I'm with most of the others on this - passive is good, active is horrid. Really, how many people take skill feats? Except maybe UMD, giving up a feat slot for only 3 skills points is junk (which I still think +3 UMD is a waste for a feat). Then comes clickies that have super limited use and medium to low damage. This is just a carbon copy of the Favored Soul active past life... a feat I never have, and never will take in it's current state.
My own suggestion: You recall more about your past life as a Warlock, and you tend to invoke rather than cast your spells. 10% Competence discount to the Spell Point cost of your spells. You can attack enemies with an Eldritch Ball ten times per rest, dealing 1d6 Force damage per two character levels.
Of all the "sub-par" feats, I do think past life ones need and should get the most work. Most are useless like Acolyte of the Divine Secrets - they're far weaker than the feats already available to everyone without the work. Some are ok - things like the Barb past life (which should be changed to count for Epic Toughness) and Sorc past life take an existing feat (sadly usually watered down) and add a little class flair to it. Then you have an amazing feat like the wizard PL... which is like having 8 spell focus feats in one with the added bonus of the best clicky out of all the feats.... and stacks with those spell focus feats. I do not think all active PL feats should be on that level, as to buff feats to that height would be massive power creep, but they do need some serious consideration. Please don't add yet another 'useless' feat to the pile.
Pinc Punch - Unarmed Monk (Uber Completionist) // Porc the Orc - Paladin // Thunderborn - Warlock // Imustbe Emo - PewPew Rogue // Aquamine Artifact - Crafting Artificer (shelved)
Eldritch Ball... it's that AoE thing, right? T5 from Tainted Scholar:
Eldritch Ball: Activate for 15/10/5 Depravity: Shoot a projectile at a distant enemy, exploding in an area, dealing Eldritch Blast damage.
So, for non-warlocks, it'll be a slower-scaling fireball dealing force damage. Does it have a cap? How fast does it travel? Is there a save? (probably no)
For warlocks, is it going to pick up all the eldritch blast extra dice/effects?
How about something simple: You deal +5% crit damage? (Assuming 50% crit chance, that's a 2.5% damage increase at far end)
Or something fun: Steal Lifeforce 5x rest (perhaps add random Dark Feeding benefit to the effect for more fun)
Last edited by cru121; 05-23-2015 at 12:06 AM.
I know this had been asked before in this thread, but I don't remember seeing it been answered:
Will Warlocks be proficient with orbs?
Ambitious ~ Ambiance
I am on par with most of the other players here. The passive pastlife feat is fine. The active one is never an option, for any build.
There had been some good suggestions. On top of the clicky it should give another benefit:
- +10 to spellcraft
- +1 to necro dc
- +1 dice to eldritch blast
- Discount on spellpoint cost.
- +3% crit chance for spells/ eldritch blast
Pick one.
Ambitious ~ Ambiance
My main concern is still 100% how Warlocks sit re: spell points, spell lists, and tree SLA balance, but I've probably said my piece on the first two at least.
The passive seems good.
The active is a bit eh.
I'd be surprised if any casters really have the feats to burn on it (I mean in theory +3% base spell damage is great, but I can't envisage the build where something from the Mental Toughness line / Spell Pen line / another SF, etc wouldn't be superior).
I'd be even more surprised if the Eldritch Ball merited taking the feat on a non-caster.
I'd go with something more along the lines of the Monk Active PL (i.e. you only take it if you're a monk, but it's solid in that scenario).
So maybe a +1d6 Eldritch Blast damage if you're a warlock (akin to the damage die upgrade)? +3 Spellcraft + an AoE clickie isn't a terrible default, but I'm pretty skeptical that it'll actually be taken.
Khyber: Aggrim (Completionist!)
In Von 3 the breakables in the Troll Ambassador optional room are slow to get to and unnecessary for ransack.
Blind insta-kills floating eye balls.
Well, this is just to say 'I told ya so.'
Now that the enhancement trees have come out there are fewer people whining about how 'weak' the class is. DDO these days is all about what enhancements you take.
So I told you so.
The world was never born. It was destroyed.
Passive is quite good , but there is little problem for robe/outfit users .. and it is MRR cap at 50. I did not belive to have this problem , but with Mysterious Cloak it is really posible : 25 cloak +24 guardian ring = 49. I am runing with this loadout from 21 to cap .. it is just that great imho. And there are items with even more MRR (30) and i belive there will be more (mythic bonuses , lvl 30 etc). With all this warlock passive might not be that great. .... I am not suggesting to nerf it or change , but what about raise MRR cap for robe users to first planned 100![]()
Active one is very bad .. raise clicky uses to 10 like most pls . Also i dont know if anyone want to spend feat on that (even thou there is no Skill focus - Spellcraft ... if it is not fixed yet) Give it at least some boost to Eldrich blast or something , maybe +1DC to some school along with first suggested 3 spellcraft. Many active past lives are not even close to be worth presious feat (i am looking at you Monk , Ranger and many others )
How many active feats do people usually take? This is how power creep happens guys. You make Warlock overpowered compared to most of the other feats, people complain nonstop about the other feats until they're buffed, and then things get out of balanced compared to content.
+1 DC to necromancy at the cost of a feat being OP is a big exaggeration.
With eShavarath and eVale coming out casters won't be able to dump spell penetration.
I just don't see +1 necromany from an active past life feat being overpowered considering the difficulty casters will have fitting this feat in with the existing better alternatives - completionist and past life wizard.
I'm really excited that the warlock is finally coming! It sounds really neat so far, and I can't wait to play one.
I'm very happy to hear that eldritch blast can be used with left clicks like weapon attacks. That was one of the main things I wanted to see.
I'm not surprised that warlocks are going to use spell points, even though I was kind of hoping that they'd be different. I understand the decision to not give them offensive spells, since they rely more on EB, but I do think they should get a few of the damage-over-time spells, like wall of fire and cloudkill.
I think it's cool that you guys are using the pacts from 5e. I just don't like that the pact changes your EB damage type. I'd rather it be more like 3.5, and warlocks get blast shapes and eldritch essence invocations as bonus class feats.
I don't see why warlocks should be limited to 6th level spells. I think they should get 9th level spells. They get very few spell points and spells known, so I don't see how it would unbalance them. You're already giving them several 9th level spells anyway, like dominate monster, etc. By making those spells 6th level instead of 9th, you're just reducing their save DC and weakening the class for no good reason.
I understand that you guys have limited resources and might not be able to add new spells. However, if you are going to add just one new spell, please let it be Evard's black tentacles! That has always been one of my favorite spells and I'd love to have it in DDO.
Any chance warlocks can get a pet in one of their enhancement trees (like how the pale master gets a skeleton)? Having the option to get a fey/fiend/aberration pet would be awesome.
I hope that there will be some weapons, like pact blades and rods, that warlocks can equip to enhance their eldritch blasts.
Passive one ok I guess...at least it is somewhat usefull for all characters. Though 5 MRR per life might be better incentive.
Active one I dont see a use for any character ( similar to fvs/cleric/sorc active) It really should be something that give players an incentive and a reason to choose it.