Just foolin' with the builder:
Spray `n Pray
8/6/6 Ranger/Rogue/Artificer
True Neutral Human
Level Order
1. Rogue. . . . . .6. Ranger. . . . .11. Rogue. . . . . 16. Rogue
2. Artificer. . . .7. Ranger. . . . .12. Ranger . . . . 17. Ranger
3. Artificer. . . .8. Rogue . . . . .13. Ranger . . . . 18. Ranger
4. Ranger . . . . .9. Rogue . . . . .14. Artificer. . . 19. Artificer
5. Ranger . . . . 10. Rogue . . . . .15. Artificer. . . 20. Artificer
. . . . . . . .34pt. . .36pt . . Tome. . .Level Up
. . . . . . . .----. . .---- . . ----. . .--------
Strength. . . . .8 . . . .8. . . .+6 . . . 4: INT
Dexterity . . . 15 . . . 15. . . .+6 . . . 8: INT
Constitution. . 16 . . . 16. . . .+6 . . .12: INT
Intelligence. . 18 . . . 18. . . .+6 . . .16: INT
Wisdom. . . . . .8 . . . .8. . . .+6 . . .20: INT
Charisma. . . . .8 . . . 10. . . .+6 . . .24: INT
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28: INT
.1. . . . : Point Blank Shot
.1 Human. : Insightful Reflexes
.3. . . . : Precision
.4 Ranger : Favored Enemy: Undead
.6. . . . : Weapon Focus: Ranged
.9. . . . : Power Critical
12. . . . : Improved Critical: Ranged
12 Ranger : Favored Enemy: Giant
15. . . . : Greater Two Weapon Fighting
15 Arti . : Improved Precise Shot
18. . . . : Empower Healing Spell
21 Epic . : Overwhelming Critical
24 Epic . : Combat Archery
26 Destiny: Perfect Two Weapon Fighting
27 Epic . : Watchful Eye
28 Destiny: Doubleshot
Enhancements (80 AP)
Human (1 AP)
Mechanic (39 AP)
- Arbalester, Tanglefoot, Targeting Sights
- Sharpshooter, Mechanics II
- Sharpshooter, Wand and Scroll Mastery III
- Sharpshooter, Wracking Shot II, Use Magical Device III, Intelligence
- Sharpshooter, Fletching III, Leg Shot, Intelligence
- Sharpshooter, Rapid Fire III, Sniper, Mechanical Reloader
Deepwood Stalker (28 AP)
- Far Shot, Sneak Attack, Sniper Shot
- Favored Defense: Resistance I, Stealthy III, Tendon Cut III
- Favored Defense: Protection I
- Favored Accuracy III, Aimed Shot
- Favored Damage III, Killer III, Merciful Shot
Harper Agent (12 AP)
- Agent of Good I
- Harper Enchantment, Strategic Combat
- Versatile Adept III, Know the Angles II
- Versatile Adept II
Destiny (24 AP)
Legendary Dreadnought
- Extra Action Boost III, Constitution
- Damage Boost III, Constitution
- Critical Damage III, Haste Boost III
- <none>
- Advancing Blows, Devastating Critical
- Master's Blitz, Pulverizer
Twists of Fate (14 fate points)
- Otto's Whistler (Tier 3 Shirardi)
- Pin (Tier 2 Shirardi)
- Rejuvenation Cocoon (Tier 1 Primal)
I don't like how much filler you have to take from Mechanic and DWS to get to the good stuff, but so it goes. I also considered Shiradi as primary ED, with LD Haste Boost twisted in.