Disclaimer: Most of this is a note to myself so I don't forget I thought of this build whenever I cycle back to a Rogue life, and is not a very detailed guide as it can be. Mostly just a list of notes. Also, thought it'd be cool to share the concept with the community.

A while ago, I had a cool idea about making a "Dodge Monk", who could have the highest passive dodge possible, at 41%.

..Or so I thought.

Since then, it became more of mainly a Rogue Thief-Acrobat Build which levels in Monk and Fighter.

Halfling 12 Rogue/4 Fighter/4 Monk is how it's looking right now (Focused in Dex).

The gimmick isn't to have high dodge, but to high dodge cap and fill in the dodge later.

Many Enhancements, such as from Fighter Kensei or Halfling Trees can give bonus to the Dodge Cap, as well as Thief-Acrobat Enhancements, as I have recently figured out.

So I did the calculations and figured the maximum possible dodge cap (As far as I know) is 45%. Sounds a bit better than the dinky 41% I was talking about.

As a Thief-Acrobat, your main weapons will be Quarterstaves. Sorry, unarmed fans.
It gives some synergy with four levels in Henshin Mystic tree, so I guess it makes sense to me. Though what I am not sure about is whether Quick Strike from both trees run on independent cooldowns.

I wish I had time to give everyone the exact specifications on the build, but I'm too lazy to do so.

I figure I'll just wing it myself when the time comes.