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Thread: Warlocks!

  1. #201
    Community Member voodoogroves's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vargouille View Post
    We're more worried about making sure Warlocks have useful feats they can take than having too many they want. Would you prefer that metamagics just not work for Warlocks? What would they take instead?
    Give warlocks options; maybe the ray-like ones work as spells - and take metamagics.

    Maybe the close AoE one is actually like Flame Blade, and makes instead ... a Rahl's Might like staff. Call it Eldritch Glaive, and have it be a weapon - and boostable by weapon things, sneakable, deal glancing blows (THF chain, etc).

    If you mean Greater Heroism, that's tentatively slated for Tainted Scholar. It's not a very "Warlocky" thing, but Scholars thirst for knowledge is strong enough to even research "Good" things.
    For a class that gets wicked boosts to UMD, GH is kinda pointless.

    It's not going to feel like a Bard in practice, unless you really just want to be a Crowd Control guy. In that case I suppose you could probably build a CC Warlock that feels something like a CC Bard. If you squint a lot, and don't look at the details, and ignore Warlock's main class feature, Eldritch Blast.

    I am glad to hear someone calling Fey weak! Seriously, hasn't come up much, except with regards to Reflex Saves. Except when it's pointed out they get Reflex saves, in which case the usual reply is that Fey is obviously the strongest. [/quote]
    How about Favored Enemies? Create vulnerabilities? Extra damage vs helpless?

    I still like giving them the prismatics.
    Ghallanda - now with fewer alts and more ghostbane

  2. #202
    Community Member IronClan's Avatar
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    Some throughts:

    .) I would like to see more uniquely warlock spells in the spellbook. The arcane ones are really uninteresting for the most part. AT LEAST reskin some of these spells: make Dance ball into "Tarantella" and remove the disco ball it's far more Fey flavored than Ottos dance ball even if it';s just a minor graphic change. Give all dancers a 3% chance to be randomly polymorphed into vermin. I would like to see some Fey, Fiendish and Old one flavor in these spells. Wilting horror (but improved to be more useful), Polymorph and random chance based stuff (like minor shiradi procs build into spells) a 6th spell level or T5 SLA mass frog variant, put implosion in and reskin it to look like mobs are melting... How about a mini version of Earthquake (short duration) that makes the ground appear to suck mobs down into it... make it an invocation that needs to be recast repeatedly. We need more unique flavor and spells/invocations. IMO even if you use SP and spells, you should make them operate a LOT MORE like invocations (short duration quick casting action).

    .) Charisma has ALL the synergy in DDO right now, I know Warlocks are CHA based in PnP but would it really hurt anything to make them "the greater of WIS/CHA/INT"? I know this is a easily dismissed idea out of hand by people who want to throw out anything that isn't in a rulebook but look at Charisma:

    PDK CHA to hit/damage/Tacticals
    Paladin Divine Grace
    Divine Might
    Bard Facinate/Spell DC's (Mass Hold SLA in Spellsinger T5)
    60+ UMD with 1 skill rank spent in UMD
    Potential Sorc synergies

    Charisma is clearly far and away the single most useful stat in the game already right now, and Warlock will only add to that.

    On the other hand what harm would there be in Druid/Warlock or Wizard/Warlock synergy? FvS Warlock? Cleric Warlock? Spell levels and spell penn by themselves self limit these synergies... I think there's nothing but arbitrary reasons. I would like to see this option at least discussed.

    .) Wisdom is the most unloved stat in the game... If you wont consider all three, at least consider the greater of WIS/CHA?

    .) make the primary damage "bane" (untyped) it will still be improved by impulse and kinetic lore, but it wont be resisted, bane is also more flavorful than Force.

    .) please allow some shiradi style low % (2% with a save) procs in the enhancement trees, I would like to see a minimum of 3 of these that are obtainable without super specializing and say maybe 6 of them that are obtainable if you build specifically for it (sacrificing in other areas), again these would be very low chance, the same intention you guys have with Epic Cloak of Ice (2% chance for a mob to get a save that it will fail only 5% of the time due to low DC), you might see any one of these 2 or 4 times in a quest, but with 6 of them they would add up.

    • Freezing ice (infernal pact) reskin to look darker call it frozen terror
    • Jade prison make darker call it "foetid paralysis"
    • Earthgrab reskinned with tentacles
    • blindness and 4 seconds of helpless call it starstruck
    • deep slumber cloud AOE effect call it "miasma" one helpless hit wakes up mobs
    • Otto's dance single target proc call it Tarantella
    • Polymorph
    • Phantasmal killer with a black translucent texture instead of the force colored one

    In summery: Que Christopher Walkin gif: I GOTAH FEVER and the prescription is MORE POLYMORPH
    Last edited by IronClan; 05-16-2015 at 12:07 PM.

  3. #203
    Developer Vargouille's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xoham View Post
    Thank you for posting the initial design. I hope there is still room for modification; below is my initial feedback in descending order of importance. Having written it, I do apologise for the negativity, I hope it is at least constructively so. After all, I only wrote this post because I am so excited about Warlocks coming to DDO!
    I want to explicitly say that this is a great and well written post. Thanks for taking the time to write it.

    A Warlock does not cast spells (it has invocations, like a monk has ki attacks); neither do fighters, rogues, or barbarians, but given their use of magic-like attacks, a monk may be the best point of comparison. In all cases, classes without spells points (fighters, rogues, barbarians, monks) are still able to make use of Epic Destinies, even those with abilities that cost spell points. In particular, the feat Magical Training is available, as are spell point items, and, for those Epic Destinies that are particularly spell point dependent, such as Draconic Incarnation, spell points are included in the Epic Destiny. If Epic Destinies are to be the justification for giving Warlocks spell points, it is very inconsistent to not give spell points to fighters, rogues, barbarians, and in particular, monks.

    Similarly, it does not make sense for a non spell-casting class to directly add power to a spell-casting multi-class. Despite the fact that monks also have magic-like abilities, they do not receive additional ki from multi-classing, say, sorcerer or wizard; neither does a wizard or sorcerer receive more spell points for being a multi-classed monk with magic-like ki attacks. If ease of multi-classing spell casters is to be the justification for giving Warlocks spell points, it is similarly very inconsistent to not give spell points to fighters, rogues, barbarians, and in particular, monks.
    These are some points we've been hearing (and well stated here). That said, this is something that's changed during different editions, and DDO itself doesn't use the "normal' spell casting mode for even Wizards or Sorcerers. Artificers don't literally do "Infusions", they basically just cast spells. We do want to respect the source materials, but sometimes translations need to be made or should be made for making DDO the best game we can. It's definitely a judgement call on how, when, and exactly where these translations are done.

    We haven't really been convinced by "fighters can be Draconic Incarnations too!" It's true, but we'd expect a pure Warlock to be somewhat better at a traditional D.I. than a pure Fighter, especially in the area of spell casting.

    Wizard and sorcerer spells
    Warlocks invocations are not equivalent to wizard and sorcerer spells obtained at the same level. In particular, they are not balanced as being equivalent. For example, a level 8 arcane spell is balanced for casting twice per day by a level 16 wizard and three times per day by a level 16 sorcerer, whilst a dark invocation is balanced for casting an unlimited number of times per day by a level 16 warlock. As a result, high level wizard and sorcerer spells are very powerful in comparison to warlock dark invocations.
    The difference between PnP and DDO is part of the issue that we're trying to work around. Wizards don't have only 2 level 8 spells per rest at level 16. This simply isn't how DDO works, so trying to design as if that were the case is something we tend to find confusing and leads to weird designs that don't fit DDO, but rather fit some other game that isn't DDO.

    The proposed spell book allows Warlock's access to wizard and sorcerer spells at an earlier level than even wizards and sorcerers! For example, in the initial proposal, a Warlock can cast Finger of Death (or say Greater Teleport) at level 13, a sorcerer cannot cast Finger of Death (or Greater Teleport) until level 14. Similarly, the proposed warlock can cast Wail of the Banshee (or say Hold Monster, Mass) at level 16, a wizard cannot cast Wail of the Banshee (or Hold Monster, Mass) until level 17, and a sorcerer not until level 18. Furthermore, even at level 20, a sorcerer can cast from a selection of three level 9 spells (say Wail of the Banshee, Hold Monster, Mass, and Power Word: Kill) at level 20; the proosed Warlock is able to cast from a selection of all three of these at level 19.
    These are good and concrete pieces of feedback, but it's not clear from this feedback what the desired changes are, exactly, either within the system proposed or not. We hope and expect more players look at this kind of detail and give us there thoughts. We don't consider it an obviously inherent problem for Warlocks to be better in some ways than Sorcerers, for instance. It's something that is good to bring up and worry about, however. It's not clear that all spell levels are in the right place, and it's easy to overlook particular consequences that may actually be really important.

    With the proposed spell book system, even feats are likely to be very similar between a Warlock, and a sorcerer or wizard, with Spell Focuses in say enchantment or necromancy. Moreover, given the very small proportion of spell points that actually come from cast levels, when compared to the bonus spell points that come from casting ability score, and additional bonuses from items and epic destinies, it seems that the proposed Warlock is very powerful compared to wizards and sorcerers, and also receives better hit dice, better proficiences, and eldritch blast!
    I'll let the world in on a secret: I suspect no one in the world is more worried about DDO Warlocks being OP more than me.

    Some of this falls broadly into the "boy it's hard to balance without actually playtesting". We actually hate putting out ANY numbers this early because there's a good chance they're wrong. But players hate not getting numbers, so we have to try. And, in fact, clever posters like you do sometimes find things that we should pay extra attention to, so it's really for the best that we do try as early as we can. (There's just a lot of stuff that's best we get done as early as we can...)

    First, I would make the basic eldritch blast untyped damage. This will scale with force spellpower, and kinetic lore, as (as far as my understanding goes) with other untyped spells. Otherwise, as has been pointed out, how would a Warlock kill a Helmed Horror?
    If you know you are going in alone against Helmed Horrors, we suggest making sure you have Eldritch Essence: Penetrating Blast, from the Tainted Scholar tree. Yes, I'm being a bit unfair with my insider knowledge.

    All the pacts and enhancements all look quite exciting. I only have one brief comment: any kind of abundant step ability is extremely powerful. Putting it in one pact will mean quite a lot of people choose that pact for that reason. Even putting it at tier 5 in an enhancement tree will mean quite a lot of people choose that tier 5 enhancement tree for that reason. The number of Air Savants is in no small part due to this. And as a declaration of bias: my character's tier 5 enhancement tree is currently Air Savant.
    We hope choosing a pact is a deeply meaningful choice. Our initial impressions have mostly been that Fey is favored over other Pacts. We'd like things on the desirability and power level of Abundant Step to be in there, but you should be losing things of equal desirability from other trees. This is actually one of the reasons we are tending towards having saving throws on damage based on the same saving throw bonuses that pact provides - that aspect of Saving throws helps balance Fey vs. the other Pacts (while still letting them deal damage).

    All look good to me! I think the only basic statistics you didn't mention were weapon/armour proficiencies.
    Simple weapons and Light armor!

  4. #204
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jetrule View Post
    Well practically speaking Force is fine most of the time and a enhancement redistribution is easy and cheap if you know you will be facing off against helmed horrors.
    Hmm...maybe, point taken, ty.

  5. #205
    Community Member cave_diver's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vargouille View Post

    Dang! Why didn't someone tell me making spells was this easy? Why did we devs spend weeks making sure Earthquake worked right, for both players and monsters? Should have just copied the text and BAM, done!
    No work into new spells or should I say invocations is rather uninspiring.This is a NEW class which requires new invocations

    As a side note, when you made druids, Earthquake should have been added to cleric spell book.
    Main toons: IronThatcher (tank & box breaker for inquisitives), Mehhh (ranger)...pion of HS...zug zug
    Quote Originally Posted by Tesrali View Post
    Go munt your grandma while wearing my freeway mitt!
    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan View Post
    I am the dumb.

  6. #206
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wizza View Post
    Oh my, so funny. Can't stop laughing. Yup, an answer like that is totally gonna take you somewhere.
    With the rude way you asked the question, you got the answer you deserved.

  7. #207
    Community Member Wizza's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chi_Ryu View Post
    With the rude way you asked the question, you got the answer you deserved.
    Rude? More likely disappointed. A new class and absolutely zero new spells. Should I be impressed or something maybe? Doesn't matter the way I asked, this fact isn't gonna change: we will have a new class with zero new spells.
    Quote Originally Posted by JOTMON View Post
    I don't think you get a choice.. you are Rys's minion..

  8. #208
    Community Member voodoogroves's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by IronClan View Post
    Great Old Ones
    I'll concede that point to you whippersnappers, but reserve the right to be annoyed at the lack of a better name regardless of what the new-fangled edition says.

    .) I would like to see more uniquely warlock spells in the spellbook. The arcane ones are really uninteresting for the most part. AT LEAST reskin some of these spells: make Dance ball into "Tarantella" and remove the disco ball it's far more Fey flavored than Ottos dance ball even if it';s just a minor graphic change. Give all dancers a 3% chance to be randomly polymophed into vermin. I would like to see some Fey, Fiendish and Old one flavor in these spells. Wilting horror (but improved to be more useful), Polymoph and random chance based stuff (like minor shiradi procs build into spells) a 6th spell level or T5 SLA mass frog variant, put implosion in and reskin it to look like mobs are melting... How about a mini version of Earthquake (short duration) that makes the ground appear to suck mobs down into it... make it an invocation that needs to be recast repeatedly. We need more unique flavor and spells/invocations. IMO even if you use SP and spells, you should make them operate a LOT MORE like invocations.
    Lots of the old invocations were ... partial bits of three things.

    Speaking of fey, give them some options for Hide in Plain Sight, Favored Enemy, bnous damage against helpless, etc.
    .) Charisma has ALL the synergy in DDO right now, I know Warlocks are CHA based in PnP but would it really hurt anything to make them "the greater of WIS/CHA/INT"? I know this is a easilly dimissed idea out of hand by people who want to throw out anything that isn't in a rulebook but look at Charisma:

    PDK CHA to hit/damage/Tacticals
    Paladin Divine Grace
    Divine Might
    Bard Facinate/Spell DC's (Mass Hold SLA in Spellsinger T5)
    60+ UMD with 1 skill rank spent in UMD
    Potential Sorc synergies

    Charisma is clearly far and away the single most useful stat in the game already right now, and Warlock will only add to that.
    Sadly this is in PNP as well.

    Thing is, for most warlock stuff CHA is only useful for saves, and darn many of warlocks could ignore it if they wanted.

    On the other hand what harm would there be in Druid/Warlock or Wizard/Warlock synergy? FvS Warlock? Cleric Warlock? Spell levels and spell penn by themselves self limit these synergies... I think there's nothing but arbitrary reasons. I would like to see this option at least discussed.

    .) Wisdom is the most unloved stat in the game... If you wont consider all three, at least consider the greater of WIS/CHA?
    Maybe pick one of the pacts and make it WIS driven / WIS based DCs? Tied to either the Scholar (as its ability to resist insanity) or the Old Ones?

    Maybe wouldn't hurt to steal some 4E and throw CON on some things too.
    .) make the primary damage "bane" (untyped) it will still be improved by impulse and kinetic lore, but it wont be resisted, bane is also more flavorful than Force.
    The base should be universally useful; the pacts and enhancements should be able to alter or add (and those should be situationally better/worse).

    .) please allow some shiradi style low % (2% with a save) procs in the enhancement trees, I would like to see a minimum of 3 of these that are obtainable without super specializing and say maybe 6 of them that are obtainable if you build specifically for it (sacrificing in other areas), again these would be very low chance, the same intention you guys have with Epic Cloak of Ice (2% chance for a mob to get a save that it will fail only 5% of the time due to low DC), you might see any one of these 2 or 4 times in a quest, but with 6 of them they would add up.

    • Freezing ice (infernal pact) reskin to look darker call it frozen terror
    • Jade prison make darker call it "foetid paralysis"
    • Earthgrab reskinned with tenticles
    • blindness and 4 seconds of helpless call it starstruck
    • deep slumber cloud AOE effect call it "miasma" one helpless hit wakes up mobs
    • Otto's dance proc call it Tarantella
    Fey would be a good place to this, what w/ the already closer Shiradi tie.
    Ghallanda - now with fewer alts and more ghostbane

  9. #209
    Developer Vargouille's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by vivarium View Post
    Hey noticed something odd as a D&D player are you following as per 3.5 Warlock or the other one as Warlock requires Chaotic as a base alignment due to their pacts frequently with beings of the hells and abyss?.
    We're doing a bit of translation here for DDO, with a combination of various editions. Alignment restrictions for Warlocks have varied over time. We feel it's pretty reasonable to not be able to get full Fiendish benefits as a Lawful Good character, but at the same time there's a lot of Warlocks (including 3.5) that run counter to that concept, such as Enlightened Spirit. Alignment is still an active discussion, but as always we're trying to do what's best for DDO, and not slavishly follow one particular set of rules, out of the many rules written over the past four decades. We know some players would prefer sticking as closely as possible to one ruleset (though not all of those players necessarily agree on which one), but we have to try to do right by as many DDO players as we can.

    Quote Originally Posted by nibel View Post
    9d6 damage feels like a fat number, but averages at 30 damage (45 if 1d6 is actually 1d3+3). It do not match an archer damage output at level 20 (before EDs), even featuring full spellpower bonus. 10d4 pact damage is an extra 25 damage (that might be saved for half). Still too low.
    This balance is something we're not done with. We haven't settled on what percentage of Spellpower applies to Eldritch Blast, for instance. With possibly adding Empower and Maximize, as well as spell criticals and improved spell critical damage in Tainted Scholar, this number is of course far short from the damage you'll actually be seeing - just as a 1d10+10 melee weapon can deal more than 20 damage.

    Quote Originally Posted by The_Human_Cypher View Post
    Without alignment restrictions for the Warlock class, any splash toon will be possible. So we will seen Warlock / Paladin builds with an Infernal Pact, which is just...funny.
    As noted in the original posts, we plan to disallow Good for Fiendish pacts (though there are some tech issues we need to solve that may be problematic).

    Quote Originally Posted by Ikeas View Post
    -Move alignement to "non-whatever" instead of "whatever". So, fiendish pact could be non-good.
    This is part of the initially proposed design.

    Let warlocks select from a short list of utility spell like abilities, up to a maximum of 12 at level 20. You can unlock new SLAs as you level up: some SLAs will be unlocked at lvl 4, 8, 12... make some SLAs cost very (VERY) few SP (well, like SLAs). That way you are giving warlocks SP for multiclass or ED utility, but still giving the "SP free" feeling of the DnD class.
    We are more or less trying to do that. Let us know more explicitly if you feel that Crowd Control or other spells that are in the spell list shouldn't be. It's not clear to me which spells you feel are reasonable or not.

    Quote Originally Posted by macadope View Post
    Any word on the enhancement tree? These days the enhancements are more powerful than feats and even class splits.
    The outlines are there in the initial posts. Further information probably coming next week.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ziindarax View Post
    Okay, since you've mentioned this thing working off of Weapon attacks, let me ask you something...

    Does Doublestrike/DoubleShot chance factor into Eldritch blasts, and does weapon attack speed have any effect on Eldritch Blasting speed, or is the speed constant regardless of what weapon you use?

    Also, when yo usay your weapon has no direct effect on Eldritch Blast, does this mean that the weapon's base damage and effects are completely overridden by the eldritch blast (I.E. you weapon does 1d2 + effects if you're using shuriken, but that damage is not applied in any way while Eldritch is toggled on)?
    None of these weapon statistic affect how Eldritch Blast works. From a very technical standpoint it's more like casting a spell.

    Next, I had a question about the Enlightened Spirit, does this character's Eldritch Blast become, in effect, a weapon imbue? If so, will it stack with spells such as Holy Sword, and Artificer infusions?

    Last, but not least, will Eldritch Blasts flag for Shiradi caster bonuses? Would the Fiend Pact secondary damage flag as a fire spell for, say, Red Dragon Destinies Caster Level increases?

    Will there be a Celestial Pact that imbues Eldritch Blasts with Light/Good Damage?
    It's not a weapon imbue. It's an Aura that automatically damages enemies around you.

    It will tentatively trigger effects that trigger on spells.

    There's the three pacts listed. No more are planned for the release of Warlock.

    /caughtuptotwohoursagobutnotthepostsmadeduringthepa sttwohoursohwell

  10. #210
    Community Member LongshotBro's Avatar
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    i like a lot of what i'm seeing here.

    detailed number-crunching isn't my strong suit so i can only comment on my impression of what i read.

    what's i've been most interested in are the pacts, and i am very pleased to see the great old one! seeing the association with acid though left me a little underwhelmed; i was hoping it would be more akin to radiance (the light of the stars). Also, not sure why Knock is one of their spells. But very happy to see one of my favorite spells on the list: Phantasmal Killer!

    i didn't see where the spellcasting stat was...are warlocks CHA-based?

    there was a mention of potential NEW spells, now that's exciting

    Looking forward to this class for sure, thanks for sharing the tentative information!
    When you stand out in the rain, you get wet.

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  11. #211
    2015 DDO Players Council Seikojin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vargouille View Post
    We're doing a bit of translation here for DDO, with a combination of various editions. Alignment restrictions for Warlocks have varied over time. We feel it's pretty reasonable to not be able to get full Fiendish benefits as a Lawful Good character, but at the same time there's a lot of Warlocks (including 3.5) that run counter to that concept, such as Enlightened Spirit. Alignment is still an active discussion, but as always we're trying to do what's best for DDO, and not slavishly follow one particular set of rules, out of the many rules written over the past four decades. We know some players would prefer sticking as closely as possible to one ruleset (though not all of those players necessarily agree on which one), but we have to try to do right by as many DDO players as we can.

    This balance is something we're not done with. We haven't settled on what percentage of Spellpower applies to Eldritch Blast, for instance. With possibly adding Empower and Maximize, as well as spell criticals and improved spell critical damage in Tainted Scholar, this number is of course far short from the damage you'll actually be seeing - just as a 1d10+10 melee weapon can deal more than 20 damage.

    As noted in the original posts, we plan to disallow Good for Fiendish pacts (though there are some tech issues we need to solve that may be problematic).

    This is part of the initially proposed design.

    We are more or less trying to do that. Let us know more explicitly if you feel that Crowd Control or other spells that are in the spell list shouldn't be. It's not clear to me which spells you feel are reasonable or not.

    The outlines are there in the initial posts. Further information probably coming next week.

    None of these weapon statistic affect how Eldritch Blast works. From a very technical standpoint it's more like casting a spell.

    It's not a weapon imbue. It's an Aura that automatically damages enemies around you.

    It will tentatively trigger effects that trigger on spells.

    There's the three pacts listed. No more are planned for the release of Warlock.

    /caughtuptotwohoursagobutnotthepostsmadeduringthepa sttwohoursohwell
    The sooner they are on Lamannia, the sooner we can provide better, more realistic feedback.

  12. #212
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    Quote Originally Posted by Blackheartox View Post
    Just a question, what exactly is the factor that increases dps for sorcs that play in shiradi if they take charisma ? For perform?
    As i know sorcs that play in shiradi are int based with char as 2ndary stat for a bit sonic spellpower since that way they get maximum efficiency anyways.
    You entirely drop dcs and focus on deep splashes so dc casting becomes giberish.

    Also there is almost no room in shiradi for stats if you play the destiny as its suposed to be played since all your aps are spent on rainbo/spellpower/nerve/random stuff that gives more spellpower etc, i mean we all know that almost noone beside maybe druids spends ap on stats
    That destiny is a "dcs dont matter" so it really doesnt matter whatever stat there is.
    Imo warlocks will have couple routes, exalted for max dcs, draconic for burst synergy /in case they get anything to boost element spellpower/crit or shiradi in case that junk can proc with eldritch giberish since it feels to me, that if they want to make it so that it scales well, they will need to be super genereous with force spellpower/crit chance, where i with current proposal see warlock as either a get spell crit splash, or whatever.
    It will be a boring shiradi class in case they dont change spells, add some serious cool interesting stuff..

    Again, im rather not impressed by warlock at all and dont like it how much they made it to be different from pen..

    Srsly, spell points...
    What make sorcerers unique is their ability to increase caster/max caster level of the elemental spell. They don't need highest DC, but it should be kept high so that monsters don't save for half damage or evade entirely. Focusing on INT get you very little damage increase, and low SP. It's the bad example of people playing sorcerers. It's not impossible, but you would be much better if you follow charisma path.

  13. #213
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    Quote Originally Posted by cave_diver View Post
    As a side note, when you made druids, Earthquake should have been added to cleric spell book.
    Actually, this deals with the same problem faced here and with the Knight Class (which did not make it out of the player's council sanity checks) ~ making classes different.

    If you gave Clerics and Favored Souls Earthquake (which at first glance would awesome), then suddenly Druid, Clerics and Favored Souls would be much more vanilla all one flavor.

    This brings up the question of the should the 3rd Favored Soul tree be similar to Divine Disciple or should it blaze its own unique trail; should Favored Souls get more light spell options or something else entirely?

    How can we make Warlocks unique and yet still have time to bring them forth in this busy year of levelcapto30sentientweaponsrebalancing3rdtreeforal lclasses?

  14. #214
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    Thank you for the basic write up of your current plans with Warlock.

    I do have some concerns...

    First is:
    Warlock leads to primal sphere
    No it doesn't, it is charisma based and leads to Arcane Sphere - The primal destinies are divine cha/wis/Brute force based... they are so anti-charisma, it is hard to be even be further away. You can say the eldritch blast kinda makes it ranged, but with all the other abilities in the class setup, blast is a minor ability and will be used when someone is bored. Blast does not even work with Fury of the Wild for dmg. Shiradi kinda works, but it does not really add spell power, and unless eldritch blast uses spell power to modify shiradi dmg it is nothing to really care about.

    Arcane sphere, all 3 of the destinies have good synergy with the cha format, and all 3 proposed trees.

    If it is going primal, you need to change warlock into a more form based format similar to druid or undead wizards. (but then that locks out primal avatar).

    Soul Eater
    Best blast shape: Chain
    Best Dmg: dots
    Best Ability: Death Spells

    Other trees are fluff, though the Spirit might be playable as the cross class melee (so is Eldritch Knight technically).

    Spell points:
    That is a game mechanic, and making it work. Having another bar similar in status to ki, would be really annoying having a Wizard 1, Monk 1, Warlock 1 with 3 tiny bars for each stat would suck.

    Spell Book:
    It is far to spell focused.

    2 spells per level really is going to 90% of the time be the following list:

    1:Expeditious Retreat, Shield (masters touch for melee)
    2:Blur, invis
    3imension Door (Displacement, enervation, Charm Monster) depending on focus
    4:Teleport (fluff spell)
    5: Circle of Death, Finger of Death (greater tele, tensers for melee)
    6: Wail, (hold mass, power word stun, trap the soul) depending on focus

    You have created another Necromancer specializing in death spells. Why do we need another death spell specialist? Why is that even related to the Primal Destiny sphere, they are dmg not instant death?

    Feat Progression:
    Move Deceive Item to lvl 4 - at lvl 2 +5 umd does not matter, so moving it to lvl 4 will do the same thing, but this will prevent the 2 level dip problems that we used to have all the time before the new enhancements.


    Really in all, the problem I have is this is a modified sorcerer class that will use Eldritch Blast instead of Arcane Blast, and some how it is related to the Primal Destiny sphere. If you want it to be Primal Destiny sphere that is fine, you just have to make it more Druid (forms + special abilities focused) as opposed to a sorcerer with wizard Archmage options. Really that is because arcane blast is so very, very lame.
    Last edited by LordTigerDawn; 05-16-2015 at 12:12 PM.
    Lunality, Sorcality, Tunality, Axation, Causation, Shurality, Desparality, Stingality and a few more...

  15. #215
    Community Member edrein's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vargouille View Post

    Enlightened Spirit

    Although the fiendish origins of some warlocks' powers can’t be denied, not all Warlocks embrace the darkness. Some turn toward the light. Such rare individuals are called Enlightened Spirits.

    • Notable Enhancements:
      1. Eldritch Blast Shape: Point Blank Area of Effect: While toggled on, this deals damage around, scaling with your Eldritch Blast damage. This particular shape allows you to attack with melee or ranged weapons while damaging enemies around you.
      2. Aura abilities that primarily buff allies around you
      3. Mitigation
      4. Pet/Summon/Charm support

    • We expect this tree to be popular with some cross-class melee builds.

    Above all issues I have is this. Just. The simple fact you want to say cross-class melee builds. Did you ever play tabletop? Warlocks are a force to be reckoned with in melee combat without multiclassing. Hideous Blow (which is a melee form of Eldritch Blast) enabled this, then throw in shapes such as glaives, eldritch claws, etc. Warlocks don't need to splash to be effective melee combatants and if you gimp their melee tree so they have to splash it'll be stupid. Give them a capstone that promotes a PURE warlock who's a melee combatant. One that's comparable to whatever splash ideas you may think are worth it.

  16. #216
    Developer Vargouille's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arkadios View Post
    Quoting this bit just to say there IS reconstruct at level 6. But nothing at lower levels.
    Reconstruct? What Reconstruct? There's no reconstruct here.

    (... please don't mind the copypasta that was quickly removed. But if you looked quickly or didn't refresh, you weren't going crazy... it was listed there briefly, accidentally.)

  17. #217
    Community Member IronClan's Avatar
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    Some more ponderings:

    .) I would really like to see a little more mid loading of class abilities, Warlocks are going to be extremely multiclass contra-indicated once you guys put core 18's and Capstones in this will get worse. Losing Eldritch blast damage dice is WAY too significant a loss already. And you don't even have late cores in. I can't imagine a scenario where losing 3d6 and 5d4 eBlast damage is going to be a "tough choice" that anyone is going to ever make. The whole class is centered around it's primary attack and losing base damage from that primary attack, base damage that can be doubled on crit, and increased by 500-600 percent is massive.

    .) Along these lines I would like to see the Fey side (the weakest IMO) improved a little

    • lower the abudant step ability to level 6 or 8 this opens up some more multiclassing options, and makes this Pact play more flavorful sooner. The eBlast damage dice are already UBER strong reasons not to multiclass a Warlock...

    • a movement speed 2% per class level this is fitting for a "Fey" as speed is very prevelent in Fairy archetypes (think of Pixies so fast that they are invisible to the normal world). This bonus should cap at 10 warlock levels (20% movement speed) BUT maybe it should not stack with other Character class based run speed bonus? Again this is mid loaded because eBlast damage dice are already far too much of a reason to never multiclass a warlock.

    .) Please do away with the idea of Fort/Will/Reflex saves based on Pact. Fort saves in EE are already approaching 90DC's (in ToEE my 92 DC stunning shield is saved against more than 5% of the time I am positive) all this idea does is make the Pact that has a Fort save only viable on Epic Hard setting or lower. It's a well intentioned idea but I just see it causing one of the pacts to be the clearly superior pact (will save).

    Unless you guys plan to go through mob saves and readjust them so that Fort saves aren't so insanely unhittable without max effort min/maxing

    .) be REALLY careful with allowing AOE Eldritch blasts... right now as proposed I could easilly see Nuking as anything other than a Warlock becoming completely proxy nerfed.
    Last edited by IronClan; 05-16-2015 at 01:00 PM.

  18. #218
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    Please we need more spells.

    Quote Originally Posted by Vargouille View Post
    We are planning for Warlocks to have spell points and cast spells from a spellbook, similar to Bards. Warlocks have very few spells slots, and won't have a full suite of damage spells - instead, we plan for their spellbook to lack damage spells entirely, with possible exceptions for "sort of" damage spells such as negative levels or ability score damage. We've explored many options, and discussed at length with the Player's Council, and feel supporting spell points in Warlock is the best method for DDO. Using spell points instead of some custom resource allows them to multiclass far better with other classes, as well as make better use of Epic Destinies. We feel that a small spell point pool and lack of damaging spells, including lack of damaging spell SLAs in Enhancement trees, is the best method for making Warlock gameplay feel distinctly different from existing classes and playstyles, yet still able to integrate with other classes and offer multiclass options. We also chose to have a relatively small amount of "known spells", similar to pen-and-paper Warlocks.

    • 6 Spell Levels
    • Spells Known works like Bards/Sorcs: You know some spells, can exchange the ones you know at a trainer.
    • Most Warlock spells based on existing DDO spells.
    • Some SLAs will be in enhancements.

    Spells Known: 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
    Level Spell Points
    1 50 1 - - - - -
    2 75 2 - - - - -
    3 100 2 - - - - -
    4 125 2 1 - - - -
    5 150 2 1 - - - -
    6 175 2 1 - - - -
    7 200 2 1 1 - - -
    8 225 2 2 1 - - -
    9 250 2 2 1 - - -
    10 275 2 2 1 1 - -
    11 300 2 2 2 1 - -
    12 325 2 2 2 1 - -
    13 350 2 2 2 1 1 -
    14 375 2 2 2 2 1 -
    15 400 2 2 2 2 1 -
    16 425 2 2 2 2 1 1
    17 450 2 2 2 2 2 1
    18 475 2 2 2 2 2 1
    19 500 2 2 2 2 2 2
    20 525 2 2 2 2 2 2

  19. #219
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    My main issue with warlock alignment is that all other classes use the 3.5 restrictions. Why are bards unable to be lawful but rogues can be? Dunno, they just are. So, for the sake of consistency, our warlocks should be chaotic only as well. Oh well, no big deal, I guess.

  20. #220
    Community Member IronClan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vargouille View Post
    Reconstruct? What Reconstruct? There's no reconstruct here.

    (... please don't mind the copypasta that was quickly removed. But if you looked quickly or didn't refresh, you weren't going crazy... it was listed there briefly, accidentally.)
    Speaking of which what do you guys envision as the Warlocks means for self healing?

    One of the reason I would like to see more mid loading of class functions is that this problem could take care of itself with multiclassing... PM forms, Bard, Cleric, FvS, 5 levels of Barbarian etc. If Warlocks ship as "pure or go home" as they appear at early glance to be shaping up, they are going to need heals.

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