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    Default High Lords will host Thunder Peak and Deathwyrm teaching raids on Sat May 9, 9pm EST

    Our last teaching raids, Master Artificer and Lord of Blades were a big success! CLICK HERE to read about it and watch the videos!

    Next in our teaching raid series will be another double feature in Thunderholme: Fire on Thunder Peak and Temple of the Deathwyrm on Saturday, May 9th at 9pm EST!

    All events in this series are for players new(er) to the raiding scene or players that are looking to learn raids better. First timers welcome! Dbags not welcome. Please have sound and be willing and able to follow instructions.

    The goal is to welcome newer players into the raiding scene, to teach people how raids work, to get players more comfortable with raids, and to enhance the Sarlona community. There is no level cap for any of our teaching raids.

    If you are new to FTP and TOTD, you will need to flag by slaying two red named bosses in The Ruins of Thunderholme wilderness area. You will need to have access to the Shadow Under Thunderholme adventure pack. Slaying Dagan The Death Knight will flag you for FTP and slaying Sarva Ballistrae The Cult of the Dragon Emissary will flag you for TOTD.

    Dagan and Sarva are a little tougher than ordinary slayer zone bosses but are both soloable. You can find a map with pathways to these bosses at the above Ruins of Thunderholme link, or you can check out my video How to Get to and Flag for Fire on Thunder Peak and Temple of the Deathwyrm Raids.

    You will find the entrance to the ruins through The Thunder Peaks public zone, which is accessible across the bridge in northeast Eveningstar. Before heading into the slayer zone, talk to the 2 NPC quest givers in Thunder Peaks, then talk to them again after defeating the bosses and they will grant you the raids.

    Space is limited so reserve your spot ahead of time! If you would like to reserve a space in this Saturday's event, please contact me in game on Gingerspyce.

    Thanks for all the support and special thanks to DDOCast and DDO Chronicle for mentioning our events. We hope to see you in raids soon!

    Gingerspyce and The High Lords of Malkier

    PS. All are welcome to attend our Tuesday Night Abbotfest (heroic) and our Friday Night Mark of Deathfest. These events aren't as formal as our teaching raids but we are happy to explain how the raid works to new players.

    Check out the entire collection of our teaching raid videos in the Guides & Strategies forum HERE!
    Last edited by Nachomammashouse; 05-09-2015 at 06:33 PM.

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