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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default Rogue build advice

    Hello, I need some help to redo a 28 points rogue build.

    I started with a half-elf with fvs dilletance (for better self-healing). I need to redo the stats and features, actually I have 3 lvls rogue and 1 lvl fighter for extra-feature.

    My problem in the first levels is that I started with too low str so it was hard till I could get dex for dmg, so I started spending points in new mechanic tree; and
    I am liking to be able to kill the mobs before they can catch me. I noticed that the half-elf tree has nice things to improve my sneak range dmg.

    I never played a ranged toon before so I need all the help and advices . It would be nice to have the option to swap to melee if needed (gxbow is too slow in close combat).

    So what would be the starting stats for a good repeater/assasin rogue? I was looking at the acrobat rogue too but I can t afford spending too much points in strenght and start with so low intelligence because I will fail in all traps...

  2. #2
    Community Member Jetrule's Avatar
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    If you like mechanic tree don't worry about strength or even dex beyond 15 or so. go 16 int 16 con and the rest in dex making it 15. all other stats at 8 Keep putting points in intelligence and all your early enhancement points in mechanic and before you know it you will have intelligence to hit and damage with cross bows from the Mechanic tree. Mechanics are in general wasting potential with a mele option. I know you said The great crossbow is to slow to use in close range, and it is to start out. It will get competitive later as you advance in the mechanic tree and take feats to support it. But as long as you take point blank shot you will be better off with a repeater burst to the face than a mele weapon you will have no feats to support.

    Mechanic rogues and assassin rogues are two very different builds requiring different feats to have them work well. It seems like you are more interested in the ranged play style so i will cover that. As a rogue mechanic you are best served using repeating crossbows right now. There are very many more good repeater options available.

    Most of your Enhancement points should be spent in Mechanic. You will want to get the increased movement speed from acrobat and some things in assassin would be nice. The stealthy/ sneak speed boosts. The mele and ranged damage boost. perhaps envenom blades. It works on any weapon. However The other tree besides mechanic of most interest to a rogue mechanic is Harper Agent. Know the angles for a damage buff becomes very important after you achieve about a 22- 26 intelligence. You will need to wear a wizardry item for know the angles but it is well worth it.

    You will want the point blank shot and precise shot feats right away your first two. other feats to get will be rapid reload, rapid fire, insightful reflexes, and improved critical ranged. You will require Use magic device and the three trap skills spread the rest out as you like but always keep those 4 skills maxed.

    For self healing stick with potions to start. You can find cure moderate and cure critical potions for sale in storm reach stores. After you put points in wand and scroll mastery in the mechanic tree buy a wand of cure critical wounds keep it on a hot bar right next to your current best crossbow. when you have developed enough use magic device skill buy scrolls of heal.

    For weapons start with oldarens great crossbow from the quest in the Korthos bar. use it until you find or buy a good repeater. For ammunition go to house Canith in storm reach and buy artificer scrolls of produce bolts or some such name.. They work properly now and will give you 1000 bolts per scroll successfully used. Get a quiver or two from the weapons store in the harbor in stormreach to hold all the nice stacks of bolts you find in chests.

    In general make sure your video settings have object draw distance set to very far and sneak around and snipe things from maximum range as much as possible. keep your intelligence and your hit points and your damage as high as you can at all times..

    Beyond that look for groups to join and a guild to join. When you have to solo consider taking a hireling, a bard or one of the clerics that likes to hit things with his mace. Look for places you can jump up to that will slow the bad guys down as they climb up to hit you. Kill casters first.

    Good luck and have fun.
    Last edited by Jetrule; 04-14-2015 at 03:02 AM.
    Percivaul Dusol, BadRandall and Shortpact--The Silver Legion

  3. #3
    Build Constructionist unbongwah's Avatar
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    It's obsolete now, but see my Mechassin thread for one example of a TWF+xbow rogue. The main drawback is feats & APs are tight; plus it's tough to choose between the tier-5 abilities. You could multiclass for more feats, but that means giving up the capstones, which are also pretty nice.

    Do you have the Harper PrE? That's a huge boon for any INT-based melee or ranged build, but esp. Assassins.
    Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.

  4. #4
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    I'd disagree with the poster who said that you don't need more than 15 dex. That's only the case if you don't have at least a +4 dex tome (for Improved Precise Shot), preferably +6 so you can get Improved Sneak Attack or Combat Archery.

  5. #5
    Community Member Jetrule's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gwonbush View Post
    I'd disagree with the poster who said that you don't need more than 15 dex. That's only the case if you don't have at least a +4 dex tome (for Improved Precise Shot), preferably +6 so you can get Improved Sneak Attack or Combat Archery.
    Disagree away if you read the post I did not list improved precise shot on the feat list. to get 19 dex means sacrificing 4 potential intelligence and the static damage and trap skills and dcs on alchemichal traps that come with it. Not worth it in my opinion for a 28 point build with no tomes to get improved precise shot.
    Percivaul Dusol, BadRandall and Shortpact--The Silver Legion

  6. #6
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    Thx for advise I think I will go pure mechanic as features are too tight and I have few points to spent in stats. I have the packs to unlock the Harper`s tree with favor but I dont have it available yet.
    You all have fun too

  7. #7
    Build Constructionist unbongwah's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jetrule View Post
    Disagree away if you read the post I did not list improved precise shot on the feat list. to get 19 dex means sacrificing 4 potential intelligence and the static damage and trap skills and dcs on alchemichal traps that come with it. Not worth it in my opinion for a 28 point build with no tomes to get improved precise shot.
    Almost dumping DEX on a Mechanic doesn't just mean giving up IPS; it also means giving up Imp Sneak Atk & Combat Archery feats, which will hurt DPS.
    Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.

  8. #8
    Founder xberto's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jetrule View Post
    If you like mechanic tree don't worry about strength or even dex beyond 15 or so.
    Its a helpful post there Jet but I'm with some of the others. IPS is a kind of a big deal on a ranged toon. I'd do everything I could to hit that 19 dex mark and preferably 21.

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