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It's a good question. I dont have a nice clean answer for you, but I'm trying to demonstrate what I think is an inevitable wall you'll run into.
These are pretty soft numbers, but having done many many ETRs on multiple platforms, my gut tells me that a well-built level 28 melee with destinies probably does 3-4 times (closer to 4) the damage of the same lvl 20 melee without destinies. For a sorc, the number is probably more like twice as much damage, mostly due to the ED abilities they gain like Energy Burst, Ruin, and Hellball: their spell damage doesn't go up tremendously, and it certainly doesnt double. Warlocks wont have the sp pool to fuel these ED abilities like Hellball/Ruin (I think), and I don't get the impression that the devs want their epic viability to be exclusively contingent on ED abilities like eburst anyway.
So, if warlocks are going to be defined by Eldritch Blast, and Eldritch Blast scales slowly into epics as shown above, then you can balance one end or the other (at 20 or at 28), but not both- there just isn't enough growth in the damage output.
Does that make sense? It's not a new problem, it's one that casters have dealt with for a long time, but it will actually be more acute with warlocks, due to the lack of other options. I'm not saying that the damage is too high or too low, since we cant test that yet and decide, but I am confident saying that right now they'll either be very OP at 20 and ok at 28 or ok at 20 and quite weak at 28. It's not the only part of the game that matters, but it is what most (?) people play nowadays.
Not sure how to fix it: one possibility would be to disallow metamagics and scale eldritch blast with something like 200% spellpower: the extra spellpower from metamagics kind of blunts the increased spellpower gain from 20 to 28, proportionally. Using the numbers from earlier (300 spellpower at 20, 500 at 28) that would give almost multiplier of 7 at 20, and a multipler of 11 at 28. So, about 55% more damage: better, but still lower growth in damage than what other characters experience
Ideally epic levels would have improved base class characteristics and added base dice to Eldritch Blast, but that ship has sailed.
Still want to try it all out, get it to Lammaland soon!