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Thread: 2016 Want List

  1. #1

    Default 2016 Want List

    Most of the new content for 2015 has probably already been partially finished or at least scheduled, so I wanted to discuss content for 2016 as next year is more open ended. I started a thread about the DDO 10th Anniversary which is on February 28th, 2016 so I thought I would follow up with this wish list for Updates 29 and beyond.

    # 1 10th Anniversary Live Event. I really like the idea of a Devil Invasion sequel live event for DDO's 10th Anniversary which was mentioned in the earlier thread. A Devil Assault live event for DDO’s landmark anniversary would also tie nicely into the new Shavarath and Vale of Twilight quests for Updates 26 and 27. After the live event ends, a new quest or raid commemorating the event would be added to the game in remembrance of the occasion. I truly hope that we get more than a funny hat or consumables for the 10th anniversary as those sorts of anniversary presents are not memorable or newsworthy. DDO’s 10th Anniversary should be a game changer in some manner.

    # 2 Crafting Revision. Updating the crafting system will most likely be pushed out to 2016, based on the current slate of content but also because the new level 30 cap won't happen until the end of 2015. The new crafting system should be made relevant for players up to level 30 and hopefully include some new features like the ability for wizards and artificers to brew potions, craft scrolls and wands, or maybe even a new skill called Fabrication. This major crafting overhaul should be approached in such a fashion that it need only be performed once so that crafting does not become dated with future updates.

    # 3 Player Housing. Player housing was mentioned once by the developers in 2014 but has since been shelved. We have Guild airships in DDO but player housing would provide another dimension to game play for individual players as well as expand individual character storage. Player housing worked well in LOTRO and much of the art resources and game mechanics used to revise the Guild airships could be applied to make instanced housing. Player housing could be themed based on class, race, and DDO area with examples being a monk dojo, a Halfling garden home, and a padded cell for those players interested in Xoriat.

    # 4 Guild Strongholds. Neverwinter Online will offer Guild strongholds later this year as that game lacks any pooled resource related to Guilds for its players except a shared Guild bank for items. DDO has Guild airships but these are only accessible in Eberron and from the Eberron side of the Hall of Heroes. As the DDO game world continues to be built out, Guilds could be offered the option of owning a Guild Stronghold in the Forgotten Realms. The Guild stronghold would be similar to the airships with buffs and storage but perhaps have new amenities like a Guild council chamber (what the hot tub was used for in the past) and a PvP area. Like player housing, Guild strongholds would be themed with options for a medieval castle, an Iron Tower, an underwater palace, etc. The amount of content that would be required to justify Guild strongholds might take longer to bring to DDO than what can be achieved by 2016, so this is a suggestion for any year in the near future.

    # 5 New Airship Amenities. The Guild airship model upgrade was a success and appreciated by the player base. Further enhancements to airships would improve the airships with possibilities being themed cosmetic airship skins (e.g., ghost ship, pirate ship, Spelljammer nautiloid, and so on), an airship trophy room for Level 151+ Guilds to display collective accomplishments, and more amenity buffs. At present, there is very little incentive to pass Guild level 150 so introducing more ship amenities would encourage Guilds to reach these levels. For example, as of now a high level Guild with a Daedalean Kraken airship has almost an entire deck of empty space if all of the existing large and usable small amenities are hooked so offering exclusive level 151+ amenities would be a tangible benefit to belonging to a level 200 Guild.

    # 6 New Paid Expansion. I have been promulgating a Waterdeep / Undermountain / Skullport expansion on these forums for a while. More Forgotten Realms content is the best way to promote DDO, as much as I like the Eberron setting. The new expansion should include a 2nd starting area for level 1 players in the City of Waterdeep, as a contrast to the rural setting in Korthos which would help refresh the TR experience for players. If the DDO version of the Forgotten Realms started to rival Eberron in size, Guild strongholds as outlined above could be added to the Realms. I would also want a level 30 Griffon fighter hireling to be included with any Forgotten Realms expansion, as the player base has been asking for a new permanent hireling companion.

    # 7 A VIP Lounge. I started a thread asking for a VIP subscriber Lounge last year on this sub-forum. The VIP Lounge (not called this but instead some other name, like 'The Golden Lion Tavern') would be free to VIPs but accessible to premium or f2p players that purchase a pass like the one for the Hall of Heroes. The VIP Lounge would be something like The Portable Hole but for all classes, offering an all in one place with vendors selling items at steep discounts, a PvP area, and special vendors selling goods or amenities available nowhere else. The VIP Lounge would be "up in the clouds" and accessible via the Teleporters, the Guild airship Navigator, and The Hall of Heroes. The VIP Lounge would be a relatively inexpensive way to add more value to a VIP subscription, especially for new players, and create a communal space in the game world.

    # 8 Goblins.

    # 9 Gnomes. Producer Severlin stated that Gnomes would be the next playable race, whenever a new race is added to the game. If Gnomes are adapted properly into DDO, they would add a new dimension to game play and help bring back veteran players. I agree with Severlin that Svirfneblin (Deep Gnomes) would be awesome.

    # 10 More Iconics. A number of potential Iconic classes were mentioned by Producer Glin in a 2013 podcast: a drow ranger, a warlock (which we are getting as a core class this year), and a Harper Bard (which we now have to some extent as an Enhancement tree). Finishing the Iconic line for all 13 core classes should begin next year and have an eventual goal of creating an Iconic Completionist feat.

    That is all I have at the moment. I would welcome everyone else's suggestions as a reply to this post. It would behoove us to put every suggestion for 2016 in one thread for easy reading by the devs.
    Last edited by The_Human_Cypher; 04-22-2015 at 09:34 AM.

  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    First your list
    #1 a 10th year event is definitely a must have and should be a huge event.
    #2 a crafting revision is in order. Not something I would value highly but certainly in order.
    #3-4 I consider housing and other names for that to be a waste of time, so thats a no thanks from me.
    #5 New Airship stuff. More fluff would be fine - more power would be less fine. I suspect the income for Turbine would be minimal so I would rate this wish very low.
    #6 I want more quests AND more raids and I dont mind paying for it - so I agree assuming its in the order of MOTU with lots of quests and preferably more than just 1 raid. Say 20 quests and 3 raids as a minimum.
    #7 I couldnt care less.
    #8 and #9 Not my cup of tea but if it can be done cheap then sure why not.
    #10 Sure. Not that I am likely to use those much but I suspect they could bring some income without alot of power creep.

    My own list:
    #11 More raids
    #12 More quests
    #13 A revision of older loot in particular raid loot to upgrade the very worst items to be somewhat reasonable
    #14 Better balancing of classes
    Member of Spellswords on Ghallanda

  3. #3
    Community Member
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    I agree with all you said.


    1) Endgame viable pure unarmed monks.

    2) Endgame viable pure kensei fighters.

    3) Viable endgame content.

    4) Bonus: before 2016

  4. 04-22-2015, 07:46 AM

  5. 04-22-2015, 08:01 AM

  6. #4
    Community Member
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    I like numbers 1,2,6, and 10. I remember when Cannith Crafting got started and people LOVED it... then it fell by the wayside. Expansions are nice (Motu was/is AWESOME Shadowfall was/is meh feels like 2 quest packs called an Expansion). Currently I enjoy playing Iconics (currently on PDK recently played BF and SDK), they add to Turbines bottom line and a few more TR lives.

  7. #5
    Community Member Robai's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The_Human_Cypher View Post
    # 3 Player Housing. Player housing was mentioned once by the developers in 2014 but has since been shelved. We have Guild airships in DDO but player housing would provide another dimension to game play for individual players as well as expand individual character storage. Player housing worked well in LOTRO and much of the art resources and game mechanics used to revise the Guild airships could be applied to make instanced housing. Player housing could be themed based on class, race, and DDO area with examples being a monk dojo, a Halfling garden home, and a padded cell for those players interested in Xoriat.
    +1, the key part is in purple. This is an important part of the quality of the game.
    Loot Design, S/S/S system, TR Cache Button, The exact trap DCs in EE HH, A guide for DDO-ML, Unknown Heroes: 3rd place, Welcome to Orien: /joinchannel Titan
    Quote Originally Posted by Certon View Post
    This is the most perfect suggestion in the history of suggestions, and it is full of upsides for both players and servers.

  8. #6
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    1&9 yes but 9 only if its plain jane gnomes

    6 but again NOT IF ITS for the worst setting ever done the better they were forgotten realms

    The rest no thanks

    Beware the Sleepeater

  9. #7
    Community Member UurlockYgmeov's Avatar
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    #2 IS already scheduled for '15 - last update - but if needs to be it will be pushed to first update of '16.


  10. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by UurlockYgmeov View Post
    #2 IS already scheduled for '15 - last update - but if needs to be it will be pushed to first update of '16.

    Crafting probably won't happen in 2015 as it is not a priority. I would rather that they take their time with the crafting revision so that it is done correctly and doesn't require future reworking. The crafting system should be modified to rebalance automatically with loot improvements and character level cap changes.

  11. #9
    Community Member UurlockYgmeov's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The_Human_Cypher View Post
    Crafting probably won't happen in 2015 as it is not a priority. I would rather that they take their time with the crafting revision so that it is done correctly and doesn't require future reworking. The crafting system should be modified to rebalance automatically with loot improvements and character level cap changes.
    Agree - was stating that it is already scheduled - and yes probably will be pushed - but already scheduled.


  12. #10
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    I think I speak for the entire DDO community when I say /dance3

  13. #11
    Hero BurnerD's Avatar
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    Account Wide Inventory UI with good search tools.

    Argonessenn -Officer of Storm Shadow-
    Olen Anteres

  14. #12
    Hero madmaxhunter's Avatar
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    Good list, only cringed at the PvP area in the lounge.

    To your point on guild housing, the dissenters need to realize that personalized housing would be a cash cow for Turbine. Lots of players with too much disposable income would tweak their houses with DDO Store items. A place to put all the stuff that languishes in the TR cache would be a gods send. No one would be forced to buy a house, do it or don't.
    Completionist Lighthardtt Tuisian of Sarlona
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    "Just another day in pair-o'-dice"

  15. #13
    Community Member UurlockYgmeov's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by madmaxhunter View Post
    Good list, only cringed at the PvP area in the lounge.

    To your point on guild housing, the dissenters need to realize that personalized housing would be a cash cow for Turbine. Lots of players with too much disposable income would tweak their houses with DDO Store items. A place to put all the stuff that languishes in the TR cache would be a gods send. No one would be forced to buy a house, do it or don't.
    all well and good - but here is the point. Turbine only has X amount of resources to devout to everything. So in order to do housing (and do it right) - you'd have to take away resources from something else. Even if it would be a cash cow (it probably would) - they would have to spend / allocate the resources to make it first. Here's the sticking part - they'd need to devout MANY resources to it (say 500,000 USD worth) which would mean housing would be the sole item in an entire quarter's update. Many are not willing to give up everything else to get something purely cosmetic.

  16. #14
    The Hatchery SisAmethyst's Avatar
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    # 1 10th Anniversary Live Event. That is hopefully a big one, but if they lack resources or time, I rather have the devs dig into bugfixing or finalizing of development and just the have a Loot/XP bonus week and maybe Cordovan run some live events.

    # 2 Crafting Revision. As said already scheduled, but if they have to push it back to make it right, well so be it.

    # 3 Player Housing. I really don't get that thing. After all a single person can create a guild and buy an airship, where is the point to have also personal space? I rather have another bank tab for BtC items. So No for me.

    # 4 Guild Strongholds. I wouldn't want them to copy paste from other games, especially not from Neverwinter Online which has zero in common with D&D. I actually like that Guild housing is unique with the Airships. After all, have two locations to manage and outfit with amenities, not to mention upgrade? Nahhh...

    # 5 New Airship Amenities. Uhm what other amenities? If I remember correctly the reason for not allowing faster run is actually that the animation and engine doesn't work well with faster movements. So +30 to a skill? How about for UMD? No, seriously, I think this is a bad idea.

    # 6 New Paid Expansion. I somehow get tired of Forgotten Realms and Co. I much more would prefer they go back to our Steampunk Eberron world. There is still so many places to explore: The Bluespine Peaks, The Demon Wastes, Mournland, Droaam, Mror Holds, the City of Sharn... and for some we even already have Story arches that just have to be expanded.

    # 7 A VIP Lounge. Uuhh, entitled much to need a Lounge? For what purpose? Maybe the portable hole is what you are looking for?

    # 8 Goblins. maybe, one day in the future, after we got Gnomes, Tieflings, Assimar,...

    # 9 Gnomes. As already noted it is on the table, but with Warlock and Epic Shavarath coming I don't think there is room to schedule it for 2015. I would actually like to see Tinker Gnomes

    # 10 More Iconics. Icons while a nice idea come with so many restrictions. They force a special Class, starter gear can't be reused, their own TR mechanic and due to their distinged look, animation feats and Co probably even not easy to implement. They don't bring much more variety, rather have a real new class or race. So actually I don't think there is need for more
    * We have collectable bags, mind you, even hireling folders, but can I have that 6-pack for my potions please?
    * Having already a past life on the dieng EU servers, I rerolled here and started from scratch as I like the game and the community, so lets see what awaits me here

  17. #15
    Community Member Rofaust's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MJtheKing View Post
    I think I speak for the entire DDO community when I say /dance3
    Yes you do. +1 to a gentleman and a scholar
    Please give me a rep point. I need them to live

  18. #16


    Quote Originally Posted by Rofaust View Post
    Yes you do. +1 to a gentleman and a scholar
    DDO could start selling special dances for characters in the Store. After all, cosmetic pets get them.

  19. #17

  20. #18
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    Will pay for a dance pack.

    More end game raids.

    Raids saga.
    Lunality, Sorcality, Tunality, Axation, Causation, Shurality, Desparality, Stingality and a few more...

  21. #19
    Community Member Powerhungry's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MJtheKing View Post
    I think I speak for the entire DDO community when I say /dance3
    (Combat): You are hit by your knockdown.

  22. #20
    Community Member rodrigomm88's Avatar
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    1# there will probably be something

    2# Yes. needs to improve many things , you could rename the item craft

    3# Not Need.

    4# Good Idea. Guild Vs Guild System.

    5# Airship its ok.

    6# Sure. More FH explores

    7# Vip is fine. not need change. it would lose some players

    8# Goblins, Centaurs, Gnomes, Shifters, Tiamat

    9# Gnome, Shifters, Kalashtar and Changelings. Should be in the game since its creation. Races are Eberron

    10# Dragonborn. Fighter Dragon with Fire Dragon Breath

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