i agree, but complaining is easy, finding solutions is difficult. These game stills unique, i have play neverwinter, nothing to do with d&d. Ddo it far better. 5 year ago ppl complain about the classes where out balance , everyone wanted to be a caster. Now ppl complain about paladin.
I think developer have done good you to balance classes. These are my ideas to finished the job, but you can post better ideas to balance classes.
Balance classes
1. Rogue –required add more Dodge to able get max 60%-
2. Monks- required add more Dodge to able get max 60%-
3. FVS-evoke dc +6 cap enhament
4. Sorceress- evoke dc +6 cap enhament
5. Artificer: runearm: dc 20+int+artificer level+ other evoker mod and for dmg: rune arm use 100 of the metamagic
6. Wizard: PAlemaster 4 necro dc cap enhament and for archimage: cap enhament force spell critical multiplier 20%
7. Cleric- heal +60 cap enhament
8. Druid: more shapes air and earth form
9. Fighter (to balance with paladin, because the lack of heal): for kensai: more Dodge to able get 60%- opposite of ppr. For stawart defense- +20ppr more +20armor (more than a paladin)
10. Ranger: required add more Dodge to able get max 60%-
11. Bard-ok (maybe more dodge- 40% max)
12. Paladin –ok
13. Barbarian –ok
After these, the game itself has to return to its balance, my suggestion is a mythical level (cap 30), with mythical reward, imposible to solo. force player again to assume rols. Like tank, healer,cc etc etc.
keep many things as EE, but increase DMG done by monster and traps also make monster move 15% faster etc etc so the quest becomes a challange.