The letter refreshingly short and grounded in reality.
Shockingly it seems to be lacking grand ideas that don't ever seem to make it...
i really hope you guys(dev's) learned from the past and don't bring half finished content in order to reach a deadline, separating warlock from the content seems to suggest this... fingers crossed.....
So transferring your hardware....
are you considering merging servers?
In it's better years we had multiple(4) instances of the marketplace due to it's population being so big (lv 20 was cap)
But i don't see multiple instances of evening star either (just an example though).
either everyone put his status on anonymous or the game is bleeding people badly since U14
New content& Storyline:
Continuing some real endgame/epic story instead of emo drow, epic rats, cheap conversions of heroic material.
Updating shroud, although this was said before i'm happy to see this confirmed.
Please don't make this as meager and rigid as Canith raid crafting or ToEE, the biggest strenghts of Shroud gear are the many crafting options (4 elements and 2 alignments coupled with weapon and clothing& jewelry slots) and the low level you could equip it, making it amazing tr gear.