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  1. #161
    Community Member the_ox's Avatar
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    Hey Illuminati, ive still been busy racking up favor on my ranger, upto 1510 now. Just some thoughts, if you've played on test server you've noticed the 1sec delay in switching weapons. For me this a pretty big deal, when im not the main tank, I usually have my Destruction SS main hand, with paralyzing light mace off hand, then after the first destruction hit, I switch to my +5 holy ss, or whatever bane weapon fits the mob I'm killing, I find myself using con dmg only very situationaly now. But with as much weapon switching as I'm doing, I'm starting to wonder if quick draw is a worth while feat, it seems to let you change your weapon about 2x as fast. Now if you play the way I do, you switch weapons a WHOLE lot, I have my entire numpad hotkey'd to diff weapons so I can switch on the fly as I fight. Have you tested this out yourself yet, whatcha think. I know Dodge for the 1ac is good, or focus piercing, but you may net more dmg from losing that delay than from +1 to attack, and thus mitigate more damage by killing faster, making it better than dodge.

    Just wanted your thoughts on in. Btw I am also going to drop Undead for Evil outsiders w/o a doubt, the only hard undead in the whole game is the vamp, and even with 30 to attack you still barely hit him, but on the other hand outsiders are very plentify, and would make a great choice.

    Check in later
    Oxide of Mabar
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  2. #162
    Community Member the_ox's Avatar
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    BTW: if you havent checked this out yet, I suggest you do:

    Thotts Damage Calculator

    This will help us with alot of the weapon choices we have to make.
    Oxide of Mabar
    Officer of Working as Intended

    "To Fear is to Die, and I'm still Alive. So why should I be Afraid" - me

    Oxideous - Level 12 Drow Piercing Ranger (1799 Favor)
    Genoxide - Level 04 Drow Wizard
    .... Oxide - Level 01 1750 Human Cleric
    . Oxident - Level 05 1750 Halfing Evasion Tank

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  3. #163
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    Quote Originally Posted by the_ox
    BTW: if you havent checked this out yet, I suggest you do:

    Thotts Damage Calculator

    This will help us with alot of the weapon choices we have to make.
    I took quickdraw to test on Risia. It seems to cut it from 1 second to .5

    My thoughts are...

    If you have a ton of weps then go for it, just a few its not worth it. Im torn still but will let you know.
    Main: Illuminati (Halfling Iron Monk), Stonewolf (Dwarf Pally), Vyking (TWF Barb), Illuminatrix (Batchick), Illumino (Drow Ranger), Fuji (Human Monk)
    Proud Member of the Twilight Avengers

  4. #164
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    I am new in ddo, just bought the game. I have been inspired by this build to play a ranger (I neved did before, no liked the rangers...).

    Is this a good build for a newbien in ddo (no to others mmorpgs)?

    Why put points in str if you are going for dex with finnese? is it for load equipment? could I down it a bit?

    I dont have the drow unlocked, so I'll play halfling for all those saves and +1 AC. What should be my initial stats?

    Thx a lot and sorry for my english!

  5. #165
    Community Member Jaysensen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by the_ox View Post
    I usually have my Destruction SS main hand, with paralyzing light mace off hand, then after the first destruction hit, I switch to my +5 holy ss, or whatever bane weapon fits the mob I'm killing, I find myself using con dmg only very situationaly now.
    Out of curiousity, whats your rationale for this setup? Id think you would want the Paralyzer main hand and damage weapon offhand. I guess if you are more going for DPS, wouldnt you want two damage weapons? Not criticizing you, I just dont understand the rationale.

    Personally, I rarely destruct things. Even prior to the swapping delay with the module, I found that the micro management necessary for weaponswapping wasnt worth it. I go for Trip/Sunder first. And skip Sunder unless its a Blackguard.

    Ive never had problems hitting anything in the game without precision. I turn on Precision for Elite Flayers. Elite Renders if all melees are wounding. Rarely anything else. Ive just found that anything that dies in 5 seconds isnt worth the extra split second for Destruction/Sunder. OFC I rarely play with random gimpy PUG people, so maybe thats the difference...
    Namesake of The Lava Divers, Khyber

  6. #166
    Community Member RioRussell's Avatar
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    Default Comments on build

    Illuminati, This is an absolutely fun build to play-
    I have a tempest ranger on Khyber (Gentile by name) this was only my second player, my first is a L7 pally. I built him a bit ago so the only difference to your base build was I am true neutral and took dodge at L1. I really enjoy the versatility of this build, I am currently L5 with a 27 AC unbuffed and a +15 to hit with a +1 flametouched puncturing rapier or a +1 holy light mace. I ran necro with a L6-7 group and had 75 kills by the end - 2 less than the L7 fighter

    I can't wait for L6 with giants as a favored enemy and barkskin... I also have a thundering rapier of puncturing waiting in the bank.

    My only comment is to learn the playstyle. At times my paladin playstyle takes over and I am the first to rush the casters.... and get held.... and you can guess the rest.

    Thanks for the build and happy hunting!

  7. #167
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    Hi Rio,

    Thanks!! With all the toons I have (except a cleric...ewww!) I enjoy the Tempest Ranger the most. When I hit 1750 favor on one its gonna be time for the pure elf version.

    Quote Originally Posted by RioRussell View Post
    Illuminati, This is an absolutely fun build to play-
    I have a tempest ranger on Khyber (Gentile by name) this was only my second player, my first is a L7 pally. I built him a bit ago so the only difference to your base build was I am true neutral and took dodge at L1. I really enjoy the versatility of this build, I am currently L5 with a 27 AC unbuffed and a +15 to hit with a +1 flametouched puncturing rapier or a +1 holy light mace. I ran necro with a L6-7 group and had 75 kills by the end - 2 less than the L7 fighter

    I can't wait for L6 with giants as a favored enemy and barkskin... I also have a thundering rapier of puncturing waiting in the bank.

    My only comment is to learn the playstyle. At times my paladin playstyle takes over and I am the first to rush the casters.... and get held.... and you can guess the rest.

    Thanks for the build and happy hunting!
    Main: Illuminati (Halfling Iron Monk), Stonewolf (Dwarf Pally), Vyking (TWF Barb), Illuminatrix (Batchick), Illumino (Drow Ranger), Fuji (Human Monk)
    Proud Member of the Twilight Avengers

  8. #168
    Founder Halinger_Goodblade's Avatar
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    Default Illuminati...

    Im looking into this build but have a few questions:

    1. what feats would you change to make a decent archer...(if any) the dex is there but the feats are more built for TWF. (I like the idea of doing some ranged fighting then when they come for you, you Dual Wield and pummel your enemy... )

    2. Why arent there very many Ranger builds for archers? Are the fighters with there feats that overpowered for archery?

    3. If you get the time could someone compile the Ranger builds into one post and sticky them.... (not really a question, more of a request after looking at the other class forums)

    Let me go into my thoughts...
    I am currently playing a 6 Rogue/1 Fighter (time to delete) and tend to Range alot (got alot of nice bows) but when the fighting gets up close and personal my build well, severly lacks... just not happy with the Rogue part at all... Looking into the ranger as a happy medium (also of my 6 characters I dont have a ranger).

    The Bottom Line:
    Just wondering if this build would give me enough archery to rock (or what would I add/change to fix) but when its time to get my hands dirty I would be happy with that as well....

  9. #169
    Founder guygrim's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Halinger Goodblade View Post
    1. what feats would you change to make a decent archer...(if any) the dex is there but the feats are more built for TWF. (I like the idea of doing some ranged fighting then when they come for you, you Dual Wield and pummel your enemy... )

    2. Why arent there very many Ranger builds for archers? Are the fighters with there feats that overpowered for archery?

    3. If you get the time could someone compile the Ranger builds into one post and sticky them.... (not really a question, more of a request after looking at the other class forums)

    The Bottom Line:
    Just wondering if this build would give me enough archery to rock (or what would I add/change to fix) but when its time to get my hands dirty I would be happy with that as well....
    If your looking at the Bottom Line, then this build IS what you are looking for. Rangers rock with this build.

    Go to point #1:

    If you want to focus more on Archery you can do a few things different. Specific feats to consider are Point Blank Shot, Weapon Focus Ranged (Instead of Piercing) and Improved Weapon Focus: Ranged (Instead of Piercing).

    At level 6 my To-Hit score for Ranged and Piercing both sit at +17. With Precision on, it is obviously higher. (I wish I did not take Precision). With this build I have "Enough Archery to rock and when its time to get my hands dirty, I Dual Wield and Pummel the enemy".

    Good luck and Have Fun

    edit to add additional thoughts.....

    Although I can dual Wield, I usually go Sword and Board. I like the extra +5 AC and at level 10, I'll have 42 AC (+5 Mithril Chain Shirt +5 Shield) thanks to my Dex, Armor/Accessories and Barkskin.
    Last edited by guygrim; 11-02-2006 at 03:27 PM.
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  10. #170
    Founder Halinger_Goodblade's Avatar
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    You Rock!... nuff said

    The only ranged feats I could think of would be Point Blank Shot , Weapon Focus Ranged..... and SotR (to many feats required to achieve)...

    but +17 on both at 6 is good!

    Looks like I know what Im doing tonight!

    Thx for your help!

  11. #171
    Community Member Grenfell's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Halinger Goodblade View Post
    You Rock!... nuff said

    The only ranged feats I could think of would be Point Blank Shot , Weapon Focus Ranged..... and SotR (to many feats required to achieve)...

    but +17 on both at 6 is good!

    Looks like I know what Im doing tonight!

    Thx for your help!
    Just FYI, I have a version of this (nice build Illuminati once again) and I'm finding that post mod-3, there's no need for SOTR... especially if you have precision.

    I soloed Irestone Inlet on Hard the other day on my lvl 6, without taking more than 5 points of damage the entire time. And that was in a robe. :P If I missed a bit too much, I just turned on Precision which negates the -4 to hit, and I rely on the Holy from the bow (Silver Bow) instead of base arrow damage.

    A really nice build. I think it'll just get stronger with more levels.

    PS: I think my third Favored Enemy will definitely be Aberrations, seeing as how Scorrow and Beholders are Aberrations.... Thoughts on FE with mod 3 out?


  12. #172
    Founder Halinger_Goodblade's Avatar
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    My next question then:

    What Robes would you recommend?
    I have an 11 Sorc, and 11 Wiz so obviously robe selection will be prime...

    I’m thinking all the Greater resists, Invul, and Heavy Fort, anything else comes to mind?

  13. #173
    Community Member D'rin's Avatar
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    Default Hey Grenfell

    You are correct the build just gets better and better. 7th lvl is the last level that does not really make you go "Freaking Cool". 8th is barkskin, 9th improved crit which seriously jumps the damage/kill out put and +1 to barkskin Oh and little thing called evasion, 10th is bab 4 and 11th is improved/precise shot and 7 (yes count them 7 attacks of which the last 2 are +10) 3 many shot arrows and 12th gives anonther +1 to barkskin.
    The build just gets better with age. In regards to Favored enemies. I have undead cuz they are everywhere, evil outsiders and aberrations. Makes invaders and the caravan really fun. Also, turn on many shot and strafe back and forth, you get one dead beholder and avoid the eye stalks. Even though I don't have elves I was only 2nd in kill count(I know it doesn't mean everythng) when running tempest spine on elite. Giants are a good choice but they can be punctured so I am not a worried about them, and the really dangerous ones(fire giant champions) have a weakness to an opposing element. At 15th I will probablly take giants though.
    It is one of the best build for soloing. Especially after 9th with evasion. The only problem that I run into is will power saves. Keep getting held now that the fragment of the silver flames is nerfed. With only a 7 I am thinking on taking Iron will at 12th to help with it. Not sure though I would rather take something fun.
    Last edited by D'rin; 11-02-2006 at 07:24 PM.

  14. #174
    Community Member Grenfell's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Halinger Goodblade View Post
    My next question then:

    What Robes would you recommend?
    I have an 11 Sorc, and 11 Wiz so obviously robe selection will be prime...

    I’m thinking all the Greater resists, Invul, and Heavy Fort, anything else comes to mind?
    I'm still low level, but I have this nifty Lesser Lightning Shield (1d4 damage if I get hit) Robe of Invulnerability. I imagine the Fearsome robes would be fun too.

    Clicky robes are a ton of fun -- Prayer, Divine Power, Haste... etc. etc.


  15. #175
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    Quote Originally Posted by Halinger Goodblade View Post
    My next question then:

    What Robes would you recommend?
    I have an 11 Sorc, and 11 Wiz so obviously robe selection will be prime...

    I’m thinking all the Greater resists, Invul, and Heavy Fort, anything else comes to mind?
    With Robes, the sky's the limit bro. My 11 Ranger has 30 dex and uses robes. My main robe would probably be the Abbarent Robe (Extra Mana - 17 Spell resist). But I also switch to Heavy Fort robe when things get crowded (and pvp). Resist robes for the obvious. Deathblock. And a ton of Clicky robes **remove curse, restoration, heroism, detect doors, blah blah**.

    If I could find a Deathblock robe of Heavy Fortification or a spell resist higher than 17 I may switch to that full time. Like its been previously stated in other threads our Will saves are terrible so anything I can use to help that would be great. In fact thats the main reason I went True Neutral was for Stability gear for the extra +2 Saves on Fort and Will.

    Although they sound cool, I generally tend to stay away from those element damage robes. The simple fact is with 130 hps at lvl 11 if something is actually hitting me, I guarentee I'm going to die alot sooner than he is with the measly 1d6-1d8 damage from my element guard robe.
    Last edited by Guyven; 11-03-2006 at 10:35 AM.

  16. #176
    Community Member Jaysensen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Guyven View Post
    If I could find a Deathblock robe of Heavy Fortification or a spell resist higher than 17 I may switch to that full time.
    Prior to Mod3, DB SR17 could NOT generate - SB SR15 was the best you could get. SR19 by itself exists. Theoretically it could have been 10 Racial Restricted, but it wasnt in the loot tables. It may or may not have been added. Im guessing not. Anyone seen +4 Protection or Resistance items?

    I run around with Greater Fire for lava, Acid for PK Dogs, and the main robe DB Invuln. Protection clickies. Greater Silent Moves & Accomplice. +5 Mith Chain for Casters.

    Someone asked about a conversion to archery... I wouldnt do that with a low STR build. You need a build with higher str to do decent damage. You need improved Crit Range. Most likely want Weapon Focus also.
    Namesake of The Lava Divers, Khyber

  17. #177
    Community Member RioRussell's Avatar
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    Default Precision or no Precision

    Quote Originally Posted by guygrim View Post
    At level 6 my To-Hit score for Ranged and Piercing both sit at +17. With Precision on, it is obviously higher. (I wish I did not take Precision).

    ok so I am about 10k xp from l6 - I have heard some people say precision is great, others say they wish they hadn't taken it. my question is - is it worth it? how much do you use it? So far I haven't had much problem hitting anything, but it may not scale that way as I get to higher levels.

    As far as criticals go, does the precision +4 bonus add to the range for critical hits, or just to the confirmation roll for the crit?

    I'd rather pick the feat i want and not repsec it later...

    Thanks for your comments and help

  18. #178
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    I'm also in the same bind. I'm semi thinking about switching out Precision for Quickdraw. Take out something that is very usefull (but situational) or go with a feat that'll cut down on my weapon swapping (which I do ALOT of).. Im leaning towards Quickdraw. Swaping Weapons is a huge part of a rangers r'epertoire.

  19. #179
    Community Member D'rin's Avatar
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    Default Actually looking at taking percisoin

    lvl 11 slight modified tempest build. I took doges and twf defense to bump my ac by 2. I am going to use the shard to get rid of twf defense and take precision. Now at 11th I will twf when I have a good main tank with me or we are on normal and I am not worried as much about getting creamed. On hard or elite I generally want to be able to hit. Since most regular mobs are still puncturable then the stat damage is all I am worried about. With my +3 rapier of punturing my to hit is around 25. With percision and the next bump in elven melee attack I can hit 30 with precision on. That is going to mean hitting a drow black guard within my entire crit range. Also makes fire giant champions go down much faster for looting.

  20. #180
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    Default Tempest Rgr11 - First Post

    Hey guys....been a long time reader of this thread and I've got my tempest ranger up to 11 on the Ghallanda server. The server sux by the way. You all are lucky not to be on it.

    Anyway, this build is really, really fun and my friends, guildmates and co-adventurers are amazed by its proficiency.

    I built mine on a drow platform prior to Illuminati offering up his new version and its a bit nerfed, since I went with a higher CHA to maximize UMD (wanted to use the chaosguarde, now i may not be able to until lvl12). Looks like this:

    STR: 12 (10+2 item)
    Dex: 30 (20+5 Enhancements +3 Item + 2 levls4/8)
    Con: 14 (+3 Item)
    Int: 10
    Wis: 13 (base, no item yet, kinda dumb)
    Cha: 13 (10 +3 Item)

    So I'm really nerfed on strength, and I deeply regret it. One +2 tome and a +4 item and I'll be ok.

    AC Build:

    10 Base
    10 Dex
    7 Shield (hvy of Stab - still get +2 save bonus)
    4 WW Bracers
    3 Deflection (specops)
    1 Dodge
    5 Barkskin
    40 AC Standing, 45 around my pally friends :-) Most folks I run into are completely amazed by this. I've had clerics ask me, "Hey, you don't get hit much, what's your ac?" I can hear their virtual jaws drop when I explain it to them!

    Weapon set ups:

    Undead: Flaming Rapier of Undead bane, FT Holy lt. Mace
    Con Dmg: Numberous punct rapiers (seeker addy of punct, acid of punct, flaming of punct, shock BURST of punct) in main hand, wounding dagger in off hand.
    Con Dmg: Also have a wounding rapier and a punct dagger and an acid punct dagger.
    Hard to Hit Mobs: +4 Frost rapier, +5 rapier
    DPS: Icy burst, flaming burst rapiers.

    I also "specialize" in stat damage and have numerous weakening, destruction, maladroit finessible weapons that I've bought, sold, traded my virtual life for over the past couple months. You'd be amazed at what kind of light picks drop out there.

    Prized possesions, rapiers: Anarchic Burst, Axiomatic Burst, Acid of Punct, Shock Burst of Punct, keen(+2) addy of punct, +3 Holy of PG shortbow (umd required).

    Bows: haven't really been saving up bows, but my first toon was Aeslynn's Rgr2/Ftr8 Archer build (totally nerfed now with the freebies rgrs get) so I "willed" some bows down from him. Mainly use Silver (best bow in game), various ele burst, wounding and cursespewing. nice to Manyshot the mobs with Wounding, burst or curse before they get to you, then lay into them with your puncturing, ele burst melee weaps.

    Main robe is a DB of SR13...yeah, SR13 kinda sux and I occassionally get whacked by a beholder. Need to get that Aberrant robe. Have improved/greater of all the elemental stuff.

    Con+3 belt of Mod Fort is on most of time.

    Cure Mod spell at lvl11 is really nice to have as well.

    I'll go back with my FREE dragonshard (I wonder if they bind...I have 3 toons that will each get one) and change out Dodge for Precision. Then I'll go punct/punct with Rapier/SS or Rapier/Dagger. That will rock.

    My alignment is still TRUE N, I'll just hope that someday they will fix stability.

    Anyway, thanks for the build. It made this game fun for me for quite a while. Looking forward to 12 and imp crit ranged...I'll basically have my first toon (the archer mentioned above) "built in" to this awesome toon with the ranged feat. It will rock.


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