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  1. #81
    Community Member HatsuharuZ's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Failedlegend View Post
    Anyway we can work that Into Warlock or in one of the trees tier 5 maybe...I mean eldritch claw and glaive are a base warlock thing but Hexblade is a subclass of Warlock anyways. I really like the idea of funneling you EB through your weapone (I' m really saddened that my Warlock/Arty just won't function since my xbow and rune arm wont fire when using lock abilities)
    Maybe a warlock-only feat? Or even an epic feat requiring warlock levels?

  2. #82
    The Mad Multiclasser Failedlegend's Avatar
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    I get that you guys want to improve summons but adding it to this tree seems random without some sort of scaling summon and even than no one uses the Palemaster Summon for a reason...summons either need their own enhancement points or their just a waste. (Actually arty/Druids need their pets enhancements migrating to the new style)
    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan
    There is little value in getting into an edition debate; as with anything, we create what we believe works best for DDO.

  3. #83
    Community Member Ausdoerrt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vargouille View Post
    We're still looking at details, but it may well be that Soul Eater will support Ranged combat (bows/etc.) best of all trees.
    Ah, just looked over the Soul Eater tree - yup, it looks like what I'd expect out of a ranged-friendly tree.

    However, it does seem odd then that the +10 ranged power is in the ES capstone, while SE only offers the low-hanging +6 (T1/2).
    "People are stupid; given proper motivation, almost anyone will believe almost anything. ... People's heads are full of knowledge, facts, and beliefs, and most of it is false, yet they think it all true." Terry Goodkind

  4. #84
    Community Member Xerio's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Artagon View Post
    They are actually both options from official WotC publications for the Warlock. Eldritch Glaive is a blast shape from 'Dragon Magic' that allowed melee touch attacks that does Eldritch Blast damage. It is great because as an SLA you could quicken it for double attacks a few times per day, plus it has reach like a polearm, allowing attacks of opportunity with it.

    Eldritch Glaive

    Least; 2nd; Blast Shape
    Your eldritch blast takes on physical substance, appearing similar to a glaive. As a full-round action, you can make a single melee touch attack as if wielding a reach weapon. If you hit, your target is affected as if struck by your eldritch blast (including any eldritch essence applied to the blast). Unlike hideous blow, you cannot combine your eldritch glaive with damage from a held weapon.
    Furthermore, until the start of your next turn, you also threaten nearby squares as if wielding a reach weapon, and you can make attacks of opportunity with your eldritch glaive. These are melee touch attacks.

    If your base attack bonus is +6 or higher, you can (as part of the full-round action) make as many attacks with your eldritch glaive as your base attack bonus allows. For example, a 12th-level warlock could attack twice, once with a base attack bonus of +6, and again with a base attack bonus of +1.

    Eldritch claws work well with unarmed combat and allow standard unarmed damage on top of the eldritch blast damage.

    Eldritch Claws

    You can deliver your eldritch blast as a melee attack.

    Prerequisite: Eldritch blast 2d6
    Benefit: As a free action, you can form the energy of your eldritch blast into a set of claws extending almost an entire foot from your hands. While your eldritch claws exist, you may make up to two claw attacks as natural weapons. You are automatically proficient with your eldritch claws.

    On a successful attack with an eldritch claw, you deal your normal amount of unarmed strike damage plus you eldritch blast damage.

    Once you form your eldritch claws, they remain until just before the beginning of your next turn. You cannot use your normal eldritch blast ability while your eldritch claws exist.

    A monk may not use eldritch claws as part of her flurry of blows.
    Both seem like a viable call to me, however, if the glaive where to be implemented I'd rather see it as a shape that makes melee attacks + EB.
    I'd say throw it in with enlightened as an option to the aura as currently the aura will be problem-matic with quests where CC is precious strikes are necessary. One that immediately comes to mind is let sleeping dust lie. Instead focusing the blast into a melee burst with the same trigger delay rate as the aura.

    Alternative to that, function it much the same as the druids flame blade with options of summoning a two handed weapon, two weapons or a single weapon.

  5. #85
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steelstar View Post

    • 10 AP, class level 6: Shape Vestments: While wearing Light Armor, you gain +10 Maximum HP and +5 MRR. While wearing Medium Armor you are proficient with, you gain +20 Maximum HP and +10 MRR. Passive: Your Eldritch Aura now affects enemies every 4 seconds.

    • 41 AP, class level 20: Celestial Spirit: +2 CON, +2 CHA.Toggle: When enabled, you float above the ground, gain Feather Falling, and are immune to knockdown effects. When enabled, your Eldritch Blasts gain 3d6 Light damage, and you gain 10 Melee Power, Ranged Power, and Universal Spell Power.

    1. Rewards of Tribute: +1/2/3 Heal, Balance, and Intimidate. Rank 3: +1 Fortitude Save

    1. Retribution: Your Eldritch Blasts, Melee Attacks, and Ranged Attacks gain 1d6/2d6/3d6 Light damage that scales with Spell Power.

    1. will that affect mithral medium armors? or will a mithral medium armor get the light armor hph/mrr just like it is getting the prr from a light armor right now?

    2. immunity to knockdown? seems kinda broken

    3. balance bonuses, when there is a immunity to knockdowns? actually balance is obsolete if you cannot get knocked down anymore, right?

    4. 3d6 extra light damage that even scales with spellpower reads quite overpowered aswell. i'd tone that down to 1d4+1/2d4+3/3d4+5 with no scaling
    or make it scale but only affect the blast, not blast+ melee/ranged

    that are the 4 little things i noticed, overall this looks very balanced (aoe burst cooldown = cleave cooldown)

    i guess the aoe light damage will scale with light spell power?
    i'm a little confused what scales with what spellpower. some does scale with universal only (what is underwhelming?)

  6. #86
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    What is with the summon melee power. Summons die in 1 hit. So that 30 melee power is worthless. Don't bother with these unless you guys actually fix pets to not be useless.

  7. #87
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    Default Wow

    This tree is crazy strong. I hope some of this actually makes it in game. Especially those aura bursts. Warlock is looking pretty sexy right now.

  8. #88
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steelstar View Post
    It definitely could, if enough people think it should. On our end, we don't want it low enough where every single Warlock takes Martial Weapon Proficiency.
    so a sorc or wiz can have martial proficiency on level 2 and its ok, but a warlack shall not? even if every warlock is getting it in lower levels, i guess alot of them will kick it out at some point to get other enhancements (just like most sorcs or wizzys do)

  9. #89
    The Mad Multiclasser Failedlegend's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xerio View Post
    Both seem like a viable call to me, however, if the glaive where to be implemented I'd rather see it as a shape that makes melee attacks + EB.
    I agree although I'd like to see it work with ranged weapons too, I mean your base EB is a projectile it's not much of a stretch to imbue a Bolt, Arrow or thrown weapon.

    ALso if not a base Lock shapes I think it would fit best in Soul Eater which oddly has some abilities that boost melee/ranged weapons when your 2 shapes (cone and Base EB) don't allow weapon use.

    Basically you just "shape" you EB around the "killing" part of your weapon...easily shown with a purple aura around whatever weapon you have (similar to how Tensor's or Mage Armor give you that spikey purple armor for a couple of seconds)
    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan
    There is little value in getting into an edition debate; as with anything, we create what we believe works best for DDO.

  10. #90
    Community Member HastyPudding's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Failedlegend View Post
    I agree although I'd like to see it work with ranged weapons too, I mean your base EB is a projectile it's not much of a stretch to imbue a Bolt, Arrow or thrown weapon.

    ALso if not a base Lock shapes I think it would fit best in Soul Eater which oddly has some abilities that boost melee/ranged weapons when your 2 shapes (cone and Base EB) don't allow weapon use.

    Basically you just "shape" you EB around the "killing" part of your weapon...easily shown with a purple aura around whatever weapon you have (similar to how Tensor's or Mage Armor give you that spikey purple armor for a couple of seconds)
    What about a multiselector toggle that added some form of damage to your melee or ranged weapon? Say, you could pick from several different types, like light, bane, or untyped. That would then be added to your basic attacks with weapons, like flaming, holy, etc. Maybe it could scale with a certain percentage of your spellpower.

  11. #91
    Founder Drakos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Failedlegend View Post
    Anyway we can work that Into Warlock or in one of the trees tier 5 maybe...I mean eldritch claw and glaive are a base warlock thing but Hexblade is a subclass of Warlock anyways. I really like the idea of funneling you EB through your weapone (I' m really saddened that my Warlock/Arty just won't function since my xbow and rune arm wont fire when using lock abilities)I'd also like to see a skill that ups Universal spell power since Warlocks use several different elements (and tainted scholar only boosts USP) and spellcraft doesnt add to usp only elements...imo UMD makes the most sense since its used for dealing with all kinds of magical things.
    I'm sorry, did I miss where they said Rune Amr's won't fire. They said your main standard attach is replaced by the EB but the Rune Arm isn't triggered as a standard attack. It fires irrespective of your weapon and doesn't interrupt your attack sequence.

  12. #92
    Developer Steelstar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Drakos View Post
    I'm sorry, did I miss where they said Rune Amr's won't fire. They said your main standard attach is replaced by the EB but the Rune Arm isn't triggered as a standard attack. It fires irrespective of your weapon and doesn't interrupt your attack sequence.
    At the moment, Rune Arms work fine while using Eldritch Blast. You don't get the Rune Arm Imbue damage on your blasts (they're not weapon attacks), but you can still fire them normally.

    (Provided you have 2 Arti levels for Rune Arm Proficiency, of course).

  13. #93
    Community Member edrein's Avatar
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    I feel as if my feedback posts were entirely dismissed by the dev team at this point. As I keep pointing out, please consider my proposed change to your current design of Shape Vestments to help the skill scale into both epic levels and not require an enhancement repass for warlocks six months down the line.

  14. #94
    Community Member Artagon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by edrein View Post
    I feel as if my feedback posts were entirely dismissed by the dev team at this point. As I keep pointing out, please consider my proposed change to your current design of Shape Vestments to help the skill scale into both epic levels and not require an enhancement repass for warlocks six months down the line.
    I'm not a dev, but I can say that I went back to look at your proposal OOC. First, your proposal did not provide specifics as to what you were asking for.. You want to tie HP to the enhancement bonus of armor.. how do you want it implemented? How much HP per +?

    Let us also look at other classes with HP boosts. Is your proposal approximately equivalent to them? How would you reconcile giving one class an ability that scales HP so much better than those other class options? Would the devs need to 'fix' every other enhancement that fits a certain criteria?

  15. #95
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    Quote Originally Posted by edrein View Post
    I feel as if my feedback posts were entirely dismissed by the dev team at this point. As I keep pointing out, please consider my proposed change to your current design of Shape Vestments to help the skill scale into both epic levels and not require an enhancement repass for warlocks six months down the line.
    Don't take it personally, the Deve my not be ignoring you, they don't have time to directly respond to every post. They read the forums and take notes back to the Dev team for discussion. In fact I have not seen them respond to any suggested change with t definite, "it will be so". Just keep making suggestions, and if they like them they will use them.

  16. #96
    Community Member edrein's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Artagon View Post
    I'm not a dev, but I can say that I went back to look at your proposal OOC. First, your proposal did not provide specifics as to what you were asking for.. You want to tie HP to the enhancement bonus of armor.. how do you want it implemented? How much HP per +?

    Let us also look at other classes with HP boosts. Is your proposal approximately equivalent to them? How would you reconcile giving one class an ability that scales HP so much better than those other class options? Would the devs need to 'fix' every other enhancement that fits a certain criteria?
    Perhaps I didn't spell it out plainly, I went with the implied numbers of 10/20 as they gave. Tie this to the enhancement bonuses and you got the proposed 100/200 I gave. 10/20 per enhancement bonus. This scales in the same relative vein as the Defender Stances, however it tapers off as it based on the bonus of the armor opposed to an outright percentage of your maximum health. At lower levels this would appear stronger, but by epic levels this ability does not give the same amount of HP while atleast giving bonuses to remaining armored as a warlock. And certainly helps to alleviate the need of toughness and epic toughness on a melee centric enhancement tree.

  17. #97
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    It also is way stronger than a level 6 core should be, as well as more time consuming to code.

  18. #98
    Developer Vargouille's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by edrein View Post
    Perhaps I didn't spell it out plainly, I went with the implied numbers of 10/20 as they gave. Tie this to the enhancement bonuses and you got the proposed 100/200 I gave. 10/20 per enhancement bonus. This scales in the same relative vein as the Defender Stances, however it tapers off as it based on the bonus of the armor opposed to an outright percentage of your maximum health. At lower levels this would appear stronger, but by epic levels this ability does not give the same amount of HP while atleast giving bonuses to remaining armored as a warlock. And certainly helps to alleviate the need of toughness and epic toughness on a melee centric enhancement tree.
    If you want more HP in epic levels, there are many sources of getting those. Not every ability should be 10x better at level 10, 20, or 30 as it is at level 1. Most abilities don't scale like that, especially passive statistical bonuses like this.

    Rewards of Tribute gives (amonst other things) +1 Heal for 1 AP. There's no reason this should scale to +20 Heal at level 20.

    Why should the HP bonus here be special and scale up to be 10x or more powerful than it is now (since this proposal actually goes beyond 200 and higher in the future, of course).

    Yes, some abilities should scale somewhat. Not all of them should.

  19. #99
    Community Member edrein's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vargouille View Post
    If you want more HP in epic levels, there are many sources of getting those. Not every ability should be 10x better at level 10, 20, or 30 as it is at level 1. Most abilities don't scale like that, especially passive statistical bonuses like this.

    Rewards of Tribute gives (amonst other things) +1 Heal for 1 AP. There's no reason this should scale to +20 Heal at level 20.

    Why should the HP bonus here be special and scale up to be 10x or more powerful than it is now (since this proposal actually goes beyond 200 and higher in the future, of course).

    Yes, some abilities should scale somewhat. Not all of them should.
    Well, the biggest issue is the simple fact it is a flat 10 or 20 depending on your armor. Comparatively to Warchanter in bard which gives a total of 75HP at cap. Tying the bonus to your armor's enchantment level reinforces the tabletop concept of Warlocks being skilled at imbuing and manipulating magical items. If my proposed scaling idea seems to generous then knock it down to 5/10 respectively. I'm simply trying to offer a way to make it more viable for a pure warlock in epics. Not every ability should scale as you put it, but at the same time not all of them should entirely be throw away abilities to progress further along the tree. (Not that I entirely think a bonus amount of HP is bad at all, simply make it a bit more appealing.) Or tie the bonus into warlock levels?

    As to why? As I stated it reinforces the idea of warlocks being skilled at imbuing and manipulating magical items. It also gives a more benefitial HP buff to a tree that revolves around being in melee range of mobs. I don't know about you personally, but in Epic Elite I know 10/20HP is comparatively useless to 100/200HP and possibly more at the level cap of 30 with new armor.

  20. #100
    The Mad Multiclasser Failedlegend's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Drakos View Post
    I'm sorry, did I miss where they said Rune Amr's won't fire. They said your main standard attach is replaced by the EB but the Rune Arm isn't triggered as a standard attack. It fires irrespective of your weapon and doesn't interrupt your attack sequence.
    Quote Originally Posted by Steelstar View Post
    At the moment, Rune Arms work fine while using Eldritch Blast. You don't get the Rune Arm Imbue damage on your blasts (they're not weapon attacks), but you can still fire them normally.

    (Provided you have 2 Arti levels for Rune Arm Proficiency, of course).
    Oh ok thanks for the clarification something Sev said maybe me think the contrary, still it sucks that Melee's can take the Aura to use weapons and EB but ranged characters can't really (technically they can but their ranged thus the aura wont be hitting much and are squishier than most melees so cant really stand toe to toe)

    It honestly feels like every time something new is added Ranged characters always get the shaft and getting them a bone thrown is like pulling teeth (especially with the "RANGED IS OP, U R INVINCIBLE!!! crowd derailing any ranged improvement threads).

    Quote Originally Posted by Failedlegend View Post
    Will EB suppress shields, orbs, rune arms etc.? Also as far as enhancements and feats are concerned are you considered "wielding" your suppressed items (ie. Shield for Fighter/Pally Defensive Stances)
    Quote Originally Posted by Severlin View Post
    The shield will be hidden visually but you will still benefit from it. There's some arcane spell failure chance you have to account for though.
    To be fair he only directly mentioned the shield but I assumed it was for brevity and since all weapons are "supressed" all off-hands would be too.
    Last edited by Failedlegend; 05-22-2015 at 02:53 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan
    There is little value in getting into an edition debate; as with anything, we create what we believe works best for DDO.

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