08:29 PM.
sheesh, all this ranting, I couldnt care less about which update hits first and which class pass gets bumped, the single big thing here is we gonna get new hardware and better networking.
my ddo time currently consists of checking forums twice a weak cause I just about have had it with lag and performance issues. knowing somebody actually made WB see the benefits of investing some in up to date tech I'll be comin back to play even before that happens due to hoping things gonna improve.
Thank you very VERY much for that, I'll take that hands down as a sign of not all is lost even if it means 3 weeks downtime when it happens ...
$25 at a time?
Rough dude. I would LOVE if the sale of the week one week would be %50 of or buy one get one toon transfer..
I have 5 Toons, 1 almost a triple completionist just sitting on G-Land. Would love to move to a more active server.
Nefatron - Nefron - Nefrous - Ya Know What... Just Call Me NEF ~ Ghalland ~
Thank you for the update. The plans look great!
This seems to be implying that we will be able to upgrade our existing greensteel into a more powerful epic version. Is this accurate or will epic greensteel be independent from the existing heroic versions of gear/weapons?
Hello. Apologies if this is the wrong place to ask a question like this but is there any plans to make grouping with varied level friends easier? For example, I'm getting my friends into playing the game but some of us are level 10+, some are 7ish, some are only level 2 or 4. In many other games they either realize it's just a game and let you play/advance together regardless of levels, others offer some gimmick like artificially lowering/raising power levels so you can play together.
It just really sucks to never be able to group with friends who might not play as much or play more then you do. We're already paying 150+ dollars a month to just play all the dungeons together, it would be nice if we didn't have to jump through hoops or flat out not play the game just to be able to play together when our schedules align.
Thank you for your consideration.
You probably already know this but I'll say it anyway:
DDO Has a system for running with friends of differing levels - MAKE A NEW TOON! {Perhaps on a new server if you're full up on alts already}.
Seriously - If you want your friends to have fun in this game then create a secondary toon to level them up to the level your main is waiting at!
If they run that irregularly or say at a specific time and day once a week/month have that secondary toon to run with them when they are on and your main/s to play when they're not on!
There is one other possibility too:
Have them buy Vet 1, 2 or even an Iconic Race so they can get straight to your level {of course if you're planning on running E-BBs in Gianthold and Orchard with newbies then good luck keeping those newbies playing even with Iconics! {Bladeforged and PDK have good starter gear but it's still starter gear and not aimed at running E-BBs straight off, Morninglords have ok starter gear and Shadar-Kai have terrible starter gear!}.
BTW An Iconic is perfect for a player levelling up newbies as you don't need to take Lvls 2-15 till you're ready to take them and can level at the exact pace of your friends and take them through the best quests {perhaps multiple times to get them geared up each level}.
You already have all that xp and no need to worry about your own so can concentrate on theirs!
Last edited by FranOhmsford; 05-21-2015 at 09:32 PM.
Sounds good.
I'm looking forward to Warlock.
I'm coming back from a break for personal reason (no time these days) and wanted to get back into DDO before the new class arrives.
In before the 'Lock (sorry, couldn't resist)
I love the new stuff I'm seeing. Love the Aeofel DMing of ToEE.
Looking forward to the new Shav stuff.
The idea of new Hardware is super-encouraging for the games future and it made my day to hear.
Wow that would be great.
We need some new peoples around here and a few more of our European brothers and sisters would fit in like peas and carrots.
Half of Wayfinder probably already knows a person or two in G-Land from the before times.
Anyway, just I wanted to pop in and tell the DDO team thanks for the good work and I look forward to more.
BONGO FURY - Ghallanda - Thingfish - Wizard, Diuni - Ninja, Gheale - Angel, Dullknife - Tank, Noodlefish - Gimp, Jaquaby - Treacherous and other gimps.
It would help efficiency if epic spells had free meta magics (just like Ed powers)....
Anything that adds more spell power or max caster levels will of course help too. The problem may then become that the caster one shots all the trash if you increase it too much.
Maybe heroic damage spells need to get cheaper and cheaper as you increase in epic levels. Then throw in some more spell power closer to level 28. That would make casters more fun to play.
Last edited by maddong; 05-21-2015 at 09:46 PM.
Looking forward to all this new content coming out, but please do us a favor and spend longer on Warlock, don't bring it out until you bring out epic shavarath. A new class with no new content will make for a fairly lame update.
Viamel ~ Lava Divers
I appreciate the return to Shavarath. It's been often requested, and it felt like the request was falling on Realms-deafened ears for a long time now. I may not have quested there very much, but I know that this will make a lot of long-time players very happy if done well. The more Fan Service in this game, the better, as far as I am concerned.
Nervous about the data-center move. We were told the exact same reasoning behind the last move (or two), that it would increase stability and reduce lag... and then we had the exactly opposite result. Wish I didn't have to be skeptical - but the weight of history is what it is. In this case, it has me worried that this is a budgetary move that is being gilded and wrapped in a nice bow to make it sound better.
As with everything, the proof is in the pudding. For a long time, the end results got me more and more disillusioned... I'm hoping that the trend continues to turning that around. It's been getting better - and actually listening to We The Players, and us seeing the results of that listening hitting the game, is fantastic. I'm not the utter cynic I was not too long ago. I'd enjoy nothing more then to count myself in the positive side of the ledger once more. I just hope the proof is worthy, and the pudding tasty.