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Thread: PM Gear Query

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  1. #1
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    Default PM Gear Query

    I have a level 28 Pale Master and have all the adventure packs. I dont really like farming so Im wondering what would be some easy gearing up ideas. End rewards or quick dungeons (or even raids) would be the ideal.

    I still have 2 CITW raider boxes unopened and 13 comms but I dont think that staff is worth it anymore even if it is fully updated?

    Here is my current gear (none of them have been upgraded, so if upgrading them makes sense please confirm):

    Head - Epic Minos Legens
    Goggles - GS Con Opp goggles
    Neck - Sage's Locket
    Trinket - Voice of the Master
    Back - Sage's Mantle
    Belt - Epic Thoughtful Remembrance (Glove of True Imp Blood aug)
    Hands - Epic Fanged Gloves (Greater Necro aug)
    Wrist - Sage's Cuffs
    Boots - GS SP boots
    Armor - Spidersilk Robes
    Ring 1 - Strength + False Life (Greater Conjuration aug)
    Ring 2 - Ring of Lies

    Weapon 1 - Impulse of Fire Lore
    Weapon 2 - Nether Orb (Necro IV) (Combust 114 aug)

    With weapons I also have a Glaciation stick when Im up against stuff I cant insta-kill.

    I have a fair few items in the level 20 to 28 range but having only just returned to the game I have not really done much in Haunted Halls / TOEE and have only done the Shadow and Fire dragon raids a couple of times, and did my first Mark of Death over the weekend.

    Any hints (other than 'run morrr') would be much appreciated. Especially stuff which is on the AH or AS (I have about 1500 AS so I dont mind buying good stuff).

    Im also planning on going a Swashbuckler in a few months when I TR, so if there are any items which are great for both (Epic Minos Legens and Thoughtful Remembrance are 2 I can see being useful on many builds) then that would be perfect.

    Finally if this is better placed in another thread where more people will look, let me know and in a few days I can re-post.



  2. #2
    Community Member
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    Anyone able to help here?

    I just made a Tier 2 Thunder-forged dagger with Necro +6 which should be a nice little boost.

    Not sure what to put in to the Orange aug slot either.


  3. #3
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    Since none of the PM experts seem to be biting, here's my two cents worth. I've found the following items most useful on my PM:

    Blue dragon helm with +3 insightful int (EE version has better slots, but EH is fine too) from GH
    Shadow dragon scale caster armour for +1 profane DC increase (cheap to make compared to Tier 3 weapon) from TH
    Deathwyrm cloak for neg energy amp and spell power increase from TH
    Epic Litany for stat increases from MoD
    Epic Belt of Thoughtful Rememberance (a lot of useful stuff on one item, despite neg energy heal reduction) from Necro IV
    Necklace of Mystic Eidolons for +4 insightful con from HH
    Libram of Silver Magic for spellpower increases when casting for damage from HH.
    A few tier 2 tf sceptres for the DC and spell pen bonuses from TH (though a staff gives an additional +1 to DCs)
    A tf tier 3 sceptre with universal spell lore 17% from TH
    Random lootgen goggles with +10 int and +10 resistance

    Apart from the tier 3 sceptre, the Litany, the necklace, and maybe the helm, these items can be traded for or obtained playing without huge amounts of effort. If you like MoD enough to run it 40 times, the spell lore necklace might be good for reducing sceptre swapping.

    Hopefully this gives you some ideas. Andoris' posts are a great source of information about PMs, if you really want to put in a lot of work into this to have all the best gear.

    Thanks, and good luck.

  4. #4
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    Thanks !

    The shadow caster armor seems to only offer +1 DC. I am wondering if I am getting more from the Spidersilk Robes because they give Insightful +3 (meaning I dont need the Blue Helm), Potency, Wizardry and Resistance.

    I will have a think about the Deathwyrm cloak. I use the Sage's cloak for the +5 Enchant. I use Disco and Hold/Charm a lot. Especially in my group which has guys who do insane DPS compared to me.


  5. #5
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    Sure, hope it was useful.

    My PM's set isn't optimal, but what I did was work out the items I really wanted and back-fill other effects from there.

    I think you could probably squeeze out 2 or 3 more DCs pretty easily if you were prepared to play the regearing puzzle again.

    But I know that collapsing house of cards feeling you get when you try to replace one item, then have to replace lots of other things too to keep all of the important effects.

    Good luck with it.

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by Jasparion View Post
    The shadow caster armor seems to only offer +1 DC. I am wondering if I am getting more from the Spidersilk Robes because they give Insightful +3 (meaning I dont need the Blue Helm), Potency, Wizardry and Resistance.
    You could put +3 insightful Int on your trinket. Look for a Planar Focus of Erudition on the AH or run the 3 quests in the demonweb for the chance in the end reward list (it can also drop in reclaiming the rift end chest). The drop rate has been increased lately, so there are usually some of those around.
    If you still hunt for XP at level 28 (I guess you need XP in destinies?), you'd have to swap your voice manually, which can be annoying.
    The Thunderforged armor is really easy to make, most people have more shadow dragon scales than they ever need, because they aren't used much in TF weapon crafting. Shouldn't be hard to trade for some.
    Consider making a light armor. Your gloves will directly negate the ASF penalty of the armor and light armor will give you some free PRR+MRR over a robe (you don't need proficiency to get the base PRR+MRR bonus).
    This can replace the lost potency.
    Resistance is already covered by +11 on your belt.
    Wizardry can be slotted (a 200 SP augment costs 20 epic tokens. 250 augments exist, but are rare or also available in the store).

    The best +3 int item you should look for long term is Intricate field optics, but those are really expensive and really rare.

    Another really nice ring to consider is the lantern ring
    It doesn't seem to do much for a wizard at first, but on every spell cast you get an additional proc of light damage. It really helps with your DPS.
    Those are usually cheap on the AH too. You can upgrade it with black stones for even more damage.

    Other than that you have the basics covered for a cheap item setup.
    Better setups would require you to run some raids
    Last edited by Eth; 04-22-2015 at 02:50 AM.
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  7. #7
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    I will keep an eye out for the Erudition planar focus, then I can craft my Shadow Armor. I found my Sage's Ring and stuck a 250 SP augment in it (found 2 for sale on the AS for 25 AS so that's not too bad).

    If I swap out my GS Con Opp goggles I lose 50 HP which is a pretty big loss. The other issue is swapping out my GS SP boots. I lose 150 SP there.

    I have a friend who is bugging me to raid more, but I dont enjoy chain farming stuff, so have told him I will run stuff every few days when the raid cooldowns are done (I never bothered making dozens of raid timer bypasses - I gave all my birthday cards away).


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