Now that the lfm panel has been reset after update, I thought I'd post this because I know you awesome guys miss it already...
Now that the lfm panel has been reset after update, I thought I'd post this because I know you awesome guys miss it already...
Sarlona: Gingerspyce ~ Voodu ~ Sportyspyce ~ Guitarr ~ Vooduspyce
Live Streaming on Twitch ~ Raid Nights with the High Lords ~ Teaching Raid Videos ~ Warlock for Beginners ~ Beginner's Guide to Cannith Crafting
Gonna miss that ghost LFM.
It gave me hope and sadness, and much laughter.
Thank you very much. Everyday when I logged on I would try to enter that group, as more awesome than me I know no one!!!
I kept getting the cold shoulder from him! My (bad) reputation must be spreading!
The irony is, I was in the original group, and trust me, there was nothing awesome about it.
"IM-PLO-SION: For when you just HAVE to kill every M**********R in the room"-
(Samuel L Jackson)
"Some are insane, and the're in charge"
Sarlona: Mercilless, Maliciouss, Relenttless. Plus others.....
Hmph, clearly the problem was they only wanted awesome guys. Clearly they needed some of the women of ddo! LOL
Turtel, Turtley Wrath, Tortoisse, Waterssong, Victerr Creed, Utahraptor, Velocaraptor, Minddancer, Loggerhead, Matamata, Sulcata, Ticerratops, Sierrann, Hankx, Shartelhane
Member of Highlords of Malkier! Help channel, everyone welcome in this channel!
Sarlona: Gingerspyce ~ Voodu ~ Sportyspyce ~ Guitarr ~ Vooduspyce
Live Streaming on Twitch ~ Raid Nights with the High Lords ~ Teaching Raid Videos ~ Warlock for Beginners ~ Beginner's Guide to Cannith Crafting
Bug template! QA is here for you.
How random DD is
how to handle this random, anywhere
Sarlona: Seikojin, Toy