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  1. #1
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    Default Simple FTR 2 / CLR 18 build.

    I was wondering if there were any good current FTR 2 or PAL 2 / CLR 18 builds available. I am aware of the Axel build but woudl prefer a simple 2/18 split unless the difference in efficiency is very large...

  2. #2
    Build Constructionist unbongwah's Avatar
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    Assuming this is a melee Warpriest sort of build, you may wish to consider cleric 17 / ftr or pal 3 instead: downside is losing lvl 18 core enhancements and a lvl 9 spell slot, upside is gaining defensive stance from Sacred / Stalwart Defender for a big boost to defenses and (pick one) +6 STR/+6 CON/+20% HPs from Gtr Defensive Stance. Pal vs ftr largely boils down to big boost to saves (Div Grace) vs 2 extra feats & Kensei bonuses (Haste boost + extra action boost).
    Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.

  3. #3
    2015 DDO Players Council
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    The difference is pretty large but it depends on if you're looking to run EE. For heroics it won't make much difference. In epic hard/normal you'll be OK since saves aren't as important as in EE although the DPS/survivability will be lower than if you take pally levels.

    You lose a lot by dumping pally levels. You lose tons of saves, you will lose a lot of hit points by not having defender stance and you can't access the nice DPS stuff in KoTC. The pally trees are just so much better for a melee than the fighter and warpriest trees. The biggest problem with 18/2 in EE is that you can't get your saves to an acceptable level without taking 2 pally levels for divine grace.

    On the upside, 18/2 is simpler to build, you'll have more SP and level 9 spells. If you really want to go 18/2 though I'd just recommend the same feats/stat distribution as in my build thread. If you're human you'll even have 1 extra feat since you're taking 2 fighter levels so you can take precision, epic DR or whatever else you prefer.

    Perhaps consider 17 cleric / 3 fighter if you're really stuck on not taking a 3rd class. You'd be in better shape since you'd atleast be able to get the +20% HP from defender stance. And you'll still have level 9 cleric spells.
    Last edited by axel15810; 04-18-2015 at 12:42 PM.

  4. #4
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    Thanks for the replies.

    If I was going for a 2 class setup would 17 CLR / 3 PAL be the ideal split? I'd still have most of the best Paly enchantments and keep 9th level spells (so two of mass heal, implosion and energy drain).

  5. #5
    2015 DDO Players Council
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jsbeer View Post
    Thanks for the replies.

    If I was going for a 2 class setup would 17 CLR / 3 PAL be the ideal split? I'd still have most of the best Paly enchantments and keep 9th level spells (so two of mass heal, implosion and energy drain).
    Both have their pros and cons.

    If you aren't interested in EE, then I'd definitely go 17 cleric / 3 fighter instead. Gives you 2 extra feats, haste boost from kensei and you can still get the +20% HP from Stalwart. I think it will definitely perform better in heroics since you'll be able to utilize haste boost and those bonus feats while leveling, whereas divine grace isn't essential in heroics.

    Taking pally levels instead will give you divine grace though which is great in epics. It comes down to 2 extra feats and haste boost vrs. divine grace and KoTC tree. If you aren't going human I'd say definitely go 3 fighter. If you are going human you'll get an extra racial bonus feat so you can probably make due without the 2 fighter bonus feats.

    Also it depends if you are planning to take aura or not. If you aren't going to spend a bunch of points into radiant servant that makes 3 pally more compelling since you'll have more points to dump into the KoTC tree, which is much better than Kensei at the moment.
    Last edited by axel15810; 04-20-2015 at 01:51 AM.

  6. #6
    Community Member kmoustakas's Avatar
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    Level 18 cleric is very important if you plan on using sunburst from divine disciple. On my cleric, I can't imagine life without sunburst.

    Other than that, you can go 17/3 or even 17/2/1.
    Bought my first dungeon master's guide in 1992. My favourite part of ddo is coffee and slayers

  7. #7
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    I would break it down like this since you don't want to go CLR15 for the best of both.

    I can kind of understand wanting CLR17 too because of the previous announcements and future revitalization of Vale and Amrath. Mass Heal might make a comeback. But CLR18 on a melee Cleric is giving up a lot of survivability or dps output. That one lvl of Cleric matters going from CLR18 to CLR17 to get more melee lvls.

    My main is CLR17/PAL2/FTR1
    My favorite that I am loving right now is CLR15/PAL3/FTR2
    Both are 2 hander builds using Cleave type attacks.
    They have so much healing already that I can usually get a triple stack of Divine Punishment in on a boss in the end fight even if I don't rest.
    They hardly need to rest in anything except Elite or EE. They just don't need mana to heal and their kill output is as good if not better than a average caster cleric without umber gear,

    I would say that PAL2 is worth it and probably a must have. It is just so much synergy with Cleric and Epic Destinies. Without it you can't stand toe to toe and melee with Bosses even in EH.
    *** If you can't get your saves up to melee with bosses what is the point of being a Melee Cleric then?****

    PAL3 or FTR1 is a tougher one to decide on. I would say that for a 2 weapon build that not having FTR1 Haste is giving up more than a 2 hander Cleave build. A 2 hander build does not utilized FTR Haste as well since Cleave attacks (and there are tons of them with PAL synergy along with Momentum Swing) interrupt regular attacks. My CLR17/PAL2/FTR1 is a 2hdr and is doing well in EE. He is lvl28, but he is NOT what I would call a umber boss beater (I don't have crazy zerger unique gear). Aura going off helps a lot and saving most of the time helps him stay in there with the boss, but once in a while he dies if I miss step. PAL3 might be more useful for EE, but FTR1 helps more for most other content that is run more often. As for Epic running in ED US is tons of survivability already and PAL3 seems overkill. However running in Warpriest for EE in a main melee role PAL3 might help more on a 2hdr build. And I have been tending to run in Warpriest most of the time even in EE unless I am the only healer in a Raid group. With so many toons able to throw out healing Warpriest is a good balance as my normal, and Unyielding Sentinel is less needed. Hardcore would be running in Legendary Dreadnought all the time, but in Raids you are still looked at as a healer unless the group knows you.

    I am not the expert on this and would appreciated other hardcore players chiming in on this???
    Last edited by firemedium_jt; 04-20-2015 at 10:17 AM.
    Your lack of healing amp not my problem. Please buy and use your own remove curse pots in combat, so I don't waste mana. Not my job.

  8. #8
    Build Constructionist unbongwah's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jsbeer View Post
    If I was going for a 2 class setup would 17 CLR / 3 PAL be the ideal split? I'd still have most of the best Paly enchantments and keep 9th level spells (so two of mass heal, implosion and energy drain).
    Again, pal 3 is better defensively (Div Grace); ftr 3 is better offensively (two extra melee feats, Haste boost, extra action boost). Which is your higher priority?
    Quote Originally Posted by kmoustakas View Post
    Level 18 cleric is very important if you plan on using sunburst from divine disciple. On my cleric, I can't imagine life without sunburst.
    You're right for a caster cleric; however I'm inferring OP is going for a melee build and thus won't be investing in DiDi (or at least not that far). DiDi builds are better off pure or maybe with a FvS splash.
    Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.

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