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  1. #1
    Community Member LuKaSu's Avatar
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    Default Artificer Enhancement Tree Reorganization

    I really enjoy artificers, but the Enhancement Trees, to me, seem a bit... confused. I think there was good intentions, creating several interesting enhancements, but then they just got thrown in random trees, whether or not the enhancements went together. Eventually, it seems like we're going to want to add a third tree to the Artificer Line, but the current two trees seem like they could use some modification and organization as well. So, my proposition is, instead of simply adding a third tree, we would add a third tree, but reorganize all three of them.

    I've tried to keep themes within trees, using the following standards:
    1) Battle Engineer (Melee, Repeater, Armorer)
    2) Arcanotechnician (Caster Tree, Alchemy, Traps)
    3) Master Maker (Runearms, Pets, Self-Modification)

    I will post the three trees each in their own post.
    LuKaSu's DDO Wishlist.
    SSG, Thanks for a super-fun game!

  2. #2
    Community Member LuKaSu's Avatar
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    Arcanotechnician (Caster, Alchemy, Trapping)
    1 - Arcanotechnician: Every point spent in the Arcanotechnician tree provides you with +1 Universal Spell Power.

    3 - Palliative Admixture: Creating an infused potion of magical energy, you hurl it towards your target in an arc. The potion explodes in a small area that provides nearby allies with 20 Temporary Hit Point and 10 Temporary Spell Points. These last one minute, or until affected creatures rest. (Activation Cost: 5 Spell Points. Cooldown: 30 seconds.)

    6 - Thaumaturgical Battery: Whenever you cast an infusion or spell, you capture a portion of that infusion or spells' energy as 1 Temporary Spell Point. This Temporary Spell Points lasts for one minute, until consumed by another infusion or spell, or until you rest.

    12 - Lightning Bolt: The spell Lightning Bolt is added to your spellbook as a level 3 Artificer spell. Additionally, Thaumaturgical Battery now increases its energy capture to 2 Temporary Spell Points per infusion or spell.

    18 - Critical Admixture: Creating an infused potion of magical energy, you hurl it towards your target in an arc. The potion explodes in a small AoE that deals 6d8+8 positive energy damage to nearby living allies and enemy undead. This infusion is affected by Artificer Knowledge: Potions. This SLA requires no material components. (Cost: 5 spell points. Cooldown: 12 seconds.) Additionally, your equipped weapon in your main hand is now a Spellcasting Implement, providing a +3 Implement bonus to Universal Spell Power for every +1 Enhancement bonus on the weapon.

    20 - Arcane Empowerment: The patterns of the most complex magical formulae are like children's drawings to you. You gain +2 Intelligence and +5 Spellcraft. You treat any non-scroll activated equipped item that casts spells (such as wands, rods, armor, or other activated items) as if they were staves, increasing their caster level to equal yours as well as increasing Save DCs to (10 + your Intelligence bonus + level of spell) if it would be an improvement. These increases are applied after Artificer Knowledge, so do not stack.

    Tier 1
    * Static Shock: Spell Like Ability: Static Shock (Cost: 4/3/2 spell points. Cooldown: 12/8/4 seconds)
    * Energy of Creation: Your studies have increased your maximium Spell Points by 30/60/90.
    * Spell Critical: Your Electric, Fire, and Force spells have an additional 1% to critically hit.
    * Wand And Scroll Mastery: +[25/50/75] to the effectiveness of your wands, scrolls, and other items that cast spells.
    * Field Engineer: +1/+2/+3 Concentration, Disable Device and Open Locks. Rank 3: +1 to Reflex Saves vs. Traps.

    Tier 2
    * Efficient Metamagic: Choose one of the following Metamagic feats. Reduce the spell point cost of using that Metamagic.
    - Efficient Empower: Using the Empower Spell Metamagic costs you 2/4/6 fewer Spell Points.
    - Efficient Quicken: Using the Quicken Spell Metamagic costs you 1/2/4 fewer Spell Points.
    * Spell Critical: Your Electric, Fire, and Force spells have an additional 1% to critically hit.
    * Shocking Vulnerability: Each Electric spell you cast has a 5% chance of applying 1/1d2/1d3 stack[s] of Vulnerable to each affected enemy.
    Vulnerable - Target takes 2% more damage for 6 seconds. This effect stacks up to 10 times and loses one stack on expiration.
    * Elemental Focus: Multiselector - choose one element (Fire, Cold, Electric, Acid, Force) to receive a 10 point spellpower bonus.
    * Improved Traps: +1/+2/+3 to the save DC's of Alchemical Trap Attacks and Magical Traps. Elemental Traps that you place now have a DC equal to 65%/80%/100% of your Disable Device Skill instead of 50%. (Does not stack with the same enhancement in the Mechanic Tree)

    Tier 3
    * Lightning Sphere: Spell Like Ability: Lightning Sphere (Activation Cost: 8/6/4 spell points. Cooldown: 15/10/5 seconds.)
    * Efficient Metamagic: Choose one of the following Metamagic feats. Reduce the spell point cost of using that Metamagic.
    - Efficient Empower: Using the Empower Spell Metamagic costs you 2/4/6 fewer Spell Points.
    - Efficient Quicken: Using the Quicken Spell Metamagic costs you 1/2/4 fewer Spell Points.
    * Spell Critical: Your Electric, Fire, and Force spells have an additional 1% to critically hit.
    * Intelligence: +1 Intelligence
    * Elemental Focus: Multiselector - choose one element (Fire, Cold, Electric, Acid, Force) to receive a 10 point spellpower bonus.

    Tier 4
    * Blast Rod: Spell Like Ability: Blast Rod (Activation Cost: 12/8/6 spell points. Cooldown: 18/12/6 seconds.)
    * Efficient Heighten: Using the Heighten Spell Metamagic costs you 1/2 fewer Spell Point(s) per heightened level.
    * Spell Critical: Your Electric, Fire, and Force spells have an additional 1% to critically hit.
    * Intelligence: +1 Intelligence
    * Elemental Focus: Multiselector - choose one element (Fire, Cold, Electric, Acid, Force) to receive a 10 point spellpower bonus.

    Tier 5
    * Lightning Motes: Spell Like Ability: Lightning Motes (Activation Cost: 12/8/6 spell points. Cooldown: 18/12/6 seconds.)
    * Evocation Focus: You have trained extensively in Evocation magic, granting a +1 bonus to your spell DCs of that school.
    * Wand And Scroll Perfection: +[25/50/75] to the effectiveness of your wands, scrolls, and other items that cast spells. (This stacks with Wand and Scroll Mastery) as well as increasing the Retain Essence chance by [3/6/10] percent.
    * Sticky Potion: Lob a bottle of a special mixture at your enemies, trapping them in a sticky goo that expands into a web-like barrier. (SLA Web spell with a DC of 10 + Artificer Level + Intelligence Modifier + Artificer Knowledge: Potions + Any Epic Levels)
    * Wand Enlargement: All spells you cast from wands act as though they have the enlarge metamagic, increasing their range.
    LuKaSu's DDO Wishlist.
    SSG, Thanks for a super-fun game!

  3. #3
    Community Member LuKaSu's Avatar
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    Battle Engineer (Melee, Repeater, Armorer)
    1 - Battlefield Engineer - You gain 1 Hitpoint for each AP you invest in the Battle Engineer tree.

    3 - Infused Weapons: Your equipped weapon in your main hand gains +1 to its Enhancement bonus. Additionally, you gain +1 bonus to your attack roll to confirm a critical hit, and a +1 bonus to the damage of your critical hits (before multipliers).

    6 - Infused Armor: Your equipped armor gains +1 to its Enhancement bonus. Additionally, your equipped armor grants you +5 PRR, +5 MRR, and -10% ASF. (Artificer Infusions are not affected by ASF, but this assists with scroll use.)

    12 - Infused Weapons: Your equipped weapon in your main hand gains an additional +1 to its Enhancement bonus, for a total of +2. You also gain an additional +1 bonus to your attack roll to confirm a critical hit, and a +1 bonus to the damage of your critical hits (before multipliers), for a total of +2.

    18 - Infused Armor: Your equipped armor gains an additional +1 to its Enhancement bonus, for a total of +2. Your equipped armor also grants you an additional +5 PRR and +5 MRR for a total of +10 each and an additional -10% ASF for a total of -20%. (Artificer Infusions are not affected by ASF, but this assists with scroll use.)

    20 - Calculated Strikes: You gain +2 Intelligence. Melee and Ranged Power increased by 10 each. Permanent effect: You gain an Insight bonus to damage equal to 1/2 your Intelligence modifier. This damage bonus does not stack with Divine Might or Know the Angles.

    Tier 1
    * Weapon Training: Select either Crossbows or Hand and a Half Weapons. Gain bonuses to Attack and Damage Rolls with the selected weapon types.
    - Crossbow Training: +1 to attack rolls with all crossbows. +1 to damage with non-repeating crossbows.
    - Hand and a Half Training: +1 to attack and damage rolls with Bastard Swords and Dwarven Waraxes. Your Glancing Blows with these weapons also have a +2% chance of producing magical weapon effects such as Flaming.
    * Attack Boost: Activate this ability to gain +4/+6/+8 Action Boost bonus to your attack rolls for 20 seconds.
    * Item Defense: You have a 25%/50%/75% chance to negate potential item wear.
    * Toughness: +5/+10/+15 maximum Hit Points.

    Tier 2
    * Weapon Training: Select either Crossbows or Hand and a Half Weapons. Gain bonuses to Attack and Damage Rolls with the selected weapon types.
    - Crossbow Training: +1 to attack rolls with all crossbows. +1 to damage rolls with all repeating crossbows, +2 to damage rolls with non-repeating crossbows.
    - Hand and a Half Training: +1 to attack and damage rolls with Bastard Swords and Dwarven Waraxes. Your Glancing Blows with these weapons also have a +4% chance of producing magical weapon effects such as Flaming.
    * Wrack Construct: Choose one (Cooldown: 12/8/4 seconds):
    - Wracking Strike: Melee Attack: On Damage: Deals 1d6/3d6/5d6 extra damage to constructs and living constructs, and applies Wracked: This construct or living construct fortification is reduced by 10% and loses its inherent immunity to sneak attack. This effect stacks up to five times.
    - Wracking Shot: Ranged Attack: On Damage: Deals 1d6/3d6/5d6 extra damage to constructs and living constructs, and applies Wracked: This construct or living construct fortification is reduced by 10% and loses its inherent immunity to sneak attack. This effect stacks up to five times.
    * Damage Boost: Activate this ability to receive a +[10/20/30]% Action Boost bonus to damage for 20 seconds. (Cooldown: 30 seconds.)
    * Martial Training: Passive: You gain proficiency with all martial weapons.

    Tier 3
    * Weapon Training: Select either Crossbows or Hand and a Half Weapons. Gain bonuses to Attack and Damage Rolls with the selected weapon types.
    - Crossbow Training: +1 to attack rolls with crossbows. +1 to damage with non-repeating crossbows.
    - Hand and a Half Training: +1 to attack and damage rolls with Bastard Swords and Dwarven Waraxes. Your Glancing Blows with these weapons also have a +6% chance of producing magical weapon effects such as Flaming.
    * Disable Construct: Activate: Target construct or living construct is dazed for 10/20/30 seconds. This effect is removed on damage. Using this ability on a target already affected by it will extend the duration. (Cooldown: 25 seconds)
    * Extra Action Boost: You can use each of your action boost 1/2/3 additional times per rest.
    * Strength, Dexterity, or Intelligence: Choose one:
    - +1 Strength
    - +1 Dexterity
    - +1 Intelligence

    Tier 4
    * Weapon Training: Select either Crossbows or Hand and a Half Weapons. Gain bonuses to Attack and Damage Rolls with the selected weapon types.
    - Crossbow Training: +1 to attack rolls with all crossbows. +1 to damage rolls with all repeating crossbows, +2 to damage rolls with non-repeating crossbows.
    - Hand and a Half Training: +1 to attack and damage rolls with Bastard Swords and Dwarven Waraxes. Your Glancing Blows with these weapons also have a +8% chance of producing magical weapon effects such as Flaming.
    * Battle Mastery: Choose one:
    - Endless Fusilade: Action Boost: You may activate this ability to enchant your crossbow to instantly reload itself for 6 seconds. (Cooldown: 30 seconds.)
    - Haste Boost: Activate this ability to receive a 30% Action Boost attack speed bonus for 20 seconds. (Cooldown: 30 seconds.)
    * Arcane Barrier: Passive: When your HP drop below 50% of maximum, you are immediately protected by an Arcane Barrier that reduces all incoming damage by 25% for the next 10/15/20 seconds. This effect may only trigger once every 150/120/90 seconds.
    * Missile Shield: While shield or runearm equipped, gain Deflect Arrow feat knocking one projectile that would have struck every [6/4/2] seconds. Antirequisite: Deflect Arrows.
    * Extended Weapon Modifications: All weapon-imbues, such as the Elemental Weapons, Aligned Weapons, Adamantine Weapons, etc. receive the extend metamagic feat for free.

    Tier 5
    * Weapon Training: Select either Crossbows or Hand and a Half Weapons. Gain bonuses to Attack and Damage Rolls with the selected weapon types.
    - Crossbow Training: +2 to attack rolls with all crossbows. +2 to damage rolls with all repeating crossbows, +4 to damage rolls with non-repeating crossbows.
    - Hand and a Half Training: +3 to attack and damage rolls with Bastard Swords and Dwarven Waraxes. Your Glancing Blows with these weapons also have a +10% chance of producing magical weapon effects such as Flaming.
    * Deconstruction Specialty: All weapons that you equip receive a Minor Smiting enhancement, causing 2d6 damage per hit against Constructs and 50 bane damage upon a vorpal strike.
    * Heavy Armor Proficiency: You gain proficiency in using Heavy Armors
    * Readiness: You always take any opportunity to take an extra attack. Doubleshot/Doublestrike increased by 10%.
    * Tenser's Transformation: Toggle: Gain the benefits and penalties of Tenser's Transformation (Activation Cost: 25 Spell Points)
    LuKaSu's DDO Wishlist.
    SSG, Thanks for a super-fun game!

  4. #4
    Community Member LuKaSu's Avatar
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    Nov 2009


    Master Maker (Pet, Runearm, Self-Modification)
    1 - Your Repair spellpower is increased 1 point for each AP invested in this tree. Your equipped rune arm grants you +8 Universal Spell Power when it is charged to Charge Tier 1.

    3 - Construct Reanimation: You receive an extra use of the Reanimate Construct feat per day. Your equipped rune arm grants you an additional +8 Universal Spell Power when it is charged to Charge Tier 2, for a total of +16.

    6 - Runic Absorption: Your runearm is configured to capture a portion of elemental energy as additional power. Whenever you are damaged by elemental energy, you receive 5 temporary spellpoints that last for 20 seconds. Your equipped rune arm grants you an additional +8 Universal Spell Power when it is charged to Charge Tier 3, for a total of +24.

    12 - Automated Self-Repair Systems - You install machines which consistently heal yourself over time. These machines do repair damage equal to one third your Artificer level every 4 seconds, modified by your repair spellpower. Additionally, your equipped rune arm grants you an additional +8 Universal Spell Power when it is charged to Charge Tier 4, for a total of +32.

    18 - Elemental Protection Systems: You install elemental technologies into your equipment, enabling you to surround yourself with a flaming protective aura. (Toggle: Fire Shield) Additionally, your equipped rune arm grants you an additional +8 Universal Spell Power when it is charged to Charge Tier 5, for a total of +40.

    20 - Golem Self - A Master Maker has modified his own body to such an extent that he has created a virtual Iron Golem out of his own body. The Master Maker receives a passive 20% Absorption to all damaging energy types and an additional 20% fortification against critical hits.

    Tier 1
    * Uncaring Master: Your Iron Defender is expendable in your eyes - you can always rebuild it later. You no longer take damage or lose spell points when it dies.
    * Thermal Venting: You have optimized the magical venting of your rune arms. After firing, your cooldown is 10%/20%/30% faster.
    * Repair Vulnerability - 10% Repair amplification (with an additional 10% if you have the construct essence feat) [WF end up having 110% at this point, Construct Essence Fleshies would have 70%]
    * Self Plating: You attach armor plating to your body, making you more resistant to structurally-affecting spells (Fort save increased by +1/+2/+3)

    Tier 2
    * Imbued Defender: Your Iron Defender gains +[5/10/15] PRR and [5/10/15]% doublestrike.
    * Thaumaturgical Conduits: You have made improvements to the efficiency of your rune arms. Your rune arms build charge [10/20/33]% faster.
    * Repair Vulnerability - 10% Repair amplification (with an additional 10% if you have the construct essence feat) [WF end up having 120%, CE Fleshies would have 90%]
    * Autonomic Reactions: Your installed systems give you a moment's notification before traps are triggered. You and your Iron Defender each receive +1/+2/+3 Reflex saves vs traps.
    * Runearm Power Systems: Your runearm's damage output is increased by 1% per Artificer level.

    Tier 3
    * Automated Repairs: You have installed automated repair systems in your Iron Defender. It repairs itself/and you/and nearby allies 4d4+1 points of damage every 18/12/6 seconds.
    * Arcane Capacitors: When moving, your Rune Arm's charge decays 25% slower than normal.
    * Repair Vulnerability - 10% Repair amplification (with an additional 10% if you have the construct essence feat) [WF end up having 130%, CE Fleshies would have 110%]
    * Bionic Augmentation: Choose a Construct-Like modification.
    - Power Systems -- Passive: Immune to Sleep and Fatigue (requires: construct essence. Unavailable to WF and BF)
    - Purification Systems -- Gain a +10 racial bonus to saving throws against Magical Poisons and do not fail saving throws against them on a roll of a natural 1 (this makes you immune to Magical Poisons with a DC of less than 11+your Fortitude save). (requires: construct essence. Unavailable to WF and BF)
    - Body Flexion -- Your WF body feats have their Max Dex Bonus increased by 1. (requires WF or BF. Unavailable to fleshy races)
    * Strength, Constitution, or Intelligence: Choose one:
    - +1 Strength
    - +1 Constitution
    - +1 Intelligence

    Tier 4
    * Arcane Engine: You have carved arcane symbols on the core engine of your Iron Defender, allowing you to channel Arcane energies through him. As long as you remain near your Iron Defender, he will provide you with 3/6/10 Universal Spell Power.
    * Rune Arm Overcharge: The patterns of magic making up your rune arm are clearer to you than ever. Your stable charge tier is increased to charge tier 2.
    * Arcane Capacitors: When moving, your Rune Arm's charge decays 50% slower than normal.
    * Advanced Bionic Replacement (requires Augmented Construct Essence, WFs can't get it, but they already get these features) - Multiselector. Choose a Construct-Like modification.
    - Respiration Systems -- Passive: Underwater Breathing Effect (requires: construct essence. Unavailable to WF and BF)
    - Armor Systems -- Gain an additional 25% base fortification (requires: construct essence. Unavailable to WF and BF)
    - Body Fluidity -- Your WF body feats have their Max Dex Bonus increased by 2. (requires WF or BF. Unavailable to fleshy races)
    * Repair Vulnerability - 10% Repair amplification (with an additional 10% if you have the construct essence feat) [WF end up having 140%, CE Fleshies would have 130%]

    Tier 5
    * Master Defender: Your Iron Defender gain +2/+4/+6 to Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution. In addition, as long as you remain near your Iron Defender, he will provide you with 1%/2%/3% Dodge.
    * Weapon Attachment: Activate to attach your currently equipped weapons to yourself, giving you superior control over them. Until you unequipped these items or rest, they deal +0.5[W] damage. (Cooldown: 3 minutes) (Note: Selecting this locks out Warforged/Bladeforged Weapon Attachment)
    * Rune Arm Overcharge: The patterns of magic making up your rune arm are clearer to you than ever. Your stable charge tier is increased to charge tier 3.
    * Tactical Mobility: Charging your rune arm no longer causes you to move at reduced speed.
    * Repair Vulnerability - 10% Repair amplification (with an additional 10% if you have the construct essence feat) [WF end up having 150%, CE Fleshies also with 150%]
    LuKaSu's DDO Wishlist.
    SSG, Thanks for a super-fun game!

  5. #5
    Community Member
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    Oct 2009


    about arcanotechnician:

    Shocking Vulnerability should not be 5%. More like 50-100%.
    Spell Critical could grant 2%; or merged with cores.
    T5 needs more oomph.
    Maybe some additional effect proccing with all spells / SLAs, similar to Lantern Ring / Shiradi procs.

    Cores are weak.
    Maybe +Evo DC (aka spellsinger) (or allow heightening to 9th level spell, considering that arcanotech has cheaper heighten meta)
    Swap Lightning Bolt for something else (Chain Lightning / DBF?)
    Fix Critical Admix
    - allow self target
    - heal advertised damage (it currently heals less)
    - not affected by knowledge potions as far as i can tell
    - maybe make it heal over time effect, with its slow casting (throwing) speed, it's almost impossible to use effectively in epics in combat

  6. #6
    Community Member
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    Feb 2014


    Sure, they could revise the trees, but that's the wrong direction to go in regarding artificers ( my favorite class, BTW). No, I'd rather see them scrap the class and trees as they currently exist, and the Cannith Crafting system. Then they could rebuild the Artificer class as it is supposed to be along with a proper mothergame or UA-based crafting system.

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