ALL HANDS ON DECK! We hereby invite the DDO community, throughout the world, and from ALL SERVERS of Eberron proper to our Memorial Day/Remembrance Day Ceremony this year.
DATE: Monday, May 25, 2015.
TIME: 3PM and 9PM EASTERN ---> Click to convert the time into YOUR TIMEZONE - First Event Second Event
WHERE: Ghallanda House Deneith's Temple of the Sovereign Host
A few things have remained a constant here in DDO since 2005. The worldwide community of gamers, daytime and nightly D&D adventuring, the camaraderie of young and old, and a commitment to welcome the armed forces community, family, friends into the fold. Turbine may have created this game, but its those of us that have taken this a step further... that come back to play in the world of Dungeons & Dragons time and time again,to share a camaraderie that's more than skin deep, that continue to make DDO a special place.
The Tyrs Paladium guild, a guild filled with many proud veterans from many nations, once again wishes to welcome all to join us to pay tribute to our defenders of freedom that have paid the ultimate price, and their families from the United States, as well as those from nations around the world. We gather solely to show appreciation and pay tribute to those who gave their lives, to allow us to awake yet another day, to hug our families, our kids, our parents, and do whatever it is we want to do.
This is the longest running, most witnessed event in DDO history, thanks to all who've attended over the years. As long as there is a demand and DDO servers, we will be there.
* If you do not already reside on Ghallanda, all you need to do is roll a fresh character on Ghallanda... contact me privately for precise instructions if necessary.
This is for our brave soldiers, and their families, from all nations. I hope to see some of you there!! /Salute
Id like to review the simple process of copying in DDO and pasting links in your browser. Some have had trouble in tributes past, so I'd like to clear up all doubts.
1. Highlight the link by holding down the left button of your mouse and dragging across the link. Press CTRL C.
2. Open your browser and click where you normally type your web address. Press CTRL V.
3. Some of the videos are processed in HD. Depending on your PC however, you may only be able to handle standard definition, while DDO is open. On the bottom right of the video, you have options to play in 320p up to 1080p HD. You can go full screen, but I only advise those with really good PCs and high speed internet speed to try that!![]()