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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2015

    Question Dificult charecter build?????

    I'm trying to create a character that requires more skill to play then just fire your spell swing your sword and follow the tree.
    like the old DDO where feats had to be taken not skill treed. a melee sorcerer or wizard required a fair bit of challenge to learn and play but was still quite fun. Unfortunately since the addition of skill trees the eldritch knight path made this mute as they just GIVE you the feats making masters touch, shield, and mage armor pointless to pick up.
    any ideas?
    Last edited by mysnametaken; 04-18-2015 at 05:16 PM. Reason: bad grammar

  2. #2
    Community Member Bill_Jones's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2011


    Quick answer: Monk. Lots of keyboard mashing.

    A more in-depth answer requires more information:

    1) Melee or Caster?

    2) Do you want to do traps or no?

    3) Or just anything that requires some skill and quest knowledge as a challenge?

    4) What classes/races do you own or like to play?

    I'm unsure if I could come up with anything, but I'm sure the real builders will be asking similar questions.
    Be Nice, Have Fun
    Tempest Trapmonkey Build (great for free-to-play, good dps & survivability)
    For other DDO videos, check out my YouTube Page

  3. #3
    Community Member
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    Apr 2015


    3) Or just anything that requires some skill and quest knowledge as a challenge?

    4) What classes/races do you own or like to play?

    I own 32 point build
    monk and artificer possibly favored soul depending on the favor I have right now besides the basics
    the only special race I own is the Drow.

  4. #4
    Build Constructionist unbongwah's Avatar
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    Aug 2009


    I'm not sure I can decipher the OP. "Difficult" in what sense? You can throw together any random gimp who avoids the FotM combos and - BOOM! - the game suddenly becomes more challenging again when your DPS is sub-par and you can't rely on any Easy Win tactics (esp. on a first life). [It's funny you mention EK b/c it's a pretty weak PrE overall, IMHO, so playing a pure EK melee is actually more challenging than either pure caster or a "real" melee class.] Or you can join a house-rules guild which bars members from, say, using PrEs and/or EDs to try to replicate classic D&D rules.
    Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.

  5. #5
    The Hatchery Zoda's Avatar
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    Apr 2011


    If you want a melee/caster hybrid, 12 favored soul is a solid starting point. It gives you good spellpower, good crit chance on fire and force spells (meaning ruin + energy burst mainly in endgame), some extra caster levels on your eBurst/DP, and also gives you access to Lantern Archon which keeps Scourge and Empyrean Magic (twisted, or just play in DC) fully charged 24/7 (also does some damage and reloads spellpoints if you can affor to make an eternal schorching light TF weapon). Ideally you max either CHA or INT to get good epic spell DCs, then you make it work for your melee dps output (by harper/PDK training/divine might).

    As for what you want to add to the 12 fvs, you have plenty of options. 5-8 bard gives you a solid dps tree in the form of Swashbuckler (or Warchanter). You can do 6 monk 2 rog splash for quarterstaff things (or 6 rog 2 monk if you prefer that). You can add a repeater and play in shiradi, you can go with Whirling Steel Strike and play with monk levels and longswords, and I could go on.

    I was playing such a build around 3BC release, and I'm pretty sure I never had as much fun with any "modern" build. That time it was a pretty badass build, able to solo just about any EE that I tried, now I think it's impossible to compete with barbs (without Joy of the Queen anyway), but still solid enough. Very gear intensive though, not so much on past lives.
    Main: Zodaroth - heroic & epic completionist pure dwarven warlock
    Alts: Zodynkar (caster), Zodirkeal (archer), Zodinn (lab rat)
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  6. #6
    Community Member Lonnbeimnech's Avatar
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    Jun 2010


    Sounds more like you are looking for a difficult play style rather than a difficult build. Any build can be played mindlessly with varying degrees of button mashing, and with varying degrees of success.

    Try making a stealth character and see if you can get through dungeons, undetected, only killing required mobs.

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