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  1. #1
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    Default Easy Living Build - Occult Ravager U25 THF

    To begin with, I'm relatively new to the game. Less than a year playing. This is my first life pure level 28 Barbarian.
    I've lurked around the forums reading about builds and gear, watching videos and experimenting with my own build and the following is where I landed.

    I do a fair amount of soloing and don't like having complicated pre-fight buff ups that I've seen many others here do to max themselves out. I also don't care for depending on lots of little buffs and clickies to give me a boost that doesn't even last a minute. I've also learned to hate getting level/ability drained. In a mob rich environment and soloing, its a death sentence and even if you do live, you have to blow a rage and a bunch of scrolls if you're not very close to a shrine. So when you see the efforts put into spell resistance, that's largely why. Most of the time I can stand in front of a beholder or doomsphere on EH and its nothing but blue shields.

    Obviously I can't compete on damage with some of the other guys here but I still hit pretty consistently in the 300s, my crit range is 15-20 and most of them pop at around 1.5-2k.
    I like the THF for the crowd control and it can be handy while you're beating on the Abbott and still hitting the trash around you and getting heals from them too.
    I don't have to keep track of much other than my rage, primal scream and blitz. For a lazy/casual guy, this build has treated me pretty well.

    Anyway, on to the build. (32 pts)
    Started with 18 Str, 19 Con and the rest into Dex

    Here I am with only guild buffs:

    And here with rage/scream a full Blitz and Ravager MP boost

    Obviously I took the OS cap and enough Ravager for most of the nice lvl 5s. The knockdown enhancement is well worth the points I've found doing TOEE and Fleshmakers so often.

    Another nice bit is that you get a lot of healing amp out of it so mine is like this with the shroud bonus:

    The LD destiny isn't unusual for us but I did take some extra CON from it and twisted in Serenity to give myself another 9 SR.

    For feats I went with about what you'd expect for the most part I think. I've noticed that because of my gear I could probably swap out Blinding Speed for something else though I'm not sure what would be worthwhile.
    Great Cleave
    Two Handed Fighting
    Improved Two Handed Fighting
    Improved Critical: Bludgeoning Weapons
    Greater Two Handed Fighting
    Weapon Focus Bludgeoning Weapons
    Blinding Speed
    Perfect Two Weapon Fighting
    Overwhelming Critical

    Weapon: Epic Etched Maul of Acid Torrent pic
    Armor: Epic Smoldering Scalemail Armor pic
    Ring1: Seal of House Avithoul pic
    Gloves: Nether Grasps: pic
    Boots: Epic Boots of The Innocent pic (I know these don't bring a lot to the party but I don't know what would be better and the Heroism/stun isn't bad)
    Ring2: Ring of the Djinn pic
    Neck: Shoud of The Ardent pic
    Trinket: Giantcraft Siberys Compass pic
    Cloak: Jeweled Cloak pic
    Belt: Epic Belt Of Thoughtful Remembrance pic
    Wrist: Epic Ethereal Bracers pic
    Eyes: Epic Mentau's Goggles pic
    Helm: Epic Emerald Gaze pic

    I'm still trying to find the mythic version of the helm but my luck isn't great. I also still need the mythic mushrooms for the Maul and Armor but those have eluded me too.
    I know the trinket is unconventional but I love the true seeing and I haven't worked out an alternative that I like better.

    It does work out to a pretty respectable AC and with permanent Ghostly and Lesser Displacement I don't get hit very much. The ring and armor make fire and electric damage pretty manageable and being that they are so common I figure they're the ones the have.

    Thanks for reading and I hope you'll share your thoughts about the build. I've got some open augment slots I'm not sure what I'm going to do with and I'm sure there are other ideas for gear and feats that the veterans here can point out that have not occurred to me.
    Last edited by Echostorm; 05-22-2015 at 07:49 AM.

  2. #2
    Community Member psykopeta's Avatar
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    before the barb changes i was fan of OC instead othe "rage that leaves you gimp"

    after changes... well, it can work, if it did before, it will now (you don't lose weapon bound after switching weapons!! yay!!)

    i see you took blinding speed and epic boots of innocent, these 2 don't stack, that' why you won't see other players taking both, so i would free the blinding speed feat, i would check other barb builds for gear layout to make yours more effective
    psykopeta is finally baconpletionist because there isn't anything to delay it more - thelanis, where the gimps claim to be pros and noobs claim to be pros, no newbies allowed(unless they claim to be pros), we have enough drama w/o them. PS: I post only in the latest thread shown in main page, in the weird case u want something from me, feel free to send pm

  3. #3
    Build Constructionist unbongwah's Avatar
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    Well, it's certainly an interesting alternative to the other major CON-based OS build.

    If you're going to bother with Toughness, you might as well take eToughness as well.
    Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.

  4. #4
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    I think you're right about freeing up Blinding Speed, maybe Epic Damage Reduction as a replacement. I considered Heavy Armor but I think I'm not sure it would give much more all said.
    Any thoughts on what augments to use for the free slots I have left? I understand people sometimes use more than one Golem Heart

  5. #5
    Community Member Maxxcore's Avatar
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    No cleaves? Are those losing popularity now? Also, are you taking UMD ranks? Or only heals come from t5? What are the starting stats for the 32pt build?
    Last edited by Maxxcore; 05-22-2015 at 07:28 AM.
    Sheikra - Completionist Wizard

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Maxxcore View Post
    No cleaves? Are those losing popularity now? Also, are you taking UMD ranks? Or only heals come from t5? What are the starting stats for the 32pt build?
    Doh. I forgot to put in the Cleaves under feats. I have Cleave and Great Cleave.
    Yes, points every level into UMD. I'll get a SS of it.
    For the most part, heals are only from t5 but I twisted in Fast Healing, the belt does a little bit, I keep a few pots slotted and I carry a couple heal scrolls.
    Initial points got str to 18, con to 19 and the rest into dex.

  7. #7
    Community Member Maxxcore's Avatar
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    Haha, k, thanks
    Sheikra - Completionist Wizard

  8. #8
    Community Member Maxxcore's Avatar
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    Hmm was planning this out, and couldn't decide whether to put stat increases into Str or Con, and then after looking into it, why is this a Con based build? Have Con to damage? or just for SR and HP?
    Sheikra - Completionist Wizard

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Maxxcore View Post
    Hmm was planning this out, and couldn't decide whether to put stat increases into Str or Con, and then after looking into it, why is this a Con based build? Have Con to damage? or just for SR and HP?
    For SR and HP

  10. #10
    Community Member Maxxcore's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Echostorm View Post
    For SR and HP
    Ahhh ok, thanks
    Sheikra - Completionist Wizard

  11. #11
    Community Member Jetrule's Avatar
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    I like the build. Only one suggestion. I would drop one con enhancement from ravager and max out slaughter. Or are you are running a odd number con from scream being +5? I am going to tr into a Drow barb similar to this but will focus a bit more on strength since the Drow and Occult slayer spell resistances stack.

    I had the Idea to switch out enhancements between Occult slayer capstone and ravager t5 set up, with a alternate Frenzied berserker capstone/ ravager tier 5 setup, depending on quests I planed to run. What are your thoughts? do you find yourself switching out enhancements like that if spell resistance isn't much of a factor on what you plan to run that day?
    Last edited by Jetrule; 05-22-2015 at 09:10 AM.
    Percivaul Dusol, BadRandall and Shortpact--The Silver Legion

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jetrule View Post
    I like the build. Only one suggestion. I would drop one con enhancement from ravager and max out slaughter. Or are you are running a odd number con from scream being +5? I am going to tr into a Drow barb similar to this but will focus a bit more on strength since the Drow and Occult slayer spell resistances stack.

    I had the Idea to switch out enhancements between Occult slayer capstone and ravager t5 set up, with a alternate Frenzied berserker capstone/ ravager tier 5 setup, depending on quests I planed to run. What are your thoughts? do you find yourself switching out enhancements like that if spell resistance isn't much of a factor on what you plan to run that day?
    Thanks bud, I used to have slaughter maxed and laughter but recently I felt that it wasn't adding that much to the party and an extra point or two of SR sometimes makes the difference in raids. No having to worry about doomspheres in Mark of Death is nice for example.
    I didn't know that the drow SR stacked with it. That will be a rather awesome build I'm sure, I hope you'll post the results.

    I've tried switching out to FB and while it is nice to see bigger hits, I'm not as survivable and I find I'm spending more time making sure all my other rages are up and watching my health and less enjoying myself. I know some people multitask better and don't mind that sort of thing, its just a personal preference.

  13. #13
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    I'd still love some feedback about what to replace blinding speed with and what augments to pop into a few of the items with open slots. I've been thinking about getting Heavy Armor and some Golem Hearts

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