Some really neat stuff coming up looking forward to see what the rest of the year brings us
Some really neat stuff coming up looking forward to see what the rest of the year brings us
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It is beginning to be obvious to us players (who are less smart than you, at least I am), that designs for caster to be good at 20 and at 28 will fail due to the high front loading of spell power scaling. Unlike Melee Power which is very conservative in the heroic levels.
A good balance at 20 will be underpowered at 28.
A good balance at 28 will be overpowered at 20.
You don't have enough scaling.
And yes I am talking more power creep, but the DM started this one when they put CR 70 Creatures on the game board, not me...
Good point.
It might should be more, spellcasting are used to doing with 200~400+ spell power.
Melee and ranged power is typically half that.
But whatever.
So looking at a Legendary Dreadnought Toon:
Gains Epic Power = +3 ranged and +3 melee power per epic level
Gains +3 melee power per level of LD (and if this increases from level 5 to 10 which it ought to that complexes things).
However, assuming one changes things from this angle:
All Epic Destiny Levels would be examined and grant about 6ish Universal Spell Power.
Some more, some less.
Then Epic Power would be changed to grant:
+3 ranged
+3 melee power
+6 universal spell power
per epic level
Now we have some decent scaling going on during Epic levels.
Let us see how that compares to Epic Maximize (150 universal free spell power)
Level 20 --- Full ED of 30 universal spell power
Level 28 --- Increase of 48 universal spell power
Hmm...and we have to go thru the effort of ranking all the Epic Destinies too.
Not enough scaling between level 20 and 28 (which is a problem due to the instant full ED available at 20).
How about moving it all to Epic Power instead?
Increase to +10 universal Spell Power per Epic Level
Level 20 --- Zero
Level 28 --- Increase of 80 universal spell power
This is actually about 2 more than the 78 shown above.
But 70 less than my example with the epic feat tax.
I think maybe Sevs Dot Epic Spell, HatsuharuZ's theories and an new Epic Item with a higher reduced spell cost along with some better metamagic item reducing spell costs might be the better route?
Nicely done.
But is it enough?
How much will +80 spell power do for toons that easily have 350 spell power to begin with at level cap?
Take a spell that does 100 damage.
Spell power rating determines how much damage you deal with spells. In most cases, each point of spell power increase increases the base damage of your spell by 1%. Various effects can contribute to your spell power, all effects are added together.
So with 300 spell power (Fawngate's best spell exceed thus but most come to at ? Let me log in and look.)
Assume 300 (which is low).
100 damage becomes 400 damage.
Increasing thus to 380 spell power.
100 damage becomes 480 damage which is an increase of 480/400 = 20% increase in spell damage.
This is assuming one does not apply Empower or Maximize to one's spells.
But, one will go higher.
Fawngate's spells she does not care about are at 318 (and they rise +60 in battle)
The spell she does care about are 393, 467, 441
So her favorite spell type will easily break 500 in a dungeon.
100 damage becomes 600 damage.
Increasing 80 universal spell power, 100 damage becomes 680 damage.
The net increase is 13%
Given the effects that I have seen a mere 20 melee power do, I must conclude that melee power and spell power are in totally different categories.
Should we add an applied +225 for both Empower and Maximize for 725,
the new net increase is about 9%
I am going to lean back and say I like the simple solution of Epic Maximized Metamagic applied for free available at level cap better.
We need more really good Epic Feats.
I made a whole bunch of suggestions on the player's council last year and only one of them was a popular choice among the council members, so I can easily say its tough to get good ideas for epic feats.
So I offer you 3 very attractive Epic Feats:
Epic Maximize -- gain metamagic that does not cost sp and add 150 spell power.
Requirement level 30 and Maximize spell
Epic Combat Casting -- your spells cannot be interrupted.
Requirement level 30 and Mobile Spell Casting
Extra Twist -- gain an extra twist slot (costs for opening and increase slot level use the same math.
Requirement level 30 --- must have all spheres maxed out
Epic Dot Spell with low sp cost (per Sev's wisdom)
Requirement level 27~30[/b]
Last edited by Silverleafeon; 05-21-2015 at 11:22 PM.
I guarantee a world of fighting over whether Shirdai should get more spellpower granted than Magistar...
Btw `` Magistar and Draconic need to be rewritten particularly when someday Epic Destiny levels increase to 10.
Be honest for a second... If they released new content, wouldn't also play it for a few weeks, then go back to the other MMO? (Which I bet you haven't been playing for 5+ years - Let's see if you're happy with how fast they release new content after you've played all their current quests 100 times each)
There's no way ANY game company can release content fast enough for you...
Also, by the way, (and this is totally true)... I got two new players to join DDO last month, and they are amazed by:
1. How many quests there are to play.
2. How there's no lag in a physics based real-time combat game (they are old FPS guys, so they like this kind of gameplay AND they have fast new computers)
3. How there's almost no bugs (the ONLY bug they've mentioned to me is hitching a couple of times on a ladder - I told them to jump on the ladder, and they said "Yeah, we figured that out... no big deal")
A new spell that does dot is really only a bandaide approach.
We need variety and versatility in spell casting beyond just spam mm and dot.
melee in general are in a pretty good place and I enjoy playing mine, My casters vs trash are in a good place too.
When it comes to orange named and above they could use some work.
With orange named save vs death spells should have the same effect as mortal fear. But limited to 1 hit at all (no stacking from multiple failed regardless of different casters)
PWK should instakill orange below 10%
Red and Purple named, used to be debuffed back in the day by casters to reduce their damage output. now a few low stat debuffs make little difference so no one bothers.
in addition to stat debuffs make spells like waves of exhaustion give significant debuffs, to melee power and direct % penalty to hit.
Get rid of additional time triggers on charms
Spells of incapacitation effecting the boss for reduced time even 1 second then a 1 min timer on being affected again,
Something a little more creative than another dot.
Milacias of Kyber
Leader of the Crimson Eagles Kyber
The Myth- TR will make my character powerful
The Reality- Those kobolds in Water Works won’t have a chance but nothing else cares-Learn to play your build and all its abilities in actual difficult content, get gear and reaper points in level 30+ content and raids.
Compare the possible scaling of 9% over levels 20 thru 28 to the increase in hit points of red named bosses?
I bet I know which one is much higher.
Makes it real easy to stop writing letters.
I used to call my grandma, and all she did was complain about how I never called.
So I stopped calling.
I can't believe the negativity... A new class, new servers, Shavarath and epic Vale/Shroud and people are complaining... Not even a little excited?
Progress? Sev - if what we have been experiencing on Ghallanda for the last two months is progress - I really am going to be giving up my VIP subscription. I am actually a little angry that there was no apology (or recognition at all) of the problems our server has experienced over the last two months. It would have been nice to see a little statement that our concerns have been heard by you, that there was some feigning of interest, at least.
Ha! Where is your True Seeing now, dead guy?!
The disadvantages of an Epic level 30 Epic Maximize is that it comes all at once at level cap.
Therefore it totally removes all the benefits from the reincarnation playstyle.
That is not entire healthy.
Tying it to ED levels is not good as ED levels might increase, and its hard to predict which ones deserve the most love.
Tying to ED innates are more static as they innates will not increase regardless of the ED, and it would grant the Devs a bit of rebalancing power.
Tying into Epic Power is the most smoothest way and does not involve a feat tax.
However +3 melee power >>> is much stronger than +3 universal spell power.
Seperating the Warlock update from the quests+raid update is exactly what I have been hoping would happen. It spreads out the "news" factor which is exactly what DDO needs. This means less "rushing" and more time to enjoy each new item.
Much appreciated.
Last edited by mikarddo; 05-22-2015 at 12:43 AM.
Member of Spellswords on Ghallanda
Another reason melee damage overperforms compared to caster dps into epics, there is no caster equivalent to pulverizer, devistating crit, overwhelming crit, you just do double damage on crit, period. Also as melees get better weapons and various ways to add [w], there is nothing like this for casters. Imagine if equipping a thunderforged orb made your fireballs do 4.5[10d6], or ruin do 4.5[500d1]...
Well, perhaps Epic Power simply needs rewriting:
Epic Power
Usage: Passive
Prerequisite: None
+3 Melee Power
+3 Ranged Power
+10 Universal Spell Power
+15% Universal Spell Crit Bonus Damage
Note This feat is automatically given to all characters each time they gain an Epic level.
Also, each Epic Destiny Innate could have 1d6 Universal Spell Power added to it.
(Or we could use a more scientific method![]()
I'm not complaining. It all looks good to me, but it read more like a schedule without details. The last letter had more meat to it. I suspect that it's probably because some people don't understand delays, tentative ideas and hold what is said as a promise when it's not. For about 6 months some people were quoting from the last letter and using it as a basis of "but Sev said.." and proof.
You are the one choosing not to play alts.
Casual player now investing way less than I used to into the game, playing 1-3 months at a time and still want nothing to do with Reaper. #improvepuggrouping#alldifficultiesmatter