Hello, I need some help to redo a 28 points rogue build.
I started with a half-elf with fvs dilletance (for better self-healing). I need to redo the stats and features, actually I have 3 lvls rogue and 1 lvl fighter for extra-feature.
My problem in the first levels is that I started with too low str so it was hard till I could get dex for dmg, so I started spending points in new mechanic tree; and
I am liking to be able to kill the mobs before they can catch me. I noticed that the half-elf tree has nice things to improve my sneak range dmg.
I never played a ranged toon before so I need all the help and advices . It would be nice to have the option to swap to melee if needed (gxbow is too slow in close combat).
So what would be the starting stats for a good repeater/assasin rogue? I was looking at the acrobat rogue too but I can t afford spending too much points in strenght and start with so low intelligence because I will fail in all traps...