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  1. #1
    Community Member Tom116's Avatar
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    Default AA Fighter?

    Hey all,

    Thinking of going AA for my next life, while getting a fighter PL and a decent amount of ranged power. Just running the build by people to see if I missed something obvious, fresh eyes are never a bad thing haha

    I should point out that I'm sure I could use repeaters in this build and do better damage, but the pain of bolts without arti is too much and from what I've heard a fair bit of AA doesn't work with that anyways, Planning on running in Shadowdancer to use the Int based implosion and dominate/instakill, some sneak dice are nice, and it's one of the top ranged power ED's. Running in heavy armor because it's the new evasion, and Stalwart Defence is always nice to have. Also, I know I won't be able to cast any healing until Cocoon, but I'll be running with a cleric that'll keep an eye on me so it should be np.

    Here it is:

    Fighter 8/Ranger 6/Rogue 6
    STR 8 [+5 Tome]
    DEX 18 [+3 Tome] (for some ranged feat prereqs, plus Combat Archery later on with tomes)
    CON 16 [+4 Tome]
    INT 18 [+4 Tome]
    WIS 8 [+4 Tome]
    CHA 6 [+4 Tome]

    AA: Cores 1-2, Conure Arrows, Energy of the Wild, Ele Arrows I, Awareness, Ele Arrows II, Terror Arrows, Soul Magic, Ele Arrows III, Wis I, Paralyzing Arrows, Ele Arrows IV, Moonbow, Arrow of Slaying, Imp Ele Arrows, Runebow [37 AP]

    Harper: Cores 1-3 (Int), Strat Combat I, Harper Enchantment, KtA, Strat Combat II, Int I [15 AP]

    Stalwart Dender: Cores 1-2, Durable Def., Def. Mastery 1, Resilient Def, Instrinctive Def. 1, Tenacious Def.[13 AP]

    DWS: Cores 1-3 (Sniper), Increased Empathy, Versatile Empathy 1, Skill Boost 2 [11 AP] (mostly for the 3rd Core, taking some Positive spellpower on the way up)

    Kensei: Core 1 (Archery), Haste Boost [4 AP]

    Rog 1 PBS [Search, DD, UMD, OL, Bluff, Balance, Jump, Tumble, Swim, Repair, Haggle 4/Heal, Concen. 2]
    Fig 2 Dodge [Search, DD, Spot]
    Fig 3 Mobility, Weapon Focus: Ranged [Search, DD, Spot]
    Rog 4 [Search, DD, Spot, OL, UMD, Bluff 7, Jump 5]
    Ran 5 [Search, Spot, DD, Heal 8, Concentration 3]
    Ran 6 Insightful Relfexes [Search, Spot, DD, Heal, Concen. 9]
    Fig 7 [Search, Spot, DD 10, Jump 6]
    Fig 8 Weapon Spec: Ranged [Search, Spot, DD 11, Heal 10]
    Rog 9 IC: Ranged [Search, Spot, DD, OL, UMD 12, Jump 7]
    Ran 10 [Search, Spot, DD, OL, Heal 13/Concen. 11]
    Ran 11 [Search, Spot, DD, OL, Heal, Concen. 14/UMD 13]
    Ran 12 IPS [Search, Spot, DD, OL, Heal, Concen., UMD 15/Jump 8]
    Fig 13 [Search, Spot, DD, UMD 16/OL 15.5]
    Fig 14 Precision [Search, Spot, DD, UMD 17/OL 16]
    Rog 15 Shot on the Run [Search, Spot, DD, UMD, OL, Heal 18/Jump 13]
    Ran 16 [Search, Spot, DD, UMD, OL, Heal, Concen. 19/Jump 14]
    Ran 17 [Search, Spot, DD, UMD, Heal, Concen, OL 20, Jump 18]
    Ran 18 Emp Heal [Search, Spot, DD, UMD, Heal, Concen, OL 21, Jump 22]
    Fig 19 [Search, Spot, DD, UMD, Concen 22]
    Fig 20 G. Weapon Spec: Ranged [Search, Spot, DD, UMD, Concen 23]

    Questions, comments, and advice are all welcome
    Last edited by Tom116; 04-22-2015 at 08:28 AM. Reason: Updated build
    Kestros, Wisdom Wolf
    Leader of The Shadowtouched, Ghallanda
    Member of the Tyrs Fellowship

  2. #2
    Community Member Enderoc's Avatar
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    I would exchange shot on the run for GTWF....
    Yeah, so you are a good are you in a corner?
    Shot on the run is not worth it IMO, it just gives bonuses to hit.

    You will have improved two weapon by ranger level 6...might as well finish it.

    For fighter classes...I think damage/damage reduction is more important than trying to max out your to hit.

    Get a nice Kopesh in your main hand and a light weapon if you do not take the tempest core for scimitars in your other. Even without the feat for Kopesh your to hit will be high enough to not notice. You do want to melee sometimes. It is just faster especially when fighting swarms.

    One more thing. Your self healing would be minimal. I know you are min maxing here, but look into seeing if you can get scroll and wand mastery from mechanic. This will help you tremendously. You will not forever be on the sidelines in battle...both these suggestions will make you prepared when you are not.
    Last edited by Enderoc; 04-09-2015 at 09:56 PM.

  3. #3
    Community Member Tom116's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Enderoc View Post
    I would exchange shot on the run for GTWF....
    Yeah, so you are a good are you in a corner?
    Shot on the run is not worth it IMO, it just gives bonuses to hit.

    You will have improved two weapon by ranger level 6...might as well finish it.

    For fighter classes...I think damage/damage reduction is more important than trying to max out your to hit.

    Get a nice Kopesh in your main hand and a light weapon if you do not take the tempest core for scimitars in your other. Even without the feat for Kopesh your to hit will be high enough to not notice. You do want to melee sometimes. It is just faster especially when fighting swarms.

    One more thing. Your self healing would be minimal. I know you are min maxing here, but look into seeing if you can get scroll and wand mastery from mechanic. This will help you tremendously. You will not forever be on the sidelines in battle...both these suggestions will make you prepared when you are not.
    I was thinking of picking up gTWF, yeah. I was mostly grabbing Shot on the Run for the ranged power, the same reason I picked up the weapon focus/specialization stuff. Without cleaves I'm not sure how useful my meleeing would be either.

    I'll be in heavy armor with 25% incorp, stalwart defense, a good chunk of hp, and whatever dodge I can squeeze out of shadowscale so I angled more for damage.

    I definitely would like to up my self healing, I completely agree. AP is just super tight and I'm not a fan of scroll healing (pricey and generally isn't enough in EE anyways), so trying to find another way to get it going. Might do DC destiny instead, but I like the Int based implosion and ranged power from Shadowdancer. Honestly, even the improved crit range makes DC pretty tempting, not even considering the heals. Don't need to worry about destinies yet though, those are more fluid than feats.

    I appreciate the feedback, thank you

    Edit: If I took Ranger 8 and dropped Rogue to 4, I'd lose a few skills points but I could probably just lower a couple skills I don't REALLY need anyways, and swap Shot on the Run for Empower Heal. Would make my cocoons nicer, and I'd at least have a healing spell available.
    Last edited by Tom116; 04-09-2015 at 10:11 PM.
    Kestros, Wisdom Wolf
    Leader of The Shadowtouched, Ghallanda
    Member of the Tyrs Fellowship

  4. #4
    Community Member Tom116's Avatar
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    Been running with it for a bit and it's a ton of fun so far
    The self heals could be nicer since I haven't hit epics yet but I'm running with a Vanguard/Warpriest so it's been okay, even swap Crucible np

    I decided to go with the extra ranger levels for empower heal, so I've updated the build in the OP to reflect it. It loses a couple points from OL and Heal, 1d6 SA, and bluff but gains empower heal and a fort save, so I think it'll be better for since Cocoon can be Emp Healed.
    Last edited by Tom116; 04-21-2015 at 04:47 PM.
    Kestros, Wisdom Wolf
    Leader of The Shadowtouched, Ghallanda
    Member of the Tyrs Fellowship

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