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  1. #261
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aons View Post
    I fully second this (4 players out of 7, that i personaly know in RL, left for those reasons the past 2 years). DDO is JUST a HacknSlash, measuring DPS and some kinds of defense. I even dont understand how the dnd licence can still be applied.

    This game declines because it loses identity... and because we are, for part of us, dancing with mobs in EE, which is not supposed to happen. 4 levels of difficulty for this... shame...

    i agree, but complaining is easy, finding solutions is difficult. These game stills unique, i have play neverwinter, nothing to do with d&d. Ddo it far better. 5 year ago ppl complain about the classes where out balance , everyone wanted to be a caster. Now ppl complain about paladin.
    I think developer have done good you to balance classes. These are my ideas to finished the job, but you can post better ideas to balance classes.

    Balance classes
    1. Rogue –required add more Dodge to able get max 60%-
    2. Monks- required add more Dodge to able get max 60%-
    3. FVS-evoke dc +6 cap enhament
    4. Sorceress- evoke dc +6 cap enhament
    5. Artificer: runearm: dc 20+int+artificer level+ other evoker mod and for dmg: rune arm use 100 of the metamagic
    6. Wizard: PAlemaster 4 necro dc cap enhament and for archimage: cap enhament force spell critical multiplier 20%
    7. Cleric- heal +60 cap enhament
    8. Druid: more shapes air and earth form
    9. Fighter (to balance with paladin, because the lack of heal): for kensai: more Dodge to able get 60%- opposite of ppr. For stawart defense- +20ppr more +20armor (more than a paladin)
    10. Ranger: required add more Dodge to able get max 60%-
    11. Bard-ok (maybe more dodge- 40% max)
    12. Paladin –ok
    13. Barbarian –ok

    After these, the game itself has to return to its balance, my suggestion is a mythical level (cap 30), with mythical reward, imposible to solo. force player again to assume rols. Like tank, healer,cc etc etc.
    keep many things as EE, but increase DMG done by monster and traps also make monster move 15% faster etc etc so the quest becomes a challange.
    Last edited by esojiul; 06-04-2015 at 08:11 PM.

  2. #262
    Community Member Powerhungry's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by esojiul View Post
    i agree, but complaining is easy, finding solutions is difficult. These game stills unique, i have play neverwinter, nothing to do with d&d. Ddo it far better. 5 year ago ppl complain about the classes where out balance , everyone wanted to be a caster. Now ppl complain about paladin.
    I think developer have done good you to balance classes. These are my ideas to finished the job, but you can post better ideas to balance classes.

    Balance classes
    1. Rogue –required add more Dodge to able get max 60%-
    2. Monks- required add more Dodge to able get max 60%-
    3. FVS-evoke dc +6 cap enhament
    4. Sorceress- evoke dc +6 cap enhament
    5. Artificer: runearm: dc 20+int+artificer level+ other evoker mod and for dmg: rune arm use 100 of the metamagic
    6. Wizard: PAlemaster 4 necro dc cap enhament and for archimage: cap enhament force spell critical multiplier 20%
    7. Cleric- heal +60 cap enhament
    8. Druid: more shapes air and earth form
    9. Fighter (to balance with paladin, because the lack of heal): for kensai: more Dodge to able get 60%- opposite of ppr. For stawart defense- +20ppr more +20armor (more than a paladin)
    10. Ranger: required add more Dodge to able get max 60%-
    11. Bard-ok (maybe more dodge- 40% max)
    12. Paladin –ok
    13. Barbarian –ok

    After these, the game itself has to return to its balance, my suggestion is a mythical level (cap 30), with mythical reward, imposible to solo. force player again to assume rols. Like tank, healer,cc etc etc.
    keep many things as EE, but increase DMG done by monster and traps also make monster move 15% faster etc etc so the quest becomes a challange.
    So every class gets a dps/defensive boost- except cleric, who gets to be a more effective hireling?
    Yes, snarky sarcasm....
    My first life, poorly equipped level 20 fighter has double the dps of my ubber geared, multi-life completionist level 28 cleric and your suggestion gives him better HAMP?
    Thus, my snarky sarcasm....
    (Combat): You are hit by your knockdown.

  3. #263
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    Quote Originally Posted by Powerhungry View Post
    So every class gets a dps/defensive boost- except cleric, who gets to be a more effective hireling?
    Yes, snarky sarcasm....
    My first life, poorly equipped level 20 fighter has double the dps of my ubber geared, multi-life completionist level 28 cleric and your suggestion gives him better HAMP?
    Thus, my snarky sarcasm....
    Yes, because a cleric goal to keep alive a group. if theirs is mythic level, it required old fashion healers.

  4. #264
    Community Member Rog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eryhn View Post
    sheesh, all this ranting, I couldnt care less about which update hits first and which class pass gets bumped, the single big thing here is we gonna get new hardware and better networking.
    my ddo time currently consists of checking forums twice a weak cause I just about have had it with lag and performance issues. knowing somebody actually made WB see the benefits of investing some in up to date tech I'll be comin back to play even before that happens due to hoping things gonna improve.

    Thank you very VERY much for that, I'll take that hands down as a sign of not all is lost even if it means 3 weeks downtime when it happens ...
    I totally agree with you everyone wants new content which = new lag everyone hates lag new data center = new content and a lot less lag= playable new content. letting the new class come out means that instead of power leveling they can play end content lot more people looking for groups and much better players playing end content. i think it is a great move.

  5. #265
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    Quote Originally Posted by stoopid_cowboy View Post
    Strange response...
    Greensteel is and has always been the best and most widely used crafting system in game. How could someone not like greensteel? Let me guess, you are a fan of the LoB crafting system?

    Epic vale might actually get me to keep my VIP status active.
    Greensteel is entirely to complicated with a bunch of mindless grinding for the materials. Sure greensteel is way overpowered at the level you get it but the amount of stuff involved just to make one useable item is ridiculous. To be honest all the crafting systems need revamped and consolidated into one easy to use system with one crafting station.

  6. #266
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    Quote Originally Posted by esojiul View Post
    i agree, but complaining is easy, finding solutions is difficult. These game stills unique, i have play neverwinter, nothing to do with d&d. Ddo it far better. 5 year ago ppl complain about the classes where out balance , everyone wanted to be a caster. Now ppl complain about paladin.
    I think developer have done good you to balance classes. These are my ideas to finished the job, but you can post better ideas to balance classes.

    Balance classes
    1. Rogue –required add more Dodge to able get max 60%-
    2. Monks- required add more Dodge to able get max 60%-
    3. FVS-evoke dc +6 cap enhament
    4. Sorceress- evoke dc +6 cap enhament
    5. Artificer: runearm: dc 20+int+artificer level+ other evoker mod and for dmg: rune arm use 100 of the metamagic
    6. Wizard: PAlemaster 4 necro dc cap enhament and for archimage: cap enhament force spell critical multiplier 20%
    7. Cleric- heal +60 cap enhament
    8. Druid: more shapes air and earth form
    9. Fighter (to balance with paladin, because the lack of heal): for kensai: more Dodge to able get 60%- opposite of ppr. For stawart defense- +20ppr more +20armor (more than a paladin)
    10. Ranger: required add more Dodge to able get max 60%-
    11. Bard-ok (maybe more dodge- 40% max)
    12. Paladin –ok
    13. Barbarian –ok

    After these, the game itself has to return to its balance, my suggestion is a mythical level (cap 30), with mythical reward, imposible to solo. force player again to assume rols. Like tank, healer,cc etc etc.
    keep many things as EE, but increase DMG done by monster and traps also make monster move 15% faster etc etc so the quest becomes a challange.
    how about instead of adding more **** to the pool witch is what broke the system to begin with, stuff like dodge, MRR, PRR, and host of other stuff that wasnt realy in the game to begin with take the **** out the pool and get back to where the problems started. like where you threw basic rules from PnP out the window because you felt the didn't apply. Things like monks and paladins multi classing. Oh sure either class can multiclass in PnP but only under certain circumstances and it is more of a role play tool then a "lets break the Game" thing. and this of course has no role play aspect so therefore no real reason to allow a pally or monk to multiclass. these 2 classes were entirely powerful enough on their own and the game designers knew it hence restrictions like alignment. i mean there are many other things in game like dmg reduction that certain classes and enemys get, why not do more with that. add items or enhancments that raise DR instead of adding this MRR and PRR to the mix. it has become a system less like D&D and more well like WOW or something. you can't have it both ways. one can't create a system based of the tradition RP D&D system and then just add stuff tht wasnt there and expect the system not to become unhinged. The current state of affairs is the result of a house of cards built on top of system addition that really shouldnt have been and that is what has broken one class or another for a period rather then the actual class itself. with removal of things like PRR, MRR, oh and fortification and the return to crits affecting everything normally as they should with the exception of crit immune enemys we might be heading in the right direction. EVASION, how does one evade while helpless? serious folks this is just dumb if a character or monster is down, held, helpless they need to lose their evasion until they can move normal again. i dont know why i bother this is all falling on deaf ears look at warlock it is as though the designers never actually saw the warlock in the book for D&D.

  7. #267
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    Quote Originally Posted by Amodaios View Post
    how about instead of adding more **** to the pool witch is what broke the system to begin with, stuff like dodge, MRR, PRR, and host of other stuff that wasnt realy in the game to begin with take the **** out the pool and get back to where the problems started. like where you threw basic rules from PnP out the window because you felt the didn't apply. Things like monks and paladins multi classing. Oh sure either class can multiclass in PnP but only under certain circumstances and it is more of a role play tool then a "lets break the Game" thing. and this of course has no role play aspect so therefore no real reason to allow a pally or monk to multiclass. these 2 classes were entirely powerful enough on their own and the game designers knew it hence restrictions like alignment. i mean there are many other things in game like dmg reduction that certain classes and enemys get, why not do more with that. add items or enhancments that raise DR instead of adding this MRR and PRR to the mix. it has become a system less like D&D and more well like WOW or something. you can't have it both ways. one can't create a system based of the tradition RP D&D system and then just add stuff tht wasnt there and expect the system not to become unhinged. The current state of affairs is the result of a house of cards built on top of system addition that really shouldnt have been and that is what has broken one class or another for a period rather then the actual class itself. with removal of things like PRR, MRR, oh and fortification and the return to crits affecting everything normally as they should with the exception of crit immune enemys we might be heading in the right direction. EVASION, how does one evade while helpless? serious folks this is just dumb if a character or monster is down, held, helpless they need to lose their evasion until they can move normal again. i dont know why i bother this is all falling on deaf ears look at warlock it is as though the designers never actually saw the warlock in the book for D&D.
    It truth but. they started d&d 3.5 rules, but over time, with experience they had to adapt, evolve. 5 year ago, Wizards and Sorcercer, where able to solo quest, put a fire wall kill everything, while other classes needed a full party. But the solution isn´t to nerf caster or make firewall obsolete increasing DC of monster.

    Balance a class does not mean all classes has to have PPR or crazy amount of hp, there has to be an opposites PPR (reduce dmg) vs Dodge (missing hits) not both or a third opt (i dont know).
    For a Caster hi DC vs DMG (not both). Also EE DC has to adjust to 32 builds full gear toon, right build etc etc.

  8. #268
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    Quote Originally Posted by esojiul View Post
    Yes, because a cleric goal to keep alive a group. if theirs is mythic level, it required old fashion healers.
    Hi there! In case you were unaware, DDO is based on 3E/3.5 E, not OD&D or 1E where your statement was almost but still not quite true. Welcome to the modern age, I hope the sudden change from the 70s isn't too jarring!

  9. #269
    Community Member zerit2002's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Amodaios View Post
    Greensteel is entirely to complicated with a bunch of mindless grinding for the materials. Sure greensteel is way overpowered at the level you get it but the amount of stuff involved just to make one useable item is ridiculous. To be honest all the crafting systems need revamped and consolidated into one easy to use system with one crafting station.
    LOL greensteel is complicated? How hard it it to use the planner and print out instructions to building your item?
    Then you just check-off things from the paper as you acquire the ingredients.
    And when you got everything checked-off, go to the altars in a guild airship and follow the instructions from the paper.
    It's really, reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaly easy! And now you even have that fancy trader UI in the altars!

    I do agree however, that they should reuse existing crafting systems in new packs because we have enough work managing our storage as it is.

  10. #270
    Community Member lyrecono's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The_Human_Cypher View Post
    DDO 2.0 may happen in 5 or 10 years as this game has shown longevity (10th anniversary is approaching). There are also only 2 D&D MMORPGs and only one of them is any good.
    i'm not sure.....

    looking at old games that got a make over recently, i'm not confident that this will happen.

    look at Wolfenstein, tomb raider etc, even neverwinter online, they all look like console games, dumbed down, related only by name.
    is that what you would like as an mmo? having to loose all that in game depth? no thank you man.
    Quote Originally Posted by FlimsyFirewood View Post
    I play a guy with a two-hander not just in this game, but in every game that has 'em.
    Quote Originally Posted by J-mann View Post
    Not to derail the thread, but then can you make 2hf NOT suck so much compared to 2wf or swf?
    Quote Originally Posted by FlimsyFirewood View Post
    8 pages in, that train has already sailed. The dead horse is canned into cat food by now.

  11. #271
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    Quote Originally Posted by esojiul View Post
    i agree, but complaining is easy, finding solutions is difficult. These game stills unique, i have play neverwinter, nothing to do with d&d. Ddo it far better. 5 year ago ppl complain about the classes where out balance , everyone wanted to be a caster. Now ppl complain about paladin.
    I think developer have done good you to balance classes. These are my ideas to finished the job, but you can post better ideas to balance classes.

    Balance classes
    1. Rogue –required add more Dodge to able get max 60%-
    2. Monks- required add more Dodge to able get max 60%-
    3. FVS-evoke dc +6 cap enhament
    4. Sorceress- evoke dc +6 cap enhament
    5. Artificer: runearm: dc 20+int+artificer level+ other evoker mod and for dmg: rune arm use 100 of the metamagic
    6. Wizard: PAlemaster 4 necro dc cap enhament and for archimage: cap enhament force spell critical multiplier 20%
    7. Cleric- heal +60 cap enhament
    8. Druid: more shapes air and earth form
    9. Fighter (to balance with paladin, because the lack of heal): for kensai: more Dodge to able get 60%- opposite of ppr. For stawart defense- +20ppr more +20armor (more than a paladin)
    10. Ranger: required add more Dodge to able get max 60%-
    11. Bard-ok (maybe more dodge- 40% max)
    12. Paladin –ok
    13. Barbarian –ok

    After these, the game itself has to return to its balance, my suggestion is a mythical level (cap 30), with mythical reward, imposible to solo. force player again to assume rols. Like tank, healer,cc etc etc.
    keep many things as EE, but increase DMG done by monster and traps also make monster move 15% faster etc etc so the quest becomes a challange.
    Please quite posting this over and over. If these changes are introduced the game just gets even easier. When I first started everyone ran in pajamas because AC did not matter, flash forward people are wearing armor for PRR and MRR ac still does not matter when you have dodge (up to 30), incorporeal (up to 25), concealment (up to 50) bonuses. Some of the changes are very simple work on the third tree for Druid, Arti, FvS, rework Monk Henshin to mirror Acrobat updates. Remove Monk stances from the Feat List, you want monk stances play as a monk. finally add in the Divine Grace nerf (the one that ties the bonus to your paladin level). Now if you do this have Hearts on Sale for a few weeks.

  12. #272
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gljosh View Post
    Please quite posting this over and over. If these changes are introduced the game just gets even easier. When I first started everyone ran in pajamas because AC did not matter, flash forward people are wearing armor for PRR and MRR ac still does not matter when you have dodge (up to 30), incorporeal (up to 25), concealment (up to 50) bonuses. Some of the changes are very simple work on the third tree for Druid, Arti, FvS, rework Monk Henshin to mirror Acrobat updates. Remove Monk stances from the Feat List, you want monk stances play as a monk. finally add in the Divine Grace nerf (the one that ties the bonus to your paladin level). Now if you do this have Hearts on Sale for a few weeks.
    You are right and wrong:

    Wrong: The classes will be balance, ppl stop complaining about one class is on better than other. Example ppl are crying now because of paladin..year ago they cry caster whre overpower.
    Right: Will be easy, yes. Now that all class equal opportuniies. Create a level for cap player, that any class cant solo. Required a full party. For all the the epic quest.

    If you see you tube you will see alot videos EE being solo by many ppl, that why i will continue posting. Until classes are balance and there is a level that it a challange for player. Like epic before that change of (EN-EH-EE). Whre it was normally to wipe or have many dead on a quest a ppl didnt cry for it.
    Last edited by esojiul; 07-28-2015 at 06:32 PM.

  13. #273


    Quote Originally Posted by lyrecono View Post
    i'm not sure.....

    looking at old games that got a make over recently, i'm not confident that this will happen.

    look at Wolfenstein, tomb raider etc, even neverwinter online, they all look like console games, dumbed down, related only by name.
    is that what you would like as an mmo? having to loose all that in game depth? no thank you man.
    I doubt that would happen with a DDO 2.0 if Turbine continues to produce the game. The player base has certain expectations for this title and we would not play something as childish as Neverwinter. Turbine may be forced to reinvent DDO and LOTRO as the company has really nothing else as properties at this point. Asheron's Call is severely dated and will probably not get a reboot as AC 2 wasn't a success, the Infinite Crisis MOBA failed very badly so there is no new MOBA coming anytime soon from Turbine, and the two upcoming mobile games (Batman and Game of Thrones) will not be able to sustain the company financially. Turbine may have no other options if it wants to continue as a company.

  14. #274
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    Quote Originally Posted by esojiul View Post
    You are right and wrong:

    Wrong: The classes will be balance, ppl stop complaining about one class is on better than other. Example ppl are crying now because of paladin..year ago they cry caster whre overpower.
    Right: Will be easy, yes. Now that all class equal opportuniies. Create a level for cap player, that any class cant solo. Required a full party. For all the the epic quest.

    If you see you tube you will see alot videos EE being solo by many ppl, that why i will continue posting. Until classes are balance and there is a level that it a challange for player. Like epic before that change of (EN-EH-EE). Whre it was normally to wipe or have many dead on a quest a ppl didnt cry for it.
    So all the classes have to be balanced at once. The current issue is that the classes are balanced one at a time, turbine does not have the resources to balance all classes at once (well unless they quit making new packs). Plus think of the bugs and patches afterwards the game would be unplayable. Buffing dodge to those levels is pointless, without a massive gear revamp (which won't happen due to the resources being tied up to buff everyone). Do you read the complaints? Monks (high dodge characters) have poor PRR, when they get hit (and they will get hit) they take massive damage. Don't equate two different systems that while both dealing with mitigation have different outcomes.

    SWG tried your approach, they buffed players way too much everything was soloable. Later they rebalanced the game and broke it. Players left quickly and the game died. The game will never go back to having a challenge so great that it forces teamwork, the game does not have enough players.

  15. #275
    Community Member lyrecono's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The_Human_Cypher View Post
    I doubt that would happen with a DDO 2.0 if Turbine continues to produce the game. The player base has certain expectations for this title and we would not play something as childish as Neverwinter. Turbine may be forced to reinvent DDO and LOTRO as the company has really nothing else as properties at this point. Asheron's Call is severely dated and will probably not get a reboot as AC 2 wasn't a success, the Infinite Crisis MOBA failed very badly so there is no new MOBA coming anytime soon from Turbine, and the two upcoming mobile games (Batman and Game of Thrones) will not be able to sustain the company financially. Turbine may have no other options if it wants to continue as a company.
    hey, don't get me wrong, i would love a reboot/ddo2 that has more in game depththen this but the reality says otherwise.
    Creating a game costs a lot of money, something turbine doesn't have anymore (let's be real), so in order to get the money you need to go look for backers. The magic buzz words of today is console games, easy to get in to, casual gaming.

    there are a few exceptions to the rule (star citizen comes to mind) but game developing money is going to the company that produces for the lowest denominator.
    The modern dev's are so scared that you might have missed something they nearly hold your hand throughout the console game.

    And what about our current dev's? Do they play DDO? Do they play tabletop D&D? if they ever made a new ddo, would it be based on 4.0?/5.0?/6.0?
    To be fair, may tabletop groups i know nowadays play pathfinder, based of 3,5 most of the players have the phb but use laptops/tablets for spashbooks (too expencive since a lot of them are students/victims of the economic failure or simply not interested in buying 1 book for 1 feat they use during 1 campaign).
    If the DDO2 game is based on the newer systems i doubt many of us would still recognize it, let alone play it if it becomes like a generic mmo
    Quote Originally Posted by FlimsyFirewood View Post
    I play a guy with a two-hander not just in this game, but in every game that has 'em.
    Quote Originally Posted by J-mann View Post
    Not to derail the thread, but then can you make 2hf NOT suck so much compared to 2wf or swf?
    Quote Originally Posted by FlimsyFirewood View Post
    8 pages in, that train has already sailed. The dead horse is canned into cat food by now.

  16. #276
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gljosh View Post
    So all the classes have to be balanced at once. The current issue is that the classes are balanced one at a time, turbine does not have the resources to balance all classes at once (well unless they quit making new packs). Plus think of the bugs and patches afterwards the game would be unplayable. Buffing dodge to those levels is pointless, without a massive gear revamp (which won't happen due to the resources being tied up to buff everyone). Do you read the complaints? Monks (high dodge characters) have poor PRR, when they get hit (and they will get hit) they take massive damage. Don't equate two different systems that while both dealing with mitigation have different outcomes.

    SWG tried your approach, they buffed players way too much everything was soloable. Later they rebalanced the game and broke it. Players left quickly and the game died. The game will never go back to having a challenge so great that it forces teamwork, the game does not have enough players.
    1)I dont disagree about lags and bugs.

    2) "SWG tried your approach, they buffed players way too much everything was soloable. Later they rebalanced the game and broke it. Players left quickly and the game died. The game will never go back to having a challenge so great that it forces teamwork, the game does not have enough players": i am not saying make soloable. I am saying balance the classes, but with different approach, so each class is unique. I dont know nothing of SWG, these is the only game i spend time. But still you have epic levels (en-eh-ee). I am taking about MYTHIC LEVEL for CAP player

    About Monk : There is always mathematical tools to get the parameters to balance classes (of course if you have skill to create mathematical models, if you expert on mmo and dont have it, i can understabd your commentaries) , example if you run Run Monte Carlo model, to simulate the dmg over time, you can see dodge 70 is equal to ppr 210. PPR it mean reduce damage in a %, not eliminate.

    The problem went ppl like you only talk an dont give ideas, ppl like you are the problem, always complai to turbine, but dont have a clue of wat they are saying, repeat like parrot waht they read in forum and dont give a idea how to solve the problem.

  17. #277
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    Quote Originally Posted by esojiul View Post
    1)I dont disagree about lags and bugs.

    2) "SWG tried your approach, they buffed players way too much everything was soloable. Later they rebalanced the game and broke it. Players left quickly and the game died. The game will never go back to having a challenge so great that it forces teamwork, the game does not have enough players": i am not saying make soloable. I am saying balance the classes, but with different approach, so each class is unique. I dont know nothing of SWG, these is the only game i spend time. But still you have epic levels (en-eh-ee). I am taking about MYTHIC LEVEL for CAP player

    About Monk : There is always mathematical tools to get the parameters to balance classes (of course if you have skill to create mathematical models, if you expert on mmo and dont have it, i can understabd your commentaries) , example if you run Run Monte Carlo model, to simulate the dmg over time, you can see dodge 70 is equal to ppr 210. PPR it mean reduce damage in a %, not eliminate.

    The problem went ppl like you only talk an dont give ideas, ppl like you are the problem, always complai to turbine, but dont have a clue of wat they are saying, repeat like parrot waht they read in forum and dont give a idea how to solve the problem.
    First, yes fix bugs and lag-doubtful this will happen (look up RONA). Most of your "solutions" just add to the problem of power creep, for power gamers (and veterans) the game is too easy so you suggestion is to make characters stronger and by no means unique (gives everyone higher dodge bonuses). Removing Monk Stances from regular feats would make Monks unique again. Currently it seems to take about 1 month to upgrade a class, so upgrading Cleric, Arti, FvS, Monk, Ranger, Fighter, and Druid would take about 7 months. So either DDO rolls out a class every month thus making it the new Fotm OR waits 7 months and does it all at once during which time the current Fotms stay on top for 7 months. I remember a time with most Archers were ranger/monks and ran in Fury of the Wild and could burst kill bosses in seconds even faster when Arcane Archer was broken.

    Back when I first started playing Bards, were minor bonus gods a +3 to damage was HUGE. People waited for buffs, all buffs, people buffed after shrines. Now people just zerg, why wait for that minor buff when I can just start killing stuff. Why wait for a Cleric, FvS, or Druid I have SF pots, wands, scrolls, Cocoon, Lay on Hands, Blood Strength, etc. Wait, your a Rogue that can't do traps? The players base is far removed from focused team play and the population is far too low for focused team play.

    Mythic Levels-those who can easily solo EE will find a way to solo these as well or they will group with other EE soloable players.

    The idea of an XP boost for having more people in a quest is a great idea, but it want create focused team play.

    As for giving "new ideas" I have talked about summons (in other threads), class updates (in other threads), crafting upgrades (in other threads), and the Remnant Tomes (in other threads hey I even mentioned making tomes for Melee/Ranged/Spell power).
    Last edited by Gljosh; 07-30-2015 at 10:08 AM.

  18. #278
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    First, yes fix bugs and lag-doubtful this will happen (look up RONA). Most of your "solutions" just add to the problem of power creep, for power gamers (and veterans) the game is too easy so you suggestion is to make characters stronger and by no means unique (gives everyone higher dodge bonuses).

    1) No dodge is related to no armor toons or light armor. "(gives everyone higher dodge bonuses)" i didnt say that . heavy armor wont have it.

    Removing Monk Stances from regular feats would make Monks unique again.

    2)Good idea

    Currently it seems to take about 1 month to upgrade a class, so upgrading Cleric, Arti, FvS, Monk, Ranger, Fighter, and Druid would take about 7 months.So either DDO rolls out a class every month thus making it the new Fotm OR waits 7 months and does it all at once during which time the current Fotms stay on top for 7 months

    3) Could be more, I dont work or turbine to have a estimated. but we will have goal, at the end each class will be balance.

    . I remember a time with most Archers were ranger/monks and ran in Fury of the Wild and could burst kill bosses in seconds even faster when Arcane Archer was broken.

    4) The was good build, the problem, was to fix arcane archer, not to nerf ranger/monk

    Back when I first started playing Bards, were minor bonus gods a +3 to damage was HUGE. People waited for buffs, all buffs, people buffed after shrines.

    5) If it was before the balance bard, you where, one of the few guys that play with bard, use it for few quest like Old Epic VON6. Now bard are solid class.

    Now people just zerg, why wait for that minor buff when I can just start killing Mythic Levels-those who can easily solo EE will find a way to solo these as well or they will group with other EE soloable players. Why wait for a Cleric, FvS, or Druid I have SF pots, wands, scrolls, Cocoon, Lay on Hands, Blood Strength, etc. Wait, your a Rogue that can't do traps? The players base is far removed from focused team play and the population is far too low for focused team play. Mythic Levels-those who can easily solo EE will find a way to solo these as well or they will group with other EE soloable players.

    6) You have a good point, that is not related to balance classes. These is the problem. On old epics (before en-eh-ee). You required a Healer, trapper, CC, Tanks. But now doesnt need anymore healer or a trapper. eVeryone can heal them self or you can survive a trap without evasion. That why i was talking of Mythic level, same as EE but trap do 1000% dmg, More champions, mobs dmg are increase in 300%.

    Also adjust classes hp to it hit dice, all the benefits (false life etc etc) has a scale. where 1d10 equal 100%- a Caster will have 40% actual hp. So you dont have to worry about their dc, because they will be glass cannon.

    The idea of an XP boost for having more people in a quest is a great idea, but it want create focused team play.

    As for giving "new ideas" I have talked about summons (in other threads), class updates (in other threads), crafting upgrades (in other threads), and the Remnant Tomes (in other threads hey I even mentioned making tomes for Melee/Ranged/Spell power).

    7) good ideas

  19. #279
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    Feb 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by esojiul View Post
    First, yes fix bugs and lag-doubtful this will happen (look up RONA). Most of your "solutions" just add to the problem of power creep, for power gamers (and veterans) the game is too easy so you suggestion is to make characters stronger and by no means unique (gives everyone higher dodge bonuses).

    1) No dodge is related to no armor toons or light armor. "(gives everyone higher dodge bonuses)" i didnt say that . heavy armor wont have it.

    Balance classes
    1. Rogue –required add more Dodge to able get max 60%-
    2. Monks- required add more Dodge to able get max 60%-
    9. Fighter (to balance with paladin, because the lack of heal): for kensai: more Dodge to able get 60%- opposite of ppr. For stawart defense- +20ppr more +20armor (more than a paladin)
    10. Ranger: required add more Dodge to able get max 60%-
    11. Bard-ok (maybe more dodge- 40% max)
    I am glad that we agree on some things. However, you did state "give everyone higher dodge bonuses". I will admit to a paraphrase. But the real point is equating Dodge and PRR (I made this point in the past and I was wrong then so it is still wrong today).

    Quick example, 2 characters one with 25% Dodge and one with 31 PRR (roughly 25%). If you look over 4 hits each at 100pts each they come out the same 3 hits at 100 each vs 4 hits at 75 each, or 300pts. Now lets have the characters each have only 200 hit points, 1 character can get hit twice the other can get hit thrice. Now make the damage higher 200pts, 3 hits for 600pts vs 4 hits for 600pts. Again lets give them 200 hit points 1 character gets one-shotted the other character takes two hits. Most people layer defenses, Ghostly, Blur/Displacement, Dodge, AC, and PRR. I have been ETR'ing my current build and have played in robes with buckler, light armor with buckler, and medium armor. Robes had higher dodge but I took alot more damage. Light armor with buckler was great, evasion, some dodge, and some PRR. Medium armor less dodge but solid PRR. Light with buckler was great in EH, not so great in EE. Medium armor was great in EH and EE, sure I got hit a little more but I got hit for much less. So the math checks out from a longitudinal standpoint but from a cross section of time higher PRR is more preferred.

  20. #280
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gljosh View Post
    I am glad that we agree on some things. However, you did state "give everyone higher dodge bonuses". I will admit to a paraphrase. But the real point is equating Dodge and PRR (I made this point in the past and I was wrong then so it is still wrong today).

    Quick example, 2 characters one with 25% Dodge and one with 31 PRR (roughly 25%). If you look over 4 hits each at 100pts each they come out the same 3 hits at 100 each vs 4 hits at 75 each, or 300pts. Now lets have the characters each have only 200 hit points, 1 character can get hit twice the other can get hit thrice. Now make the damage higher 200pts, 3 hits for 600pts vs 4 hits for 600pts. Again lets give them 200 hit points 1 character gets one-shotted the other character takes two hits. Most people layer defenses, Ghostly, Blur/Displacement, Dodge, AC, and PRR. I have been ETR'ing my current build and have played in robes with buckler, light armor with buckler, and medium armor. Robes had higher dodge but I took alot more damage. Light armor with buckler was great, evasion, some dodge, and some PRR. Medium armor less dodge but solid PRR. Light with buckler was great in EH, not so great in EE. Medium armor was great in EH and EE, sure I got hit a little more but I got hit for much less. So the math checks out from a longitudinal standpoint but from a cross section of time higher PRR is more preferred.
    You are comparing a mathematical model "PRR" with a probabilistic model "dodge" in a wrong way. You have a misconception. Dodge is like rolling a dice, if you have good luck, 4 hits get 0 dmg. that why PPL continue using monk on EE and have high umd for displacement to add to it dodge. What i am saying to increase dodge to light and not armor melee classes.

    Still we have talk about the real problem, Epic quest doesnt required people to work as group, specialized rolls etc etc. Like years ago. My idea to created a level for top content. keep en-eh-ee. But create a level to cap player, recycle adventures like LOB, TOD etc etc. Force ppl to play as a team in these quests.

    PPL still have Epics for gear up, soloing for it ego, tr etc etc.
    Last edited by esojiul; 07-31-2015 at 06:59 PM.

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