I really enjoy artificers, but the Enhancement Trees, to me, seem a bit... confused. I think there was good intentions, creating several interesting enhancements, but then they just got thrown in random trees, whether or not the enhancements went together. Eventually, it seems like we're going to want to add a third tree to the Artificer Line, but the current two trees seem like they could use some modification and organization as well. So, my proposition is, instead of simply adding a third tree, we would add a third tree, but reorganize all three of them.
I've tried to keep themes within trees, using the following standards:
1) Battle Engineer (Melee, Repeater, Armorer)
2) Arcanotechnician (Caster Tree, Alchemy, Traps)
3) Master Maker (Runearms, Pets, Self-Modification)
I will post the three trees each in their own post.