
Getting the itch to play DDO again- saw the new mechanic/rogue changes and flipped out- seems really fun.

I'd be very interested to hear about people's experience with Time Bomb, Thunderstone, and high level traps as that's what makes these new rogues interesting to me- apart from Great Crossbows now being (apparently) very viable which is amazing.

Here's what I've been excited about, please let me know if I have any misconceptions about any of these, as these are the ideas that come to mind:

With harper you can get INT to to-hit and to damage with very little investment.

It says in the wiki that Time Bomb benefits from spell crit- so a capped rogue could potentially be placing these time bombs and doing 2k+ extra damage to everything every 20 seconds.
Soloing- you could also stealth in, place the bomb, and then pew pew away.

Thunderstone seems to make everybody vulnerable to sneak attacks similar to the Ninja Spy flash bang only with a more manageable DC.

Ooze flask seems fantastic at lower levels but sucky at high levels.