Hey everyone.
I recently came back to the game about a month ago and at the time, I had my fighter as a pure Warforged Kensai. I kept him that way for several weeks using the THF line and Greatswords. He had no self-healing and the enhancements weren't very well optimized. I was also still using W/P weapons thinking they were still effective. Well, thanks to "Epic Ward" I got a brutal education in the complete ineffectiveness of my build.
Over two weeks, I tinkered with the Kensai line and added more Stalwart Defender and less Warforged racial tree (that was another eye-opening lesson - the racial trees are overly expensive). I stuck with the Kensai capstone, got myself some better gear and sprinkled in some Stalwart (+6 STR stance?!?!?!) and I improved. I had hit mid epic levels and capped out Legendary Dreadnought which incidentally helped a lot.
But I was still getting hammered pretty hard and not hitting hard enough back. Granted, I was running EH and EE content on a first-life toon that was undergeared and usually 2 levels below the quest level, so that did have a lot to do with it. I spent hours reading through the forums, even requesting build help advice here but wanting to stay a pure Warforged Fighter.
Then I had a paradigm shift and put the Greatswords in the closet, picked up a bright and shiny Purple Dragon Knight Tower Shield, found my freebie Lesser Heart of the Wood (not the +20 variety - that one is still in the bank) and I respecced. I got rid of some garbage feats (Power Critical? Ugh) and said goodbye to some old Tactical feats (Combat Expertise + Improved Trip because basic trip is good enough and the AC boost from Combat Expertise isn't needed) and a filler feat (Dodge - nice but not synergistic with my build). I brought in the Shield feats and the Bastard Sword proficiency and went full-on into Vanguard.
1) My survivability instantly improved (the AC boost got me out of the range of taking much damage from trash and now I could also shield block)
2) I lost the double bonus of Power Attack and the extra damage of the Greatsword but ... Tower Shields now do a pile of damage. And my Tower shield procs a free attack 80% of the time.
3) I swung a lot faster and could still keep my AOE damage from Cleave, Great Cleave and glancing blows
4) I am stunning everything. Literally everything. A large percentage of the time. Stunning = helpless = more damage.
5) My action bar has way fewer short-term combat abilities.
6) The Weapon Focus/Specialization line added +10 Melee Power.
I am loving my fighter now. Between Shield Rush and Shield Charge, I can actually knock a lot of trash and even Orange names stunned/down a lot of the time. I proc free Shield Bashes which in turn proc free stuns on top of Stunning Blow, Stunning Shield and Shield Charge stun effect almost constantly. The Shield-based stuns also affect plants, undead and elementals.
There's nothing particularly grind-y about my fighter. He's a first lifer with 32 build points and not a lot of endgame gear yet and I'm surviving on Epic Hard with no issues and epic Elite most of the time. Granted, I have an amazing guild who have all helped me a ton with relearning the game.
I think if you are a returning player and you liked your fighter before but are struggling to find a niche now in this world of Paladins, Barbarians and Bards self-healing and wrecking everything with an Easy button known as "enhancement pass," consider Vanguard. It will not bring self-healing to you (you stil lhaveto find that in Epic levels) but it will make you pretty resilient and still give a lot of crowd control and as a result, extra damage through helpless enemies.
If I can actually play my fighter on EE content then anyone can. It's all about the Vanguard tree.