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    The Hatchery CThruTheEgo's Avatar
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    Mar 2010

    Default The Glass Cannon

    Updated for U25.2

    Please note, this is a theory-crafted build. I do not actually intend to play it. While I do think it is viable, I don't think the defensive trade-offs are worth the dps gains. Plus, other builds can have higher situational/burst dps with better defenses. This is simply the result I came up with for an assassin that takes both know the angles and the full halfling sneak attack line.

    This is a halfling dex based assassin with an emphasis on sustained, non-situational, non-burst dps. It dumps the acrobat tree to be able to take both the full halfling sneak attack line as well as know the angles and 6 melee power from harper, and full ranks of venomed blades and critical mastery from assassin. It lacks the situational dps of no mercy and burst damage of human damage boost. Breakdowns on everything can be found below. Notes are included under the destiny and gear sections to dump defenses further and turn this build into even more of a glass cannon. These changes would reduce the viability of the build imo, and I do not recommend them.

    Build Features:
    ~Assassinate with a sustainable 75 DC
    ~Dex to damage with a 62 dex and weapon finesse for weapon versatility
    ~Know the angles provides an extra 6 damage per hit, or about 25 with crits and melee power
    ~119% mainhand strike chance, 90% offhand strike chance
    ~114 melee power
    ~32d6+17 sneak attack damage for 349.59 average per hit with 114 melee power
    ~100% fort bypass
    ~Symmetric strikes for an extra 5% damage
    ~Balanced attacks for knockdown on vorpal which induces a helpless state
    ~High hp: 858 base, 934 self buffed
    ~Improved evasion with a 82 reflex save, 100 against traps
    ~Slippery mind with a 51 will save
    ~76.75% damage avoidance from 38% dodge, 50% displacement, and 25% incorp
    ~39.39% physical damage mitigation from 65 PRR
    ~37.11% magic damage mitigation from 59 MRR
    ~Heal scrolls with 165 heal amp (hits for 292)
    ~Rejuvenation cocoon with 262 positive spell power and 125 heal amp (hits for an average of 143 per tick)
    ~Full trap capabilities (no fail on any trap or lock in the game)

    str: 6
    dex: 20
    con: 16
    int: 12
    wis: 14
    cha: 8

    All level up points in dex.
    No tomes required.

    1 twf
    3 weapon finesse
    9 imp twf
    12 imp crit pierce
    15 gr twf
    18 weapon focus pierce
    21 imp sneak attack
    24 overwhelming crit
    26 perfect two weapon fighting
    27 epic damage reduction
    28 holy strike

    Rogue Feats:
    10 improved evasion
    13 opportunist
    16 slippery mind
    19 crippling strike

    Skills: (with 12 int and +4 tome) max spot, search, disable, open lock, UMD, bluff, hide, move silently, heal, 1 tumble, 20 jump

    Assassin: 47 total
    Core: 6 total
    Knife in the darkness 1 (kukri proficiency, dex to hit with dagger/kukri)
    Dagger in the back 1 (dex to damage with dagger/kukri)
    Assassin's trick 1 (reduce target fort and sneak attack immunity by 25% for 12 seconds)
    Nimbleness 1 (5 melee power, on hit up to once every second gain 1% dodge for 6 seconds, stacks 10 times)
    Lethality 1 (5 melee power, +1 crit multiplier)
    Deadly shadow 1 (10 melee power, 2 dex, 2 int, 2 assassinate DC, 4 reflex save, 4d6 sneak attack)
    Tier 1: 8 total
    Heartseeker poison 2 (on damage target gains assassin's mark, -1 fort save stacking up to 5 times, d6 con damage on crit, -5% hp on vorpal fort save DC 44 negates)
    Shiv 1 (1[W], bluff for 6 seconds, cooldown 12 seconds, -5% threat)
    Sneak attack training 2 (1 to hit and 1d6 sneak attack)
    Stealthy 3 (3 hide, 3 move silently, 75% sneak speed)
    Tier 2: 8 total
    Venomed blades 3 (d8 poison on hit)
    Sneak attack training 2 (1 to hit and 1d6 sneak attack)
    Damage boost 3 (30 melee power action boost for 20 seconds, cooldown 30 seconds)
    Tier 3: 7 total
    Critical mastery 3 (3 seeker)
    Sneak attack training 2 (1 to hit and 1d6 sneak attack)
    Dex 2
    Tier 4: 7 total
    Killer 3 (on kill gain 5% doublestrike for 15 seconds, stacks 4 times)
    Weakening strikes 2 (assassin's mark reduces target's melee and ranged power by 20 for 10 seconds)
    Sneak attack training 2 (1 to hit and 1d6 sneak attack)
    Tier 5: 11 total
    Assassinate 1 (instakill DC 76, 10d6 additional sneak attack on failed attempt, cooldown 12 seconds)
    Measure the foe 3 (6 melee power, 2 dodge, 2 max dodge, 1 to hit and assassinate DC every second when stealthed, stacks 5 times, stacks last 10 seconds)
    Deadly strikes 2 (attacks against enemies with assassin's mark do +10 damage)
    Knife specialization 2 (1 critical threat range and multiplier with daggers, 1 threat multiplier with kukris)
    Light armor mastery 3 (3 max dodge, 6 max dex bonus of light armor, 6 PRR)

    Harper: 14 total
    Core: 1 total
    Agent of good 1 (1 to hit vs evil, 1 universal spell power)
    Tier 1: 4 total
    Harper enchantment 2 (1 weapon enhancement, 20 spell points)
    Traveler's toughness 2 (10 hp)
    Tier 2: 6 total
    Versatile adept 3 (3 melee power/ranged power/universal spell power)
    Know the angles 3 (int based divine might)
    Tier 3: 3 total
    Versatile adept 3 (3 melee power/ranged power/universal spell power)

    Halfling: 16 total
    Core: 6 total
    Halfling luck 1 (1 saves)
    Dex 2
    Halfling luck 1 (1 saves)
    Dex 2
    Tier 1: 4 total
    Acrobatic 3 (3 balance/jump/tumble, 6 AC when tumbling)
    Cunning 1 (1 bluff, 1 to hit with sneak attacks)
    Tier 2: 4 total
    Nimble reactions 3 (3 max dex bonus, 3 max dodge)
    Guile 1 (1d6 sneak attack)
    Tier 3: 1 total
    Guile 1 (1d6 sneak attack)
    Tier 4: 1 total
    Guile 1 (1d6 sneak attack)

    ?*Acrobat: 3 total
    Core: 1 total
    Staff control 1 (dex to hit with quarterstaff)
    Tier 1: 2 total
    Fast movement 2 (1% movement speed per rogue level while in light or no armor)

    Epic Destiny:
    Tier 1:
    Stealthy 3 (6 hide, move silently, and assassinate DC)
    Dex 2
    Tier 2:
    Lithe 3 (6 reflex, AC, light armor max dex bonus)
    Dex 2
    Tier 3:
    Meld into darkness 3 (+100% dodge for 15 seconds, cooldown 2 minutes)
    Shrouding strike 3 (3[W], mark target, gain shadow charge if target dies within 10 seconds)
    Tier 4:
    Improved invisibility 3 (invis 30 seconds, displacement for 90 seconds after, cooldown 4 minutes)
    Tier 5:
    Untouchable 1 (1% dodge for each shadow charge)
    Sealed soul 2 (immune to energy drain)
    Tier 6:
    Shadow form 2 (25% incorp, feather fall, +5 hide and move silently, str damage on hit, double damage from light attacks)
    Note: For a true glass cannon experience, run in dreadnaught. I don't know if this would be viable, however, as death ends a blitz.

    1) symmetric strikes (primal avatar tier 4, 5% damage while twf)
    2) balanced attacks (primal avatar tier 3, 6 attack, knockdown enemies for 2 seconds on vorpal, counts as helpless state)
    3) rejuvenation cocoon (primal avatar tier 1)
    Alternatives: sense weakness (fury tier 4), extra action boost (legendary dreadnaught tier 1), hail of blows (GMoF tier 2)

    Gear Set:
    Weapons: Thunder-Forged Dagger (1st degree burns/dragon's edge/mortal fear/orange slotted deconstructor/colorless slotted heal15)
    offhand: Assassin's Kiss (greater incorporeal bane/improved deception/greater dispelling/assassination6/purple slotted positive spell power138/mythic weapon boost2)
    ranged: Thunder-Forged Throwing Dagger (touch of flames/dragon's edge/mortal fear/orange slotted ruby of endless night/colorless slotted)
    Armor: Shadowscale light armor (shadow phase x3/deathblock/ghostly/fort130/2d6 sneak attack/profane reflex1/blue slotted max dex2/green slotted golem's heart)
    Goggles: Epic Mentau's Goggles (seeker10/exc seeker2/ghostly/dex11/UMD5/yellow OR blue slotted int8/green slotted sonic resistance40)
    Helm: Epic Muffled Veneer (assassinate DC2/hide20/move silently20/spot20/insight reflex2/blue OR yellow slotted Globe of True Imperial Blood/green slotted)
    Neck: Necklace of Mystic Eidolons (dex4/con4/augment summons/eidolon summons/ghostly/deathblock/green slotted good luck2)
    Trinket: Epic Litany of the Dead (turn the page/profane abilities2/attack4/damage4/light of dawn/yellow slotted fear immunity/green slotted wis8)
    Cloak: Mysterious Cloak (heal amp45/MRR25/green slotted HP40/colorless slotted int2)
    Belt: Epic Belt of Thoughtful Remembrance (deathblock7/con11/concentration20/resistance11/dodge11/greater regen/blue slotted natural armor8/green slotted cha2)
    Ring swap: Seal of House Avithoul (wis2/sneak attack5/exc sneak3/improved deception)
    Gloves: Iron Mitts (str8/vitality40/heal amp60/resistance7/colorless slotted bluff15)
    Boots: GS HP Smoke2 boots (45HP/dex skills6/blur/displacement clicky x2)
    Ring: Guardian's Ring (str8/PRR24/MRR24/yellow slotted draconic soul gem)
    Bracers: Epic Ethereal Bracers (dex11/ghostly/riposte9/insight AC5/insight saves4/deadly10/speed14/feather falling/blue OR yellow slotted blindness immunity/green slotted wizardry10)
    Quiver: Epic Quiver of Alacrity (concentration -50/ranged speed15/ranged and spell threat -15/insightful sneak4/doublestrike8)
    Note: Swap in search, disable, and open lock gear as needed and a triple positive GS weapon in the offhand with healing amp in at least tiers 1 (I'm not sure if tier 1 stacks with the bonus from the Mysterious Cloak) and 2 for scroll healing.
    To turn this build into a true glass cannon, drop Epic Mentau's Goggles,?*Mysterious Cloak, Guardian's Ring, and Iron Mitts for Epic Glimpse of the Soul, Adamantine Cloak of the Wolf, EE Consuming Darkness, and Sanctified Gages. Refill slots with int8, sonic resistance40, HP40, int2, vitality20, str8, PRR16, and draconic soul gem. This set up dumps heal amp but offers more dps.

    Final Stats:
    str24: 8base, 3tome, 8item, 1exc, 2profane, 2ship
    dex62: 20base, 6tome, 7levels, 2 capstone, 1assassin, 2halfling, 11item, 4insight, 1exc, 2profane, 2shadowdancer, 2yugo, 2ship
    con42: 16base, 6tome, 11item, 4insight, 1exc, 2profane, 2ship
    int35: 12base, 6tome, 2capstone, 8item, 2insight, 1exc, 2profane, 2ship
    wis34: 14base, 5tome, 8item, 2insight, 1exc, 2profane, 2ship
    cha28: 8base, 5tome, 8item, 2insight, 1exc, 2profane, 2ship

    120 base
    80 epic levels
    25 heroic durability
    20 improved heroic durability
    10 draconic vitality
    10 harper
    448 con42
    40 false life slotted
    40 vitality
    45 GS Smoke2
    20 hag's apothecary ship buff
    858 TOTAL
    28 rage
    48 yugo
    934 self buffed

    Fort/Reflex/Will Saves:
    6/12/6 base
    4/4/4 epic
    3/3/3 halfling
    1/1/1 brace epic divine past life
    11/11/11 item
    4/4/4 insight
    2/2/2 good luck
    1/1/1 alchemical
    4/4/4 greater heroism
    0/1/0 profane
    0/6/0 lithe
    0/4/0 capstone
    3/0/0 game hunter ship buff
    0/2/0 chronoscope ship buff
    0/0/2 grandmaster's dojo ship buff
    0/0/1 arcane sanctum ship buff
    16/0/0 con42
    0/26/0 dex62
    0/0/12 wis34
    55/82/51 TOTAL
    0/6/0 uncanny dodge
    55/88/51 with uncanny dodge
    0/6/0 vs traps (past life rogue x3)
    0/6/0 trap sense
    55/100/51 vs traps

    Assassinate DC:
    10 base
    20 rogue levels
    2 capstone
    6 stealthy (shadowdancer tier 1)
    6 Assassin's Kiss
    26 dex62
    5 measure the foe
    76 TOTAL

    6 uncanny dodge
    7 shadow charges
    11 item
    24% TOTAL
    10 measure the foe
    10 nimbleness

    Max Dodge:
    25 base
    3 light armor mastery
    10 measure the foe
    2 fencing master ship buff
    3 nimble reactions
    43 TOTAL

    Max Dex Bonus:
    19 Shadowscale light armor
    2 armored agility blue slotted
    6 light armor mastery
    6 lithe
    2 fencing master ship buff
    3 nimble reactions
    38 TOTAL

    6 light armor mastery
    10 light armor
    12 light armor with BAB of 19
    24 Guardian's Ring
    3 divine epic past life
    10 epic damage reduction
    65 TOTAL (39.39% damage reduction

    10 light armor
    24 Guardian's Ring
    25 Mysterious Cloak
    59 TOTAL (37.11% magic damage reduction)

    Heal Amp:
    60 Iron Mitts
    45 Mysterious Cloak
    20 ship buff
    125 TOTAL
    40 heal amp GS dagger
    165 with GS heal amp dagger swapped in

    Melee Power:
    6 gtwf
    2 weapon focus pierce
    24 epic
    24 shadowdancer
    6 harper
    5 nimbleness
    5 lethality
    10 deadly shadow
    30 measure the foe
    2 Assassin's Kiss
    114 TOTAL

    Sneak Attack:
    10d6 rogue 20
    3d6 halfling
    4d6 assassin sneak attack training
    4d6 deadly shadow capstone
    6d6 shadowdancer level 6
    3d6 improved sneak attack epic feat
    2d6 profane (Shadowscale light armor)
    6 exceptional sneak attack (Epic Quiver of Alacrity)
    8 sneak attack (Avithoul ring)
    3 past life rogue x3
    32d6+17 TOTAL or 129 average sneak attack damage
    Sneak attack damage is affected by 150% melee power. With 114 melee power, this build will do an average of 349.59 sneak attack damage per hit.

    Fortification Bypass:
    25 precision
    10 opportunist
    35 Thunder Forged Dagger with dragon's edge
    5 trapsmith's workshop ship buff
    25 assassin's trick (assassin core 3)
    100% TOTAL

    Mainhand Strike Chance:
    100 base
    3 opportunist
    5 perfect two weapon fighting
    3 doublestrike martial epic past life
    8 item
    119% TOTAL

    Offhand Strike Chance:
    80 gtwf
    10 perfect two weapon fighting
    90% TOTAL

    23 base
    8 epic
    3 tome
    12 wis34
    20 goggles
    2 good luck
    1 elite spider cult mask
    3 danger room ship buff
    4 GH
    76 TOTAL

    23 base
    8 epic
    3 tome
    12 int35
    20 item
    6 exc int skills item
    2 good luck
    1 elite spider cult mask
    3 danger room ship buff
    4 GH
    82 TOTAL

    Disable Device:
    23 base
    8 epic
    3 tome
    12 int35
    20 item
    6 exc int skills item
    2 good luck
    1 elite spider cult mask
    3 danger room ship buff
    4 GH
    5 enhancement (Ventilated Armbands swap)
    7 tools
    94 TOTAL

    Open Lock:
    23 base
    8 epic
    3 tome
    26 dex62
    20 item
    6 GS Smoke2 exc dex skills
    2 good luck
    1 elite spider cult mask
    3 danger room ship buff
    4 GH
    7 tools
    104 TOTAL

    23 base
    8 epic
    3 tome
    9 cha28
    5 goggles
    2 good luck
    1 elite spider cult mask
    3 forbidden library ship buff
    54 unbuffed with no swaps
    4 GH
    58 buffed
    3 persuasion item swap
    6 exc cha skills item swap
    67 buffed with swaps

    23 base
    8 epic
    3 tome
    1 cunning
    9 cha28
    5 improved deception
    15 slotted
    2 good luck
    1 elite spider cult mask
    3 throne room ship buff
    4 GH
    74 TOTAL

    23 base
    8 epic
    3 tome
    4 halfling
    26 dex62
    3 stealthy (assassin tier 1)
    6 stealthy (shadowdancer tier 1)
    20 item
    6 GS Smoke2 exc dex skills
    2 good luck
    1 elite spider cult mask
    3 danger room ship buff
    4 GH
    5 shadow form
    115 TOTAL

    Move Silently:
    23 base
    8 epic
    3 tome
    2 halfling
    26 dex62
    3 stealthy (assassin tier 1)
    6 stealthy (shadowdancer tier 1)
    20 item
    6 GS Smoke2 exc dex skills
    2 good luck
    1 elite spider cult mask
    3 Otto's irresistable dance hall ship buff
    4 GH
    5 shadow form
    113 TOTAL

    20 base
    8 epic
    3 tome
    2 halfling
    3 acrobatic
    7 str24
    20 item
    2 good luck
    1 elite spider cult mask
    3 Otto's irresistable dance hall ship buff
    4 GH
    73 TOTAL

    Positive Spell Power:
    8 epic
    3 tome
    12 wis34
    1 harper agent of good
    6 harper versatile adept
    27 implement
    138 red augment
    15 slotted
    2 mythic
    2 good luck
    1 elite spider cult mask
    3 forbidden library ship buff
    15 crusader's chapel
    4 GH
    25 superior ardor pot
    262 TOTAL
    Last edited by CThruTheEgo; 05-01-2015 at 10:01 AM.
    Unarmed monk guide with builds|The Arcane Warrior: wiz/fighter hybrids|White Feather Sniper: CC/dps focused deepwood stalker|The Divine Cuisinart: divine crusader tempest|The Count of Monte Cristo: swashbuckler|Hassan's Assassin: dex assassin|Dubbell O'Seven: WF artificer|Santa's Little Slayer: dragonmarked elf centered kensai

  2. 05-01-2015, 12:14 PM

  3. #2
    Bounty Hunter slarden's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2011


    I am really liking symmetric strikes in there. That's a good choice. I wonder if it works with sneak damage.

    Since the goal is max dps do you think past life sneak of shadows might be a possible replacement for weapon finesse?
    DC Warlock Reaper Build (U48)
    Max DC Illusionist Reaper Build (U48)

  4. #3
    The Hatchery CThruTheEgo's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by slarden View Post
    Since the goal is max dps do you think past life sneak of shadows might be a possible replacement for weapon finesse?
    It's an option. I was going for sustainable dps with this build, not necessarily max. To be honest, I think the human version, which I'm about to post in Hassan's Assassin, will do higher dps, although it's more situational and burst based through no mercy, sense weakness, and human damage boost. The choice between sense weakness and symmetric strikes is a good example of the differences. Symmetric strikes is a consistent 5% damage, good against both trash and bosses. Whereas sense weakness is an additional 30% against helpless mobs, so only trash and only situationally.

    With only three charges and a total of three minutes, past life sneak of shadows is more burst than sustainable. If this build is being played at endgame, then sneak of shadows is probably the better option. Before endgame, though, I'd take weapon finesse.
    Unarmed monk guide with builds|The Arcane Warrior: wiz/fighter hybrids|White Feather Sniper: CC/dps focused deepwood stalker|The Divine Cuisinart: divine crusader tempest|The Count of Monte Cristo: swashbuckler|Hassan's Assassin: dex assassin|Dubbell O'Seven: WF artificer|Santa's Little Slayer: dragonmarked elf centered kensai

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