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  1. #101
    Community Member Crysae's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steelstar View Post
    It definitely could, if enough people think it should. On our end, we don't want it low enough where every single Warlock takes Martial Weapon Proficiency.
    Why does it matter if most Warlocks have martial weapon proficiency? Only melee Warlocks are going to be using martial weapons anyway. I feel like you could drop this to c2 or 3.

  2. #102
    Community Member HatsuharuZ's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steelstar View Post
    It definitely could, if enough people think it should. On our end, we don't want it low enough where every single Warlock takes Martial Weapon Proficiency.
    Martial Weapon Proficiency would be extremely useful at lower levels. For me, only having EB as a ranged damage spell makes using a melee weapon at low levels a good idea.

  3. #103
    Community Member FuryFlash's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steelstar View Post
    At the moment, Rune Arms work fine while using Eldritch Blast. You don't get the Rune Arm Imbue damage on your blasts (they're not weapon attacks), but you can still fire them normally.

    (Provided you have 2 Arti levels for Rune Arm Proficiency, of course).
    Whoa, whoa, whoa.... you mean that the Eldritch Blast only takes over your main-hand weapon? So, this means that shields (and blocking) are allowed? It seems I am learning more and more fun multiclass options with these guys everyday. At first I thought that they might be lacking on synergies, but now, they are a multiclasser's dream! Keep up the good work, love it.

    Quote Originally Posted by Aelonwy View Post
    I'm not saying TRing isn't optional but its kind of optional in the way that defeating the waves in Devil Assault are optional.
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  4. #104
    ([ ]'.')>-{===> <( ;..; <)
    Madja's Avatar
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    I really like the tree! I was kind of hoping for some sort of vampirism enhancement in one of the trees, but the healing burst is nice as well. I'm looking forward to making up builds including warlock levels

    One question though (apologies if this has already been answered): How does Eldritch Blast function with druid animal forms? I imagine the animation might not be compatible with those?

  5. #105
    Community Member SealedInSong's Avatar
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    Default All of these points

    These are all good points.

    In particular I think, though the capstone is really flavorful and pretty, a radiance-blind effect rather than the light damage would scale better (blinding an EE monster is way more useful than poking it with a couple of dice of damage every 4 seconds while it slams you with 200-800 pts of damage).

    Quote Originally Posted by edrein View Post
    This isn't actually a bad core in itself. I'd definitely recommend you tie the Maximum HP bonus to the Enhancement bonus of the armor. Based on current epic armor at cap this would give Warlocks an additional 100/200HP respectively, and actually scale this core into Epic Levels.

    On it's own this one is a tad weak bespires the aura passive. I'd recommend you instead turn this is into a flat passive bonus of 20 PRR/MRR. For a level 18 core that's reasonable, again in Epics this won't scale if it's based on when YOU get hit. Now if you rework it based on us attacking enemies it could work out.

    As far as capstone's go this is slightly weak. Atleast for the 'melee-capable' tree as you've stated. I'd recommend you throw a damage proc here, beyond just the Eldritch Blast light damage. Or perhaps a BLIND effect on your Eldritch Blast. Something to again help scale into epics and gives another form of damage mitigation that fits the overall theme of this Quasi-Celestial enhancement tree.

    Overall for Tier 1 these are fine. Perhaps make the HP bonus from Spiritual Defense scale percentage wise at say 2%/3%/5% respectively to help it scale into epic levels.

    Resist Energies needs to scale every 4 levels by your plan. Giving us 40 at 15, 50 at 19, and have it stop around 60 at 23. This gives the class an unique effect others don't have as far as elemental resistance goes.
    Could you possibly make Power of Enlightment have a third multiselector for say a 1d4 light damage effect?
    Shield is always nice.
    Action Boost: Defense, interesting choice here, I'd personally vote for haste boost myself or damage boost.

    I like the Eldritch Burst idea, will it work like cleave or something more conal like the Shout/Horn of Thunder SLA in Spellsinger? (For those who haven't messed with this, the cone hits a near 360 degree area around and behind your character, but widens infront of your character within a short range.)
    Again a possible third multiselector for 1d4 light damage from Power of Enlightenment.
    Fortify Summons this is interesting, could see some good synergy in epics with the Magister or Primal Avatar summons. However, could get perhaps a wisp or archon summon for this tree as a T5 to emphasize this summons deal.

    Medium Armor Proficiency is exactly where I wanted it.
    Retribution is nice and would synchronize well with the option for a 1d4 light damage from Power of Enlightenment.
    Cure Moderate is nice, though I think it would be a bit more fitting to perhaps make this Vigor to fit the Fiendish Resilience Ability in tabletop.
    Again more summons stuff is nice, a T5 summon pet please!

    Spirit Blast sounds good. Perhaps incorperate Beacon into the level 18 core.
    Break Forth eh, I'm not for this. I'd rather have a passive fast healing effect similar to Fiendish Resistance something more akin to... 1d8 plus 1 per warlock level every 20 seconds. With an active 'burst' heal portion, able to remove the 1d4 negs and 1d6 ability damage. That's just me personally.
    Displace Summons is nice.
    How about creating a T5 for summoning a Wisp or Archon to aid us in battle. Either a real deal pet or a simple PM Skeleton like summons. However, please base it on CHARACTER LEVEL that way Epic Levels can perhaps be included to the summon's scaling, rather than just the warlock levels and hurting those who may actually multiclass.

    My overall ideas after sitting down and actually reading and re-reading your initial proposal isn't that bad. If you consider my feedback a pure will be more viable in EE as far as performing as a melee fighter or hybrid without having to outright splash things such as Fighter, Paladin, or Monk.
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  6. #106
    The Mad Multiclasser Failedlegend's Avatar
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    Just a quick big is the Aura shape...PBS?
    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan
    There is little value in getting into an edition debate; as with anything, we create what we believe works best for DDO.

  7. #107
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    not really Warlock related but as its mentioned as one of the SLAs

    Now that you have a resist energy SLA in I'm assuming it would be a relatively simply job to transfer this to a resist energy spell for arcanes and divines that have the current resist spell? Ideally it would be costed to save some spell points compared to casting all resists on an individual but even if it isn't it would save so much time compared to casting multiple resists on a party. If it followed the pattern of the energy protection series the single person version would be a level 4 spell, and then you could add it as a mass spell at level 6 (as you already have the coding in for the epic destiny version as well).

    And if you were feeling particularly generous you could have it in increase to resist 40 at level 20 as obviously elemental damage in DDO is way higher than you would see in PnP

    Just a thought.

  8. #108
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    Quote Originally Posted by CeltEireson View Post
    Now that you have a resist energy SLA in I'm assuming it would be a relatively simply job to transfer this to a resist energy spell for arcanes and divines that have the current resist spell? Ideally it would be costed to save some spell points compared to casting all resists on an individual but even if it isn't it would save so much time compared to casting multiple resists on a party.
    or just add "resist energy, mass" how you find it in DnD 3.5. thats a 3rd grade spell, but as mass-affecting. this would save alot of time too!
    especially since the shipbuffs are stacking with elemental resistances, this should be a QoL change. i think pretty much every group-focused player will agree.
    also new spells is always good, since it offers more variety in spellcasting. (maybe you could kick out resist energy in 2nd grade and get something else)

  9. #109
    FreeDeeOh PsychoBlonde's Avatar
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    I really don't get this path and how it makes sense for the general Warlock thing. Tainted Scholar makes sense for Demonic Pact warlocks, Souleater makes sense for Great Old One pact warlocks, and this makes ZERO sense for Feypact warlocks.

    It just all seems rather inconsistent.
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  10. #110
    Community Member HastyPudding's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PsychoBlonde View Post
    I really don't get this path and how it makes sense for the general Warlock thing. Tainted Scholar makes sense for Demonic Pact warlocks, Souleater makes sense for Great Old One pact warlocks, and this makes ZERO sense for Feypact warlocks.

    It just all seems rather inconsistent.
    Fey are usually more good-aligned, and this tree is basically support and mitigation. I don't see how that's not connected.

  11. #111
    Community Member edrein's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HastyPudding View Post
    Fey are usually more good-aligned, and this tree is basically support and mitigation. I don't see how that's not connected.
    Fey are typically neutral, what would be more fitting is to either make the Fey pact a Celestial pact or create both another pact and tree. Though the chances of that are slim to none. As is this pact fits a Celestial not a Fey.

  12. #112
    Community Member Ausdoerrt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Failedlegend View Post
    Just a quick big is the Aura shape...PBS?
    This was answered above as "standard AoE" centered on the 'lock. Wiki defines that as:

    Standard: Standard range refers to a standardized fixed distance. For AOE buff type spells such as bless or haste, you can see the actual area affected by the spells animation - about 15 feet. Pretty much every AOE buff spell in the game have the same range as these 2 spells, but some do not display a graphic, so use those as the guide. For Offensive spells and targeted buff spells with standard range, the actual range is about double a standard buff AOE, so roughly 30 feet.
    So 15 feet centered, SIGNIFICANTLY less than PBS, and so useless to ranged toons.

    Quote Originally Posted by PsychoBlonde View Post
    I really don't get this path and how it makes sense for the general Warlock thing. Tainted Scholar makes sense for Demonic Pact warlocks, Souleater makes sense for Great Old One pact warlocks, and this makes ZERO sense for Feypact warlocks.

    It just all seems rather inconsistent.
    Pact != prestige. You could have a demonic pact and still become Enlightened, fighting against the demonic influence rather than succumbing to it.
    "People are stupid; given proper motivation, almost anyone will believe almost anything. ... People's heads are full of knowledge, facts, and beliefs, and most of it is false, yet they think it all true." Terry Goodkind

  13. #113
    The Mad Multiclasser Failedlegend's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ausdoerrt View Post
    This was answered above as "standard AoE" centered on the 'lock. Wiki defines that as:
    So 15 feet centered, SIGNIFICANTLY less than PBS, and so useless to ranged toons.
    Exactly what I was looking for thanks Ausdoe.

    Devs can we get a multi-selector of this except have the AOE proc around your target indstead of you (keeping the "cooldown" of course)...if not, why?

    Quote Originally Posted by Ausdoerrt View Post
    Pact != prestige. You could have a demonic pact and still become Enlightened, fighting against the demonic influence rather than succumbing to it.
    I was hoping to do a Demon Pact Enlightened Spirit Warlock/Paladin so I could roleplay as a crimson legion member but certain loud members of the forums are railing against ANY freedom fior Warlock multi-classing so whilst I hope the devs stick with the current model I doubt they would loosen it more.
    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan
    There is little value in getting into an edition debate; as with anything, we create what we believe works best for DDO.

  14. #114
    Community Member edrein's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Failedlegend View Post
    Exactly what I was looking for thanks Ausdoe.

    Devs can we get a multi-selector of this except have the AOE proc around your target indstead of you (keeping the "cooldown" of course)...if not, why?

    I was hoping to do a Demon Pact Enlightened Spirit Warlock/Paladin so I could roleplay as a crimson legion member but certain loud members of the forums are railing against ANY freedom fior Warlock multi-classing so whilst I hope the devs stick with the current model I doubt they would loosen it more.
    At this point I'd rather we not have alignment at all. If they won't do it right from the start, might as well do away with all alignment restrictions on the class.

    Further more there has been a far louder outcry from people that either played 4-5e where alignment is less important, never properly roleplayed in PnP, or outright don't care about alignment in general than there has been from any of us that want warlocks to have a semblance of their correct restrictions. But alas, you can all make Warlock-Pallies to your heart's content now.
    Last edited by edrein; 05-25-2015 at 12:22 PM.

  15. #115
    The Mad Multiclasser Failedlegend's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by edrein View Post
    At this point I'd rather we not have alignment at all. If they won't do it right from the start, might as well do away with all alignment restrictions on the class.

    Further more there has been a far louder outcry from people that either played 4-5e where alignment is less important, never properly roleplayed in PnP, or outright don't care about alignment in general than there has been from any of us that want warlocks to have a semblance of their correct restrictions. But alas, you can all make Warlock-Pallies to your heart's content now.
    First off almost all my arguments have either been lore based or using content that exists in official 3.5 books (ie. Enlightened Spirit). second this is DDO not 3rd edition DDO the devs are in the right to look at all sources of DnD for what would best fit DDO, lastly as I mentioned before I'm of the opinion that alignments should be character based not class based and even 3rd edition agrees with me as most of those alignment restrictions were loosened (Ie. Freedom Paladin).

    All that said the devs have made locks a VERY strong class so multi-classing will be very hard to "min/max" especially since you can't use ranged weapons and only Enlighted Spirits can wield melee weapons, so don't worry I'm sure you'll see less Pally/Warlocks than you dread (I've yet to here a reason)...I for one will be making a Soul Eater Warlock/Barbarian & a Enlightened Spirit Paladin/Warlock despite not being very optimized they seem cool and frankly my favorite characters have NEVER been my strongest ones. (I WAS gonna play a Old one(Xorian) Pact Tainted Scholar Warlock/Arty because it seemed very apt but since no ranged weapons it's kinda pointless)

    Sidenote: I currently play Pathfinder aka 3.75, 5e is a horrid mess (it could awesome but 4e haters focused to much on the traces of 4e instead of actual helping the devs improve the game), 4th edition is great and frankly if it had proper multi-classing I would have never left and yes I played and loved 3/3.5 but it was flawed (hence why I play PF, which is not perfect but it fixed alot)
    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan
    There is little value in getting into an edition debate; as with anything, we create what we believe works best for DDO.

  16. #116
    Community Member edrein's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Failedlegend View Post
    First off almost all my arguments have either been lore based or using content that exists in official 3.5 books (ie. Enlightened Spirit). second this is DDO not 3rd edition DDO the devs are in the right to look at all sources of DnD for what would best fit DDO, lastly as I mentioned before I'm of the opinion that alignments should be character based not class based and even 3rd edition agrees with me as most of those alignment restrictions were loosened (Ie. Freedom Paladin).

    All that said the devs have made locks a VERY strong class so multi-classing will be very hard to "min/max" especially since you can't use ranged weapons and only Enlighted Spirits can wield melee weapons, so don't worry I'm sure you'll see less Pally/Warlocks than you dread (I've yet to here a reason)...I for one will be making a Soul Eater Warlock/Barbarian & a Enlightened Spirit Paladin/Warlock despite not being very optimized they seem cool and frankly my favorite characters have NEVER been my strongest ones. (I WAS gonna play a Old one(Xorian) Pact Tainted Scholar Warlock/Arty because it seemed very apt but since no ranged weapons it's kinda pointless)

    Sidenote: I currently play Pathfinder aka 3.75, 5e is a horrid mess (it could awesome but 4e haters focused to much on the traces of 4e instead of actual helping the devs improve the game), 4th edition is great and frankly if it had proper multi-classing I would have never left and yes I played and loved 3/3.5 but it was flawed (hence why I play PF, which is not perfect but it fixed alot)
    I've read your arguments and links, and I respect your opinion. But to me personally I'd never allow your Crimson Legion splatbook into a game I was DMing and would strongly advise the DM against it if we were at the same table. From a roleplay perspective no one in the party would trust you, paladin levels or not. You are a tiefling first of all, secondly a warlock with a pact to devils and above all The Devil himself Asmodeus, and thirdly no one will believe your story of being good on the first telling. You'd probably get cut down by actual lawful good paladins before you could say a word, aura of good or not. From a perspective outside the RP itself, I can only see that splatbook producing a string of mary sue characters more angst-ridden and whiny than Drizzt himself and I love Drizzt.

    Also you can use ranged weapons, sadly there isn't an option to just outright imbue our weapons which is more befitting warlock fluff given they are the masters of magic item creation and imbuement. I mean after all this is literally how the melee warlock in tabletop worked, Hideous Blow was you imbuing your weapon with your eldritch blast for an attack. So you'd be extremely subpar while using your throwers, repeaters, bows, etc. But you can still fire them.

  17. #117
    Community Member Ausdoerrt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by edrein View Post
    At this point I'd rather we not have alignment at all. If they won't do it right from the start, might as well do away with all alignment restrictions on the class.

    Further more there has been a far louder outcry from people that either played 4-5e where alignment is less important, never properly roleplayed in PnP, or outright don't care about alignment in general than there has been from any of us that want warlocks to have a semblance of their correct restrictions. But alas, you can all make Warlock-Pallies to your heart's content now.
    Frankly, alignment doesn't matter squat in DDO (lore-wise) - you get monk rogues and paladin palemasters running around all over the place... The existing restrictions do prevent some overly strong multiclasses, but I see no reason to add such restrictions to new classes.
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  18. #118
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steelstar View Post
    [*]Spiritual Defense: While your Eldritch Aura is active, you and nearby allies get a +1/2/3 bonus to AC. You personally receive 5/10/15 Maximum Hitpoints.
    I'm very enthused about the upcoming warlock and see some good things.

    With respect to Spiritual defense, might I ask the point of the AC increase? 3 AC is useless since the AC changes. Fair enough if you are planning 1 ap per level, as the hp increases alone justifies the ap cost. But if you were thinking of 2 ap per level, then could you sub something more useful or increase the AC bonus, eg. to 3/6/10?
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  19. #119
    Community Member btolson's Avatar
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    I think too much space is wasted on summon enhancements. Even with these buffs, summons/hires are still going to be pretty weak and fragile in most content. Consequently, I'd like to see these enhancements condensed into 2 squares instead of 3, since taking up this much space for something that will be so little appreciated is just a waste. Additionally, Warlocks have access to the Blur spell and can cast it on their summons if thusly inclined, so 25% concealment is not very attractive for a t5. Suggest replacing it with 10% incorp.

    Proposed Revision

    tier 4 - Imbue Summons: (3 ranks, 1 AP each) Your summoned creatures, hirelings, and pets get +25/50/100% fortification, and 10/20/30 Melee, Ranged, and Universal Spell Power

    tier 5 - Phase Summons: (2 ranks, 2 AP each). Your summoned creatures, hirelings, and pets gain a permanent 10% incorporeal miss chance and 10% Dodge. The second rank additionally adds 15 PRR and 15 MRR.

    This creates an opening in t3, which I would use for a single target melee ability since there aren't any available and it would be good to have something else to do while waiting for the cleaves to come off CD. I see two main options:

    1) DPS - Guided Strike: (3 ranks, 1 AP each) Make a melee attack against a single foe with +2/4/6 Critical Threat range. 6 second cooldown.

    2) Control - Radiant Strike: (3 ranks, 1 AP each) Make a melee attack against a single foe. On hit, the target takes 2/4/6d6 light damage and becomes blinded for up to 18 seconds. Every 3 seconds the target is allowed a Fortitude save to end the blindness effect early, against a DC equal to 10/14/18 + warlock class levels + CHA Modifier. 9 second cooldown.

  20. #120
    Community Member edrein's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by btolson View Post
    I think too much space is wasted on summon enhancements. Even with these buffs, summons/hires are still going to be pretty weak and fragile in most content. Consequently, I'd like to see these enhancements condensed into 2 squares instead of 3, since taking up this much space for something that will be so little appreciated is just a waste. Additionally, Warlocks have access to the Blur spell and can cast it on their summons if thusly inclined, so 25% concealment is not very attractive for a t5. Suggest replacing it with 10% incorp.

    Proposed Revision

    tier 4 - Imbue Summons: (3 ranks, 1 AP each) Your summoned creatures, hirelings, and pets get +25/50/100% fortification, and 10/20/30 Melee, Ranged, and Universal Spell Power

    tier 5 - Phase Summons: (2 ranks, 2 AP each). Your summoned creatures, hirelings, and pets gain a permanent 10% incorporeal miss chance and 10% Dodge. The second rank additionally adds 15 PRR and 15 MRR.

    This creates an opening in t3, which I would use for a single target melee ability since there aren't any available and it would be good to have something else to do while waiting for the cleaves to come off CD. I see two main options:

    1) DPS - Guided Strike: (3 ranks, 1 AP each) Make a melee attack against a single foe with +2/4/6 Critical Threat range. 6 second cooldown.

    2) Control - Radiant Strike: (3 ranks, 1 AP each) Make a melee attack against a single foe. On hit, the target takes 2/4/6d6 light damage and becomes blinded for up to 18 seconds. Every 3 seconds the target is allowed a Fortitude save to end the blindness effect early, against a DC equal to 10/14/18 + warlock class levels + CHA Modifier. 9 second cooldown.
    I like your idea of combining the summons enhancements, we still need an unique summons worth taking those enhancements though.

    Your strikes are fine too, though I'd rather see the Radiant Strike be turned into a percentage change for your Aura to blind at say core 18 or capstone. Promotes staying pure, helps being in melee range at all times, and generally feels like a powerful ability.

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