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Thread: Warlocks!

  1. #341
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    Quote Originally Posted by Silverleafeon View Post
    It would be nice if the purchasable one had +3d6 EB damage for it?

    The Passive stacking 3X ones ought to be more universal.

    Spell pen is already covered twice.
    Evocation is already covered.
    Conjuration is already covered.
    Saving throws are visited twice.
    Hit points are covered.
    Melee Damage is covered.
    Ranged Damage is covered.

    +1 Necromancy DC is a possible choice since Warlock is Enchantment/Necromancy/Evocation focus atm.
    Going to go with 3-5 MRR.

  2. #342
    The Mad Multiclasser Failedlegend's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vargouille View Post
    We're happy to introduce Warlocks, coming soon to DDO!

    Quote Originally Posted by Vargouille View Post
    Warlock design draws from a variety of pen and paper editions, but primarily 3.5 and 5th edition.
    Do you mind if I quote this in my sig but change "Warlock Design" to DDO? I really appreciate that you guys don't limit yourself to 3rd edition if you feel another edition or even a "new unique" system would work best.

    Quote Originally Posted by Vargouille View Post
    [*]Any alignment
    My Crimson Legion Paladin Very much appreciates this even if Fiend Pact is blocked to him (Thinking Enlightened Spirit/KOTC for a Light focus.

    Quote Originally Posted by Vargouille View Post
    [*]This does not cost Spellpoints, nor Hitpoints, nor anything other than time, much like swinging a weapon.[*]You move at full speed while casting Eldritch Blast, unlike most spell casting.
    This is very much appreciated it's one of the major things I was hoping for.

    Quote Originally Posted by Vargouille View Post
    [*]The default Eldritch Blast goes in a straight line. It doesn't home in. Enemies that move may avoid it.
    Is this like an "Ray" in that it hits a single target or is it like an Arrow or Bolt shot with IPS so it just lances through everything in a straight line (my preference is the latter since it has no "home in" also is the animation pretty obvious to see where its going or hard to see like a bolt or arrow.

    Quote Originally Posted by Vargouille View Post
    Soul Eater
    [FONT=Arial]Your pact makes you an extension of your patron's hunger. You body and mind become more inhuman, and your ability to consume the souls and life force of your enemies also feeds your patron. Your attacks erode the life essence of your targets.

    Tainted Scholar

    [FONT=Arial]No secret is barred from the Tainted Scholar's grasp, and if such forbidden knowledge comes at the cost of his soul, he's willing to pay that price.

    Enlightened Spirit

    Although the fiendish origins of some warlocks' powers can’t be denied, not all Warlocks embrace the darkness. Some turn toward the light. Such rare individuals are called Enlightened Spirits.
    If this is already done feel free to ignore this but I think it would be REALLY cool if hovering over the Enhancement Tree's Icon in the bottom left brought flavour text like this in a tool tip.

    Quote Originally Posted by Vargouille View Post

    Enlightened Spirit
    I have seen you mentioning that IIRC Tainted Scholar with be able to change the EB's Pact elemental damage to other types but would it be possible to allow Enlightened Spirit to gain the unqique ability to change it to light damage, it very flavourful and frankly suits my selfish wants :P

    Alternatively maybe add a 4th Pact "Celestial" that requires Good Alignment that could work too.

    Anyways it would be cool if as an Enlightened Spirit (or if you have Celestial Pact if it exists) you could use your EB for Healing instead of mentioned abilities that use your EB shape and damage stat as a a Celestial Pact Warlock could have a "Heal blast" SLA that could function like PBAOE, ST, Chain or Cone except it does positive energy damage that would definitely be unique.

    Quote Originally Posted by Vargouille View Post
    [*]Pet/Summon/Charm support
    Since you've said that Locks won't get a Arty/Druid-like Pet these seem a little out of place especially since Warlock seems like it will be very hard to multi-class (mainly because of EB)

    Quote Originally Posted by Vargouille View Post
    Your weapon has no direct effect on Eldritch Blast, but you'll want Spell Power and Spell Criticals.
    Just to clarify if EB is activated will you still attack with your actual weapon...I'd love to make some sort of Mad Scientist-esque Artificer w/ Old one Pact firing off his rune arm, bolts and a "force chain lightning" blast

    Actually before I forget you list different EB shapes for each tree...would a single warlock be able to pick up all three types if he or she wanted or is it likely to be a Tier 5 thing.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ailia View Post
    So Fey is going to be subject to evasion? That really hurts the viability there, especially from the perspective of those looking to build for damage instead of instakill/CC.
    Air Savants have the same issue and get by just fine, looking at the three pacts each will have its issues.

    Quote Originally Posted by PsychoBlonde View Post
    Must be Evil or Chaotic. Period. NO WARLOCK/MONKS
    Actually Monks can be Lawful Evil so would work just fine in PnP. Also your caplocks button seems to be stuck, my brothers great at repairing computers...I can get the friends and family discount if you'd like.

    Quote Originally Posted by Vargouille View Post
    This is straight out of 5th Edition, and we're pretty likely to keep this explicitly as Great Old Ones.
    Whilst I understand where your coming from DDO doesn't actually have anything chutulian except for Xoriat in which case it would make more sense to call this pact Xorian Horrors

    Quote Originally Posted by Cleanincubus View Post
    base it on "Lore" arguments, that you've clearly ignored.
    Quote Originally Posted by Drakos View Post
    Then why have ANY alignment restrictions in the game? Why not allow that Barbarian / Monk, after all one is only driven by Rage and the other by Inner Peace. It's about the FLAVOR of the class as well as any potential OP builds. By allowing ALL alignments you kill the flavor of the class.
    Lore/Flavour, ok I can do that

    Enlightened Spirit = Any Good

    Crimson Legion = Lawful Good Paladin/Warlocks

    Not to mention..

    Quote Originally Posted by Lonnbeimnech View Post
    Also considering that in ebberon we get paladins of a lawful evil demigod (the lord of blades), and even have a lawful good undead beholder. I don't see the problem with LG warlocks.
    Seriously this is Eberron it's all about messing with expectations (ie. Drow are slightly less psychotic, Barbarian Halflings, Civilized Hobgoblins,etc.) this is why Eberron and Dark Sun are my favorite settings.

    I COULD waste hours hunting through all my 3e, 4e and 5e books for more examples but I'm gonna spend time on helping to improve Warlock.

    Oh but I will leave you with this, just because.

    I actually had alot of fun with a campaign I ran where Rao (The God of Peace & Serenity) went insane and starting killing or banishing anyone who didn't follow his teachings precisely something the players had to figure out for themselves despite the fact that things seemed pretty quiet...there was a weird uneasy feeling that led to them finding out that people weren't just really polite they were terrified of not being so. This of course is just a fun anecdote...feel free to ignore it (Note: This was NOT a greyhawk campaign he just happened to be a well known god amongst the group that suited my needs)

    Quote Originally Posted by btolson View Post
    I'd like to vote against Warlocks being in the primal sphere, and instead be in the arcane sphere.
    I've seen this mentioned MANY times and I agree the main issue I see though is that Warlock kinda sorta fits in every sphere for one reason or another, frankly I'd rather see the weird sphere system removed and replaced with "Choose a Destiny, Max it Choose a new one" along with Caster Levels increase shifted to Epic levels. This allows for a little more flexibility in Epic destiny choice ESPECIALLY for DC casters not to mention keeps people who don't have EDs from falling 5+ DC behind.

    Quote Originally Posted by Rasputin View Post
    With Warlocks coming out this year it would be the perfect time to bring them out together. A new iconic level 15 Tiefling Warlock would synergize nicely with epic Shavarath, too.
    Whilst I agree that this would be the perfect time to release Tieflings (especially since I can make my Crimson Legion Paladin/Warlock...even if he can't go fiend) I'd rather they not make them Iconics it limits builds FAR to much.

    Actually what I'd MUCH prefer they do is make ALL races have an Iconic "version" so you can either start at Lvl 1 (4 or 7 with vet status) as any race OR at Lvl 15 if you choose "Iconic"


    Halfling Rogue
    Dwarven Paladin
    Elven Ranger
    Human Bard

    Quote Originally Posted by Vargouille View Post
    [U]Pact Spells
    Spellbook Level Fey Fiend Great Old One
    1 "Obscuring Mist" "Command" "Entangle"
    2 "Blindness" "Rage" "Knock"
    3 "Slow" "Fire Shield" "Phantasmal Killer"
    4 "Greater Dispel Magic" "Binding Chain" "Dominate Person"
    5 "Otto's Sphere of Dancing" "Power Word: Blind" "Mass Suggestion"
    6 "Otto's Irresistible Dance" "Howl of Terror" "Power Word: Kill"
    - Are these added to the spellbook as an option or are they extra spells on top of your spell slots?

    - Can we fit Teleport somewhere in the fey line?

    - Would it be hard to change the name "Entangle" to "Black or Grasping Tentacles" and make it a "spacey" black purple color instead of green?

    - Are we hardlocked into 3 pacts for initial release cause I'm really surprised Draconic isn't a first choice Pact since Eberron even more than Regular DnD is heavily tied to Dragons and would be the perfect "No alignment required" (for obvious reasons) and as I mentioned earlier "Celestial" would be a candidate for a "Good Only" pact.

    Sidenote: This seems like a good way to add Domains to clerics as well
    Last edited by Failedlegend; 05-17-2015 at 08:50 AM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan
    There is little value in getting into an edition debate; as with anything, we create what we believe works best for DDO.

  3. #343
    Community Member Lonnbeimnech's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Moonivy View Post
    I fail to see how that 'matters'. You're still a lawful good character running and killing celestial beings in running with devils. Your attempt to disprove me fails. Fact of the matter is, with a bit of effort you can make a blade forged bard. Sure takes a little bit of effort but it can still be done. The fact that alignment can be changed with ddo points rather than actions? Yeah, alignment does nothing in ddo. There is still no reason a warlock can not be any alignment.

    Also, they're still facts. Take a gander in the dnd books. They talk about how warlocks can be pact bound by ANY creature powerful enough. Fiends, ANGELS, DRAGONS, and FEY. Look at that. 3 of the 4 can be of lawful good alignment. Oh my!
    Also considering that in ebberon we get paladins of a lawful evil demigod (the lord of blades), and even have a lawful good undead beholder. I don't see the problem with LG warlocks.

  4. #344
    Community Member Wizza's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LrdSlvrhnd View Post
    You asked something, he responded in much the same tone you used, and then you got upset by it.

    You rather snarkily implied all they had to do would be to copy from the D&D wiki. He rather snarkily replied that no, it wasn't that simple.

    Also, "most based on existing spells" rather easily translates to "some NOT based on existing spells, ie NEW STUFF". Don't complain because you didn't read before snarking and was then responded to in kind.
    Yeah, he responded in the same tone and I got upset. My apologizes to him for that.

    Too bad he cannot apologize for not making new spells on a whole new class. That will not change. Besides, my idea of copy from D&D wiki is for the ideas, not the code itself. That should have been pretty clear to anyone who read my reply. There is no MMORPG code in the d&d wiki

    Keep believing your last sentence Everything is fine. We got Eldritch Blast. A new super fun ability that you..have to toggle on to use! Wow!
    Quote Originally Posted by JOTMON View Post
    I don't think you get a choice.. you are Rys's minion..

  5. #345
    Hopeless Romantic dunklezhan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wizza View Post
    Too bad he cannot apologize for not making new spells on a whole new class.

    Some of those enhancements sound like a lot like new spells to me - at least new in terms of players being able to cast them.

    Here's hoping the Great Old Ones get Mimic sticky goo and acid DoT!
    Quote Originally Posted by Vargouille View Post
    The best of the best DDO players generally overperform when given a real challenge
    Quote Originally Posted by Amundir View Post
    My words are great. Even out of context.

  6. #346
    Community Member TempestAlphaOmega's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by voodoogroves View Post
    I also want a flame-blade-like invocation called "Eldritch Glaive" that creates a Rahl's-Might-ish weapon for a warlock to use on one of the paths. Bonus points if you do Eldritch Claws as well (dual wield).
    I can't seem to remember where but I think I saw this mentioned in another post in this thread, if only I could remember who wrote it.....

    Oh and yes please!
    Shapshap, League of Extraordinary Ham, Sarlona and a bunch of alts that all have names begining with Sha or Sho. Of course Shapshap could be the alt and one of the others the main, it just depends on what day it is.

  7. #347
    Hopeless Romantic dunklezhan's Avatar
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    I've read up a bit on eldritch glaive since everyone keeps bringing it up. It seems fundamentally the same sort of thing as the EK spellswords except it's specifically intended to be a 2 hander. I can see why they wouldn't have wanted something quite so samey, but I do really like the idea.

    So how about perhaps a spellsword "shape" in whatever is intended as the 'melee' tree, which requires a 2 hander to be equipped (similar to a specific spell component being available).

    It could have 3 tiers, or a chain, or something. e.g. one level applies your pact bonus to your 2 hander attacks and possibly grants 2 hander proficiency (Warlocks do get Masters Touch on their spell list though. choices...) with another level granting glancing blows and the final level(s) adding your standard force blast damage and improving your glancing blows.

    Because you would now attack at weapon swing speed, perhaps the extra damage should be limited to a straight +1 of the relevant damage type per die, but either scalable with melee power or still scalable with spellpower (not as in 'whichever is higher', the enhancement should probably be tied to one of them specifically, I'm just not good enough at maths to decide which would be more acceptable in terms of balance and we dont' know how the interactions with spellpower are going to work on Eldritch Blast anyway yet). Capstones or T5 enhancement might allow full damage maybe but that might not be necessary if metas can be applied.

    Warlocks would then be looking for 2 handers with spell and casting enhancements on them, because all the damage would be coming from the blast effects, not the weapon, which could create some really interesting gear choices in other slots.

    It may be of course that its just far too late to start thinking about something unique or even reusing and tweaking existing tech on that sort of scale now, if the target release is sometime in June. But we can live in hope - I'd really like a viable melee tree for a pure warlock. Of course, we haven't seen the detail on Enlightened Spirit which is presumably the melee tree, if indeed they intended that tree to be 'melee' rather than 'support', which is what i actually suspect.

    More info needed, definitely. But I'd really like a proper melee tree for Warlocks.
    Quote Originally Posted by Vargouille View Post
    The best of the best DDO players generally overperform when given a real challenge
    Quote Originally Posted by Amundir View Post
    My words are great. Even out of context.

  8. #348
    Community Member BananaHat's Avatar
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    As was brought up a few pages ago, bring in Bees of Xoriat! That would be an awesome replacement for Dominate Person in the Great Old Ones pact. I know there is resistance to having attack spells on the list, but that would fit so well. Anyone who wants to throw dominates around will be picking up the much superior dominate monster as a level 6 spell, making dominate person fairly redundant. Also, any charmers will have mass suggestion from great old ones or can pick up mass charm monster as a level 6 spell.

    If this isn't acceptable, Bees of Xoriat from the Bee Breath cookie would fit very well into the Soul Eater tree as a DoT. Since it already exists, please please please put it in. Best flavor ability and it might even be effective! I'd probably play a warlock just for this ability.
    Quote Originally Posted by Eladrin
    I've never seen someone at a tabletop game say "I jump up on the wall until I get stuck in a spot where I can hit the giant but he can't hit me back for no apparent reason."

  9. #349
    Community Member HatsuharuZ's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wizza View Post

    Too bad he cannot apologize for not making new spells on a whole new class. That will not change. Besides, my idea of copy from D&D wiki is for the ideas, not the code itself. That should have been pretty clear to anyone who read my reply. There is no MMORPG code in the d&d wiki
    He doesn't need to apologize for anything. The devs have to work with what time and resources they have, and it isn't always possible for them to give players everything they want. Yes, warlocks need spells that aren't recycled from the wizard spell list, but that doesn't mean you need to be nasty about it.
    Last edited by HatsuharuZ; 05-17-2015 at 10:07 AM.

  10. #350
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    Well, it's probably already mentioned, but Warlocks should also have Perform as a class skill, otherwise Fey Pack locks will be directly nerfed in comparison to the other two in terms of spellpower.

  11. #351
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    Quote Originally Posted by BananaHat View Post
    As was brought up a few pages ago, bring in Bees of Xoriat! That would be an awesome replacement for Dominate Person in the Great Old Ones pact. I know there is resistance to having attack spells on the list, but that would fit so well. Anyone who wants to throw dominates around will be picking up the much superior dominate monster as a level 6 spell, making dominate person fairly redundant. Also, any charmers will have mass suggestion from great old ones or can pick up mass charm monster as a level 6 spell.

    If this isn't acceptable, Bees of Xoriat from the Bee Breath cookie would fit very well into the Soul Eater tree as a DoT. Since it already exists, please please please put it in. Best flavor ability and it might even be effective! I'd probably play a warlock just for this ability.
    That would be awesome! But probably should have a limited duration, rather than lasting until they die =P

  12. #352
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    Quote Originally Posted by BananaHat View Post
    As was brought up a few pages ago, bring in Bees of Xoriat! That would be an awesome replacement for Dominate Person in the Great Old Ones pact. I know there is resistance to having attack spells on the list, but that would fit so well. Anyone who wants to throw dominates around will be picking up the much superior dominate monster as a level 6 spell, making dominate person fairly redundant. Also, any charmers will have mass suggestion from great old ones or can pick up mass charm monster as a level 6 spell.

    If this isn't acceptable, Bees of Xoriat from the Bee Breath cookie would fit very well into the Soul Eater tree as a DoT. Since it already exists, please please please put it in. Best flavor ability and it might even be effective! I'd probably play a warlock just for this ability.
    Hate warlocks but that would be cool

    Beware the Sleepeater

  13. #353
    Hopeless Romantic dunklezhan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BananaHat View Post
    As was brought up a few pages ago, bring in Bees of Xoriat! That would be an awesome replacement for Dominate Person in the Great Old Ones pact. I know there is resistance to having attack spells on the list, but that would fit so well. Anyone who wants to throw dominates around will be picking up the much superior dominate monster as a level 6 spell, making dominate person fairly redundant. Also, any charmers will have mass suggestion from great old ones or can pick up mass charm monster as a level 6 spell.

    If this isn't acceptable, Bees of Xoriat from the Bee Breath cookie would fit very well into the Soul Eater tree as a DoT. Since it already exists, please please please put it in. Best flavor ability and it might even be effective! I'd probably play a warlock just for this ability.
    Quote Originally Posted by Vargouille View Post
    The best of the best DDO players generally overperform when given a real challenge
    Quote Originally Posted by Amundir View Post
    My words are great. Even out of context.

  14. #354
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    What will happen to my completionist feat?
    Will warlock be free for vip's? How much will they cost?
    Will they suck just as bad as wiz and sorc in epic's?
    I like the new spells.... oh wait you just recycled old ones. Nice!
    I have a spot picked out in the graveyard right in-between my monk and ranger just for warlock.
    Thanks for the fail!

  15. #355
    Community Member voodoogroves's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Uska View Post
    Me either and while I loathe the class I am also against them having to use SP
    I don't loathe it, but I'm not against non-SP spells.

    Edit also +1 bees
    Ghallanda - now with fewer alts and more ghostbane

  16. #356
    Community Member FranOhmsford's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TackW5 View Post
    On a separate note, Fiend seems underpowered to me compared to to Fey and Oldie. Fire damage is the most commonly resisted and the top spells are notably weaker, at least in my mind.
    Have you seen the pact spells Fiends Get?

    Rather than being underpowered I'd say Fiend is blatantly OP compared to the other two!

    Quote Originally Posted by Vargouille View Post
    [/U]As mentioned in the feat table, Pacts provide spells as you level up. These are the spells that you can get from Pacts:

    Spellbook Level Fey Fiend Great Old One
    1 "Obscuring Mist" "Command" "Entangle"
    2 "Blindness" "Rage" "Knock"
    3 "Slow" "Fire Shield" "Phantasmal Killer"
    4 "Greater Dispel Magic" "Binding Chain" "Dominate Person"
    5 "Otto's Sphere of Dancing" "Power Word: Blind" "Mass Suggestion"
    6 "Otto's Irresistible Dance" "Howl of Terror" "Power Word: Kill"
    Lvl 1 Entangle and Obscuring Mist are very weak CC whereas Command is one of the strongest CC abilities {Yes I know at Low Levels only}
    Lvl 2 Blindness {works great on Players but utterly useless on Mobs}, Knock {Lol!} or Rage!!!
    Lvl 3 Slow {See Blindness above}, PK {OK this one ain't bad} or Fire Shield {Yet again Fiends get by far the most useful one!}.
    Lvl 4 Gtr Dispel {ROFL}, Dominate Person {Again not a bad spell} or Binding Chains {New Spell? Not sure about this one but sounds like could be OP}
    Lvl 5 Disco Ball {Yay! Finally Fey get something Useful!}, Mass Suggestion {Great Choice} or Power Word: Blind {Worst spell so far on Fiend's List}
    Lvl 6 Irresistable Dance {Requires you be in Melee and facing mob - Also Disco Ball comes before this?}, Power Word: Kill {Another good choice for Great Old Ones} or Howl of Terror {assuming this doesn't require Wolf Form for Warlocks again the single best option!}.

    Only on Lvl 5 are Fiends not the single best choice!

    Fiends have 2 of the most popular buff spells, 1 brand new player spell, 1 great low level CC spell, 1 Druid Spell that's likely to be OP in a Warlock's hands and Power Word: Blind which is easily their weakest but still not as bad as many on the other lists!
    Fey have 4 severely weak abilities, 1 OK and 1 Great!
    Great Old Ones have 4 Good Choices at the higher levels {I'd still say that only on Tier 5 do they outright beat Fiend though} but their 1st two are terrible!

  17. #357
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    Phew, finally reached the end!!

    I got some ideas and question while reading this thread

    About Warlock having SP, could it be possible to give them an improved version of echoes of power? Would give them a feeling of infinite casting.
    If its too OP when multiclassing, maybe just grant a feat that cut warlock's spell sp by half?

    Now its about EB and Metamagic!
    Using metamagic usually make the spell cost more SP. Unless I'm mistaken, EB is like a normal attack and doesnt use SP. How would it be affected? few sp cost per attacks until depleted?

    about my impression so far
    I like the class, but like many others, im not sure what the class will have to offer. I dont like the low choices on the spells.
    I still cant wait to play a warlock and see the enhancement to make a kool multiclass :P
    Pew pew~

  18. #358
    Community Member Blackheartox's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FranOhmsford View Post
    Have you seen the pact spells Fiends Get?

    Rather than being underpowered I'd say Fiend is blatantly OP compared to the other two!

    Lvl 1 Entangle and Obscuring Mist are very weak CC whereas Command is one of the strongest CC abilities {Yes I know at Low Levels only}
    Lvl 2 Blindness {works great on Players but utterly useless on Mobs}, Knock {Lol!} or Rage!!!
    Lvl 3 Slow {See Blindness above}, PK {OK this one ain't bad} or Fire Shield {Yet again Fiends get by far the most useful one!}.
    Lvl 4 Gtr Dispel {ROFL}, Dominate Person {Again not a bad spell} or Binding Chains {New Spell? Not sure about this one but sounds like could be OP}
    Lvl 5 Disco Ball {Yay! Finally Fey get something Useful!}, Mass Suggestion {Great Choice} or Power Word: Blind {Worst spell so far on Fiend's List}
    Lvl 6 Irresistable Dance {Requires you be in Melee and facing mob - Also Disco Ball comes before this?}, Power Word: Kill {Another good choice for Great Old Ones} or Howl of Terror {assuming this doesn't require Wolf Form for Warlocks again the single best option!}.

    Only on Lvl 5 are Fiends not the single best choice!

    Fiends have 2 of the most popular buff spells, 1 brand new player spell, 1 great low level CC spell, 1 Druid Spell that's likely to be OP in a Warlock's hands and Power Word: Blind which is easily their weakest but still not as bad as many on the other lists!
    Fey have 4 severely weak abilities, 1 OK and 1 Great!
    Great Old Ones have 4 Good Choices at the higher levels {I'd still say that only on Tier 5 do they outright beat Fiend though} but their 1st two are terrible!
    Lv 1 all are weak, lv 2 blind is one of the most powerful spells in ee mark, so yes it works wonders on mobs if used properly and can make the difference between a easy and a hard run. 1 spell that you consider worthless on mobs btw, lv 3 all are uselss, you can scoll fireshield, pk is illusion so i dont know how warlocks will go for illusion focus because of 1 spell.
    Lv 4, chain is single targe, to have a opinion i would need to hear the cd of it and on what it will work on and if it will be save free, otherwise this is the most interesting spell.
    lv 5, power word blind is wonderful oh cr.. cc, but here fey got the prolly best spell from all spells from pacts, ottos dance sphere as you can actually consider playing warlocks cc based as sorcs¸.
    Lv 6, again fey got a great single targe cc spell, one of best orange named control spells in game and super nice for people who drop dcs entirely, pkill is okish only because its a slot for its own, but lv 6ish howl might be best depending how they make dcs count and in case its equivalent to druids.
    Keep in mind it requires you to be in mids of mobs and it can be pretty suicidal. Simple question is, why d hell would i want to use howl if they give me mass hold?

    Overall imo fey looks best so far with its synergy to cc/and damage avoidance with wings.

    Ps i gave up on raging, really no point, if devs want to make "such a warlock" my best bet is to adapt and accept sadly.
    Last edited by Blackheartox; 05-17-2015 at 11:45 AM.

  19. #359
    Developer Vargouille's Avatar
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    Some still-early thoughts based on feedback (can't really promise anything, should probably wait until the work week starts and all other designers can chip in)

    • We'll probably strongly consider not tying Warlock to the Primal Sphere of Epic Destinies.
    • Metamagics will surely be a topic of some discussion. "Desirable feats" for Warlock is also a likely topic of discussion, more broadly. Adding choice and diversity is a major goal. At the same time we want to make sure "caster" Warlocks aren't just scrambling for any useful feat to find. (We do like that there are serious discussions for Wizards/Sorcs about whether or not Maximize and Empower are both entirely necessary, and some of those characters may be best off without them.)
    • We of course still want to add new spells to the game, including particular for Warlock's release.
    • I'm a bit surprised at how often players have suggested that death spells aren't appropriate. Should we remove death spells from the general Warlock spell list?
    • Spell points are probably here to stay in some form, but we're aware that having some spell-point free abilities is important.
    • Details of alignment restrictions are something we may still discuss. If you have an opinion on this that you haven't expressed yet, do please chime in.

  20. #360
    Community Member FranOhmsford's Avatar
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    Jun 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Blackheartox View Post
    Lv 1 all are weak, lv 2 blind is one of the most powerful spells in ee mark, so yes it works wonders on mobs if used properly and can make the difference between a easy and a hard run. 1 spell that you consider worthless on mobs btw, lv 3 all are uselss, you can scoll fireshield, pk is illusion so i dont know how warlocks will go for illusion focus because of 1 spell.
    Lv 4, chain is single targe, to have a opinion i would need to hear the cd of it and on what it will work on and if it will be save free, otherwise this is the most interesting spell.
    lv 5, power word blind is wonderful oh cr.. cc, but here fey got the prolly best spell from all spells from pacts, ottos dance sphere as you can actually consider playing warlocks cc based as sorcs¸.
    Lv 6, again fey got a great single targe cc spell, one of best orange named control spells in game and super nice for people who drop dcs entirely, pkill is okish only because its a slot for its own, but lv 6ish howl might be best depending how they make dcs count and in case its equivalent to druids.
    Keep in mind it requires you to be in mids of mobs and it can be pretty suicidal. Simple question is, why d hell would i want to use howl if they give me mass hold?

    Overall imo fey looks best so far with its synergy to cc/and damage avoidance with wings.
    I knew someone would state that Blind is good but correct me if I'm wrong here but aren't both Blindness and PW: Blind single target spells?
    As such neither are likely to be on any Player Character's bar except for certain very specific quests {you mentioned MoD?} and even then probably not as good compared to other spells as you're making out here.

    Even worse - These spells are rendered utterly moot by the far more effective {mainly because of ease of use} blindness effects on gear!

    PK is Ok - Not a great choice but not a bad choice either for Tier 3
    Fireshield may be able to be scrolled but why waste the plat, the inv. space and take the chance of scroll failure due to concentration checks when you have the spell itself? {also Scrolls can be dispelled by mobs with that spell even easier than actual cast spells}.

    Yes Fey get Disco Ball but it's almost like the Devs saw that and decided to overcompensate by giving them a load of trash in the other tiers! {Also Disco Ball basically requires you use a Feat Slot on Quicken - otherwise only a must for WF Arcanes and Divines}.
    Irresistable Dance is a good spell but very hard to get to work considering you not only have to be in melee but facing the mob! - I'd say that both Howl of Terror and PW: Kill beat this out of sight!

    Like you I'm not sure how good Binding Chains is going to be and if Howl of Terror requires Wolf Form for Warlocks then it's going to be completely worthless!
    But chances are Binding Chains is going to be strong and HoT won't require Wolf Form making it blatantly the most powerful free ability in that table!

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