Im a Human Bard 2/ Rogue 1. For some reason I dont get the swashbuckler enhancement. Can someone tell me why? Ty.
Im a Human Bard 2/ Rogue 1. For some reason I dont get the swashbuckler enhancement. Can someone tell me why? Ty.
Try using the dropdown menu at the bottom of each enhancement panel to 'unset' each panel, or select a different enhancement tree.
Alternately, that enhancement window has an arrow on the right side you can use to scroll it to the side, you could try that.
I usually 'unset' all my trees, then pull back up the ones I want.
Are you asking, "Why isn't the Swashbuckler PrE available?" or "Why can't I take the Swashbuckling core enhancement?"
If it's the first question, do what ddorimble suggests. If it's the second, it's because the 2nd core enh isn't available until you level to bard lvl 3.
Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.