What i have:
- 47 Small eberron dragonshards(For 10%xp pots)
- 11 Golem Hearts(augment)
- 14 Meteoric Stars(augment)
- Flawless Red Dragon Scales
- Green Dragon Scales
- All heroic dragon scales(Gianthold)
- Greensteel mats (have enouph for full items, may not have all kinds though)
(to be updated)
What i want:
- Medium eberron dragonshards
- Eye augments
- +lvl 20 augments(preferably rare ones)
- Astralshards(i take this as one form of payment of the items i have above^^)
(to be updated)
My Main in cannith is Skillers, feel free to send a mail in-game if there is something you would like.