Hey Illuminati, ive still been busy racking up favor on my ranger, upto 1510 now. Just some thoughts, if you've played on test server you've noticed the 1sec delay in switching weapons. For me this a pretty big deal, when im not the main tank, I usually have my Destruction SS main hand, with paralyzing light mace off hand, then after the first destruction hit, I switch to my +5 holy ss, or whatever bane weapon fits the mob I'm killing, I find myself using con dmg only very situationaly now. But with as much weapon switching as I'm doing, I'm starting to wonder if quick draw is a worth while feat, it seems to let you change your weapon about 2x as fast. Now if you play the way I do, you switch weapons a WHOLE lot, I have my entire numpad hotkey'd to diff weapons so I can switch on the fly as I fight. Have you tested this out yourself yet, whatcha think. I know Dodge for the 1ac is good, or focus piercing, but you may net more dmg from losing that delay than from +1 to attack, and thus mitigate more damage by killing faster, making it better than dodge.
Just wanted your thoughts on in. Btw I am also going to drop Undead for Evil outsiders w/o a doubt, the only hard undead in the whole game is the vamp, and even with 30 to attack you still barely hit him, but on the other hand outsiders are very plentify, and would make a great choice.
Check in later