OK - I know this isn't going to go down well with some of you but hear me out:
Heroic True Elite giving the exact same renown bonus as Epic True Elite KILLS Epic Normal and Epic Hard!
Reducing Heroic Elite's renown bonuses {I don't know how the XP bonuses work because I've never taken XP as a reward but I assume it's the same!} isn't the answer as that hurts those of us who can't run EEs!
In the same vein - Boosting EE renown also cannot be the answer as that will widen the gap between those who can and those who can't to a chasm!
My Suggestion is to give EN/EH the exact same Renown {and XP} as Heroic True Elite while adding different {Possibly cosmetic only} rewards to Epic True Elite.
The advantages of this is that:
- more people get their chance to progress through Epic Normal and Hard rather than being forced to go straight to EE!
- Chains like the Demonweb actually have a reason to be run on something OTHER than EE!
- Guilds don't become High Level just because they have a couple of EE Capable Players taking renown while other Guilds languish!
About the Demonweb - Seriously... I have no ability to run EE and am forced to hope that a group pops up that I can tag along with!
I'm NEVER going to run EN or EH because there's absolutely NO reason for me to run EN or EH!
Even if I do complete an EN or EH I'm not going to hand in my Saga because that would equate not to a gain of renown but to a HUGE LOSS as I'd have to complete every other quest in the Saga a second time on EE + a second run of at least two of the three Demonweb quests!
I have no intention of ever running EE on any quest more than Once per life as there's literally only two reasons I'd ever step into EE {Favour for those quests that don't have an Heroic difficulty setting AND Saga Renown!}.
With Sagas resetting upon TR I don't even have the option to complete a Saga over multiple lives!
P.S. I have not one but TWO Epic characters who are stuck needing to complete 2 EE Demonweb quests to complete their Sagas before TRing!
I managed to get EVERY other EE Saga quest run but CANNOT find a Group for these because those who can run them on EE don't put groups up and don't join groups put up by those of us who need help!