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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2009

    Default Halfling Acrobat build for rate.

    Hi everyone!

    With the new changes to the rogue class I took a look on my fine quarterstaff collection, and my urge for bounce and trip came back. I want to build a halfling acrobat to remind those funny days, but all became too good, too shiny, and honestly I'm not sure about what to pick in the rogue's enhancement trees.

    I post here my build to ask your opinion about what can be done to improve it. Even if it's sub-optimal, I want to keep two things: be a halfling, and be pure rogue. Everything else is open to discussion.

    Rogue 20
    True Neutral Halfling

    . . . . . . . .28pt . . 32pt. . .34pt . . 36pt . . Tome. . .Level Up
    . . . . . . . .---- . . ----. . .---- . . ---- . . ----. . .--------
    Strength. . . . 13. . . .13 . . . 13. . . .13. . . .+4 . . . 4: DEX
    Dexterity . . . 18. . . .18 . . . 18. . . .18. . . .+4 . . . 8: DEX
    Constitution. . 14. . . .14 . . . 14. . . .14. . . .+4 . . .12: DEX
    Intelligence. . 12. . . .14 . . . 14. . . .14. . . .+4 . . .16: DEX
    Wisdom. . . . . .8. . . .10 . . . 12. . . .14. . . .+4 . . .20: DEX
    Charisma. . . . .8. . . . 8 . . . .8. . . . 8. . . .+4 . . .24: DEX
    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28: DEX

    . . . . . 1 .2. 3 .4. 5 .6. 7 .8. 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
    . . . . .------------------------------------------------------------
    Disable . 4 .1. 1 .1. 1 .1. 1 .1. 1 .1. 1 .1. 1 .1. 1 .1. 1 .1. 1 .1. 23
    Open Lo . 4 .1. 1 .1. 1 .1. 1 .1. 1 .1. 1 .1. 1 .1. 1 .1. 1 .1. 1 .1. 23
    Search. . 4 .1. 1 .1. 1 .1. 1 .1. 1 .1. 1 .1. 1 .1. 1 .1. 1 .1. 1 .1. 23
    Spot. . . 4 .1. 1 .1. 1 .1. 1 .1. 1 .1. 1 .1. 1 .1. 1 .1. 1 .1. 1 .1. 23
    Bluff . . 4 .1. 1 .1. 1 .1. 1 .1. 1 .1. 1 .1. 1 .1. 1 .1. 1 .1. 1 .1. 23
    Jump. . . 4 .1. 1 .1. 1 .1. 1 .1. 1 .1. 1 .1. 1 .1. 1 .1. 1 .1. 1 .1. 23
    Hide. . . 4 .1. 1 .1. 1 .1. 1 .1. 1 .1. 1 .1. 1 .1. 1 .1. 1 .1. 1 .1. 23
    Move Si . 4 .1. 1 .1. 1 .1. 1 .1. 1 .1. 1 .1. 1 .1. 1 .1. 1 .1. 1 .1. 23
    Tumble. . 4 .1. 1 .1. 1 .1. 1 .1. 1 .1. 1 .1. 1 .1. 1 .1. 1 .1. 1 .1. 23
    UMD . . . 4 .1. 1 .1. 1 .1. 1 .1. 1 .1. 1 .1. 1 .1. 1 .1. 1 .1. 1 .1. 23
    Balance . . . . . . . . . . 1 .1. 1 .1. 1 .1. 1 .1. 2 .2. 2 .2. 2 .2. 20
    . . . . .------------------------------------------------------------
    . . . . .40 10 10 10 10 10 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 12 12 12 12 12 12


    .1. . . . : Dodge
    .3. . . . : Precision
    .6. . . . : Mobility
    .9. . . . : Two Handed Fighting
    10 Rogue. : Improved Evasion
    12. . . . : Improved Critical: Bludgeoning
    13 Rogue. : Defensive Roll
    15. . . . : Improved Two Handed Fighting
    16 Rogue. : Opportunist
    18. . . . : Greater Two Handed Fighting
    19 Rogue. : Skill Mastery
    21 Epic . : Overwhelming Critical
    24 Epic . : Improved Sneak Attack
    26 Destiny: Perfect Two Weapon Fighting
    27 Epic . : Epic Reflexes
    28 Destiny: Elusive Target

    Enhancements (80 AP)

    Halfling (6 AP)
    • Halfling Luck, Dexterity, Halfling Luck II, Dexterity II

    Assassin (5 AP)
    • Knife in the Darkness
      1. Shiv I, Stealthy III

    Mechanic (10 AP)
    • Arbalester
      1. Mechanics III, Awareness III
      2. Wand and Scroll Mastery III

    Thief-Acrobat (59 AP)
    • Staff Control, Stick Fighting, Tumbler, Kip Up, Cartwheel Charge, Followthrough
      1. Acrobat Staff Training, Thief Acrobatics III, Sly Flourish III, Fast Movement
      2. Acrobat Staff Training, Trip Focus III, Subtlety III, Quick Strike III, Haste Boost III
      3. Acrobat Staff Training, Shadow Dodge III, Sweeping Strikes III, Dexterity
      4. Acrobat Staff Training, Improved Defensive Roll III, Dexterity
      5. Acrobat Staff Training, Staff Specialization, Spinning Staff Wall

    Destiny (24 AP)

    1. Technician III, Dexterity
    2. Lithe III, Dexterity
    3. Shrouding Strike III, Meld into Darkness III, Grim Precision III
    4. Improved Invisibility III
    5. Sealed Soul

    Twists of Fate (15 fate points)
    1. Piercing Clarity (Tier 4 Flowers)
    2. Rejuvenation Cocoon (Tier 1 Primal)
    3. Legendary Tactics (Tier 1 Dreadnought)

    Thank you for your time and your answers.

  2. #2
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    I'd try to get a few points into the mechanics trap skill at tier 2. That changes your trap DC to be equal to your disable device skill for web and glitter dust traps. Which is incredible for soloing or extremely tough content as it gives you needed CC abilities. I'd also drop strength but that can be tough as its annoying to be do sabled due to str drain and its common in low levels. If you were using cleaves I'd keep the strength not sure if cleave is better then thf feats now.

  3. #3
    Build Constructionist unbongwah's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    Unless you're investing in the halfling enhs to max them out, I would drop Dodge & Mobility. Maybe take the Least DM to add some self-healing. For the other feat...hmm, maybe Power Atk so you can switch to LD & use Momentum Swing & Lay Waste. SD is still a weak DPS PrE, unfortunately.

    Do you have Harper? If so, you should consider investing in more INT and taking Know the Angles. If not, then nevermind.
    Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.

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