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  1. #1
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    Default Some Repeater Builds

    These are some builds assuming you want a +1 crit mult in one way or another and the option for slayer arrow when running in FOTW.

    I gave up on Paladin 15/Art 4/Fig 1 when I found out the AP don't work for getting slayer arrow, int to damage, and endless fusilade at the same time (although 14 paladin/6 artificer could use them at the same time thru insightful damage).

    I think 5 rogue (10 RP, 30 doubleshot with killer, 10% alacrity) > artificer (rune arm and fusilade)/ranger (sniper shot) so these are the builds that incorporate that.

    Also fletching stacks with returning ammunition so you don't need conjure bolts. In my tests I got 33 full volleys (3 bolts plus doubleshot) off with 10 bolts. In practice 100 bolts lasts thru multiple quests so when you stack 1000 75% returning bolts you can wait long periods before rebuying ammunition.
    Last edited by maddong; 04-17-2015 at 07:40 PM.

  2. #2
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    Half-Elf (alternatively sun-elf or elf with the loss of a feat and damage boost) Paladin 15/Rogue 5 (you could go 14/6 to make up for the feat, losing cure serious but gaining repeating light crossbow for free)
    S 8
    D 14 + 5 tome for IPS
    C 14
    I 18 + level ups
    W 8
    C 12
    1 artificer dilettante
    1 rapid reload
    3 point blank shot
    6 rapid shot
    9 precision
    12 improved critical ranged
    15 precise shot
    18 quicken
    21 overwhelming critical
    24 improved precise shot
    27 empower healing
    Non FOTW AP:
    half-elf 1 ap (human damage boost)
    harper agent 12 ap (strategic combat I & II, kta, +2 rp)
    mechanic 36 ap (sharpshooter, rapid fire 3, mechanical reloader, fletching 3, int +2, leg shot)
    assassin 23 ap (killer 3, crit master 3, sneak training 3, int +1, damage boost 3, venomed blades 3)
    8 free ap probably into harper for ranged power/int
    FOTW AP:
    half-elf 14 ap (human damage boost, arcane archer)
    arcane archer 32 ap (slayer arrow)
    harper agent 12 ap (strategic combat I & II, kta, +2 rp)
    22 ap left to choose between 2 ranks of killer vs 2 ranks of fletching

    This is the build I'm currently playing and it has been really easy to play.
    Last edited by maddong; 04-18-2015 at 09:47 AM.

  3. #3
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    Here are the rogue primary builds.

    Half-Elf (alternatively sun-elf or elf with the loss of damage boost) Rogue 18/Paladin 2
    S 8
    D 16 + 5 tome for combat archery
    C 14
    I 16 + level ups
    W 8
    C 14
    1 not sure dilettante matters
    1 rapid reload
    3 point blank shot
    6 rapid shot
    9 precision
    12 improved critical ranged
    15 weapon focus ranged or insightful reflexes
    18 precise shot
    21 overwhelming critical
    24 improved precise shot
    27 combat archery

    Half-Elf (alternatively sun-elf or elf with the loss of damage boost) Rogue 18/Barbarian 1/Fighter 1
    S 8
    D 16 + 5 tome for combat archery
    C 14
    I 16 + level ups
    W 14
    C 8
    1 not sure dilettante matters
    1 point blank shot
    f1 rapid reload
    3 rapid shot
    6 precision
    9 weapon focus ranged
    12 improved critical ranged
    15 precise shot
    18 insightful reflexes
    21 overwhelming critical
    24 improved precise shot
    27 combat archery

    The AP for these builds would be similar except you pick up the mechanic cores so you don't need strategic combat from harper agent (8 ap for kta). You also need 3 ap into acrobat for the run speed. The 1 fighter build might want to pick up action boosts from the kensei tree with any extra ap.

    It should be noted that when you want to run in FOTW with slayer arrow you have to ditch know the angles since you don't otherwise have enough ap for your mechanic 18 core.... So if that is a deal breaker than you should play the 15 paladin/5 rogue version.
    Last edited by maddong; 04-18-2015 at 09:52 AM.

  4. #4
    Community Member Theolin's Avatar
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    any thoughts on 15 arti / 5 rogue for deadly & teir 5 rogue & endless with int to dam from spell & int to hit from harper?
    take fleshy with cocoon for healing
    Mechanics - To Hit/Dam mods

  5. #5
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    I think holy sword (+1 crit threat and mult) > deadly. That is why I went with the paladin version. I will play the 18 rogue/1 barb/1 fighter next because I actually prefer fast builds (28% run speed before haste).
    Last edited by maddong; 04-19-2015 at 09:01 PM.

  6. #6
    Community Member Oxarhamar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by maddong View Post
    I think holy sword (+1 crit threat and mult) > deadly. That is why I went with the paladin version. I will play the 18 rogue/1 barb/1 fighter next because I actually prefer fast builds (29% run speed before haste).
    Your not wrong

  7. #7
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    Assuming fusilade is always 30 bolts per 6 seconds (what I saw in an old thread so I'm not sure it is correct), attack rate of 150 bolts/minute (0% alacrity), and 0 base RP/damage boost (based on the data at the end of my "interesting attack speed" thread:

    Looking at the dps rankings of the boosts with repeaters (over a 30 second period):
    fusilade + human damage (36% increase) > fusilade (20% increase) or damage boost 30 (20% increase) > haste boost + human damage (17.8% increase) > haste boost (4% increase)

    The numbers would change in LD since you can boost every 20 seconds instead of every 30 seconds.

  8. #8
    Community Member Oxarhamar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by maddong View Post
    Assuming fusilade is always 30 bolts per 6 seconds (what I saw in an old thread so I'm not sure it is correct), attack rate of 150 bolts/minute (0% alacrity), and 0 base RP/damage boost (based on the data at the end of my "interesting attack speed" thread:

    Looking at the dps rankings of the boosts with repeaters (over a 30 second period):
    fusilade + human damage (36% increase) > fusilade (20% increase) or damage boost 30 (20% increase) > haste boost + human damage (17.8% increase) > haste boost (4% increase)

    The numbers would change in LD since you can boost every 20 seconds instead of every 30 seconds.
    I use to use Fusilade but, <6 sec boost VS. competing 20 seconds boosts it falls seriously behind.

  9. #9
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    Is anyone even really using Fusilade? I find in EE play I'm never standing still long enough, especially if soloing. So for me at least, it feels like only 6 second bursts and occasionally actually using the attack it isn't worth the enhancement points. I'd rather put more in Harper for example. Does Human racial damage allow you to dual boost with EF? Usually EF locks out all other boosts which is another reason I ditched it.

  10. #10
    Community Member Gabrion's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by maddong View Post
    These are some builds assuming you want a +1 crit mult in one way or another and the option for slayer arrow when running in FOTW.
    I'd just point out that while it might not be the best over all, Ranger is still a solid option if these are your parameters. Ranger 5 gives two free feats, +2 dmg from ram's, and opens up AA without needing to buy it through racial (which in turn frees up a few AP). You also have more options for races at that point, of which I'm fond of Drow for Paladin based builds. It's really easy to start with 16 DEX to get combat archery with a +5 tome, while also having a racial bonus to INT (plus enhancements), and CHA for saves. Yes, I'm pretty much just plugging my own build here.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by maddong View Post
    Here are the rogue primary builds.

    Half-Elf (alternatively sun-elf or elf with the loss of damage boost) Rogue 18/Paladin 2
    S 8
    D 14 + 5 tome for IPS
    C 14
    I 18 + level ups
    W 8
    C 12
    1 not sure dilettante matters
    1 rapid reload
    3 point blank shot
    6 rapid shot
    9 precise shot
    12 improved critical ranged
    15 weapon focus ranged
    18 insightful reflexes
    21 overwhelming critical
    24 improved precise shot
    27 blinding speed

    Half-Elf (alternatively sun-elf or elf with the loss of damage boost) Rogue 18/Barbarian 1/Fighter 1
    S 8
    D 14 + 5 tome for IPS
    C 14
    I 18 + level ups
    W 12
    C 8
    1 not sure dilettante matters
    1 point blank shot
    f1 rapid reload
    3 rapid shot
    6 precise shot
    9 weapon focus ranged
    12 improved critical ranged
    15 insightful reflexes
    18 weapon focus thrown
    21 overwhelming critical
    24 improved precise shot
    27 blinding speed

    The AP for these builds would be similar except you pick up the mechanic cores so you don't need strategic combat from harper agent (8 ap for kta). You also need 3 ap into acrobat for the run speed. The 1 fighter build might want to pick up action boosts from the kensei tree with any extra ap.

    It should be noted that when you want to run in FOTW with slayer arrow you have to ditch know the angles since you don't otherwise have enough ap for your mechanic 18 core.... So if that is a deal breaker than you should play the 15 paladin/5 rogue version.
    I'm new to repeater builds. So I have to ask why no combat archery? Does it not work on repeaters?

  12. #12
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    Edit: I admit, I was wrong!
    Last edited by maddong; 04-18-2015 at 01:08 PM.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gabrion View Post
    I'd just point out that while it might not be the best over all, Ranger is still a solid option if these are your parameters. Ranger 5 gives two free feats, +2 dmg from ram's, and opens up AA without needing to buy it through racial (which in turn frees up a few AP). You also have more options for races at that point, of which I'm fond of Drow for Paladin based builds. It's really easy to start with 16 DEX to get combat archery with a +5 tome, while also having a racial bonus to INT (plus enhancements), and CHA for saves. Yes, I'm pretty much just plugging my own build here.
    I'd rather have the tier 5 mechanic....

    Plus with 5 ranger you have to give up cure serious from 15 paladin or trapping.
    For convenience sake you are also losing fletching.

  14. #14
    Community Member Oxarhamar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Humperdink View Post
    Is anyone even really using Fusilade? I find in EE play I'm never standing still long enough, especially if soloing. So for me at least, it feels like only 6 second bursts and occasionally actually using the attack it isn't worth the enhancement points. I'd rather put more in Harper for example. Does Human racial damage allow you to dual boost with EF? Usually EF locks out all other boosts which is another reason I ditched it.
    I used it for a long time (until I figured out it was not optimal) many players use it.

    There is no need to stand still to use it & yes you could dual boost Fusilage with Racial boosts.

  15. #15
    Community Member Oxarhamar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by maddong View Post
    I didn't want to spare the 2 points into dex for +1 w.
    It would add more DPS than maxing INT to 18 & have a marginal lost for the rest of the build. I think it's worth it.

  16. #16
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    I realized I forgot precision (did the feats from memory).... I updated the feat lists to include precision. I added combat archery to the rogue primary builds. It doesn't fit in the paladin build unless you drop empower healing which is an option.

  17. #17
    Community Member Gabrion's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by maddong View Post
    I didn't want to spare the 2 points into dex for +1 w.
    As already pointed out, not taking it is a loss of DPS (even if it means dropping INT a tad).

    Quote Originally Posted by maddong
    I'd rather have the tier 5 mechanic....

    Plus with 5 ranger you have to give up cure serious from 15 paladin or trapping.
    For convenience sake you are also losing fletching.
    Well that's why I quoted specifically the bit about having arrow of slaying open when running fury. For other spheres there are better class splits, but even then DWS isn't bad.

  18. #18
    Build Constructionist unbongwah's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by maddong View Post
    I didn't want to spare the 2 points into dex for +1 w.
    +2 INT is +1 dmg; Combat Archery is avg of +5.5 dmg (EDIT: w/hvy repeater). That ought to be a no-brainer, IMHO. Finding room for the feat is the tricky issue.

    I'm curious what folks think of rog 5 / pal 14 / arty 1: Holy Sword, T5 Mechanic, T4 Assassin (Killer, extra SA), arty splash grants all xbow profs & Rapid Reload to help ease feat shortage. Arty 2 for Runearms would be nice, but not nicer than T5 Mechanic or Holy Sword, I'm thinking. If playing HE w/arty dilly, could take ftr splash instead of arty; same number of feats, but also gain extra action boost from Kensei.
    Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.

  19. #19
    Community Member Singular's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Humperdink View Post
    Is anyone even really using Fusilade? I find in EE play I'm never standing still long enough, especially if soloing. So for me at least, it feels like only 6 second bursts and occasionally actually using the attack it isn't worth the enhancement points. I'd rather put more in Harper for example. Does Human racial damage allow you to dual boost with EF? Usually EF locks out all other boosts which is another reason I ditched it.
    Yes, I've been doing that for a very long time now. It used to be better, as human versatility used to give +30% to damage. Anyways, you click damage boost, then EF, and enjoy.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by unbongwah View Post
    I'm curious what folks think of rog 5 / pal 14 / arty 1: Holy Sword, T5 Mechanic, T4 Assassin (Killer, extra SA), arty splash grants all xbow profs & Rapid Reload to help ease feat shortage. Arty 2 for Runearms would be nice, but not nicer than T5 Mechanic or Holy Sword, I'm thinking. If playing HE w/arty dilly, could take ftr splash instead of arty; same number of feats, but also gain extra action boost from Kensei.
    You already get the crossbow feats from the half elf race so it is 1 extra feat (allowing you to take combat archery). I've started using defensive stance with the 8 ap (25 prr/mrr, +2 saves) but the action boosts would be good too.

    So it comes down to combat archery vs cure serious. I liked the idea of cure serious as backup to cocoon....
    Last edited by maddong; 04-19-2015 at 09:00 PM.

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