Any ideas what I should shoot for in a build like this. For example I already have a lightning and acid repeater from my last artificer life. Should I use windhowler bracers or bracers of wind? Invisibility cloak maybe?
Any ideas what I should shoot for in a build like this. For example I already have a lightning and acid repeater from my last artificer life. Should I use windhowler bracers or bracers of wind? Invisibility cloak maybe?
once I hit level 12 I use an Ooze II green steel repeater for almost everything. For undead I have a triple positive GS repeater.
That is all I use until epic and I still use both of those those through much of the epic levels.
as far as other gear, I make sure my key stats are maxed for the level (int, Con) and change my gear as I find better.
Kill'em all and let their favorite deity sort'em out
BoloGrubb / DJGrubb / Gijo
Proud member of the HighLords of Malkier
Nice build, Almost capped on mine and have had a blast leveling it.
What's your current end game gear setup? And a break down of you Int if you could.
BUMP.. because this is still one of the best Mechanic Builds around.
BowHealer - The "Healer with legendary CC"-project:
The Dungeons and Dragons Webcomic THE ORDER OF THE STICK BY RICH BURLEW
Is Mechanical Reloader working for repeating bows?
I'm doing a deep gnome light repeater mechanic build, and with this enhancement I have 0 ranged speed bonus. If I equip the Abbott Quiver, it rises to 10%. Am I missing something?
Old bug, you only get the +10 ranged power:
But it does not matter anyway as it wouldn't stack with a speed item, haste or the blinding speed feat anyway. Just take it for the ranged power.
Last edited by Jiirix; 05-11-2016 at 04:25 AM.
BowHealer - The "Healer with legendary CC"-project:
The Dungeons and Dragons Webcomic THE ORDER OF THE STICK BY RICH BURLEW
It isn't broken, it's just a display bug; so you take Mechanical Reloader @ lvl 12 and replace Quiver of Alacrity with Dynamistic or Poison quiver @ lvls 12-14. EDIT: ideally you should be using Haste pots or scrolls anyway, if no one's keeping you buffed; but that gets tiresome to keep rebuffing.
Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.
I figured I'd ask this here instead of making it's own thread:
Trying out an 18/2 Rouge arti mech build on a First life 32 point Human. While all these guides are awesome for feats, stats end game builds etc I was curious about what you should look to stack during the leveling proccess especially as a first lifer. I'm finding it crazy difficult on some of these low level quests. I have tried using a Holy heavy Repeater and Holy Great xbow along with a vorpal Repeater and great crossbow and it just seems that things are not going down quickly at all. I use haste pots, heroism etc so I'm trying to figure out the issue as to why I' having so much trouble. I almost feel at this point casting master touch and swining a holy TH maul might work better but I shouldn't have to do that. Suffice to say I need some help here.
I have 5 rouge 2 arti at the moment. I went up the mech tree, I also took 2 harper to use INT modifier to hit. Can't take Mech int to damage till next rouge level.
feats I took: PBS, Precise shot, Precision, Rapid shot
What are the main things to stack on gear for the lower levels and then mid levels?
What named gear should be looked for or farmed in the first life that could be useful?
Is Repeater or Gxbow more efficent for leveling? (sure this isn't answered easy)
Any other useful tips, tricks or things to do to help in the lower to mid levels for a first lifer would be appreciated. Thanks so much in advance!
Last edited by Stylez777; 05-18-2016 at 01:05 PM.
Your Enhancements are fine and getting INT to damage next levels will get you a boost. When you got the useful stuff from mechanic I would go for SA damage and Venomed Blades from Assassin before investing in Know the Angles. But get Know the Angles before you go for Killer.
I use repeaters at lower levels and stack as much damage per bolt as posible. (Base dam, Sneak attack, rune arm extra damage, seeker, poison..) Look for a crossbow with deception on it when playing solo to get more sneak attack damage. Get the backstabbers gloves for level 12 and a golden guile for level 17. Or play in a group, rogues get much more damage when others have aggro. Ranger: Shot them in the face, Rogue: Shot them in the back![]()
Other very useful itemd are a silver slinger and a hand of the tombs for undead mobs. Craft a ring of the stalker and keep upgrading it for extra sneak attack damage (on top of the backstabers) and manslayer. To keep mobs away from you with tanglefoot and later Leg Shot, a frozen tunic helps too as it procs a lot with a repeater.
BowHealer - The "Healer with legendary CC"-project:
The Dungeons and Dragons Webcomic THE ORDER OF THE STICK BY RICH BURLEW
Thanks for the help I really appreciate it! I redid some enhancements and things seem a bit better. Though I wonder if Venomed blades works because I have it activated and it shows up top in my buff bar that I get 1d8 additional poison damage but I just ran 3 quests and never once did i see the damage applied, even looking in the combat log it doesn't show up. Am I using it wrong or maybe the mobs were immune it it?
Last edited by Stylez777; 05-19-2016 at 11:17 AM.
Venomend blades changed a lot and I lost track on what it works at the moment to be honest. I know it worked for me at some point but I remember issues like loosing it on logging too. Guess you better take only the sneak attack damage and killer... If mobs are immune you get a immune message. What will get your damage up in tough situations is human damage boost + assassin damage boost (they stack). When you get into epics take the extra damage boosts from Legenary Dread.
That will change in higher levels too. Once you get your fortification bypass (armor piercing) up you crit and sneak attack undead mobs too:
5% Guild
25% Precision
10% Opportunist
15% grim reprecision
15%-35% item
temp. 25% from Assassins trick (works with ranged weapons too)
= Crits and Sneak Attack damage on almost everything![]()
BowHealer - The "Healer with legendary CC"-project:
The Dungeons and Dragons Webcomic THE ORDER OF THE STICK BY RICH BURLEW
I'm looking for suggestions on what to craft into the extra slot on light repeaters. Does Vampirism work on light repeaters?
(I have Ins Deadly, Ins Seeker, and as-needed Ins Tendon Slice slotted on body gear, so... Vampirism is like the only thing left.)
for the extra slot alone ... in heroics you can put in con damage as that is quite useful in heroics and not so much in epics.
Epics (and since you said you already had insightful deadly, seeker, and tendon slice) I'd go with Vampirism. The only other choice with U36 and arty pass coming and if you went arty or splashed arty with your mech would be to craft insightful sunder since new battle engineer stuff uses Sunder for a bunch of its tactics.
Also (and I'm sure you've already considered all this) ... I'd use Needle (min lvl 23) for you epic light repeater. It was x3 crit multiplier and coupled with deep gnome crit range bonus ... is nice and coupled with mech level 18 core.
If you need to do some swapping, craft thunderforged light repeater for level 24 and level 26 ... also legendary greensteel with weapon augment bonus will be nice too.
In heroics, fatal flaw is heavy repeater but I think the new quests will have some light repeater stuff. Also don't forget about other named and challenge gear such as calomel, double cross, slavers hand crossbow. Also silver slinger (i think its heavy) is good against skelly undead.