First read thru the whole thing ~ I like what you have here.
I will point out that like Bards, Warlocks will face the usual problem that Heighten Spell feat will only increase DCs by up to 6th level instead of the normal 9th level. This creates gap of 3 DC when compared to other casters which can be dealt with in the very same way we dealt with Bards by granting a bit more DC bonuses inside each of the enhancement trees. (Perhaps with a Pact type bonus to prevent double dipping.) Say maybe at level 12 Core?
Charisma is used for the DCs of Warlock spells as well, yes.
Perform has been changed to be trainable by anyone, some time ago. Though it's a cross-class skill for Warlocks (like most classes).
Enlightened Spirit has some pet support enhancements, but Warlock isn't planned to get a major pet feature beyond that, though they have lots of summoning spells (like Wizards and Sorcerers).
The "rate of fire" for Eldritch Blast isn't tied to melee or ranged alacrity, but rather it's own statistic (which can be increased in some ways, such as Enhancements).
Will Eldrich Blast be subject to a save? If so what type?
There are more than the usual amount of bonuses to DC casting in certain Warlock trees, yes.
Right now we're thinking that the base damage (Force) can't be saved against. Pact damage is saved against the same type as the bonus that Pact gives, for half damage:
Fey: Reflexes
Fiend: Fortitude
Great Old One: Will
Last edited by Vargouille; 05-15-2015 at 05:43 PM.
This was one of my concerns to Silver, but not just Heighten. Just the Base spell level is always several levels behind for DC purposes.
Many of the Warlock spells are DC based spells and they will suffer from the lack of Spell Level as do Bards.
I like your suggested remedy Silver.
Glad to see the dev team made the sensible decision to cut out the Toughness Warlock Enhancement line for the sake of balance.
Just a random, forgettable NPC doing things an NPC does
Things that NPCs do include, but are not limited to:
Having a gold goblet over my head to indicate availability of a quest
Having a catchphrase that never really catches on
Having various rewards that are generally not worth the trouble
Wandering around randomly
Giving out obvious information if it wasn't obvious enough
Repeating the same lines over and over again
Repeating the same lines over and over again
Hi. I noticed that the enlightened spirit has been listed as possible pet support.
Could I make a suggestion now that any pets in the future function such to scale with player stats, such as the Favored Soul archon, rather than a unscaled useless necromancer skeleton? I think a pet that would act almost as a 10-15% dps boost due to being tied to player stats, would be far better than something with set statistics that would therefore only function in a certain difficulty and be useless/overpowered in other difficulties. Plz, Ty, <3
Edit: RANT
I.E. 6 enhancement points is the cost of a 30% attack speed boost.
I'm not saying that 6 enhancement points spent on a pet should boost our combined dps by 30%, but if spending 18 action points on a skeleton only boosts its DPS by 30 damage per second compared to barbarians doing 3000 dps, something isn't right.
Last edited by Infiltraitor; 05-15-2015 at 05:45 PM.
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Last edited by ToastyFred; 05-15-2015 at 05:41 PM.
Honestly I'd wager the viability of melee crosses is going to be pretty dependent on being able to get solid damage out of Eldritch Blast with a hypothetical dumped CHA. Is that how things will play out? Probably not, but the builds will still be considerably behind a pure caster in terms of DC. Just look at the DC gap between a melee favored soul or cleric and their caster versions, its usually 10-20, half a the die or more. A no save Eldritch Blast definetly leaves the door open to some creative uses of splashes and that AoE shape.
Is Eldritch Blast going to be subject to Arcane Spell Failure?
Warlocks no matter how good intentioned must migrate their alignment to who they make a pact with. Fey = neutral, fiend = evil, old one = chaotic(psychotic). If you want good then they have to sign a pact with a good outsider. Pnp also handled the situation of not honoring your pact, due to your own desires. I would more strictly control what spells went via what pact tree.