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Thread: The Riot Cop

  1. #1
    Community Member Enderoc's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2014

    Default The Riot Cop

    Okay so I built this...the Riot Cop. The premise is to use intimidate and bluff to lure mobs in, then improved feint and then quickly Sweeping Strike, then Whirlwind Strike to hit them for Sneak Attack Damage. It utilizes Divine Might for Charisma based Damage. I am thinking to change one of the feats in Epic to Overwhelming Critical...but I wondered if it was better to stay more defensive. It has the means to tumble through or strike through enemies.
    Character Plan by DDO Character Planner Version 04.20.02
    DDO Character Planner Home Page
    Level 28 Lawful Good Half-Elf Male
    (6 Fighter \ 2 Paladin \ 12 Rogue \ 8 Epic) 
    Hit Points: 384
    Spell Points: 0 
    BAB: 17\17\22\27\27
    Fortitude: 25
    Reflex: 23
    Will: 16
                      Starting          Feat/Enhancement
    Abilities        Base Stats          Modified Stats
    (36 Point)       (Level 1)             (Level 28)
    Strength             12                    21
    Dexterity            14                    19
    Constitution         14                    19
    Intelligence         16                    21
    Wisdom                8                    13
    Charisma             16                    26
    Tomes Used
    +1 Tome of Strength used at level 3
    +1 Tome of Dexterity used at level 3
    +1 Tome of Constitution used at level 3
    +1 Tome of Intelligence used at level 3
    +1 Tome of Wisdom used at level 3
    +1 Tome of Charisma used at level 3
    +2 Tome of Strength used at level 7
    +2 Tome of Dexterity used at level 7
    +2 Tome of Constitution used at level 7
    +2 Tome of Intelligence used at level 7
    +2 Tome of Wisdom used at level 7
    +2 Tome of Charisma used at level 7
    +3 Tome of Strength used at level 11
    +3 Tome of Dexterity used at level 11
    +3 Tome of Constitution used at level 11
    +3 Tome of Intelligence used at level 11
    +3 Tome of Wisdom used at level 11
    +3 Tome of Charisma used at level 11
    +4 Tome of Strength used at level 15
    +4 Tome of Dexterity used at level 15
    +4 Tome of Constitution used at level 15
    +4 Tome of Intelligence used at level 15
    +4 Tome of Wisdom used at level 15
    +4 Tome of Charisma used at level 15
    +5 Tome of Strength used at level 19
    +5 Tome of Dexterity used at level 19
    +5 Tome of Constitution used at level 19
    +5 Tome of Intelligence used at level 19
    +5 Tome of Wisdom used at level 19
    +5 Tome of Charisma used at level 19
                      Starting          Feat/Enhancement
                     Base Skills         Modified Skills
    Skills           (Level 1)            (Level 28)
    Balance               6                    20
    Bluff                 7                    42
    Concentration         2                    12
    Diplomacy             7                    40
    Disable Device        7                    36
    Haggle                3                    19
    Heal                 -1                     9
    Hide                  2                    12
    Intimidate            7                    42
    Jump                  5                    36
    Listen                2                    12
    Move Silently         2                    12
    Open Lock             6                    35
    Perform               n/a                  n/a
    Repair                3                    13
    Search                7                    36
    Spellcraft            3                    13
    Spot                  3                    32
    Swim                  1                    13
    Tumble                3                    17
    Use Magic Device      7                    39
    Level 1 (Rogue)
    Feat: (Selected) Combat Expertise
    Feat: (Half-Elf Dilettante) Half-Elf Dilettante: Favored Soul
    Feat: (Past Life) Past Life: Fighter
    Feat: (Past Life) Past Life: Fighter
    Feat: (Past Life) Past Life: Fighter
    Level 2 (Rogue)
    Level 3 (Paladin)
    Feat: (Deity) Follower of the Silver Flame
    Feat: (Selected) Improved Feint
    Level 4 (Rogue)
    Level 5 (Paladin)
    Level 6 (Rogue)
    Feat: (Selected) Dodge
    Level 7 (Rogue)
    Level 8 (Fighter)
    Feat: (Fighter Bonus) Mobility
    Level 9 (Rogue)
    Feat: (Selected) Spring Attack
    Level 10 (Fighter)
    Level 11 (Rogue)
    Level 12 (Fighter)
    Feat: (Selected) Whirlwind Attack
    Level 13 (Rogue)
    Level 14 (Fighter)
    Feat: (Fighter Bonus) Improved Critical: Bludgeoning Weapons
    Level 15 (Rogue)
    Feat: (Selected) Power Attack
    Level 16 (Fighter)
    Level 17 (Rogue)
    Feat: (Rogue Bonus) Improved Evasion
    Level 18 (Fighter)
    Feat: (Fighter Bonus) Improved Two Handed Fighting
    Feat: (Selected) Two Handed Fighting
    Level 19 (Rogue)
    Level 20 (Rogue)
    Level 21 (Epic)
    Feat: (Selected) Greater Two Handed Fighting
    Level 22 (Epic)
    Level 23 (Epic)
    Level 24 (Epic)
    Feat: (Selected) Epic: Bulwark of Defense
    Level 25 (Epic)
    Level 26 (Epic)
    Feat: (Epic Destiny) Epic Destiny: Perfect Two Handed Fighting
    Level 27 (Epic)
    Feat: (Selected) Epic: Epic Reputation
    Level 28 (Epic)
    Feat: (Epic Destiny) Epic Destiny: Holy Strike
    Enhancement: Thief-Acrobat (Rog) - Staff Control (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Thief-Acrobat (Rog) - Stick Fighting (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Thief-Acrobat (Rog) - Tumbler (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Thief-Acrobat (Rog) - Kip Up (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Thief-Acrobat (Rog) - Staff Training (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Thief-Acrobat (Rog) - Thief Acrobatics (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Thief-Acrobat (Rog) - Thief Acrobatics (Rank 2)
    Enhancement: Thief-Acrobat (Rog) - Thief Acrobatics (Rank 3)
    Enhancement: Thief-Acrobat (Rog) - Charming (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Thief-Acrobat (Rog) - Charming (Rank 2)
    Enhancement: Thief-Acrobat (Rog) - Charming (Rank 3)
    Enhancement: Thief-Acrobat (Rog) - Staff Training (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Thief-Acrobat (Rog) - Quick Strike (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Thief-Acrobat (Rog) - Quick Strike (Rank 2)
    Enhancement: Thief-Acrobat (Rog) - Quick Strike (Rank 3)
    Enhancement: Thief-Acrobat (Rog) - Staff Training (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Thief-Acrobat (Rog) - Improved Glancing Blows (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Thief-Acrobat (Rog) - Improved Glancing Blows (Rank 2)
    Enhancement: Thief-Acrobat (Rog) - Improved Glancing Blows (Rank 3)
    Enhancement: Thief-Acrobat (Rog) - Shadow Dodge (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Thief-Acrobat (Rog) - Shadow Dodge (Rank 2)
    Enhancement: Thief-Acrobat (Rog) - Shadow Dodge (Rank 3)
    Enhancement: Thief-Acrobat (Rog) - Sweeping Strikes (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Thief-Acrobat (Rog) - Sweeping Strikes (Rank 2)
    Enhancement: Thief-Acrobat (Rog) - Sweeping Strikes (Rank 3)
    Enhancement: Thief-Acrobat (Rog) - Strength (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Thief-Acrobat (Rog) - Staff Training (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Thief-Acrobat (Rog) - Staff Lunge (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Thief-Acrobat (Rog) - Staff Lunge (Rank 2)
    Enhancement: Thief-Acrobat (Rog) - Strength (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Thief-Acrobat (Rog) - Staff Specialization (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Knight of the Chalice (Pal) - Hunter of the Dead I (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Knight of the Chalice (Pal) - Attack Boost (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Knight of the Chalice (Pal) - Attack Boost (Rank 2)
    Enhancement: Knight of the Chalice (Pal) - Divine Might (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Knight of the Chalice (Pal) - Divine Might (Rank 2)
    Enhancement: Knight of the Chalice (Pal) - Divine Might (Rank 3)
    Enhancement: Knight of the Chalice (Pal) - Damage Boost (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Knight of the Chalice (Pal) - Damage Boost (Rank 2)
    Enhancement: Knight of the Chalice (Pal) - Damage Boost (Rank 3)
    Enhancement: Sacred Defender (Pal) - Holy Bastion (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Sacred Defender (Pal) - Durable Defense (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Sacred Defender (Pal) - Durable Defense (Rank 2)
    Enhancement: Sacred Defender (Pal) - Durable Defense (Rank 3)
    Enhancement: Sacred Defender (Pal) - Sacred Armor Mastery (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Sacred Defender (Pal) - Sacred Armor Mastery (Rank 2)
    Enhancement: Sacred Defender (Pal) - Sacred Armor Mastery (Rank 3)
    Enhancement: Sacred Defender (Pal) - Bulwark Aura (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Sacred Defender (Pal) - Bulwark Aura (Rank 2)
    Enhancement: Sacred Defender (Pal) - Bulwark Aura (Rank 3)
    Enhancement: Sacred Defender (Pal) - Resilient Defense (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Sacred Defender (Pal) - Resilient Defense (Rank 2)
    Enhancement: Sacred Defender (Pal) - Resilient Defense (Rank 3)
    Enhancement: Sacred Defender (Pal) - Defense Boost (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Sacred Defender (Pal) - Defense Boost (Rank 2)
    Last edited by Enderoc; 04-05-2015 at 10:41 AM.

  2. #2


    Props for a very unique character build! Is there any way to fit in 13 Rogue? You would get another special rogue feat like opportunist.
    Whirlwind attack doesn't work well unless with wraps but possibly in your attack chain you can make it work. I assume this is a staff build?
    Wiki dashboard with some useful stealthplay links. LONG LIVE STEALTH!
    Proud Knight of the Silver Legion, Cannith: Saekee (main) and some others typically parked at some level to help guildies and other players

  3. #3
    Community Member Enderoc's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2014


    Hold need to redo it, I need three Paladin...I missed sacred defense.
    Anyone care to try to make this optimal?
    With that in mind it is impossible to reach 3 rogue.
    But yeah it is acrobat. Whirlwind and Sweeping Strike are both 360 AOE attacks. That is what I am shooting for.
    I think with Unyielding Sentinel it would work nice with all the bonuses to melee power, defense, paladin levels and HP bonuses. I just need to polish it.
    Last edited by Enderoc; 04-05-2015 at 10:48 AM.

  4. #4


    What about dropping pally and going INT based for KTA? That has more synergy with rogue. You will need to wear a bluff item like Golden Guile or slot it to make the Improved Feint work since your CHA will be low. You are AP starved anyway so perhaps focus more on Kensei, Harper and rogue trees?

    You might want to consider adding the epic sneak attack feat (3d6) that is enabled with 12 rogue levels.
    Wiki dashboard with some useful stealthplay links. LONG LIVE STEALTH!
    Proud Knight of the Silver Legion, Cannith: Saekee (main) and some others typically parked at some level to help guildies and other players

  5. #5
    Community Member Enderoc's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2014


    Okay I dropped Sacred defense at least here because it is an older planner, but I compensated at least here with 3 levels of Paladin. The enhancements can change in game ( I kind of like it now)...but here is what it looks without it. I did not see epic sneak attack on my planner. Want to give it a go at what I am trying to accomplish? The reasons to go Paladin is for divine might and sacred defense on top of the saves boost. I think its 3 levels now for Sacred Defense right? The UMD is off the chain...with FVS dilli (not noted here) I should be able to hit true ress scrolls early. I think it would almost rival bard. (oops one too many levels of fighter....I think 4 paladin would work, what do you think? Besides the immunities, it would help in self heals once I reach epic and into the Unyielding tree. Or is another 1D6 worth it and I try for more rogue? Alternatively I could go 6 paladin 4 fighter 12 rogue and try to squeeze the feats tighter. Or just 5 paladin to achieve more PRR and hit that 13 rogue mark at the cost of lower crit multiplier which is sad to me but being the focus it controlling mobs might be more beneficial. Would have to play Mr. Dressup with Heavy and light armor depending unless I can find the perfect mithral medium armor.)
    Character Plan by DDO Character Planner Version 04.20.02
    DDO Character Planner Home Page
    Level 28 Lawful Good Half-Elf Male
    (7 Fighter \ 3 Paladin \ 10 Rogue \ 8 Epic) 
    Hit Points: 392
    Spell Points: 0 
    BAB: 17\17\22\27\27
    Fortitude: 26
    Reflex: 24
    Will: 27
                      Starting          Feat/Enhancement
    Abilities        Base Stats          Modified Stats
    (36 Point)       (Level 1)             (Level 28)
    Strength             14                    19
    Dexterity            12                    17
    Constitution         14                    19
    Intelligence         16                    21
    Wisdom                8                    13
    Charisma             16                    30
    Tomes Used
    +1 Tome of Strength used at level 3
    +1 Tome of Dexterity used at level 3
    +1 Tome of Constitution used at level 3
    +1 Tome of Intelligence used at level 3
    +1 Tome of Wisdom used at level 3
    +1 Tome of Charisma used at level 3
    +2 Tome of Strength used at level 7
    +2 Tome of Dexterity used at level 7
    +2 Tome of Constitution used at level 7
    +2 Tome of Intelligence used at level 7
    +2 Tome of Wisdom used at level 7
    +2 Tome of Charisma used at level 7
    +3 Tome of Strength used at level 11
    +3 Tome of Dexterity used at level 11
    +3 Tome of Constitution used at level 11
    +3 Tome of Intelligence used at level 11
    +3 Tome of Wisdom used at level 11
    +3 Tome of Charisma used at level 11
    +4 Tome of Strength used at level 15
    +4 Tome of Dexterity used at level 15
    +4 Tome of Constitution used at level 15
    +4 Tome of Intelligence used at level 15
    +4 Tome of Wisdom used at level 15
    +4 Tome of Charisma used at level 15
    +5 Tome of Strength used at level 19
    +5 Tome of Dexterity used at level 19
    +5 Tome of Constitution used at level 19
    +5 Tome of Intelligence used at level 19
    +5 Tome of Wisdom used at level 19
    +5 Tome of Charisma used at level 19
                      Starting          Feat/Enhancement
                     Base Skills         Modified Skills
    Skills           (Level 1)            (Level 28)
    Balance               5                    18
    Bluff                 7                    44
    Concentration         2                    12
    Diplomacy             7                    26
    Disable Device        7                    36
    Haggle                3                    21
    Heal                 -1                     9
    Hide                  1                    11
    Intimidate            7                    44
    Jump                  6                    33
    Listen                2                    12
    Move Silently         1                    11
    Open Lock             5                    34
    Perform               n/a                  n/a
    Repair                3                    13
    Search                7                    36
    Spellcraft            3                    13
    Spot                  3                    32
    Swim                  2                    12
    Tumble                2                    15
    Use Magic Device      7                    41
    Level 1 (Rogue)
    Feat: (Selected) Combat Expertise
    Feat: (Past Life) Past Life: Fighter
    Feat: (Past Life) Past Life: Fighter
    Feat: (Past Life) Past Life: Fighter
    Level 2 (Paladin)
    Level 3 (Rogue)
    Feat: (Selected) Improved Feint
    Level 4 (Paladin)
    Level 5 (Fighter)
    Feat: (Fighter Bonus) Two Handed Fighting
    Level 6 (Rogue)
    Feat: (Selected) Dodge
    Level 7 (Fighter)
    Feat: (Fighter Bonus) Mobility
    Level 8 (Rogue)
    Level 9 (Fighter)
    Feat: (Selected) Improved Critical: Bludgeoning Weapons
    Level 10 (Rogue)
    Level 11 (Fighter)
    Feat: (Fighter Bonus) Improved Two Handed Fighting
    Level 12 (Rogue)
    Feat: (Selected) Spring Attack
    Level 13 (Paladin)
    Level 14 (Rogue)
    Level 15 (Fighter)
    Feat: (Selected) Whirlwind Attack
    Level 16 (Rogue)
    Level 17 (Fighter)
    Feat: (Fighter Bonus) Greater Two Handed Fighting
    Level 18 (Rogue)
    Feat: (Selected) Power Attack
    Level 19 (Fighter)
    Level 20 (Rogue)
    Feat: (Rogue Bonus) Improved Evasion
    Level 21 (Epic)
    Feat: (Selected) Force of Personality
    Level 22 (Epic)
    Level 23 (Epic)
    Level 24 (Epic)
    Feat: (Selected) Epic: Bulwark of Defense
    Level 25 (Epic)
    Level 26 (Epic)
    Feat: (Epic Destiny) Epic Destiny: Perfect Two Handed Fighting
    Level 27 (Epic)
    Feat: (Selected) Epic: Blinding Speed
    Level 28 (Epic)
    Feat: (Epic Destiny) Epic Destiny: Holy Strike
    Enhancement: Half-Elf - Half-Elven Versatile Nature (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Half-Elf - Human Adaptability: Charisma (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Half-Elf - Human Versatility: Skill Boost (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Half-Elf - Human Greater Adaptability: Intelligence (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Half-Elf - Diplomatic Immunity (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Half-Elf - Nimble Fingers (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Half-Elf - Nimble Fingers (Rank 2)
    Enhancement: Half-Elf - Nimble Fingers (Rank 3)
    Enhancement: Half-Elf - Improved Recovery (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Half-Elf - Action Surge: Charisma (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Half-Elf - Improved Recovery (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Thief-Acrobat (Rog) - Staff Control (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Thief-Acrobat (Rog) - Stick Fighting (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Thief-Acrobat (Rog) - Tumbler (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Thief-Acrobat (Rog) - Staff Training (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Thief-Acrobat (Rog) - Thief Acrobatics (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Thief-Acrobat (Rog) - Thief Acrobatics (Rank 2)
    Enhancement: Thief-Acrobat (Rog) - Thief Acrobatics (Rank 3)
    Enhancement: Thief-Acrobat (Rog) - Charming (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Thief-Acrobat (Rog) - Charming (Rank 2)
    Enhancement: Thief-Acrobat (Rog) - Charming (Rank 3)
    Enhancement: Thief-Acrobat (Rog) - Sly Flourish (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Thief-Acrobat (Rog) - Sly Flourish (Rank 2)
    Enhancement: Thief-Acrobat (Rog) - Sly Flourish (Rank 3)
    Enhancement: Thief-Acrobat (Rog) - Staff Training (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Thief-Acrobat (Rog) - Quick Strike (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Thief-Acrobat (Rog) - Quick Strike (Rank 2)
    Enhancement: Thief-Acrobat (Rog) - Quick Strike (Rank 3)
    Enhancement: Thief-Acrobat (Rog) - Staff Training (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Thief-Acrobat (Rog) - Improved Glancing Blows (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Thief-Acrobat (Rog) - Improved Glancing Blows (Rank 2)
    Enhancement: Thief-Acrobat (Rog) - Improved Glancing Blows (Rank 3)
    Enhancement: Thief-Acrobat (Rog) - Shadow Dodge (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Thief-Acrobat (Rog) - Shadow Dodge (Rank 2)
    Enhancement: Thief-Acrobat (Rog) - Shadow Dodge (Rank 3)
    Enhancement: Thief-Acrobat (Rog) - Sweeping Strikes (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Thief-Acrobat (Rog) - Sweeping Strikes (Rank 2)
    Enhancement: Thief-Acrobat (Rog) - Sweeping Strikes (Rank 3)
    Enhancement: Thief-Acrobat (Rog) - Staff Training (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Thief-Acrobat (Rog) - Staff Lunge (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Thief-Acrobat (Rog) - Staff Lunge (Rank 2)
    Enhancement: Thief-Acrobat (Rog) - Staff Lunge (Rank 3)
    Enhancement: Thief-Acrobat (Rog) - Staff Specialization (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Knight of the Chalice (Pal) - Hunter of the Dead I (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Knight of the Chalice (Pal) - Courage of Heaven (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Knight of the Chalice (Pal) - Attack Boost (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Knight of the Chalice (Pal) - Attack Boost (Rank 2)
    Enhancement: Knight of the Chalice (Pal) - Divine Might (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Knight of the Chalice (Pal) - Divine Might (Rank 2)
    Enhancement: Knight of the Chalice (Pal) - Divine Might (Rank 3)
    Enhancement: Knight of the Chalice (Pal) - Charisma (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Sacred Defender (Pal) - Holy Bastion (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Sacred Defender (Pal) - Sacred Armor Mastery (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Sacred Defender (Pal) - Sacred Armor Mastery (Rank 2)
    Enhancement: Sacred Defender (Pal) - Sacred Armor Mastery (Rank 3)
    Last edited by Enderoc; 04-05-2015 at 11:49 AM.

  6. #6
    Community Member Bolo_Grubb's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2009


    interesting build
    Kill'em all and let their favorite deity sort'em out
    BoloGrubb / DJGrubb / Gijo
    Proud member of the HighLords of Malkier

  7. #7
    Build Constructionist unbongwah's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Enderoc View Post
    I did not see epic sneak attack on my planner. Want to give it a go at what I am trying to accomplish?
    Imp Sneak Atk epic feat req's at least 12 rog lvls and base DEX 21.

    I applaud trying to do something creative here, but I think some of your build decisions are sub-optimal.
    • I don't see what HE adds to this build; I would stick with good ol' human, HO (2H dmg bonuses), or possibly halfling if you wanted the DM.
    • Rather than CHA-based, I would stick with a STR+CHA-based build. For base stats, I would do something like 16 / 15 / 13 / 9 / 8 / 16; the odd INT will be evened out by your +5 INT tome. Base DEX 15 + 6 tome (or base 15 + 5 tome + 1 lvl up @ lvl 24) qualifies you for Imp Sneak Atk.
    • I still don't think Whirlwind Atk is worth the heavy feat cost, esp. if you had to give up THF & Cleave feats to get it.
    • I don't see why you invested in so much INT, esp. since you plan to use Div Might not Know the Angles.
    • It's been a while since I played my Horcrobat, but the annoying thing about Imp Feint is there's a slight delay between when you use it and when the effect procs; and if you atk too soon, you cancel out your Feint. It was still a fun tactic, but TBH your DPS may be better off skipping Feint and relying on (Imp) Deception or Radiance procs.

    I posted a halfling rog 13 / pal 4 / monk 3 variant on Zeus here. I've also been toying with ideas for rog 13 / pal 4 / rgr 3 builds to add Manyshot if I can just decide what's the optimal feat order.
    Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.

  8. #8
    Community Member zeonardo's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Enderoc View Post
    (...) It utilizes Divine Might for Charisma based Damage. (...) 6 Fighter \ 2 Paladin \ 12 Rogue \ 8 Epic
    I made this mistake.
    Even though you only need 2 levels of Paladin to have access to Divine Might, you will need 4 levels of Paladin in order to acquire the Turn Undead feat used to power it.

    Clerics have earlier access, and I'm not really sure about what is used for it on Favored Souls.
    I don't care...

    Quote Originally Posted by Feather_of_Sun View Post
    It can certainly hurt to be on the receiving end of a nerf

  9. #9
    Community Member Enderoc's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2014


    Quote Originally Posted by unbongwah View Post
    Imp Sneak Atk epic feat req's at least 12 rog lvls and base DEX 21.

    I applaud trying to do something creative here, but I think some of your build decisions are sub-optimal.
    • I don't see what HE adds to this build; I would stick with good ol' human, HO (2H dmg bonuses), or possibly halfling if you wanted the DM.
    • Rather than CHA-based, I would stick with a STR+CHA-based build. For base stats, I would do something like 16 / 15 / 13 / 9 / 8 / 16; the odd INT will be evened out by your +5 INT tome. Base DEX 15 + 6 tome (or base 15 + 5 tome + 1 lvl up @ lvl 24) qualifies you for Imp Sneak Atk.
    • I still don't think Whirlwind Atk is worth the heavy feat cost, esp. if you had to give up THF & Cleave feats to get it.
    • I don't see why you invested in so much INT, esp. since you plan to use Div Might not Know the Angles.
    • It's been a while since I played my Horcrobat, but the annoying thing about Imp Feint is there's a slight delay between when you use it and when the effect procs; and if you atk too soon, you cancel out your Feint. It was still a fun tactic, but TBH your DPS may be better off skipping Feint and relying on (Imp) Deception or Radiance procs.

    I posted a halfling rog 13 / pal 4 / monk 3 variant on Zeus here. I've also been toying with ideas for rog 13 / pal 4 / rgr 3 builds to add Manyshot if I can just decide what's the optimal feat order.
    Well the Second build attempt I made I accidentally took a fighter level, which can be made paladin without a loss of any THF feats. High Intelligence will not gimp the skill points needed. I however did not know Divine Might used Turns, it made no mention of that. I just seen Divine casters using SP for it. The premise would basically be focus on flanking until there is reason to gather mobs to a center to try to do as much damage to them as you can alongside casters and melee alike. Improved feint Diplomacy and Intimidate all three would be useful to do just that. Improved Feint acts as a mass Improved deception that allows all party members to exact extra SA damage if they have things which allow it. Diplo just turns mob attention to the next guy.

    Where Half Elf benefits is they have other clickies for social skills outside of feats.

    Its a rogue that focuses on crowd control basically. Another path would be exchange paladin for 5-7 levels for cleric healing aura and divine might. That may be a better way to go if you are trying to bring a center range of combat. Might as well be the main attraction in that circus. And if you are doing that, you may want combat expertise active. Use PA of course when the mobs are spread thin all over.

    A tricky rogue I think would add a lot of flavor to a party. He can play melee wearing heavy armor sometimes, and why not? Disguise is part of his profession. So I may even look into the Cleric version instead of paladin as well...if not FS. If you need SP or Turns for Divine Might, FS is probably the best way to go. In that way you would constantly be buffed, and have essential healing capability. So a Paladin Dili would be in exchange.

    PS- Thank you all for helping me polish this.
    Last edited by Enderoc; 04-06-2015 at 12:35 PM.

  10. #10
    Community Member Artagon's Avatar
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    Apr 2006


    I would recommend FvS instead of Paladin. You would lose 1 BAB, but your base saves from those two levels would be +3/+3/+3. Additionally, their divine might uses SP instead of turns. SP is a renewable resource with the right itemization. Further, if you wanted to go even deeper, you COULD pick up 4 levels of FvS and dig into warpriest enough to have ameliorating smite for extra healing every 15 seconds. I probably wouldn't, due to the heavy AP investment, but it would certainly up your ability to stand in combat.

  11. #11
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    Whirlwind has a weird animation that breaks attack sequence because it make two spins, but whirlwind weirdness is nothing compared to improved feint´s weirdness tough. While it really does bluff all the near by mobs it has a superweird way it works. After you use it u need to pause from attacking and wait for like 1.5 seconds and than bluff effect proceeds, if you dont stop attacking for that 1.5 seconds there will be no buff attempt after you use improved feint. It is a known issue and idk if it´s WAI or a bug. You really should try it and see can you live with that pause in attacking coz it really feels unnatural to play that way, I felt that way. I never tryed a staff build so far but sneak attack on glancing blows sounds neat for me.

  12. #12
    Community Member DarkSable's Avatar
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    Jul 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Enderoc View Post
    Hold need to redo it, I need three Paladin...I missed sacred defense.
    Anyone care to try to make this optimal?
    With that in mind it is impossible to reach 3 rogue.
    But yeah it is acrobat. Whirlwind and Sweeping Strike are both 360 AOE attacks. That is what I am shooting for.
    I think with Unyielding Sentinel it would work nice with all the bonuses to melee power, defense, paladin levels and HP bonuses. I just need to polish it.
    Why can't you do 13 rogue / 3 paladin / 4 fighter?

    You lose a feat from fighter but gain an arguably much more valuable one from rogue, and unless you're going tier V in stalwart defender, which makes no sense, you don't need 6 fighter - stalwart defense stance only requires 3 fighter since the past few updates.

    Also, what might make a LOT more sense is 13 rogue / 4 Paladin / 3 Monk. It gives you defensive stance, paladin saves, divine might, monk staff clickies, AND the monk clicky that can use concentration to intimidate. I'm somewhat convinced that's the most optimal direction to take the build.
    Last edited by DarkSable; 04-29-2015 at 05:06 PM.

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