Name: Ashenblade
Class Split: 18 Rogue / 2 Pally (1: Rog; 2-3: Pally; 4-20 Rog)
Race: Human
Abilities:Str: 28/32-- (13 base +6 tome +2 Completionist +1 GoTIB +2 Profane +2 ship +2 Lasting / +4 Tenser’s)
Dex: 54 / 60 -- (18 base +6 tome +7 Levels +2 completionist +1 Enh +11 item +2 insight +1 GoTIB +2 insight +2 profane +2 ship +2 lasting / +4 Tenser’s +2 Yugo)
Con: 42/48 -- (14 base +6 tome +2 completionist +3 ED +10 item +2 insight +1 GoTIB +2 profane +2 Ship +2 lasting / +4 Tenser’s)
Int: 38 -- (13 base +6 tome +2 completionist +1 GoTIB +8/11 Item +2 Insight +2 ship +2 Lasting)
Wis: 34 -- (9 base +6 tome +2 completionist +8 item +1 GoTIB +2 profane +2 insight +2 ship +2 lasting)
Cha: 36 -- (11 base +6 tome +2 completionist +8 item +2 insight +1 GoTIB +2 profane +2 ship +2 lasting)
Feats:Passive Past Life: Paladin x3, Monk x3, Ranger x3, Rogue x3, Completionist, PDK x3
Epic Past Life: Doublestrike x3, Brace x3, Colors x3, Weapon x3, PoL&D x3, Deflect Energy x1
Base: Power Attack (1), Cleave (1), Completionist (3), Great Cleve (6), Two Handed Fighting (9), IC: Bludgeoning (12), Improved THF (15), Greater THF (18), Overwhelming Critical (21), Improved Sneak Attack (24), Epic Reflexes (27)
Destiny: Perfect Two-Weapon Fighting (26), Perfect Two-Handed Fighting (28)
Rogue: Opportunist (12), Defensive Roll (15), Slippery Mind (18)
Harper (11 ap)C: Agent of Good (1)
I: Harper Enchantment (2), Traveler's Toughness II (2)
II: Know the Angles III (3), Versatile Adept III (3)
Rogue: Assassin (21 ap)C: Knife in the Darkness (1), Dagger in the Back (1), Assassin’s Trick (1), Nimbleness (1),
I: Sneak Attack Training (2), Faster Sneaking II (2),
II: Sneak Attack Training (2), Damage Boost III (3), Venomed Blades III (3)
III: Sneak Attack Training (2), Dex (2), Critical Mastery I (1)
Rogue: Thief-Acrobat (45 ap)C: Staff Control (1), Stick Fighting (1), Tumbler (1), Kip Up (1), Cartwheel Charge (1)
I: Acrobat Staff Training (2), Thief Acrobatics III (3), Fast Movement (2)
II: Acrobat Staff Training (2), Quick Strike III (6), Haste Boost III (3)
III: Acrobat Staff Training (2), Improved Glancing Blows III (3), Sweeping Strikes III (3)
IV: Acrobat Staff Training (2), Improved Defensive Roll III (3), Staff Lunge I (1)
V: Acrobat Staff Training (2), Staff Specialization (2), Vault (2), Spinning Staff Wall (2)
Human: (3 ap)C: Human Versatility: Damage (1)
I: Improved Recovery (2)
Core Stats:HP: 839 Standing | 923 self-buffed
Positive Spell Power: 297 (138 Devotion + 45 Implement +74 heal skill +25 Ardor potion (Alchemical) +15 guild)
Healing Amp: 315% ((30 pally PLs + 60 Shroud + 40 Bracers +45 Exceptional +20 guild +20 Human) +100) / 100
Average Healing: Large Silver Flame: 788 hp | Cocoon: ~164hp | Sovereign (Anniversary/Store) Pot: 410hp + 123 hp per tick
Incorp: 10%
Max Dodge: 38 (25 base [19 armor +2 Mobile +2 Augment +2 Ship] +5 Spinning Staff +6 TA +2 Airship)
Dodge:24% standing; 34% max - (10% item +4% Imp Uncanny +5% Spinning Staff +3% Unearthly Reactions +2% Mobile +10% Nimbleness)
PRR: 116 (166 w/ SSW) / 54% (62%) mitigation (10 Armor +16 Proficiency +30 sheltering +21 Divine ETRs +9 PDK PL +30 Blitz)
MRR: 65 / 39.4% Mitigation (10 Armor + 30 Sheltering +25 Insight)
Total Mitigation: 86.3% (Displacement) | 78% (Standing) | 72.5% (no concealment)
Defensive Roll: 85% chance to reduce damage by 50% when below 50% health.
Fort: 185% (130 Item + 40% brace for impact +15% ship)
Saves:Fort: 72 (9 Base +4 Epic +19 Con +4 Morale +11 Resistance +2 Luck +1 Competence +3 Guild +13 Divine Grace +1 Aura of Good +4 Insightful +3 Brace -2 Litany)
Ref: 89 (11 Base +4 Epic +25 Dex +4 Morale +11 Resistance +2 Luck +1 Competence +3 Guild +13 Divine Grace +1 Aura of Good +4 Insightful +3 Brace +1 Shadow Killer +6 Unearthly Reactions -2 Litany +2 feat)
Will: 62 (69 vs enchantment spells) (6 Base +4 Epic +12 Wisdom +4 Morale +11 Resistance +2 Luck +1 Competence +3 Guild +13 Divine Grace +1 Aura of Good +4 Insightful +3 Brace -2 Litany|| +4 Raging Focus +2 Bard PL)
Epic Destiny –Legendary DreadnoughtI: Extra Action Boost III (3), Con (2)
II: Momentum Swing III (3), Improved Power Attack (2), Con (2)
III: Lay Waste (1), Critical Damage III (3), Con (2)
V: Devasting Critical (2), Advancing blows (2)
VI: Masters Blitz (2)
Twists: Wild Weapons (4) or Grim Precision (3), Hail of Blows (2) or Brace for Impact (1), Unearthly Reactions (1), Cocoon (1)
Gear:Trinket: Epic Litany [eldrich saves ritual] (Green: Good Luck +2|Blue/Yellow: +8 Wis)
Head: Dragon Masque (Yellow: Draconic Soul Gem | Colorless: Globe of True Imperial Blood )
Neck: Shroud of the Ardent (Green: Golem’s Heart| Blue/Yellow: +2 iWis)
Goggles: Epic Mentau’s (Green: +2 iDex |Yellow: Blindness Immunity)
Bracers: HA 40 of Superior Parry
Body: Flawless Shadow Dragonhide: Shadow Killer (Green: +2 MDB |Blue: False Life 40)
Cloak: Mysterious Cloak: 45 HA and 25 MRR (Green: Colorless: ) | Swap prismatic Cloaks
Ring: Cannith Crafted: Mobile Ring of True Seeing (Yellow: +2 iCon |Colorless: Vitality 20)
Ring: Health 10 or Dodge 10%
Boots: Epic Boots of the Innocent (Green: +8 Cha | Blue: +2 iCha)
Gloves: EE Backstabbers (Yellow: +8 Int)
Belt: Battlerager’s harness (Green: 250 Spell points)
Quiver: Epic Quiver of Alacrity
Weapon: Thunder Forged Q-Staff Touch of Flames/Dragon’s Edge/Mortal Fear (Orange: Meteoric Star Ruby | Red: Devotion 138 | Colorless: Heal +15) Or Sireth
DPS Calcs: Single Target only, not factoring in Momentum Swing or Special Attacks
EE Bruntsmash test: TBC (I'll run it once it hits Lamania)DPS Thunder Forged: ~4,817 Blitz | ~5,440 MP boosted | 6,199 Haste+MP
DPS Sireth: ~5,364 Blitz | ~6,127 MP boosted | 7,016 Haste+MP
Weapon: (with mods): +18 6.25[1d6] 17-20x3|19-20x5 Thunder Forged Quarterstaff: Touch of Flames/Dragon’s Edge/Mortal Fear (Orange: Meteoric Star Ruby; Red: 138 Devotion; Colorless: +15 heal)
Weapon: (with mods): +12 4.75[1d10] 13-20x3|19-20x5 Sireth, Spear of the Sky (Red: 138 Devotion)
Melee Power: 136 (24 Epic power + 18 LD Cores + 70 Blitz + 6 Combat Style +5 Assassin cores +10 Tier V Acrobat Training +3 Harper)
Damage Mod: 112 / 106 for Sireth (+17 / +11 weapon + 11 deadly + 4 profane +45 Str +10 Power Attack +1 Divine Favor +2 Alchemical +5 Advancing Blows +3 monk +2 Guild (Hobgoblin)
Fortification Bypass: 75% standing | 90% when needed (25% Assassin's Trick +35% Dragons Edge +10% Opportunist +5% Airship | +15% Grim Precision)
Double Strike: 77% (25% quick strikes (10 sec out of 12) +3% Opportunist +5% Perfect TWF +9 Epic PL +12% Item +3% Hail of Blows +20% TA Cores)
Seeker: 25 (10 Seeker +2 exc seeker +6 airship +6 ED +1 Assassin)
SA damage: 76 per swing (17 dice +3 past lives +8 SA +9 iSA)
Deception proc: ~76.37% (+10% improved deception) ^~13.7 swings per 4 sec window) – 3.42 swings per sec