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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2014

    Default Wail of the Banshee . . .

    A while back, this spell was fiddled with, stupidly, I might add. According to the DDO wiki, this is the spell these days:
    Name: Wail of the Banshee
    School: Necromancy (Death) (Negative Energy) (Sonic)
    Level: Sor/Wiz 9
    Spell Point Cost: 50
    Components: Verbal
    Metamagic: Heighten, Quicken
    Range: Standard AOE
    Target: Untargetable, Self centered circular AOE
    Duration: 7 seconds
    Saving Throw: Fortitude save partial
    Spell Resistance: Yes
    Cooldown: 60 seconds Wizard, 50 seconds Sorcerer

    You emit a terrible scream, creating a deadly area around yourself for 6 seconds. Every 2 seconds, two nearby enemies must make a fortitude save or die. On a successful fortitude save, the target takes 1 to 4 negative levels. You are free to perform other actions while Wail of the Banshee is active.
    Please fix the spell, restoring it to the way it should be, thusly:
    Necromancy [Death, Sonic]
    Level: Death 9, Sor/Wiz 9
    Components: V
    Casting Time: 1 standard action
    Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
    Area: One living creature/level within a 40-ft.-radius spread
    Duration: Instantaneous
    Saving Throw: Fortitude negates
    Spell Resistance: Yes
    You emit a terrible scream that kills creatures that hear it (except for yourself). Creatures closest to the point of origin are affected first.
    Note that the casting time for this is One (1) Standard Action. This means it should have a cooldown of roughly Six (6) Seconds.

    Come on people, it's not like you have to make these rules up as you go. They're in print and online you know.

  2. #2
    Build Constructionist unbongwah's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2009


    Would you also like Turbine to implement the Vancean magic system of D&D, where a lvl 20 wiz would only get to cast their lvl 9 spells 4 times per rest, while the sorc gets a whoppin' 6 casts per rest instead? Because I assure you, in its current form, you can cast WotB a lot more than 6 times per rest shrine in DDO, despite the long CD...

    Let's not kid ourselves: DDO is using such a heavily bastardized version of the D&D ruleset it is virtually pointless to point out the differences anymore. In particular, asking for only partial changes to DDO rules which are effectively huge buffs is not the same thing as asking for DDO to be brought in line with PnP rules.
    Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.

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