Last edited by Rys; 05-22-2015 at 10:27 AM.
Devs, thanks for the letter. Looking forward to the next two updates, especially epic amrath. I hope the comments from people that keep rolling 1's on their reading comprehension skill checks don't deter you from communicating with players in the future.
As others alluded to, I hope the team is considering merging servers if we're moving to different hardware anyway.
Last edited by axel15810; 05-22-2015 at 10:31 AM.
My DDO youtube channel:
Nice edit by the way, but to your original post. Ranger has a lot more ranged options at this moment than melee. Tempest has always been niche as a pure ranger, now as a multiclass build it works fine in tandem with things such as monk levels for the 100% offhand proc or the holysword 14/6 build I've seen a lot recently with pally-rangers.
Can we get a sense of what your plan about Epic Green Steel is? Specifically, ML of the items? My personal preference is that this is not end gear. Because quite honestly the great stuff about Heroic GS is that you end up spending lots of runs adding mats and stuff to get a nice bunch of TR gear for each toon. You have to run the content for the shards and you use the combined saved mats to build the item you need for that specific toon. It's really the perfect combination of rewarding grind over time and adding pieces of pivotal equipment that eventually 'replace' a bunch of gear you might have stored so you don't have to keep 'replacing' pieces as you level.
By making Epic GS gear in the high end range you probably end up screwing over any high end content over time, making it harder to make and provide less incentive to even run. By making it a ER type gear by setting the ML around say 22-23 you create a replacement cycle that might eventually mean you phase out existing level 22-25 gear but it'll be some times anyways because the progressive grind and it won't be all pieces but some and it'll aid further ERs until you reach high end stuff; high end you'll end up adding over time and that'll be the 'final' gear selection.
I would like this too. I've recently gotten several friends and old clanmates from other games back into the game but some are reluctant to leave servers where they have friends/family playing.
And yes, thank you for keeping us in the development loop. I have a lot of fun playing this game and new content is great!
Last edited by zehnvhex; 05-22-2015 at 11:25 AM.
YAY! finally that shavarath storyline is going to be continued. also a new raid! will we have some cool sets again? or will the old Tower of Despair sets be revamped maybe, to make the initial shavarath adventure pack more popular in the community? i'd really like to see shavarath being run more frequently. right now its a dead adventure pack, what is pretty sad, since the story is quite good and the loot used to be, too..
a revamp of the ToD sets would make the 1st pack alot more interessting (aka you sell more stuff), and would (re-)add a raid to the common run raids (more raids = more fun)
Also a new class! can't wait to roll itartificer and druid were major additons to the game, i hope the warlock will turn out just as well
you wrote "epic AND extended version of shroud". does that mean you make us run a heroic-shroud-setup with epic monsters and just add something in the end?
please make it an all-new raid. (if it is like reavers fate <> fall of truth it'll be fine) but please don't make it the same, just with higher numbers and something more at the end
"a new adventure pack that relates to the vale" (??) is that all-new too, or are locations re-used / quests getting epified? (no friend of epifying content... its like that coffee from yesterday you decided to reheat. :/ )
will the heroic greensteel system be updated aswell (more recipes maybe)? the way i understand that sentence, it means there will be epic GS and the heroic GS will be updated.
(but that'd be strange, since the greensteel is THE best crafting system in DDO)
I mentioned including the Archons in the new Shavarath story line for Update 26 a while back.
This is spot on getting epic shroud, and it's crafting right, could be great for ddo. Personally I would like to see everything available now in shroud, available in epic form. Either by crafting the new item or upgrading the base item. Both have there good and bad sides. I would imagine from a code perspective upgrading heroic items would be the easier route.
The only way to predict the future, is to create it!
Casters do need more low sp options at epic to get away from shiradi. Devs have that part spot on. Is this the biggest need... no.. the get hit once and blow up cause we can't wear heavy armor is probably #1...
oh wait we have displacement...
oh wait champoin has true seeing and fort bypass... and double damage...
Member of "Guild of the Black Dragons" & "Swords of the Light" on Sarlona. Proud "Last" member of Caffeine - we aint stragicially savy.
I can only level my sorc to 20. After that i got 8 levels of commoner. Almost all my spells are capped at 20. Its like a barb could not use his weapons after 20.
While you make even more passes to melees you want to fix casters by giving us a single spell to use on bosses. What is the point of that? At the moment i get more from leveling from 19 to 20 then i get from all epic levels.
Since no devs is playing this game i dont think you understand what the problems with casters is and will probably make some changes that dont help us at all.
Why not? Ruin is ridiculously strong because of its bypass and relatively better cooldown versus Energy Burst. If they want to give us a big DoT that cost 100 SP, that's fine by me so long as the damage justifies the cost.
A much more important question is the balance concern - it's been okay that decked out DC casters top-kill most content and have excellent CC because they aren't high raw DPS when it's needed. Change the dynamics of DPS too much and the build doesn't have real tradeoffs anymore.
Last edited by Portalcat; 05-22-2015 at 12:32 PM.
Member of Storm Lords on Thelanis.
Portalcat (Completionist, Epic Completionist), Catwithnuke, Catwithaxe
While you're on that topic, please consider adding new spells in general! divines still only have 5 grade 9 spells to chose from.
actually there are very few grade 8 and 9 spells, i'd love to see more choice there, even if its a situational-spell.
like i want to think about, if i get mass-hold, wail of the banshee and enervation as 9th grade spells on my sorc, or if i should pick up something else that fits my playstyle better
more spells = more fun
and yes, caster damage on EE bosses is meh. actually i'd like to see something else than a DoT like biting cold or electric surge. some stationary spell like firewall, icestorm or fog-spells, that continuously deals damage
i see what you mean. heroic GS is nice TR gear, so epic GS should be nice epicTR gear. to be in a good level range for epic TR gear it should be 22-23 as you wrote, but i fear that the CITW weapons will get obsolete. and that would be pretty sad, since these weapons are actually nice.
i think its pretty hard to balance epic GS though. we have CITW weapons in lower 20's and thunderforged weapons (that need a heavy grind to accomplish!!) on level 28.
adding another weapon-system into 23-28 level-range will make one of the 2 systems above obsolete, and thats something that has to be prevented. no more dead crafting/gear systems in DDO!
we got cannith crafting dead, we got the old epic system dead, we got LoB/alchemical weapons dead, we got ToD sets dead...
nothing is more frustrating, than dead gear-systems you've invested your time in and cannot complete it (LoB is the best example here, even though it actually somewhat is the epic GS... really good eTR gear! check it out)
Last edited by Lanadazia; 05-22-2015 at 12:35 PM.
I can empathise that the epic levelling system is lacklustre at best. I can't get on with it at all really. But you can't tell me that the way EDs and twists overlay all the possibly different heroic builds does not allow for caster growth or build complexity. I can appreciate that because there are only 9 destinies it can all feel a bit samey across different characters in terms of some of the main things you use on your hot bar at those levels, but I've seen plenty of casters laying down their earthquakes/icestorms/firewalls/other persistent AOEs quite successfully in Epic.
I'd like to see them even out the epic level advancement system so it's not so devoid of choices in the first five levels, but unless you simply don't have access to the destinies I can't understand where you're coming from in terms of caster advancement at all. If you don't have destinies then I'd say you're quite correct. Turbine do want you to buy the destinies. And you should - many of them increase things like maximum caster levels and introduce new SLAs you can use.
Your last comment about devs not playing... well I don't even know where to start. Maybe read the weekly DDO newsletter from time to time and watch some of the videos.