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What weapons are you going for ? Repeaters or daggers or what?
The biggest pitfall is mobs that are hard to sneak attack and whatever else you are using(poison/bleeding, and so on). Undead and stuff. Also healing. CC is kinda hard to do too. Also lack of feats is bad. And you gotta spend a lot of money to UMD stuff you don't have clickies for them.
But pitfalls largely depend on your build. Also how gimp is your CON ? Drow rogues always gimp con, and get instakilled, when rolling a 1 or getting hit with fort save spell, or getting held by wis save(get prot from evil, and FoM, if you can).
So yea, umd all the basic (and possibly extended) protections, and you be ok.Stoneskin, blurr, element resist,prot from evil and healing wand. Jump, invis, heroism Sleet/ice storm, Lightning Sphere and so on.
If you go repeater get a holy of undead bane (add +2 or +3 shard for the extra +[0.5]W damage, if you want, as you level up), if you have crafting level for it. Its like min level 6( or 8? cant remember lesser/regular bane minimum levels). Use flame arrow wand for bolts.