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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Jul 2010

    Default Requesting A Vampire type build

    Hello Again All
    Ive never played vampire builds here but interested in self healing aspects of a vampire. I would like to request a build that is a vampire build with some type of self healing and can do decent damage to mobs, i solo alot so self buff and self healing is a plus especially in dungeons where you only can use a rest shrine 1x to heal. Also the ability to pick locks on doors and chests and disable traps and use some type of ranged bow for mobs out of distance.

    Also know nothing at all about vampire healing...

  2. #2
    Community Member DarkSable's Avatar
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    Jul 2009


    ...You want a vampire build that also does traps that also has ranged dps on top of melee dps that also has self-healing...

    That's not going to happen. If you try for all that, you're going to gimp yourself, severely.

    If you're interested in JUST the self-healing aspect, try something using monk, for fists of light.

    If you really want the vampire form, either go 6 wizard / something to give you ranged dps / 2 rogue or go 18 wizard, 2 rogue. That would give you vampire form (though wraith form and lich form are arguably far, far superior), plus ranged DPS with, you know, spells, since you're a spellcaster, and the ability to get most if not all traps in the game with maxxed out trap skills and appropriate at-level trap gear.

    In order to get the vampire self-healing, you need to be at least a level 6 wizard, to get vampire form, and character level 12, so that you can take the tier V ability to gain the healing on-hit. In addition, if you go the 18 wizard path, you gain additional healing from the death aura spells. (They're impotent with just 6 levels of wizard.)

    If you go monk, you need 3 monk for the fists of light. That's it. (And there are a number of very easy to acquire hand-wraps that give lesser vampire, so you're attacking at the speed of monk and healing (1+1d2)*healing amp each hit.) There used to be a very popular tank build called the Rockin Robin that was a paladin/monk that focused on healing amp to gain something silly like 12 health every hit. With the introduction of epic levels, it fell way behind in dps and ability to keep up with enemy dps, but now with the change to healing amp, it could certainly be a viable character again.
    Last edited by DarkSable; 04-29-2015 at 05:42 PM.

  3. #3


    Check out this thread:!

    lots of peeps weighed in on melee vamps. They heal on ranged if you take the tier 5 but I am not sure if that has been fixed (It is not WAI).
    Wiki dashboard with some useful stealthplay links. LONG LIVE STEALTH!
    Proud Knight of the Silver Legion, Cannith: Saekee (main) and some others typically parked at some level to help guildies and other players

  4. #4
    Community Member Daine's Avatar
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    Traps are very easy when you're wandering solo through a dungeon. Most of them are cyclic, meaning if you just stand and watch them for a moment you'll see a pattern that will allow you to slip through. Some fire for long times when initially activated then wont fire again until approached, but they have a lag, so the first person running through them doesn't get hit, but others who follow do. Some floor spikes (but not all) have places where you don't even need to jump over them, just watch them pop up and then walk through them casually.

    So some traps need you to jump over them, some just run through fast, others wait and watch and get the timing right and a rare few, be prepared to take some damage and heal yourself. You don't need disable and I haven't heard of a fictional trap disabling vampire anyway. If you want to roleplay a vampire treat traps with a healthy mix of superior intelligence and disdain for the petty contrivances of mortals!

    Outside of raids, I don't think there are any quests where you need to open a locked door to complete, a knock spell will get you through many doors and the rest I wouldn't worry about.

  5. #5
    Community Member
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    Jul 2010

    Default ok but vampire,wraith or lich?

    Hi and thanx for the comments i am still unsure of which way to go with vamp build as for wraith or lich or vampire form and self healing, i do feel i need something to pull monsters that might be out of melee range like archers on a wall so i can get them within melee distance.
    Not sure of human or dwarf and read some cleric vampire builds but if i understand correctly would have to drop out of that form to heal myself then go back into form to continue.
    Im not worried about endgame or raiding right now just want to be able to start out and solo efficiently from lvl 4 thru content and then later make it thru highr content

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by CrazyDoc View Post
    Hi and thanx for the comments i am still unsure of which way to go with vamp build as for wraith or lich or vampire form and self healing, i do feel i need something to pull monsters that might be out of melee range like archers on a wall so i can get them within melee distance.
    Not sure of human or dwarf and read some cleric vampire builds but if i understand correctly would have to drop out of that form to heal myself then go back into form to continue.
    Im not worried about endgame or raiding right now just want to be able to start out and solo efficiently from lvl 4 thru content and then later make it thru highr content
    The cleric splashes used the Divine Disciple's SLA negative energy burst. No need to drop out of PM form! As an SLA it is cheap and can be influenced by metas (like maximize--not sure if max works with it--check out the tree!) without the heavy SP cost.

    Vamp is inferior to wraith form. The only reason to go vamp is that you have 6-11 wizard levels; at which point you will need as much cleric as possible for that SLA to heal youself since the death auras will be weak and costly.

    PM shrouds are fun and offer great resistances as per the thread I posted!
    Wiki dashboard with some useful stealthplay links. LONG LIVE STEALTH!
    Proud Knight of the Silver Legion, Cannith: Saekee (main) and some others typically parked at some level to help guildies and other players

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